Why don't feminists fight for the most oppressed women in the world?

This isn't about religion. It's about an oppressive form of government masquerading as religion.

Probably the same reason leftists don't call Muslims out on their other shit, like torturing and murdering gays, raping young boys and treating all women like shit. Since Obama's reign, it's politically incorrect to say anything negative about Muslims. They continue their plan to spread and multiply by introducing their sharia law to all countries they enter.

Never mind that many women who escaped the evil grip of Islam have pleaded for people to stop looking the other way and dismissing the abuse as religious freedom. Every time someone tries to speak up for these women, some liberal snaps at them and silences the discussion. Show outrage at Muslim TV shows discussing the best ways for men to beat their wives and cries of Islamaphobia drown you out. By the way, the suggestion for beating wives is to hit them hard enough to teach them a lesson but not hard enough to end up paying a medical bill. This is their version of common sense. These women had the misfortune of being born into a Muslim family and the only way they will ever be free is if they run away or until enough people speak out and Muslim males make changes. Until then, young girls will suffer genital mutilation, abuse and oppression their entire lives. Hey, it's the law in Muslim countries. No rights. And the left adores Linda Sarsour as she preaches the benefits of sharia law. Yea, well, she's following orders the way she has been taught to do her whole life.

Non-Muslim women are treated even worse since the Muslim males think they have a right to rape or abuse them. In France, a Muslim rapist was let go because he didn't know any better because of his culture. Yet, none of the idiots in Europe have the guts to lay down the law and tell all immigrants and refugees that they must respect the cultures and the laws of their host countries. This issue has come up many times in Britain, Germany and France. The leftists cried that it was rude and bigoted to tell people they can't rape anyone, can't shit in people's yards, can't scream and assault infidel women for not dressing appropriately, or assaulting people for coming too close to mosques. A pregnant women in Britain was murdered because she walked too close to a mosque.

Muslims go on sharia patrols in the areas they claim as their territory. They demand that their sharia law trump all other laws. That includes any rights women and children have. Islam is more government than religion yet the left here defends them at every turn. The fascist part of Islam must appeal to them. Areas in Michigan are slowly turning into a third world Muslim countries. Just recently, a Christian man was arrested for discussing his religion in public. The two women he was talking to told police that they willingly engaged in the conversation and joined him at a table. A third person overheard the discussion and called police. This is what America is becoming. In Muslim countries, it's illegal to talk about any religion other than Islam. It's a crime to do so and now it's a crime in the Muslim-controlled parts of the U.S.

"Are women oppressed in Muslim countries? What about in Islamic enclaves in the West? Are these places violating or fulfilling the Quran and Islamic law? Ayaan Hirsi Ali, an author and activist who was raised a devout Muslim, describes the human rights crisis of our time, asks why feminists in the West don't seem to care, and explains why immigration to the West from the Middle East means this issue matters more than ever."

Why Don't Feminists Fight for Muslim Women?
Thank you for your diatribe about the darkness within Islam. You are not even making a case for Christianity, but only a case for reason and right judgment. Natural moral law even. In other words, most all of us lukewarm patriots or Christians are indicted for our hiding behind the scenes or our indifference. We in the West give Islam a ton of slack and fake praise mainly because we are afraid what they will do to us if we irritate them in any way. So the political rhetoric defending our accommodations is nauseous.
How do you propose changing the culture and beliefs of the couple billion Muslims in this world, and why do you feel it is your business?
Leftists have devolved to little more than a Pavlovian set of reactions. They get props from their little peeps if they can harrumph indignantly about a "microaggression" arising from a western white male. They are assailed as racists if they object to honor killings, arranged marriages or fgm arising from a Muslim.

They are fundamentalists every bit as incapable of reason as the most entrenched bible thumper on the right.
Because the Feminist Movement is nothing more than another society fracturing / people dividing tool paid for and supported by the same deep Globalists pockets that fund Antifa, BLM, racial riots and any other successful ploy used to keep America divided while they slowly take control. They are told not to bring up Islam because that's a "sideline" fight they can tackle AFTER they've reduced "evil" America and the "evil white American Christian Male" to ashes.

