Why Don't Atheists Contribute To Society?

Were you there? Did you hand out water or do anything at all yourself?
I don't recall making any such claim. First, I'm not an atheist (I'm agnostic) and second, I don't live near LA. Not that it matters but I did contribute some relief $ and directly supported the relief effort through my professional work.

Were you not getting paid?

You asked if I assisted not if I benefited. As it happens, both are true, and no I did not give everything I owned to the victims. Did you?

Hardly. I'm not entirely stupid. Was I supposed to? Who made such a rule? You?
No, I really pay little attention to atheists and certainly never watch Wolf Blitzer.

Oh look. A christian who lies.


What make you think you are the center of anyone's attention? You are a member of one of the very least in numbers of society. There are not enough of you to be important.
There are enough to cause you to open goofy threads like this one.

Angry because it proved my point? Does it prick you because it shows you to not care about your fellow man?
You're more than a little bit confused. This thread is nothing more than a demonstration of your religiously inspired intolerance and a fair amount of self-loathing.

In the real world though, religion or the lack thereof has little to do with an individual's sense of caring for his fellow man.
That is in complete contradiction to what you hoped to portray with pointless thread.

My pointless thread has proven its point though.
There is a difference between "atheist" and "secular" organizations.

Atheists make up 1.6% of the US population so it is hardly surprising that they don't have very many purely atheist groups and end up in secular organizations.

Atheists do make some serious contributions in some fields: if every atheist left America, we would lose 85 percent of our scientists

On the other hand atheists don't make some serious contributions in other fields: they make up only a fraction of one percent of the US federal prison population.

The OP has asks nothing at all about what atheists do for a living. One's profession is on the receiving end. One's giving is on the giving end.

Some professions contribute to the advancement of mankind (science) and some do not (crime). You gave examples of how churches provide charity, and no one can dispute that, but can you give some historical examples of how churches made society better by advancing knowledge? Or was all that done in spite of the church?

Surely you are aware of missionaries?

Ya...we can thank them for destroying what was left of the few indigenous societies left on the planet. Chalk up another "success" to religion. What's not to like about the missionaries? :lol:

You're really full of hate, aren't you?[/QUOTE]

Quite the contrary. My own people had their lands taken away from them and were forced marched by the United States military over what became known as "The Trail of Tears" to an unfamiliar place called Oklahoma. Over 4,000 of them perished. I personally bear no hatred for the government though. I'm sure you would since you hate the missionaries for doing something that probably had no effect at all ypon you or your ancestors.
Were you there? Did you hand out water or do anything at all yourself?
I don't recall making any such claim. First, I'm not an atheist (I'm agnostic) and second, I don't live near LA. Not that it matters but I did contribute some relief $ and directly supported the relief effort through my professional work.

Were you not getting paid?

You asked if I assisted not if I benefited. As it happens, both are true, and no I did not give everything I owned to the victims. Did you?

Hardly. I'm not entirely stupid. Was I supposed to? Who made such a rule? You?

Actually it was Jesus: Jesus said to him, "If you wish to be complete, go and sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me." Matthew 22
No, I really pay little attention to atheists and certainly never watch Wolf Blitzer.

Oh look. A christian who lies.


What make you think you are the center of anyone's attention? You are a member of one of the very least in numbers of society. There are not enough of you to be important.
There are enough to cause you to open goofy threads like this one.

Angry because it proved my point? Does it prick you because it shows you to not care about your fellow man?
You're more than a little bit confused. This thread is nothing more than a demonstration of your religiously inspired intolerance and a fair amount of self-loathing.

In the real world though, religion or the lack thereof has little to do with an individual's sense of caring for his fellow man.
That is in complete contradiction to what you hoped to portray with pointless thread.

My pointless thread has proven its point though.
This thread has refuted your point.

Altruism is not the sole property of religion and clearly not Christianity. For all your chest-heaving regarding some alleged role you and Christian groups had during Katrina, others beside the church participated in those relief efforts.

