Why does the 1% bitch about the 99% using what they pay for?

Notice how everyone on the left goes so quiet when I bring up the big equalizer?

Goods and services tax. or VAT like others like to call it.

Pay equally across the board. You know kids, share all the wealth.:lol:

Flat tax... so everyone bleeds the same.

You bettcha. There is one thing as I am standing there at a cash register. I pay mine. When I'm paying for my bobber magic with a whoo hoo tax I know that some rich bastard is getting his flies and paying his tax big time for his effort as well.

There is a great equalizing momemt knowing we are both screwed.:eusa_angel:

The only ones NOT getting screwed are the ones who pay ZERO after all is said and done. I really don't give a flying fuck if you make a billion dollars...or single dollar...the government should take the same % out of everyone.

As to the OP i have every right to bitch when i stand in line and the person in front of me is buying a shopping cart of junk and snack food....on food stamps. I look crap like that and know my hard earned money is going to waste.
Ahh... I see the problem... you're a right wing douchebag that hates people like me.

Where do i say anything about hating you? You seem to be a upstanding person who works and pays taxes. You dont claim to suck off the state but pay your way in life.

He works for the state government of Penssylvania. He's a tick on the ass of society. He doesn't pay a cent in taxes.

These are the kinds of stupid comments that make conservatives in general look like unthinking, boorish idiots. I won’t speak on behalf of any others that are right of center, but speaking for myself, generalities like this about all government employees are what make it difficult to make the point we are trying to make; that there are too many government employees (and government spending in general) and some appear to be using union power to gain an advantage over the taxpayers. The message gets lost when you paint all government employees as “ticks”. Government has its role to play in society; it is necessary to have government provide police and fire protection, education, defense (soldiers are also government employees; think they are “ticks on the ass of society?”), common sense regulations to keep the playing field level (but not to advantage any particular group over another) and various infrastructure to make the economy run smoothly. These functions must be provided in a normal society; private enterprise, however, is not well equipped to perform most of these functions, and in any case, even if they were, we would still collectively need to pay for them. Yes, there are useless government employees just as there are useless private sector employees (though the latter are more likely to be weeded out), but that doesn’t make them useless by definition.

My company does a fair amount of work for state and federal agencies; does that make us “ticks” as well? The taxes that I pay don’t count because some of what the company earns comes from the government? Absurd.

Stupid conservatives do not help make our case; it just makes it easier to ignore the real issues.
It's amazing how well you can do after the infrastructure of every other major nation on Earth is destroyed. Maybe we need another World War, so anybody with half a brain can buy a new car every other year?

Maybe we need to take care of our own like all of our competition does?

I agree...and most of our competition do not allow illegals into their countries, nor do they allow them to use state programs meant for its citizens. We should follow their leads.... like Mexico.

Oh... so what you are saying is, if we closed our borders and did something with the illegals currently in the country, you'd be for Universal Health Care?

Where do i say anything about hating you? You seem to be a upstanding person who works and pays taxes. You dont claim to suck off the state but pay your way in life.

I'm a state worker, doesn't that make the bolded part null and void? It does for some on here... hell, just yesterday I was called a "tic on the ass of society", by one of our more extremist righties(can't remember which one).

The problem with state workers is that they are paid from taxes, therefore, no matter how valuable the job you provide, your job is - technically - a drain on the public finances. Now, don't get me wrong... I am not saying that is a bad thing but - from a purely financial standpoint, the taxes you pay do not add up to the amount of money that you cost the taxpayer.

This is just simple economics. You understand that right?
Now... if your job is one that is necessary to the function of society, fine. That's a price worth paying.... however, there are many state workers that, frankly, are not of real importance to that function. Those are the ones that many people may feel less enthusiastic about.

Speaking from people who absolutely hate government? I'll take that with a grain of salt. Like I said to the person the other day. I work with the Developmentally Disabled. I am a Direct Care worker(Aide).

The people that I am currently working with are in a Living Area of Sexually active people, of whom 1/2 of them are sexual predators. The other half are people with a history of seeking out sex from other folk that live there, but aren't "predatory". We lump them together in a very structured environment and watch them like hawks. Because of their level of retardation(IQ's of between 40-60), they are not legally competent to give consent for sex, so any sexual contact is considered rape, legally speaking.