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How do you propose changing the culture and beliefs of the couple billion Muslims in this world, and why do you feel it is your business?

Great deflection low quality hypocrite.
The OP is the one deflecting. If it is so fucking important to y'all, why don't YOU work on making life equitable for Muslim women? You're the ones in charge, aren't you? Are only women smart enough to solve this problem?
Funny, if there is a case involving accusations of rape in this country, you are all over the victim, calling her a liar. You pull out every case you can find that seems to show women are liars.
And then you bleed for Muslim women?
WHY am I not buying this?
Because the Feminist Movement is nothing more than another society fracturing / people dividing tool paid for and supported by the same deep Globalists pockets that fund Antifa, BLM, racial riots and any other successful ploy used to keep America divided while they slowly take control. They are told not to bring up Islam because that's a "sideline" fight they can tackle AFTER they've reduced "evil" America and the "evil white American Christian Male" to ashes.

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Bull. Feminists have been around since Antigone. Well, since Hera. And you're not fooling anyone. Start showing respect for women, give them an equal shot, listen to what they have to say as seriously as you listen to men. And keep your hands to yourself when dealing with women you are not intimate with.
The OP is the one deflecting. If it is so fucking important to y'all, why don't YOU work on making life equitable for Muslim women? You're the ones in charge, aren't you? Are only women smart enough to solve this problem?
Funny, if there is a case involving accusations of rape in this country, you are all over the victim, calling her a liar. You pull out every case you can find that seems to show women are liars.
And then you bleed for Muslim women?
WHY am I not buying this?

You are a perfect example of the utter stupidity and hypocrisy highlighted in the op.

Congratulations for showing the truth of it.
The OP is the one deflecting. If it is so fucking important to y'all, why don't YOU work on making life equitable for Muslim women? You're the ones in charge, aren't you? Are only women smart enough to solve this problem?
Funny, if there is a case involving accusations of rape in this country, you are all over the victim, calling her a liar. You pull out every case you can find that seems to show women are liars.
And then you bleed for Muslim women?
WHY am I not buying this?

You are a perfect example of the utter stupidity and hypocrisy highlighted in the op.

Congratulations for showing the truth of it.
What exactly did I say that was stupid or hypocritical?
I'm all agog for the answer.
The OP is the one deflecting. If it is so fucking important to y'all, why don't YOU work on making life equitable for Muslim women? You're the ones in charge, aren't you? Are only women smart enough to solve this problem?
Funny, if there is a case involving accusations of rape in this country, you are all over the victim, calling her a liar. You pull out every case you can find that seems to show women are liars.
And then you bleed for Muslim women?
WHY am I not buying this?

Looks like someone missed the point on this one BIG TIME.
Because the Feminist Movement is nothing more than another society fracturing / people dividing tool paid for and supported by the same deep Globalists pockets that fund Antifa, BLM, racial riots and any other successful ploy used to keep America divided while they slowly take control. They are told not to bring up Islam because that's a "sideline" fight they can tackle AFTER they've reduced "evil" America and the "evil white American Christian Male" to ashes.

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Bull. Feminists have been around since Antigone. Well, since Hera. And you're not fooling anyone. Start showing respect for women, give them an equal shot, listen to what they have to say as seriously as you listen to men. And keep your hands to yourself when dealing with women you are not intimate with.

I don't need to fool you. You obviously are already a fool going by what you just said.

So, obviously, you see ALL men as dogs.....gropers.....oppressors.....?
And ALL women as victims of men?
That's a surprise. (not)

Sorry to inform ya, but simply being a "woman" doesn't mean you're always right or always entitled.
And you obviously don't realize it (another surprise), but women make up a large segment of bosses these days
and men are almost as likely to be fired or discriminated against by a woman as the other way around.

You're still in the 50's granny.


