Zone1 Why Does the Universe Exist

In particular, what does the Bible say about why God created the universe? Please respond with a passage from the Bible explaining why God created the universe.
The age old quewtion, "why are we here". Someone or some thing created us. G-d. It all gets very complicated after that.
I thought you knew about this stuff, but you really don't. Would you like to debate me in the bull ring? It should be fun.
Get back to me when you can explain the matter-antimatter asymmetry, accelerating expansion, and galactic distribution without invoking untested theories like dark matter, dark energy, inflation, and unverified kaon decays.
To get the answer to the question you asked. Do you suppose there is a different biblical interpretation out there that answers the question you asked?
That's why I'm asking for a scripture that explains why God created the universe. If you say it was to declare his glory then why did he want to declare his glory? Your answer doesn't really answer the question.
It is still the question. Why did G-d make us? There are theories of course, but its the question
Traditional Christianity will call it blasphemy, but it is clear to me that God is REPRODUCING HIMSELF through Man. All Scriptures back this. Jesus is the FIRST BORN of MANY BRETHREN.
A straw man argument. Simply because you wish to quote Satan as speaking in agreement with you does not mean Satan is telling a truth that you suggest..........Of course by presenting Satan's logic you would have us believe the Word of God contradicts itself. Wrong. Satan is a liar and the father of lies. You are of your father, the devil, and the lusts of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him, When he speaketh of his own; for he is a liar, and the father of it." -- John 8:44 :dev3:

Satan was not giving the Christ a geography lesson.........Satan was pointing to all the known (at that time) kingdoms of the world trying to tempt the Christ with power. Satan's word clearly does not establish truth for the God of creation as you are attempting to erect your straw man, the word of God burns it to the ground. No where does the word of God represent the earth as being flat.

"When He prepared the heavens, I was there, when He drew a circle on the face of the deep." (Prov. 8:27). "It is He who sits above the circle of the earth, and its inhabitants........." -- Isaiah 40:22. Before you attempt another straw man argument by claiming that a circle can be flat and one dimensional...........the Hebrew word used for Circle is "chuwg" which means something that is dome shaped or round like a ball. This word is used in another example, "Clouds are a hiding place for Him, so He cannot see; and He walks on the vault (chuwg) of heaven." -- Job 22:14 Dome fits both descriptions for the earth and the heavens/atmosphere/sky.

Thus, simply because YOU QUOTE the devil.........does not make that quote truth. To find MUST RIGHTLY DIVIDE THE WORD OF TRUTH. -- 2 Tim. 2:15
sure they did ... most everyone knew but the desert dwellers who tortured whoever they could get their hands on that told them they were wrong. proving from the beginning their aptitude for criminal activity - just ask galileo.

Simply because you wish to quote Satan as speaking in agreement with you does not mean Satan is telling a truth that you suggest....

really clyde - where in the sentence / post above is there a mention of satan ... or anything else written in your post attributed to that sentence.

everyone knows the christian clergy were murderers throughout the centuries persecuting and victimizing the innocent who refused to toe their lines of lies and fallacies ... were there a satan -


the desert dwellers would scare them off just being themselves.
really clyde - where in the sentence / post above is there a mention of satan ... or anything else written in your post attributed to that sentence.

everyone knows the christian clergy were murderers throughout the centuries persecuting and victimizing the innocent who refused to toe their lines of lies and fallacies ... were there a satan -

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the desert dwellers would scare them off just being themselves.
:th_spinspin: Indeed..........EVERYONE KNOWS is real documented, scientific, historical fact. LMAO :abgg2q.jpg:
That's why I'm asking for a scripture that explains why God created the universe. If you say it was to declare his glory then why did he want to declare his glory? Your answer doesn't really answer the question.
That's what the bible says. For his glory.
everyone knows the christian clergy were murderers throughout the centuries persecuting and victimizing the innocent who refused to toe their lines of lies and fallacies ...
Indeed..........EVERYONE KNOWS is real documented, scientific, historical fact. LMAO :abgg2q.jpg:

been hitting the eggnog a little early clyde ...

the crucifying right wing christian clergy wrote the christian bible and have been in charge ever since murdering anyone that would get in their way ... to this day.

as their selection of a vicious criminal to lead the u s attests to crystalize their determined misogyny to keep woman in enslavement and by proxy hold sway over everyone in the name of their false religion - true documented, scientific, historical fact.
That's why I'm asking for a scripture that explains why God created the universe. If you say it was to declare his glory then why did he want to declare his glory? Your answer doesn't really answer the question.

they became monotheist those scriptures than the earlier religions where everything there is had its own particular creator knowing what created the universe might have more to do w/ religion than what religion or its creator is popular at a particular time.

the religion is what and why the universe is created directing the metaphysical forces to do so.
been hitting the eggnog a little early clyde ...

the crucifying right wing christian clergy wrote the christian bible and have been in charge ever since murdering anyone that would get in their way ... to this day.

as their selection of a vicious criminal to lead the u s attests to crystalize their determined misogyny to keep woman in enslavement and by proxy hold sway over everyone in the name of their false religion - true documented, scientific, historical fact.
Again with the subjective BS? Now you are a self professed spiritualist medium gifted with clairvoyance. Strange for a self professed antichrist.........or maybe not. :dev3:

"The coming of the lawless one is according to the work of Satan, with all power, signs, lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception, AMONG THOSE WHO PERISH......." -- 2 Thess. 9:10-11

I simply proved the point that you went to a passage where the devil attempted to corrupt the Christ though lies and deceit.......and you quickly attempted to deflect from the corner your words painted you into. Quoting Satan instead of rightly dividing the word of Truth. (Matthew 4:7-9).......these are words of THE DEVIL not the God of creation. Your false premise: you present the word of God as if every word found in the Holy Scripture is something that God endorses.........when in reality its simply a truthful history containing the good the bad and ugly alone this historical time line from Genesis to Revelation. The earth is not flat, its presented as a globe with the sky a vaulted ceiling by the actual words inspired by the God of creation. Proven via the book, chapters and verse. No need to :th_spinspin:
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No, but it's one of the hundreds of reasons why I don't take the Bible seriously as either history or science.
It’s not meant to be a science book but it does have historical accounts. Although many are embellished and or allegorical in nature.
Get back to me when you can explain the matter-antimatter asymmetry, accelerating expansion, and galactic distribution without invoking untested theories like dark matter, dark energy, inflation, and unverified kaon decays.
There are two explanations for why there is no antimatter. The first one is that for every 1 billion antimatter particles created through paired particle production that 1 billion and 1 matter particles were created through paired particle production. The second explanation is that antimatter particles decay faster than matter particles.

But there is no explanation for the existence of the CMB that doesn’t include paired particle production as the means for creating the CMB.

You are dismissing an overwhelming amount of evidence that the universe began because it disagrees with your atheistic view.

So anytime you want to discuss the science in the bull ring with me, I’m ready.
That's why I'm asking for a scripture that explains why God created the universe. If you say it was to declare his glory then why did he want to declare his glory? Your answer doesn't really answer the question.
No. You are asking for scripture because you can’t discuss the science. Monotheism is predicated on a creator who created existence and does not interfere with the lives of his creatures. That you can’t read the Bible objectively is not my problem.

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