I said to the person the other day... when should I drop them off at your house? So, I'll ask you the same. Do you think those folk should be in a group home next to your house, near your kids? Near anyone's kids? 1/3 of the people in my living area were already out in the community in Privately run group homes....they came back to the Center I work at, because their minimum wage Aide staff either couldn't do the job we do, or they didn't give a shit if they lost that minimum wage job. So those people that came back not only weren't being taken care of properly, now they have a criminal record on top of it. That's right, Parents don't take kindly to their kids being sexually harassed, or in one case... molested.

You see, the problem with righties is that you really don't have much of a clue what goes on in my field, in the prison system, in Law Enforcement, hell even on the highways. You only seem to know what the right wing pundits tell you. For instance, did you know that in PA, more highway workers have been killed than in Law Enforcement? Think about that the next time you drive by a Construction site that takes 5-10 seconds to pass and make the blanket statement that "all they do is lean on their shovels".

I work for the PA Department of Public Welfare. The people I work with are not deadbeats who can work, but don't. They are totally incapable of working at anything beyond the simplest of tasks. They have emotional and psychological problems that you can't begin to grasp. They are on SSA, Medicaid, and State welfare for a reason. The state takes most of that back in the form of Care and Maintenance(room and board), and gives them an allowances for Clothing, personal items and community trips.

So, let's say we cut welfare to the bone. Who do you think the politicians are going to cut? The deadbeats who can and do vote, or people like I work with who can easily be dismissed? It's happened before. Reagan did it in the 1980's with Mental Health.... then a few years later, homelessness became a huge issue in our cities. Sure... the idea is to get the deadbeats to work... I understand that, and you will probably achieve your results. But you will also be destroying the lives of many more people who cannot work and are helpless. Throwing the baby out with the bath water may seem like a good idea... but only to people who aren't thinking things through.

That's just the people I work with. That's not mentioning the workers who provide services to our most vulnerable. I mean, I'm not going to sit here and say that it's all about them and I don't care what happens to me and my wife(we both work there). We've both invested 23 years in the service of the Commonwealth, we have 12 years to go before we reach the 35 required to retire. I will be 60, she'll be 62.

You guys don't seem to understand that there are good, hard working people's livelihoods at stake here. Look, I'm sorry that the private sector fucked the American Worker over, but that's not the Public Workers' fault. The thing that amazes and astounds me is that, rather than fight to bring the jobs and wages back to this country, Conservatives would rather fuck MORE people over and put them in the unemployment line as well.

When I mention things like downsizing by attrition(not replacing people when they retire), mostly all I get is sneers.

Speaking of retirement, I see a lot of people on the right talking about how Public Service Employees get to retire young and make so much money. But here in PA anyway... that's not the case. My wife and I will be 62 and 60(respectively) when we get our 35 years of service in and can retire. We don't see 100% of our working salary, like I hear from the right... we see about half. We've also paid into our retirement system at the rate or 6.3% of our gross pay since we've started there... the state matches it... so that takes care of the "public sector workers don't help pay for their retirement" thing.

Granted.. PA is just one state, but I see a lot of misinformation and false assumptions floating about that in my case, just isn't true.
Let's cut the bullshit Soaking the rich "1 percenters" will do nothing to "redistribute wealth". 1 percent will become 10 percent and that money will be used to study the sex lives of shrimp and finance Solyndras. So telling the ignorant poor and working class that the left want to give them money they took from the rich is dishonest and disgusting.

This is about power and buying votes from people who still believe in fairy tales.
Let's cut the bullshit Soaking the rich "1 percenters" will do nothing to "redistribute wealth". 1 percent will become 10 percent and that money will be used to study the sex lives of shrimp and finance Solyndras. So telling the ignorant poor and working class that the left want to give them money they took from the rich is dishonest and disgusting.

This is about power and buying votes from people who still believe in fairy tales.

WE do not want to give them money. We want to create jobs for the 99% that cannot leave the USA in order to create new wealth for the nation...... not the one percent.

We don't to buy power and votes we want to buy real estate and put people back to work so the 99% can put the economy back together.

Face it the RINO dominated repub party simply does not make the grade as the economic giants of our time.
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Let's cut the bullshit Soaking the rich "1 percenters" will do nothing to "redistribute wealth". 1 percent will become 10 percent and that money will be used to study the sex lives of shrimp and finance Solyndras. So telling the ignorant poor and working class that the left want to give them money they took from the rich is dishonest and disgusting.