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This is a ridiculous attempt at deflection. Feminists fight all misconduct and attacks against women. What people who ask the absurd question posed by the OP are saying is "why don't you go away and complain about Muslims and let us sick fuckers alone to get away with anything we want with regard to mistreating women of any and all faiths." No faith should be singled out as being more oppressive. It's a dodge for men of all other faiths to prevent their misbehavior from being noticed and confronted.

Um, no, feminists don't. Feminists have taken Muslim women into the "women's marches" with seemingly little question as to how women are treated in Islam. And women are treated much worse in Islam, worldwide, than they are treated in Christianity. Honor killings, FGM, stonings, can't drive, work, walk without a man down the street.

I realize you are probably suffering from mental illness so I'm bracing myself for any personal attack with profanity you will launch at me as a result.

Why this comparative-religion BS? Oppression of women goes on worldwide and among all religions, including among "Christians" here in the U.S. who push and propagandize for male patriarchy and make no secret of it. You have to admit that the patriarchal system is based on the presence or absence of a penis.

This "oh, the Muslims are worse" is a raw attempt at deflection. If Muslim women wish to join marches for women's equality wherever they occur, this is their prerogative. I see that women across the world are on the march.

BTW: the practices you seemingly object to are from primitive tribal areas in places like Pakistan and in Africa. They are not products of Islam per se, but originate in tribal customs. This blend of religion and tribal customs goes on all over, including in the U.S.
The OP is the one deflecting. If it is so fucking important to y'all, why don't YOU work on making life equitable for Muslim women? You're the ones in charge, aren't you? Are only women smart enough to solve this problem?
Funny, if there is a case involving accusations of rape in this country, you are all over the victim, calling her a liar. You pull out every case you can find that seems to show women are liars.
And then you bleed for Muslim women?
WHY am I not buying this?

Looks like someone missed the point on this one BIG TIME.
Because the Feminist Movement is nothing more than another society fracturing / people dividing tool paid for and supported by the same deep Globalists pockets that fund Antifa, BLM, racial riots and any other successful ploy used to keep America divided while they slowly take control. They are told not to bring up Islam because that's a "sideline" fight they can tackle AFTER they've reduced "evil" America and the "evil white American Christian Male" to ashes.

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Bull. Feminists have been around since Antigone. Well, since Hera. And you're not fooling anyone. Start showing respect for women, give them an equal shot, listen to what they have to say as seriously as you listen to men. And keep your hands to yourself when dealing with women you are not intimate with.

I don't need to fool you. You obviously are already a fool going by what you just said.

So, obviously, you see ALL men as dogs.....gropers.....oppressors.....?
And ALL women as victims of men?
That's a surprise. (not)

Sorry to inform ya, but simply being a "woman" doesn't mean you're always right or always entitled.
And you obviously don't realize it (another surprise), but women make up a large segment of bosses these days
and men are almost as likely to be fired or discriminated against by a woman as the other way around.

You're still in the 50's granny.


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You apparently see all men as dogs, gropers, oppressors, because that's not what I or anyone else said. If the shoe fits, though, wear it.
The whole argument about "Hey, look over there! Instead of trying to get me to behave myself, look at those guys over there!" is a clear deflection. In a foreign country, with a different religion and a different culture. Why would we do that?
I'm not the one stuck in '50's. Nice try, though.
I'm all agog.

Yes, you certainly are.

You believe brown skinned women do not deserve the same rights as white skinned women and you rationalize that attitude by showing indifference to their plight because they live elsewhere. You then indulge in a patently dishonest false equivalence by comparing the treatment of women living under the yoke of Islam to a politically motivated attempt to derail a nomination by one women who could remember no details whatsoever of her alleged rape and others who were flat out lying.

Yes, by all means we should ignore female genital mutilation, honor killings, and being worth less than a man in legal terms in favor of one women who made claims she couldn't support and others who quite clearly lied.

