Why does the GOP hate the internet?


Gold Member
Apr 6, 2014
The GOP is putting roadblocks to high speed internet access in rural America. Why do they hate the internet? Faster internet means more people downloading video games and movies which make American companies richer. Do they want to keep these people in the dark? Do they want a segment of the population that don't have access to pop culture?
The US ranks way behind several other countries both in Internet accessibility and speed. I guess I don't have much argument for the OP on this one. The state of the Internet pretty much sucks in the country that invented it all.

Remember all the bluster about Burger King moving to Canada? Well there are hundreds of small to medium size American tech companies moving to Canada because of its telecommunications prowess and it's world-class Internet access & speed. New business parks are prewired and ready to go. Their governments up there, federal and provincial, aren't locked in the Stone Age. America better wake up and start pumping money into our infrastructure. We're falling behind the curve.
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The US ranks way behind several other countries both in Internet accessibility and speed. I guess I don't have much argument for the OP on this one. The state of the Internet pretty much sucks in the country that invented it all.

Remember all the bluster about Burger King moving to Canada? Well there are hundreds of small to medium size American tech companies moving to Canada because of its telecommunications prowess and it's world-class Internet access & speed. New business parks are prewired and ready to go. Their governments up there, federal and provincial, aren't locked in the Stone Age. America better wake up and start pumping money into our infrastructure. We're falling behind the curve.

But pumping taxpayers money into infrastructure is communist. Let the market decide...

By the way most European countries are heavily subsidising broadband access in rural areas and see many advantages in doing so.
But pumping taxpayers money into infrastructure is communist. Let the market decide...

Don't be a bozo. After you've done that, go spend some quality time with your dictionary:

[in-fruh-struhk-cher] /ˈɪn frəˌstrʌk tʃər/ IPA Syllables
the basic, underlying framework or features of a system or organization.
the fundamental facilities and systems serving a country, city, or area, as transportation and communication systems, power plants, and schools.
the military installations of a country.

And, of course, if the prez is in favor of inexpensive and readily available internet, the right is against it.

Its true the US is way behind much of the world. As with health care, we pay more and get less.

The issue right now is the data plans, even in urban areas. If I upgraded to a higher speed, I would be out of data and on their naughty list in about two weeks.

I'm in the same boat. We've got the highest speed we can get in our area but we have to watch our data usage.

Stream movies? Forget it.
The GOP is putting roadblocks to high speed internet access in rural America. Why do they hate the internet? Faster internet means more people downloading video games and movies which make American companies richer. Do they want to keep these people in the dark? Do they want a segment of the population that don't have access to pop culture?

You mean they are declining to pay for subsidized internet service in rural areas.

Good for them.

If people living in rural areas want good internet service, let them move to the city.

And, of course, if the prez is in favor of inexpensive and readily available internet, the right is against it.

Its true the US is way behind much of the world. As with health care, we pay more and get less.

The issue right now is the data plans, even in urban areas. If I upgraded to a higher speed, I would be out of data and on their naughty list in about two weeks.

I'm in the same boat. We've got the highest speed we can get in our area but we have to watch our data usage.

Stream movies? Forget it.

So I should be taxed so you can stream movies over the internet?

Go fuck yourself.
The GOP is putting roadblocks to high speed internet access in rural America. Why do they hate the internet? Faster internet means more people downloading video games and movies which make American companies richer. Do they want to keep these people in the dark? Do they want a segment of the population that don't have access to pop culture?
We just don't want the country folk to be bothered with aholes sech as yersef.
If conservatives had been in power during the birth of the internet it would be a vastly different place today, there would be no anonymity, it would be much slower and the poor would certainly be priced out of it with no public access. To a conservative, information must be controlled and cost something.
Everyone does have internet access. Phone companies advertise nationwide coverage as it is. Wherever your phone has a signal, which is everywhere, there is internet access. Open a wifi hotspot on your phone and your computer can use it. Internet access used to be an issue before technology solved the problem. Now cars come with their own internet access. Of course to know that rural people already have internet access you would have to actually know people who live in rural areas. Since these are the ones liberals most hate, they don't know any and prefer to believe that rural people have no teeth and live in trailers.
If conservatives had been in power during the birth of the internet it would be a vastly different place today, there would be no anonymity, it would be much slower and the poor would certainly be priced out of it with no public access. To a conservative, information must be controlled and cost something.

And this claim is based on exactly what?

If I'm not mistaken, Democrats are the ones who keep trying to tax the internet.
The GOP is putting roadblocks to high speed internet access in rural America. Why do they hate the internet? Faster internet means more people downloading video games and movies which make American companies richer. Do they want to keep these people in the dark? Do they want a segment of the population that don't have access to pop culture?

Bigger question:

Why do left wing morons like you make stupid shit up like this?
Everyone does have internet access. Phone companies advertise nationwide coverage as it is. Wherever your phone has a signal, which is everywhere, there is internet access. Open a wifi hotspot on your phone and your computer can use it. Internet access used to be an issue before technology solved the problem. Now cars come with their own internet access. Of course to know that rural people already have internet access you would have to actually know people who live in rural areas. Since these are the ones liberals most hate, they don't know any and prefer to believe that rural people have no teeth and live in trailers.

I lived in rural areas, lived on a double wide on twenty acres, still use it to get away sometimes and I know lots of hicks. And I'm further left than most liberals. Oh wait, the criterion is single wide. Never mind.

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