I note that you want to take personal credit for assistance you claim to have made (which we have no way of confirming), and hurl praise upon church groups. Consider taking credit also for the horrors inflicted upon humanity by you good church goers.

Yet again this morning, the vast majority of people were not killing one another, or robbing one another -- at least not the non-believers. It's you wonderful hyper-religious cranks who are the throat-cutters, terrorists and mass murderers. Most people were overriding the "baser instincts" over and over and over in the overall altruism that if we don't cooperate, we all suffer.

Ideals such as community, participation, cooperation, etc., are not solely religious perspectives. Communities have developed a vast suite of coercive structures and processes for bringing the consequences of actions harmful to the community to bear, imprisonment being only one of many. In fact, it can be argued that much or most of our legal systems have nothing to do with morality at all, but instead deals with regulation of community behavior.

You can be a good person without giving two hoots about god(s) as billions of non-religionists prove every day. The atrocities of the old testament pale in comparison to the holocausts, pogrom, wars and genocides that the teachings/behaviors religious “prophets” have inspired. Do you think the Greeks burned old women because they were witches? The greatest library of all time-- the Library at Alexandria --was created by the Greek Ionians-- men who believed in Zeus. So let's not pretend that Christianity has been, or is, some benevolent force.
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Christians have given enormous sums to their churches over the centuries and, although much went to charities, they also have cathedrals and artwork to awe the people.

What's wrong with that? It's their money.

Absolutely nothing, I'm a great admirer of Christian art and architecture, I just wonder what Jesus' reaction would be.

Haven't the foggiest. Not on my list of things to ask him.
No, I really pay little attention to atheists and certainly never watch Wolf Blitzer.

Oh look. A christian who lies.


What make you think you are the center of anyone's attention? You are a member of one of the very least in numbers of society. There are not enough of you to be important.
There are enough to cause you to open goofy threads like this one.

Angry because it proved my point? Does it prick you because it shows you to not care about your fellow man?
You're more than a little bit confused. This thread is nothing more than a demonstration of your religiously inspired intolerance and a fair amount of self-loathing.

In the real world though, religion or the lack thereof has little to do with an individual's sense of caring for his fellow man.
That is in complete contradiction to what you hoped to portray with pointless thread.

My pointless thread has proven its point though.

This thread has refuted your point.

Altruism is not the sole property of religion and clearly not Christianity. For all your chest-heaving regarding some alleged role you and Christian groups had during Katrina, others beside the church participated in those relief efforts.

I note that you want to take personal credit for assistance you claim to have made (which we have no way of confirming), and hurl praise upon church groups. Consider taking credit also for the horrors inflicted upon humanity by you good church goers.

Yet again this morning, the vast majority of people were not killing one another, or robbing one another -- at least not the non-believers. It's you wonderful hyper-religious cranks who are the throat-cutters, terrorists and mass murderers. Most people were overriding the "baser instincts" over and over and over in the overall altruism that if we don't cooperate, we all suffer.

Ideals such as community, participation, cooperation, etc., are not solely religious perspectives. Communities have developed a vast suite of coercive structures and processes for bringing the consequences of actions harmful to the community to bear, imprisonment being only one of many. In fact, it can be argued that much or most of our legal systems have nothing to do with morality at all, but instead deals with regulation of community behavior.

You can be a good person without giving two hoots about god(s) as billions of non-religionists prove every day. The atrocities of the old testament pale in comparison to the holocausts, pogrom, wars and genocides that the teachings/behaviors religious “prophets” have inspired. Do you think the Greeks burned old women because they were witches? The greatest library of all time-- the Library at Alexandria --was created by the Greek Ionians-- men who believed in Zeus. So let's not pretend that Christianity has been, or is, some benevolent force.

