Why does the GOP hate the internet?

Why exactly do you think pop culture is good? Its complete trash. Why is paying for your internet use so offensive to you?
The US ranks way behind several other countries both in Internet accessibility and speed. I guess I don't have much argument for the OP on this one. The state of the Internet pretty much sucks in the country that invented it all.

Remember all the bluster about Burger King moving to Canada? Well there are hundreds of small to medium size American tech companies moving to Canada because of its telecommunications prowess and it's world-class Internet access & speed. New business parks are prewired and ready to go. Their governments up there, federal and provincial, aren't locked in the Stone Age. America better wake up and start pumping money into our infrastructure. We're falling behind the curve.

But pumping taxpayers money into infrastructure is communist. Let the market decide...

By the way most European countries are heavily subsidising broadband access in rural areas and see many advantages in doing so.

so the hover damn and the tva is all communist to you?
The US ranks way behind several other countries both in Internet accessibility and speed. I guess I don't have much argument for the OP on this one. The state of the Internet pretty much sucks in the country that invented it all.

Remember all the bluster about Burger King moving to Canada? Well there are hundreds of small to medium size American tech companies moving to Canada because of its telecommunications prowess and it's world-class Internet access & speed. New business parks are prewired and ready to go. Their governments up there, federal and provincial, aren't locked in the Stone Age. America better wake up and start pumping money into our infrastructure. We're falling behind the curve.

But pumping taxpayers money into infrastructure is communist. Let the market decide...

By the way most European countries are heavily subsidising broadband access in rural areas and see many advantages in doing so.

so the hover damn and the tva is all communist to you?

Didn't the Soviet Union under Stalin also build a lot of dams?
The GOP is putting roadblocks to high speed internet access in rural America. Why do they hate the internet? Faster internet means more people downloading video games and movies which make American companies richer. Do they want to keep these people in the dark? Do they want a segment of the population that don't have access to pop culture?

You mean they are declining to pay for subsidized internet service in rural areas.

Good for them.

If people living in rural areas want good internet service, let them move to the city.

Grown-ups understand that everything in life is a choice and a trade-off. Leftists, on the other hand, think it's the job of government to eliminate those trade-offs and make every choice nothing but upsides, no downsides allowed. Any concept that people should just deal with reality is viewed as "putting up roadblocks". *eye roll*
I didn't understand this thread at first, I thought my internet speed was fast, so this is all about the OP being a greedy cheap skate? Check
Btw I thought Kerry hated the internet? it makes it hard to govern in secrete
Bill Text - 111th Congress 2009-2010 - THOMAS Library of Congress
US senate passes Internet sales tax proposal ITworld

If I'm not mistaken, Democrats are the ones who keep trying to tax the internet.
As usual, you are mistaken.
You meant to say he's right
If I'm wrong, why hasn't either of you genii come up with some evidence. Email chain letters don't count. :cool-45:
Why do the Democrats always lie about the GOP, I guess Money and Power are so important, Democrats must lie to win.

I think people who Lie would do anything to be in Power. History proves this to be true, are we to believe the Democrats today will not behave the same as the Socialists of the past?

So many Lies from the Democrats.
The Right wants the internet available for the rich, so they can keep the "lower classes" down. Strange how some in the "lower classes" think that's a good idea.
The GOP is putting roadblocks to high speed internet access in rural America. Why do they hate the internet? Faster internet means more people downloading video games and movies which make American companies richer. Do they want to keep these people in the dark? Do they want a segment of the population that don't have access to pop culture?

Thats it...

They are terrified. An educated Republican tends to lean liberal.

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