Why does the left count the ACA as one of Obama's successes?

ACTUALLY, the old Pub scam of a system was ruining our country's competitiveness and killing people, and was America's biggest worry. NO MORE, dupes.

ACTUALLY, you're dupes of the greedy limousine liberals, it is the old Dem scam of a system that is plundering the country- deficits quadrupled under Obamanation...DUH. You're a dup, in the poop.
ACTUALLY, crony capitalism comes from lack of regulation when Pubs get their way- and wreck the economy...socialism my butt, dupe.

Dude, crony capitalism is when government is picking the winners in the marketplace. Seriously, learn to use Google for terms you don't understand and stop being such a dup of Pelosi and the Democratic mafia. MS-NBC is melting your brain, and you're just a Pelosibot, a real HarryReidshna.
ACTUALLY, the old Pub scam of a system was ruining our country's competitiveness and killing people, and was America's biggest worry. NO MORE, dupes.

Businesses are ruining our competitiveness and government is saving us from it. Gotcha. LOL, liberals really should shut you up. Then again, maybe the like seeing someone even dumber than they are. Stop being such a dup, poop, get the scoop.
Because for nearly a century in this country, US presidents have been trying, with little or no success, to pass a National Healthcare Act.

Obama got it done.

That's why.

WTF are you serious? Simply passing it regardless of the bills actual effect on us is now the sign of success?

Yep....and unless you are already on Medicare....you will be happy to have it.....and in a few years, even conservatives will be defending it....like they do Medicare, SS....:lol::lol:
ACTUALLY, the old Pub scam of a system was ruining our country's competitiveness and killing people, and was America's biggest worry. NO MORE, dupes.

ACTUALLY, you're dupes of the greedy limousine liberals, it is the old Dem scam of a system that is plundering the country- deficits quadrupled under Obamanation...DUH. You're a dup, in the poop.

And how are they making money out of it? Some bs about getting control...zzzzzzzzzz. that Fox story is Pubcrappe too lol...:cuckoo:

Averting a Pub Depressiion costs money. Still 400 billion a year just for UE and welfare...:eusa_liar:
ACTUALLY, the old Pub scam of a system was ruining our country's competitiveness and killing people, and was America's biggest worry. NO MORE, dupes.

Businesses are ruining our competitiveness and government is saving us from it. Gotcha. LOL, liberals really should shut you up. Then again, maybe the like seeing someone even dumber than they are. Stop being such a dup, poop, get the scoop.

Big Health, Big Insurance, and Big Pharma were, dolt. And now there will be actual competition, thanks to gov't regulation. Reagan was a corporate fool...see sig para 1....
1. They are missing their own projections of needed sign ups to support the bill by nearly 2 million.

3. The law has cost more people their insurance tjan uninsureds it has helped.

4. Major portions of the law have been arbitrarily changed or delayed without congressional approval.

5. By all reports unless you're indigent or cheat the system your payments are likely to increase, some dramatically.

6. Democrats up for election are running AWAY from it. Some say it's changed so much it's not the bill they voted for (blatant lies)

7. It is going to increase our debt massivly.

Where are the successes?

You've got to look at it the way they do. It's not about health care.

1. It gave government a LOT of new power and control over us.

2. It appeased the useful idiots.

3. It makes it so much easier to introduce socialized medicine because that will soon be touted as the only way to fix this. It was done this way on purpose.

4. It gives them the means to not only redistribute wealth, but gives them a handle on population control.

5. It will deliver the final blow to the middle class, an absolute must if the regime is to rule the way they want.

The changes that Obama made are meant to hold off the pain just a tad longer. They need more time to figure out how they can retain power. Some people will fall for it, which is so sad.

They have to be laughing when they are in private. Passing off two lies, that it's a tax and that it's not a tax, is just incredible and not a single liberal will touch that one. If it's a tax, it would have to go through the House, which it didn't. If it's not a tax, the Supreme Court would have ruled it unconstitutional. Both lies must hold up and it's fucking unbelievable that they have so far. Run, liberals, you can't spin this one away.
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1. They are missing their own projections of needed sign ups to support the bill by nearly 2 million.

3. The law has cost more people their insurance tjan uninsureds it has helped.

4. Major portions of the law have been arbitrarily changed or delayed without congressional approval.

5. By all reports unless you're indigent or cheat the system your payments are likely to increase, some dramatically.

6. Democrats up for election are running AWAY from it. Some say it's changed so much it's not the bill they voted for (blatant lies)

7. It is going to increase our debt massivly.

Where are the successes?

You've got to look at it the way they do. It's not about health care.

1. It gave government a LOT of new power and control over us.

2. It appeased the useful idiots.

3. It makes it so much easier to introduce socialized medicine because that will soon be touted as the only way to fix this. It was done this way on purpose.

4. It gives them the means to not only redistribute wealth, but gives them a handle on population control.

5. It will deliver the final blow to the middle class, an absolute must if the regime is to rule the way they want.

The changes that Obama made are meant to hold off the pain just a tad longer. They need more time to figure out how they can retain power. Some people will fall for it, which is so sad.