All your hateful ramblings have absolutely nothing to do with the OP. Actually your post mirrors your agenda.
Were you there? Did you hand out water or do anything at all yourself?
I don't recall making any such claim. First, I'm not an atheist (I'm agnostic) and second, I don't live near LA. Not that it matters but I did contribute some relief $ and directly supported the relief effort through my professional work.

Were you not getting paid?

You asked if I assisted not if I benefited. As it happens, both are true, and no I did not give everything I owned to the victims. Did you?

Hardly. I'm not entirely stupid. Was I supposed to? Who made such a rule? You?

Actually it was Jesus: Jesus said to him, "If you wish to be complete, go and sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me." Matthew 22

Go back and read it and try to understand the conversation and with whom Christ was having the conversation. He gave no such instruction to the Church at large. He was having a conversation with a man who had expressed a desire to become one of the disciples, but please don't allow your own lack of knowledge to get in your way.
No, I really pay little attention to atheists and certainly never watch Wolf Blitzer.

Oh look. A christian who lies.


What make you think you are the center of anyone's attention? You are a member of one of the very least in numbers of society. There are not enough of you to be important.
There are enough to cause you to open goofy threads like this one.

Angry because it proved my point? Does it prick you because it shows you to not care about your fellow man?
You're more than a little bit confused. This thread is nothing more than a demonstration of your religiously inspired intolerance and a fair amount of self-loathing.

In the real world though, religion or the lack thereof has little to do with an individual's sense of caring for his fellow man.
That is in complete contradiction to what you hoped to portray with pointless thread.

My pointless thread has proven its point though.

This thread has refuted your point.

Altruism is not the sole property of religion and clearly not Christianity. For all your chest-heaving regarding some alleged role you and Christian groups had during Katrina, others beside the church participated in those relief efforts.

I note that you want to take personal credit for assistance you claim to have made (which we have no way of confirming), and hurl praise upon church groups. Consider taking credit also for the horrors inflicted upon humanity by you good church goers.

Yet again this morning, the vast majority of people were not killing one another, or robbing one another -- at least not the non-believers. It's you wonderful hyper-religious cranks who are the throat-cutters, terrorists and mass murderers. Most people were overriding the "baser instincts" over and over and over in the overall altruism that if we don't cooperate, we all suffer.

Ideals such as community, participation, cooperation, etc., are not solely religious perspectives. Communities have developed a vast suite of coercive structures and processes for bringing the consequences of actions harmful to the community to bear, imprisonment being only one of many. In fact, it can be argued that much or most of our legal systems have nothing to do with morality at all, but instead deals with regulation of community behavior.

You can be a good person without giving two hoots about god(s) as billions of non-religionists prove every day. The atrocities of the old testament pale in comparison to the holocausts, pogrom, wars and genocides that the teachings/behaviors religious “prophets” have inspired. Do you think the Greeks burned old women because they were witches? The greatest library of all time-- the Library at Alexandria --was created by the Greek Ionians-- men who believed in Zeus. So let's not pretend that Christianity has been, or is, some benevolent force.

All your hateful ramblings have absolutely nothing to do with the OP. Actually your post mirrors your agenda.
I understand your position. Pointing out religions (and identifying Christianity in particular ), have often been a boat anchor around the neck of humanity conflicts with your bias and agenda.

I would have hoped that some honesty and reflection on your part would allow you to accept that religions are not always the panacea you wish for.

Or, if you're just going to be reflexive and pissy, ignore the facts and pretend that the Inquisition never happened.
Christians have given enormous sums to their churches over the centuries and, although much went to charities, they also have cathedrals and artwork to awe the people.

What's wrong with that? It's their money.

Absolutely nothing, I'm a great admirer of Christian art and architecture, I just wonder what Jesus' reaction would be.

Haven't the foggiest. Not on my list of things to ask him.
Ask him why his Dad is a serial mass murderer.
When Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, Christian churches gathered up water and toiletries and other basic human needs and handed out to the storm victims. When Ivan hit, they did the same thing. It has happened over and over whenever their has been a natural disaster. Even individual families who have fell victim to home fires, floods, etc., have been helped by the Church.

