Why does the left hate the NRA?

The NRA has changed from a hunters' group concerned with teaching gun safety, to a far right proponent of militia violence. Have you looked at the recent NRA ad - very toxic and very political. This ain't your grandad's NRA.

The NRA is currently under investigation for ties to Russia and the possibility that Russia funnelled millions of dollars into the US election campaign through the NRA. This would explain the NRA Doomsday anti-government ads we've been seeing and their hatred of the FBI.

Most of their funding now comes from gun manufacturers, not gun owners so their focus is now to sell Americans on gun ownership, and prevent limits from being imposed on their manufacture or sale.

Last but not least is the virulent opposition by the NRA of even the most common sense back ground checks and closing gun show loopholes, or limits on magazin purchases.

Only one word sums up my point of view as to why the left deplors the NRA "Ignorance"
When you are disarmed, you eventually end up having to flee oppression...

exhibit #1
not IGNORANCE if its there is a plan to disarm American or reduce or remove their choice in firearms . To me that kind of plan is well thought out and informed . --------------- just a comment .
When you are disarmed, you eventually end up having to flee oppression...

exhibit #1

And sometimes it’s worse than that.

Sure. I was just trying to find a way to relate today's headlines with why gun grabbing is wrong. Just imagine how much better Honduras could be if the people rose up and overthrew that oppressive regime and put a real government in place. Sure, it would cost some of them their lives, but hey, the claim they like the US, so they can take examples from our Founding generation and their willingness to lay down their honor and life for freedom.

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