Zone1 Why Does the Universe Exist

Man has pretty much always known the earth was a ball. The ancient Greeks had already estimated the earth to be about 24,000 miles in circumference centuries before the birth of Christ.
Apparently someone in Israel didn't get the news because he wrote about Jesus and Satan going to the top of a mountain and seeing the whole Earth. You could only do that on a flat Earth.
I find it amusing that some, who profess themselves to be wise attempt to explain the origins of the universe through the idea of "extra dimensional" origins. Yet.........they never consider the word of God that professes that God lives and abides in a Spiritual Dimension known as Heaven..........a Super (superior) Natural (to nature) realm.

God professes to be a Spirit.........."God is a worship God we must worship in Spirit/mind" -- John 4:24. Men are created with a physical body..........yet, God declares men are made in His image. (Genesis 1:26). Reality: men are also created with a Spirit, "God breathed His Spirit, His breath of life into man......." -- Genesis 2:7 Therefore the image that man reflects of found within man's spirit. The Kingdom of God resides within the heart of man -- Luke 17:21 Whether we believe in God or not.........our spirit belongs to God and will return to God for final judgment after physical death (Eccl. 12:7)

Thus, I find it moot to argue about God's existence...........we shall all know in the end. And what has one lost if he attempts to live a life dedicated to the knowledge that God has revealed about Himself and His creation...........if nothing else we will leave this physical realm a better place than the realm in which we were born. On the other hand.........what does one gain though living a selfish life dedicated to self under the pretense that man created God instead of God creating does not gain one second of extra life in this vapor/mist we call life, but one does risk eternal damnation of his spirit..........that invisible force that animates the human animal. Where does this spirit/energy go at death? Its proven that energy, once in existence, cannot be destroyed only transformed. The Law of conservation of Energy.
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Which means without beginning or end. I realize that that's an extremely difficult concept for us finite little beings to wrap our minds around, but our inability to fully understand something doesn't make it false.

monotheism would have everyone believe a single entity is responsible for everything in the universe that they worship without understanding what that is while giving instructions to others how to live their lives they know to have come from their god from reading their single document they wrote themselves ... buttercup.

polytheism, the religion taught by jesus claims all are equal and capable of all things both spiritual and created, there is nothing to worship only new creations for the heavens to make for all eternity.
Man has pretty much always known the earth was a ball. The ancient Greeks had already estimated the earth to be about 24,000 miles in circumference centuries before the birth of Christ.
Some people figured it out yes. It is pretty obvious to Bible scholars that the those who wrote down the words to the Old Testament had not figured it out.
Some people figured it out yes. It is pretty obvious to Bible scholars that the those who wrote down the words to the Old Testament had not figured it out.
That's not true. If you honestly believe the Bible is God breathed, you would not say such foolish things

The Bible is not a science textbook, but neither are there any errors -- only your own misunderstanding

God sits on his throne above the circle of the earth

He stretches out his heavens over empty space. He hangs the earth on nothing whatsoever

In particular, what does the Bible say about why God created the universe? Please respond with a passage from the Bible explaining why God created the universe.
temperature, if nothing existed, what temperature would the nothingness be? and size, of nothing existed, a square volume of 1 foot compared to a square volume of the Galaxy, would still exist. I believe that area and volume of the aether determine temperature, so the two are the same, I believe matter has infinite heat inside it, each nuclei is made of the smaller nuclei that are made of smaller nuclei infinitely, but each level is in finite numbers, and the smaller you get the less influence the increased heat has on the nuclei as we know it.
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God invented the willow tree. We use the bark from that tree to make aspirin.
molecules and the reactions between them depend on weight and shape of the molecule's. The background medium of infinity is temperature gradients, you could show it on an infinite sheet of graph paper, all of infinity and its reactions can be represented in the graph.
I don't have an explanation, but it turns out that the Big Bang's explanation for both leaves something to be desired and is also contradicted by the antimatter/matter asymmetry.
That's not even close to being accurate. The antimatter/matter asymmetry or the alternate theory of different decay rates have nothing whatsoever to do with the cosmic microwave background radiation existing. That has to do with why there is matter remaining when the universe should have only been radiation filled. You will have a really hard time explaining how the CMB got there without paired particle production. I've yet to hear any other explanation for the massive amount of radiation that was produced by the quantum tunneling event we so affectionately call the Big Bang.

So no, the Big Bang does not leave anything to be desired for explaining red shift and the CMB.

We really do need to settle this in the bull ring.
Apparently someone in Israel didn't get the news because he wrote about Jesus and Satan going to the top of a mountain and seeing the whole Earth. You could only do that on a flat Earth.
Is that why you are an atheist?
Man has pretty much always known the earth was a ball. The ancient Greeks had already estimated the earth to be about 24,000 miles in circumference centuries before the birth of Christ.

sure they did ... most everyone knew but the desert dwellers who tortured whoever they could get their hands on that told them they were wrong. proving from the beginning their aptitude for criminal activity - just ask galileo.
sure they did ... most everyone knew but the desert dwellers who tortured whoever they could get their hands on that told them they were wrong. proving from the beginning their aptitude for criminal activity - just ask galileo.
A straw man argument. Simply because you wish to quote Satan as speaking in agreement with you does not mean Satan is telling a truth that you suggest..........Of course by presenting Satan's logic you would have us believe the Word of God contradicts itself. Wrong. Satan is a liar and the father of lies. You are of your father, the devil, and the lusts of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him, When he speaketh of his own; for he is a liar, and the father of it." -- John 8:44 :dev3:

Satan was not giving the Christ a geography lesson.........Satan was pointing to all the known (at that time) kingdoms of the world trying to tempt the Christ with power. Satan's word clearly does not establish truth for the God of creation as you are attempting to erect your straw man, the word of God burns it to the ground. No where does the word of God represent the earth as being flat.

"When He prepared the heavens, I was there, when He drew a circle on the face of the deep." (Prov. 8:27). "It is He who sits above the circle of the earth, and its inhabitants........." -- Isaiah 40:22. Before you attempt another straw man argument by claiming that a circle can be flat and one dimensional...........the Hebrew word used for Circle is "chuwg" which means something that is dome shaped or round like a ball. This word is used in another example, "Clouds are a hiding place for Him, so He cannot see; and He walks on the vault (chuwg) of heaven." -- Job 22:14 Dome fits both descriptions for the earth and the heavens/atmosphere/sky.

Thus, simply because YOU QUOTE the devil.........does not make that quote truth. To find MUST RIGHTLY DIVIDE THE WORD OF TRUTH. -- 2 Tim. 2:15
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That's not true. If you honestly believe the Bible is God breathed, you would not say such foolish things

The Bible is not a science textbook, but neither are there any errors -- only your own misunderstanding

God sits on his throne above the circle of the earth

He stretches out his heavens over empty space. He hangs the earth on nothing whatsoever

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I won't try to talk you out of your belief(s) and will wish you the very best and wonderful holidays including Christmas.

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