Where are the atheists in all this?

We are not organized so if any atheists went and helped, they didn't want/need/ask for credit. They just did it out of the kindness.

So because we don't have an organized church, you may never know ho much they helped.

And an atheist would want their government to help. That is why we pay taxes.
No, I really pay little attention to atheists and certainly never watch Wolf Blitzer.

Oh look. A christian who lies.


What make you think you are the center of anyone's attention? You are a member of one of the very least in numbers of society. There are not enough of you to be important.
There are enough to cause you to open goofy threads like this one.

Angry because it proved my point? Does it prick you because it shows you to not care about your fellow man?
You're more than a little bit confused. This thread is nothing more than a demonstration of your religiously inspired intolerance and a fair amount of self-loathing.

In the real world though, religion or the lack thereof has little to do with an individual's sense of caring for his fellow man.
That is in complete contradiction to what you hoped to portray with pointless thread.

My pointless thread has proven its point though.

This thread has refuted your point.

Altruism is not the sole property of religion and clearly not Christianity. For all your chest-heaving regarding some alleged role you and Christian groups had during Katrina, others beside the church participated in those relief efforts.

I note that you want to take personal credit for assistance you claim to have made (which we have no way of confirming), and hurl praise upon church groups. Consider taking credit also for the horrors inflicted upon humanity by you good church goers.

Yet again this morning, the vast majority of people were not killing one another, or robbing one another -- at least not the non-believers. It's you wonderful hyper-religious cranks who are the throat-cutters, terrorists and mass murderers. Most people were overriding the "baser instincts" over and over and over in the overall altruism that if we don't cooperate, we all suffer.

Ideals such as community, participation, cooperation, etc., are not solely religious perspectives. Communities have developed a vast suite of coercive structures and processes for bringing the consequences of actions harmful to the community to bear, imprisonment being only one of many. In fact, it can be argued that much or most of our legal systems have nothing to do with morality at all, but instead deals with regulation of community behavior.

You can be a good person without giving two hoots about god(s) as billions of non-religionists prove every day. The atrocities of the old testament pale in comparison to the holocausts, pogrom, wars and genocides that the teachings/behaviors religious “prophets” have inspired. Do you think the Greeks burned old women because they were witches? The greatest library of all time-- the Library at Alexandria --was created by the Greek Ionians-- men who believed in Zeus. So let's not pretend that Christianity has been, or is, some benevolent force.

All your hateful ramblings have absolutely nothing to do with the OP. Actually your post mirrors your agenda.
I understand your position. Pointing out religions (and identifying Christianity in particular ), have often been a boat anchor around the neck of humanity conflicts with your bias and agenda.

I would have hoped that some honesty and reflection on your part would allow you to accept that religions are not always the panacea you wish for.

Or, if you're just going to be reflexive and pissy, ignore the facts and pretend that the Inquisition never happened.

I have denied absolutely nothing. I have attempted to point out to you that there have been plenty of injustices to go around. I simply do not hate people the way you do nor do I dwell in the past. Some fools are still arguing the Civil War. Not me though. I have other more pressing things to worry about and I will solve those myself without complaining about someone else.
I fully realize that YOU would ask for the government to help in whatever you do, but I am not you.
Christians have given enormous sums to their churches over the centuries and, although much went to charities, they also have cathedrals and artwork to awe the people.

What's wrong with that? It's their money.

Absolutely nothing, I'm a great admirer of Christian art and architecture, I just wonder what Jesus' reaction would be.

Haven't the foggiest. Not on my list of things to ask him.
Ask him why his Dad is a serial mass murderer.

My Dad has been dead for thirty years now. He was a hard-working man who took care of his family. He never fought in any war and thus, never killed a single person in his entire life. You are a real piece of work.
No, I really pay little attention to atheists and certainly never watch Wolf Blitzer.