I realize you leftists who despise liberalism can come up with some real whoppers by way of stupid comparisons, but this one takes the cake.
The OP is the one deflecting. If it is so fucking important to y'all, why don't YOU work on making life equitable for Muslim women? You're the ones in charge, aren't you? Are only women smart enough to solve this problem?
Funny, if there is a case involving accusations of rape in this country, you are all over the victim, calling her a liar. You pull out every case you can find that seems to show women are liars.
And then you bleed for Muslim women?
WHY am I not buying this?

Looks like someone missed the point on this one BIG TIME.
Because the Feminist Movement is nothing more than another society fracturing / people dividing tool paid for and supported by the same deep Globalists pockets that fund Antifa, BLM, racial riots and any other successful ploy used to keep America divided while they slowly take control. They are told not to bring up Islam because that's a "sideline" fight they can tackle AFTER they've reduced "evil" America and the "evil white American Christian Male" to ashes.

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Bull. Feminists have been around since Antigone. Well, since Hera. And you're not fooling anyone. Start showing respect for women, give them an equal shot, listen to what they have to say as seriously as you listen to men. And keep your hands to yourself when dealing with women you are not intimate with.

I don't need to fool you. You obviously are already a fool going by what you just said.

So, obviously, you see ALL men as dogs.....gropers.....oppressors.....?
And ALL women as victims of men?
That's a surprise. (not)

Sorry to inform ya, but simply being a "woman" doesn't mean you're always right or always entitled.
And you obviously don't realize it (another surprise), but women make up a large segment of bosses these days
and men are almost as likely to be fired or discriminated against by a woman as the other way around.

You're still in the 50's granny.


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You apparently see all men as dogs, gropers, oppressors, because that's not what I or anyone else said. If the shoe fits, though, wear it.
The whole argument about "Hey, look over there! Instead of trying to get me to behave myself, look at those guys over there!" is a clear deflection. In a foreign country, with a different religion and a different culture. Why would we do that?
I'm not the one stuck in '50's. Nice try, though.

Nice try granny.

btw....Nice try at deflection AGAIN in this thread. "You da Queen of deflection".
I'm all agog.

Yes, you certainly are.

You believe brown skinned women do not deserve the same rights as white skinned women and you rationalize that attitude by showing indifference to their plight because they live elsewhere. You then indulge in a patently dishonest false equivalence by comparing the treatment of women living under the yoke of Islam to a politically motivated attempt to derail a nomination by one women who could remember no details whatsoever of her alleged rape and others who were flat out lying.

Yes, by all means we should ignore female genital mutilation, honor killings, and being worth less than a man in legal terms in favor of one women who made claims she couldn't support and others who quite clearly lied.

I realize you leftists who despise liberalism can come up with some real whoppers by way of stupid comparisons, but this one takes the cake.
What a bunch of garbage.

The OP is the one deflecting. If it is so fucking important to y'all, why don't YOU work on making life equitable for Muslim women? You're the ones in charge, aren't you? Are only women smart enough to solve this problem?
Funny, if there is a case involving accusations of rape in this country, you are all over the victim, calling her a liar. You pull out every case you can find that seems to show women are liars.
And then you bleed for Muslim women?
WHY am I not buying this?

Looks like someone missed the point on this one BIG TIME.
Because the Feminist Movement is nothing more than another society fracturing / people dividing tool paid for and supported by the same deep Globalists pockets that fund Antifa, BLM, racial riots and any other successful ploy used to keep America divided while they slowly take control. They are told not to bring up Islam because that's a "sideline" fight they can tackle AFTER they've reduced "evil" America and the "evil white American Christian Male" to ashes.

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Bull. Feminists have been around since Antigone. Well, since Hera. And you're not fooling anyone. Start showing respect for women, give them an equal shot, listen to what they have to say as seriously as you listen to men. And keep your hands to yourself when dealing with women you are not intimate with.

I don't need to fool you. You obviously are already a fool going by what you just said.

So, obviously, you see ALL men as dogs.....gropers.....oppressors.....?
And ALL women as victims of men?
That's a surprise. (not)

Sorry to inform ya, but simply being a "woman" doesn't mean you're always right or always entitled.
And you obviously don't realize it (another surprise), but women make up a large segment of bosses these days
and men are almost as likely to be fired or discriminated against by a woman as the other way around.