This is about power and buying votes from people who still believe in fairy tales.

WE do not want to give them money. We want to create jobs for the 99% that cannot leave the USA in order to create new wealth for the nation...... not the one percent.

We don't to buy power and votes we want to buy real estate and put people back to work so the 99% can put the economy back together.

Face it the RINO dominated repun party simply does not make the grade as the economic giants of our time.

nearly 92% of the 99% have jobs already.

So what the fuck are they complaining about?

Oh,,,thats right...they arent......just a bunch of kids living off their parents are complaining.

Me forgets.
If it weren't for the fact that no sane businessman would hire one of those punks, they SHOULD have to occupy a job, and not their parents basement or a couch at their friend's house.
Do the 99% actually live with their parents? and in their basements?

Are you guys or gals making this crap up?
Do the 99% actually live with their parents? and in their basements?

Are you guys or gals making this crap up?

Actually....92% of the 99% are at work and making money to support their lifestyles.

But a bunch of kids with nothing do do decided they wanted to speak on their behalf...even though they were never really asked to.
Do the 99% actually live with their parents? and in their basements?

Are you guys or gals making this crap up?

Actually....92% of the 99% are at work and making money to support their lifestyles.

But a bunch of kids with nothing do do decided they wanted to speak on their behalf...even though they were never really asked to.

92% eh...

is this possible?
Do the 99% actually live with their parents? and in their basements?

Are you guys or gals making this crap up?

Actually....92% of the 99% are at work and making money to support their lifestyles.

But a bunch of kids with nothing do do decided they wanted to speak on their behalf...even though they were never really asked to.

92% eh...

is this possible?

It'll be less than that if Obama keeps screwing up the economy.
Aren't some of those places bankrupt?

As a result of investing in unsound USA real estate bundles....

Nope. They are bankrupt because, like U.S. Democrats, they think cutting any spending whatsoever is "extreme."

No... they are bankrupt because they don't have the economic power and stability to do the things they did. We do... we are the most powerful country on the planet. There's no reason not to... other than crybabies like yourselves bawling about taxation...even taxation that represents all of us.
Maybe we need to take care of our own like all of our competition does?

I agree...and most of our competition do not allow illegals into their countries, nor do they allow them to use state programs meant for its citizens. We should follow their leads.... like Mexico.

Oh... so what you are saying is, if we closed our borders and did something with the illegals currently in the country, you'd be for Universal Health Care?

No, i am saying that we should "do what our competition does" and not allow illegals access to any social services.

I will never be for universal health care so long as aprox. 50% of this country do not pay into the federal tax system.. more so since they would be most likely be the ones draining the system. What i mean by that is someone, who at the end of the year, get back every cent and more then what they put in.
Let's cut the bullshit Soaking the rich "1 percenters" will do nothing to "redistribute wealth". 1 percent will become 10 percent and that money will be used to study the sex lives of shrimp and finance Solyndras. So telling the ignorant poor and working class that the left want to give them money they took from the rich is dishonest and disgusting.

This is about power and buying votes from people who still believe in fairy tales.

WE do not want to give them money. We want to create jobs for the 99% that cannot leave the USA in order to create new wealth for the nation...... not the one percent.

We don't to buy power and votes we want to buy real estate and put people back to work so the 99% can put the economy back together.

Face it the RINO dominated repub party simply does not make the grade as the economic giants of our time.

Just so you know...you are not a we. YOU are a single person I .
Let's cut the bullshit Soaking the rich "1 percenters" will do nothing to "redistribute wealth". 1 percent will become 10 percent and that money will be used to study the sex lives of shrimp and finance Solyndras. So telling the ignorant poor and working class that the left want to give them money they took from the rich is dishonest and disgusting.

This is about power and buying votes from people who still believe in fairy tales.

WE do not want to give them money. We want to create jobs for the 99% that cannot leave the USA in order to create new wealth for the nation...... not the one percent.

We don't to buy power and votes we want to buy real estate and put people back to work so the 99% can put the economy back together.

Face it the RINO dominated repub party simply does not make the grade as the economic giants of our time.

Simple question. 4.5% unemployment under the Bush and R in 2004 was mocked by Pelosi and Reid.

Why did they mock it and why can't they bend over and shove their own words up their ass right now?

It's two words I can say. It's all a lie with you libs.
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