Oh look. A christian who lies.


What make you think you are the center of anyone's attention? You are a member of one of the very least in numbers of society. There are not enough of you to be important.
There are enough to cause you to open goofy threads like this one.

Angry because it proved my point? Does it prick you because it shows you to not care about your fellow man?
You're more than a little bit confused. This thread is nothing more than a demonstration of your religiously inspired intolerance and a fair amount of self-loathing.

In the real world though, religion or the lack thereof has little to do with an individual's sense of caring for his fellow man.
That is in complete contradiction to what you hoped to portray with pointless thread.

My pointless thread has proven its point though.

This thread has refuted your point.

Altruism is not the sole property of religion and clearly not Christianity. For all your chest-heaving regarding some alleged role you and Christian groups had during Katrina, others beside the church participated in those relief efforts.

I note that you want to take personal credit for assistance you claim to have made (which we have no way of confirming), and hurl praise upon church groups. Consider taking credit also for the horrors inflicted upon humanity by you good church goers.

Yet again this morning, the vast majority of people were not killing one another, or robbing one another -- at least not the non-believers. It's you wonderful hyper-religious cranks who are the throat-cutters, terrorists and mass murderers. Most people were overriding the "baser instincts" over and over and over in the overall altruism that if we don't cooperate, we all suffer.

Ideals such as community, participation, cooperation, etc., are not solely religious perspectives. Communities have developed a vast suite of coercive structures and processes for bringing the consequences of actions harmful to the community to bear, imprisonment being only one of many. In fact, it can be argued that much or most of our legal systems have nothing to do with morality at all, but instead deals with regulation of community behavior.

You can be a good person without giving two hoots about god(s) as billions of non-religionists prove every day. The atrocities of the old testament pale in comparison to the holocausts, pogrom, wars and genocides that the teachings/behaviors religious “prophets” have inspired. Do you think the Greeks burned old women because they were witches? The greatest library of all time-- the Library at Alexandria --was created by the Greek Ionians-- men who believed in Zeus. So let's not pretend that Christianity has been, or is, some benevolent force.

All your hateful ramblings have absolutely nothing to do with the OP. Actually your post mirrors your agenda.
I understand your position. Pointing out religions (and identifying Christianity in particular ), have often been a boat anchor around the neck of humanity conflicts with your bias and agenda.

I would have hoped that some honesty and reflection on your part would allow you to accept that religions are not always the panacea you wish for.

Or, if you're just going to be reflexive and pissy, ignore the facts and pretend that the Inquisition never happened.

I have denied absolutely nothing. I have attempted to point out to you that there have been plenty of injustices to go around. I simply do not hate people the way you do nor do I dwell in the past. Some fools are still arguing the Civil War. Not me though. I have other more pressing things to worry about and I will solve those myself without complaining about someone else.
You wannabe martyrs are just are not happy unless you convince yourselves that you are under attack for your beliefs. It is a pathological manifestation of a gigantic need for attention that causes you to mount the battlements, waving a bloody shirt screaming at the top of your lungs “LOOK AT ME! I AM SUFFERING FOR MY RELIGION”
No, I really pay little attention to atheists and certainly never watch Wolf Blitzer.

Oh look. A christian who lies.


What make you think you are the center of anyone's attention? You are a member of one of the very least in numbers of society. There are not enough of you to be important.
There are enough to cause you to open goofy threads like this one.

Angry because it proved my point? Does it prick you because it shows you to not care about your fellow man?
You're more than a little bit confused. This thread is nothing more than a demonstration of your religiously inspired intolerance and a fair amount of self-loathing.

In the real world though, religion or the lack thereof has little to do with an individual's sense of caring for his fellow man.
That is in complete contradiction to what you hoped to portray with pointless thread.

Where have I spoken of my religion? You bring up the subject more than anyone else. Religion must weigh heavily upon your mind.

