Why does the left think Christine Blasey Ford is more credible than Tara Reade !

Ford couldnt recall the exact place or time of her supposed attack and none of her family and friends recalled her mentioning the attack before she made the accusation right before Kavanaugh was to become a SCJ and not one would verify her claims under oath ! while Reade recited the attack in detail and recalled both time and place and made a complaint right after it happened ! and she told family and friends about it immediately ! i'm not saying Reade is lying or telling the truth but whats evident is the msm writing her off as a liar why ? why does her much much more detailed account hold less water with the left ? the left wing msm has not asked Biden one question about the accusation ...why ? where is the me too movement ?

Tramp females were credible as well, all 25 of them, and since Reade was recited the attack in detail, I suspect she was paid to, but I don't know, the bar is so low now, anyone can be Potus.
Jacob Wohl (born December 12, 1997 in Greater Los Angeles) is an American far-right conspiracy theorist, fraudster, and internet troll.[15] He was formerly an online blogger and a columnist for The Gateway Pundit website.[13][16][17][18]

Wohl gained attention in 2018 after news outlets reported his failed plot with lobbyist Jack Burkman to discredit Robert Mueller, U.S. Special Counsel investigating Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, by attempting to frame him for sexual misconduct.[2][9][7] In April 2019, Wohl and Burkman again received media attention for attempting to frame Pete Buttigieg, mayor of South Bend, Indiana and declared 2020 Democratic presidential candidate, for sexual assault.[19][20]

Wohl has created and promulgated other false or unfounded claims and conspiracy theories, mainly against Democratic Party politicians such as Hillary Clinton, Kamala Harris, Ilhan Omar, and Elizabeth Warren.[4][5][21][22] On February 26, 2019, Twitter permanently banned Wohl for violating its rules regarding creating and operating fake accounts.[23] To aid his schemes, Wohl created multiple fake private intelligence agencies, and has fabricated death threats and protests against himself.[24][25]
There are many people who are underhanded on the republican side.
The dems knew the whole time that Ford was a falsus in omnibus ...we all knew it....and that is why Kavanaugh is on the court today....
After her testimony all republicans said she was very credible, what happened, oh yes Kavanaugh was smug. You have him for a lifetime judge on the Supreme Court.

But you also have a self declared female assaulter as Potus. You people have lowered the bar so low that anyone can be in the tramp admin.
To me, if something hits you hard enough, you will never forget a thing about it.

God bless you and those who lost someone on this day 25 years ago always!!!

we hear the left deflecting once again ! Biden has been interviewed by the msn many times since the accusations came to light ! we have yet to see him questioned vigorously about it ! if biden denies the accusations thats it move on ! the double standard is startling !
After her testimony all republicans said she was very credible
That is so untrue...why do you libs think you can lie about stuff we all witnessed and lived through?....it smacks of desperation....
You have him for a lifetime judge on the Supreme Court.
Good....and Trump will get at least one more pick maybe two....
But you also have a self declared female assaulter as Potus
Wrong Trump was bragging to a younger man....not one woman stepped forward to confirm anything about pussy grabbing....
Yep desperate....not even a good try penelope....

With all due respect, CNM...if THAT is the best you can come up with for examples that the main stream media reported on this...you're not exactly making a compelling case for yourself! Christina Blasey Ford's accusations against Brett Kavanaugh were much more vague and unsubstantiated than this woman's...yet she ended up testifying in front of the Senate?
Ford couldnt recall the exact place or time of her supposed attack and none of her family and friends recalled her mentioning the attack before she made the accusation right before Kavanaugh was to become a SCJ and not one would verify her claims under oath ! while Reade recited the attack in detail and recalled both time and place and made a complaint right after it happened ! and she told family and friends about it immediately ! i'm not saying Reade is lying or telling the truth but whats evident is the msm writing her off as a liar why ? why does her much much more detailed account hold less water with the left ? the left wing msm has not asked Biden one question about the accusation ...why ? where is the me too movement ?
Because they all have shit for brains?

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