You're still in the 50's granny.


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You apparently see all men as dogs, gropers, oppressors, because that's not what I or anyone else said. If the shoe fits, though, wear it.
The whole argument about "Hey, look over there! Instead of trying to get me to behave myself, look at those guys over there!" is a clear deflection. In a foreign country, with a different religion and a different culture. Why would we do that?
I'm not the one stuck in '50's. Nice try, though.

Nice try granny.

btw....Nice try at deflection AGAIN in this thread. "You da Queen of deflection".
Where did I imply it? You're great at accusations but not so good at answering questions.
The OP is the one deflecting. If it is so fucking important to y'all, why don't YOU work on making life equitable for Muslim women? You're the ones in charge, aren't you? Are only women smart enough to solve this problem?
Funny, if there is a case involving accusations of rape in this country, you are all over the victim, calling her a liar. You pull out every case you can find that seems to show women are liars.
And then you bleed for Muslim women?
WHY am I not buying this?

Looks like someone missed the point on this one BIG TIME.
Bull. Feminists have been around since Antigone. Well, since Hera. And you're not fooling anyone. Start showing respect for women, give them an equal shot, listen to what they have to say as seriously as you listen to men. And keep your hands to yourself when dealing with women you are not intimate with.

I don't need to fool you. You obviously are already a fool going by what you just said.

So, obviously, you see ALL men as dogs.....gropers.....oppressors.....?
And ALL women as victims of men?
That's a surprise. (not)

Sorry to inform ya, but simply being a "woman" doesn't mean you're always right or always entitled.
And you obviously don't realize it (another surprise), but women make up a large segment of bosses these days
and men are almost as likely to be fired or discriminated against by a woman as the other way around.

You're still in the 50's granny.


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You apparently see all men as dogs, gropers, oppressors, because that's not what I or anyone else said. If the shoe fits, though, wear it.
The whole argument about "Hey, look over there! Instead of trying to get me to behave myself, look at those guys over there!" is a clear deflection. In a foreign country, with a different religion and a different culture. Why would we do that?
I'm not the one stuck in '50's. Nice try, though.

Nice try granny.

btw....Nice try at deflection AGAIN in this thread. "You da Queen of deflection".
Where did I imply it? You're great at accusations but not so good at answering questions.

And you're great at deflection and exposing your deep rooted hatred for men.
People blinded by their own delusions are so hard to talk to.
So forget it.
I'm all agog.

Yes, you certainly are.

You believe brown skinned women do not deserve the same rights as white skinned women and you rationalize that attitude by showing indifference to their plight because they live elsewhere. You then indulge in a patently dishonest false equivalence by comparing the treatment of women living under the yoke of Islam to a politically motivated attempt to derail a nomination by one women who could remember no details whatsoever of her alleged rape and others who were flat out lying.

Yes, by all means we should ignore female genital mutilation, honor killings, and being worth less than a man in legal terms in favor of one women who made claims she couldn't support and others who quite clearly lied.

I realize you leftists who despise liberalism can come up with some real whoppers by way of stupid comparisons, but this one takes the cake.
Yes, by all means we should ignore female genital mutilation, honor killings, and being worth less than a man in legal terms in favor of one women who made claims she couldn't support and others who quite clearly lied

But no one has ever recommended that we ignore any of this.

Whose misconduct do you want to deflect attention from here in the U.S.?
People blinded by their own delusions are so hard to talk to.
So forget it.

Am I?
Please point out where you think I'm "blinded by my own delusions"

The OP asked why feminists don't fight for the rights of the most oppressed women around the world.

I gave what I feel to be a very clear and concise answer.

You retaliated by saying some garbage about stop touching women against their will (WTF??? I've NEVER done that...and neither have MOST men)

So you IMPLIED that most men do. To me, this indicates you are probably a feminist or maybe jealous/angry because no one ever wanted to touch you?

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