My pointless thread has proven its point though.

This thread has refuted your point.

Altruism is not the sole property of religion and clearly not Christianity. For all your chest-heaving regarding some alleged role you and Christian groups had during Katrina, others beside the church participated in those relief efforts.

I note that you want to take personal credit for assistance you claim to have made (which we have no way of confirming), and hurl praise upon church groups. Consider taking credit also for the horrors inflicted upon humanity by you good church goers.

Yet again this morning, the vast majority of people were not killing one another, or robbing one another -- at least not the non-believers. It's you wonderful hyper-religious cranks who are the throat-cutters, terrorists and mass murderers. Most people were overriding the "baser instincts" over and over and over in the overall altruism that if we don't cooperate, we all suffer.

Ideals such as community, participation, cooperation, etc., are not solely religious perspectives. Communities have developed a vast suite of coercive structures and processes for bringing the consequences of actions harmful to the community to bear, imprisonment being only one of many. In fact, it can be argued that much or most of our legal systems have nothing to do with morality at all, but instead deals with regulation of community behavior.

You can be a good person without giving two hoots about god(s) as billions of non-religionists prove every day. The atrocities of the old testament pale in comparison to the holocausts, pogrom, wars and genocides that the teachings/behaviors religious “prophets” have inspired. Do you think the Greeks burned old women because they were witches? The greatest library of all time-- the Library at Alexandria --was created by the Greek Ionians-- men who believed in Zeus. So let's not pretend that Christianity has been, or is, some benevolent force.

All your hateful ramblings have absolutely nothing to do with the OP. Actually your post mirrors your agenda.
I understand your position. Pointing out religions (and identifying Christianity in particular ), have often been a boat anchor around the neck of humanity conflicts with your bias and agenda.

I would have hoped that some honesty and reflection on your part would allow you to accept that religions are not always the panacea you wish for.

Or, if you're just going to be reflexive and pissy, ignore the facts and pretend that the Inquisition never happened.

I have denied absolutely nothing. I have attempted to point out to you that there have been plenty of injustices to go around. I simply do not hate people the way you do nor do I dwell in the past. Some fools are still arguing the Civil War. Not me though. I have other more pressing things to worry about and I will solve those myself without complaining about someone else.
You wannabe martyrs are just are not happy unless you convince yourselves that you are under attack for your beliefs. It is a pathological manifestation of a gigantic need for attention that causes you to mount the battlements, waving a bloody shirt screaming at the top of your lungs “LOOK AT ME! I AM SUFFERING FOR MY RELIGION”
When Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, Christian churches gathered up water and toiletries and other basic human needs and handed out to the storm victims. When Ivan hit, they did the same thing. It has happened over and over whenever their has been a natural disaster. Even individual families who have fell victim to home fires, floods, etc., have been helped by the Church.

Where are the atheists in all this?
Those free from faith do indeed contribute in the event of natural disasters and the like, that you are ignorant of their contributions doesn't mean the contributions weren't made.
When Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, Christian churches gathered up water and toiletries and other basic human needs and handed out to the storm victims. When Ivan hit, they did the same thing. It has happened over and over whenever their has been a natural disaster. Even individual families who have fell victim to home fires, floods, etc., have been helped by the Church.

Where are the atheists in all this?
Those free from faith do indeed contribute in the event of natural disasters and the like, that you are ignorant of their contributions doesn't mean the contributions weren't made.

Only had two thus far that could actually say they did that weren't getting paid while they were doing it.
When Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, Christian churches gathered up water and toiletries and other basic human needs and handed out to the storm victims. When Ivan hit, they did the same thing. It has happened over and over whenever their has been a natural disaster. Even individual families who have fell victim to home fires, floods, etc., have been helped by the Church.

Where are the atheists in all this?

“Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven. “Thus, when you give to the needy, sound no trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may be praised by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you. “And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites. For they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward.

Jesus was a wise man.

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