They have to be laughing when they are in private. Passing off two lies, that it's a tax and that it's not a tax, is just incredible and not a single liberal will touch that one. If it's a tax, it would have to go through the House, which it didn't. If it's not a tax, the Supreme Court would have ruled it unconstitutional. Both lies must hold up and it's fucking unbelievable that they have so far. Run, liberals, you can't spin this one away.

Jeebus what drivel. ACTUALLY, it's all about health care and better government, chumps of the greedy rich. :cuckoo:
It's a stumble in the right direction. Rome wasn't built in a day.

So when 10-20-30-40-48 million were unisured and they have 4-5 million that have looked at the web site with the majority were from those who 's policies were canceled, that is stumbling in the right direction? That is what is known as a complete failure in the real world once the rose colored glasses are removed.
Gotta break some eggs in this case.

That's usually how the dems do it. Flail like an idiot and hope you hit on something good. Or if not actually good just hope your voters are too stupid to notice the failure.
That's usually how the dems do it. Flail like an idiot and hope you hit on something good. Or if not actually good just hope your voters are too stupid to notice the failure.
I am unconcerned. The direction is clear, and necessary. Should you disapprove, move elsewhere.
That's usually how the dems do it. Flail like an idiot and hope you hit on something good. Or if not actually good just hope your voters are too stupid to notice the failure.
I am unconcerned. The direction is clear, and necessary. Should you disapprove, move elsewhere.

Actually the direction with this debacle is murky. The politicians could have gotten it right, but the politicians were too polarized to work together. It's tough to work through egos, and the American people are the ones who suffer because of it.
That's usually how the dems do it. Flail like an idiot and hope you hit on something good. Or if not actually good just hope your voters are too stupid to notice the failure.
I am unconcerned. The direction is clear, and necessary. Should you disapprove, move elsewhere.

Actually the direction with this debacle is murky. The politicians could have gotten it right, but the politicians were too polarized to work together. It's tough to work through egos, and the American people are the ones who suffer because of it.

Shhhh! If we just keep saying it's a done deal, over and over, then it will be so. Were you one of the kids who didn't clap to save Tinkerbell???
That's usually how the dems do it. Flail like an idiot and hope you hit on something good. Or if not actually good just hope your voters are too stupid to notice the failure.
I am unconcerned. The direction is clear, and necessary. Should you disapprove, move elsewhere.

Actually the direction with this debacle is murky. The politicians could have gotten it right, but the politicians were too polarized to work together. It's tough to work through egos, and the American people are the ones who suffer because of it.
Sad but true...but a salient point.
I am unconcerned. The direction is clear, and necessary. Should you disapprove, move elsewhere.

Actually the direction with this debacle is murky. The politicians could have gotten it right, but the politicians were too polarized to work together. It's tough to work through egos, and the American people are the ones who suffer because of it.

Shhhh! If we just keep saying it's a done deal, over and over, then it will be so. Were you one of the kids who didn't clap to save Tinkerbell???

Put DOWN the fucking bong.
Actually the direction with this debacle is murky. The politicians could have gotten it right, but the politicians were too polarized to work together. It's tough to work through egos, and the American people are the ones who suffer because of it.

Shhhh! If we just keep saying it's a done deal, over and over, then it will be so. Were you one of the kids who didn't clap to save Tinkerbell???

Put DOWN the fucking bong.

But... that's the key to success!
My son had an allergic reaction to hazel nuts on Friday night. Threw up and broke out in a rash. Took him to the local A&E, they observed him for three hours, let him go. Didn't cost a cent...oh, woe is me...'socialised' medicine....
My son had an allergic reaction to hazel nuts on Friday night. Threw up and broke out in a rash. Took him to the local A&E, they observed him for three hours, let him go. Didn't cost a cent...oh, woe is me...'socialised' medicine....

Glad you don't live here. 48 million are supposedly uninsured and the libs are screamin success when 4 million enroll....most who had insurance before the policies were canceled.
This wasn't about socializing healthcare, it was about insuring those that were without....it has been a failure.
My son had an allergic reaction to hazel nuts on Friday night. Threw up and broke out in a rash. Took him to the local A&E, they observed him for three hours, let him go. Didn't cost a cent...oh, woe is me...'socialised' medicine....

Glad you don't live here. 48 million are supposedly uninsured and the libs are screamin success when 4 million enroll....most who had insurance before the policies were canceled.
This wasn't about socializing healthcare, it was about insuring those that were without....it has been a failure.
Overall objective IS to run the healthcare companies out of business....so government may complete their control over the lives of the surfs. Control their healthcare? The ultimate PRIZE...you got their lives and the citizens by the balls.
My son had an allergic reaction to hazel nuts on Friday night. Threw up and broke out in a rash. Took him to the local A&E, they observed him for three hours, let him go. Didn't cost a cent...oh, woe is me...'socialised' medicine....

Glad you don't live here. 48 million are supposedly uninsured and the libs are screamin success when 4 million enroll....most who had insurance before the policies were canceled.
This wasn't about socializing healthcare, it was about insuring those that were without....it has been a failure.
Overall objective IS to run the healthcare companies out of business....so government may complete their control over the lives of the surfs. Control their healthcare? The ultimate PRIZE...you got their lives and the citizens by the balls.


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