Why does Obama do this?

haha, more extreme right-wing smear attempts. Obama is the victim and will get the Mr. Smith to Washington sympathy.

Yeah, he's a "vicitm" allright .... a victim of his own associations. They just keep piling up.

He might get sympathy from those who refuse to look at him for what he is.

But I'll go with the Col on this one and reserve judgement until we know more in regard to this specific issue.
haha, more extreme right-wing smear attempts. Obama is the victim and will get the Mr. Smith to Washington sympathy.

So, when we point this out about Obama, it's a rightwing smear attempt. But when you point out stuff about McCain or Bush, it's discovering the truth?

What a load of crap! :rolleyes:
Why does Obama do this?

'Red flag' over Obama blogger – webworker flies commie banner
Campaign journalist's work appears in 'revolutionary Marxist' journal


It would be one thing if this guy was a volunteer. But to have someone who WORKS on your campaign and is a hard core Marxist?!?!?!

Because the "change" that Obama and his supporters want is Socialism.

"Unfortunately, Chomsky continues to squander this potential by making decisions that destroy his credibility in the eyes of most Americans," Graham-Felsen wrote.

"In perhaps his most infamous move, on the day after the Sept. 11 attacks, Chomsky stated: 'The terrorist attacks were major atrocities. In scale they may not reach the level of many others, for example, Clinton's bombing of the Sudan with no credible pretext, destroying half its pharmaceutical supplies and killing unknown numbers of people.' As a result of his poor timing and unwillingness to moderate his tone, his message was lost to anyone not already on the extreme left. He sounded callous and dogmatic; instead of provoking change, he provoked disgust."
'Red flag' over Obama blogger – webworker flies commie banner
Campaign journalist's work appears in 'revolutionary Marxist' journal


It would be one thing if this guy was a volunteer. But to have someone who WORKS on your campaign and is a hard core Marxist?!?!?!

Look up his record in Illinois -it all becomes quite clear. The guy is a far leftwing extremist. Molded by his extremely liberal education -what do you expect from someone who swallows history as interpreted by Marxist historians without question? Hillary is also far leftwing and much further to the left than Bill Clinton. The nature of their primary race shows there really is no difference between them on issues -so its a personality race. But she has had longer to cover her tracks plus not hold an elected office until she intended to use it as a stepping stone to the White House. She certainly knows for a fact that extremists from either side cannot get elected -and she made sure her OFFICIAL record could not reveal her far left leanings.

But he can't hide his record as an elected official, he didn't make any bones about it while in the Illinois legislature. So its all out there for anyone who really wants to know where this guy is coming from. Democrats who vote in primaries tend to be further to the left than the average Democrat -so they don't mind at all how far to the left either Obama or Hillary is. But they won't get a free pass for the general election. Wonder how Obama will hold up. He has never been in an election where substance and differences on issues mattered. He got a totally free ride in Illinois for his Senate seat. But he won't get one from McCain.

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