Why does Fox News continue to disgrace America?

Fox is a business first, a propaganda machine second and a quasi-news source....last. People tune in for the emotionally charged rants from the likes of Hannity because it doesn't do anything to challenge their pre-conceived beliefs with factual information and critical thinking. As long as they repeat fear-inducing rants about the "socialist Obama" or the "evils of big government" they get high ratings.

It also serves as a shameless propaganda machine for the republican party.

Fox's one and only goal is to get their viewers to shit their pants in fear.
There are many things going on in America, and the world, that NEED to be feared. Fox and CNN do a pretty good job of reporting these. MSNBC does a good job of covering them up.
Birmingham laughs off Fox News commentator’s caliphate claim

“There are actual cities like Birmingham that are totally Muslim where non-Muslims just simply don’t go in,” Steve Emerson, a commentator on terrorism, told millions of viewers on Sunday.

“You know what it sounds like to me, Steve?” said the show’s concerned host Jeanine Pirro. “It sounds like a caliphate.”

Fucking, fucking, fucking retards.

I mean that literally. These people are mentally retarded. Stupid. Slow. Morons. Idiots. Dumb shits.

And their viewers DESERVE to be lied to.
Emerson's statement was meaningful. Birmingham DOES have many no-go zones. Hardly matters if ALL of it is no go, or just parts of it. NONE of it should be no go zones.
IF you want to address the liars you might want to ask CNN why they reported the same thing yrs ago and now deny they exist.

You don't know why media outlets do that ? You're not aware of years of Isamization and their lawsuit threat MO ? (bolstered with judge-shopping) Whole books have ben written on it for years. Try reading some of them.
Here's a few >>

Stealth Jihad by Robert Spencer

They Must Be Stopped by Brigitte Gabriel

Muslim Mafia by P. David Gaubatz & Paul Sperry
Fox is a business first, a propaganda machine second and a quasi-news source....last. People tune in for the emotionally charged rants from the likes of Hannity because it doesn't do anything to challenge their pre-conceived beliefs with factual information and critical thinking. As long as they repeat fear-inducing rants about the "socialist Obama" or the "evils of big government" they get high ratings.

It also serves as a shameless propaganda machine for the republican party.

Fox's one and only goal is to get their viewers to shit their pants in fear.

You'd be one of them.
Fox is legally exempt from having to be truthful because they call themselves "entertainment". But, they want it both ways. They use their original lie -"fair and balanced" - which Murdoch openly stated is untrue. He can be seen here very clearly telling his people to use it and often, so as to plant the seed that they are a news organization.

But really, the fault for the mess that fox is falls directly on the watchers who know they're being lied to and react by turning up the volume. Until Americans get smart enough to demand the truth, Fox will go right on lying.

The sheep want to be sheared.

Fox fans really hate to be reminded of that court ruling.
Attention Original Poster.

Your comment about the tendency of Republicans to lie requires some context.

Allow me.

Republicans are not trying to describe the actual world; rather, they're trying to change it.

They hate Obama and the Left more than they like the truth. Therefore in those instances where they hyperbolize or exaggerate or distort, they are acting out of self-defense, that is, they are obeying a biological imperative. Meaning: they fear the Left, so they say whatever they have to about the Left to harm them.

If someone was killing a member of your family, would you tell a lie if doing so would prevent the murder? Of course you would. The Right believes the Left is killing the country, so they say whatever is necessary to save the country.

To understand this you should study the speech goals of science versus politics. Science attempts to describe the world; politics attempts to change it according to a specified agenda or set of values. In this reading, politicians aren't lying so much as they are executing a strategy where the ends (making the world a better place) justify the means (lying).

Clarification: the foot soldiers on the Right, i.e., the folks who merely transfer and disseminate the party's talking points and data, are typically not aware that they are conduits for lies. These people (many lacking higher education) actually believe FOX News. This is what makes them such good foot soldiers. The Left has the same hierarchy of sly information creators and stupid information conduits.
Be gentle. If you're a liberal and you don't bash FOX at least once a week your membership gets suspended. Then you aren't allowed to park your unicycle in he free lot at the bath house.
Fox is legally exempt from having to be truthful because they call themselves "entertainment". But, they want it both ways. They use their original lie -"fair and balanced" - which Murdoch openly stated is untrue. He can be seen here very clearly telling his people to use it and often, so as to plant the seed that they are a news organization.

But really, the fault for the mess that fox is falls directly on the watchers who know they're being lied to and react by turning up the volume. Until Americans get smart enough to demand the truth, Fox will go right on lying.

The sheep want to be sheared.

Fox fans really hate to be reminded of that court ruling.

Fox News is very balanced compared to its rival, MSNBC. Fox has about 2 dozen liberals on its staff, who appear regularly (which creates fairness), and MSNBC has what ? 1 or 2 conservatives ?
Fox is legally exempt from having to be truthful because they call themselves "entertainment". But, they want it both ways. They use their original lie -"fair and balanced" - which Murdoch openly stated is untrue. He can be seen here very clearly telling his people to use it and often, so as to plant the seed that they are a news organization.

But really, the fault for the mess that fox is falls directly on the watchers who know they're being lied to and react by turning up the volume. Until Americans get smart enough to demand the truth, Fox will go right on lying.

The sheep want to be sheared.

Fox fans really hate to be reminded of that court ruling.

Fox News is very balanced compared to its rival, MSNBC. Fox has about 2 dozen liberals on its staff, who appear regularly (which creates fairness), and MSNBC has what ? 1 or 2 conservatives ?

Alan Colmes is married to Monica Crowley's sister, and you think he's a Liberal?
It's embarrassing when other countries start making jokes about a national news network!

Can't Fox just stop lying, do some actual journalism, and grow up?

David Cameron said Fox made him 'nearly choke on my porridge.'

A British CNN reporter confronted Bobby Jindal, asked for some kind of evidence that there are "no-go zones," and he couldn't come up with one.

Why do Republicans lie all the time? Like, ALL the time?

And who pays for that?
Loaded questions by mental sloths should rate no response.
Fox is legally exempt from having to be truthful because they call themselves "entertainment". But, they want it both ways. They use their original lie -"fair and balanced" - which Murdoch openly stated is untrue. He can be seen here very clearly telling his people to use it and often, so as to plant the seed that they are a news organization.

But really, the fault for the mess that fox is falls directly on the watchers who know they're being lied to and react by turning up the volume. Until Americans get smart enough to demand the truth, Fox will go right on lying.

The sheep want to be sheared.

Fox fans really hate to be reminded of that court ruling.

Fox News is very balanced compared to its rival, MSNBC. Fox has about 2 dozen liberals on its staff, who appear regularly (which creates fairness), and MSNBC has what ? 1 or 2 conservatives ?

Alan Colmes is married to Monica Crowley's sister, and you think he's a Liberal?

Obviously you are clueless. Alan Colmes is probably the MOST LIBERAL staffer at Fox, and has been for a long time. Everybody knows that. That's why he was chosen to go opposite Sean Hannity on the Hannity & Colmes show. HA HA HA. Maybe you could try guitar playing instead of computer posting. Sheeeeesh!!

Take a look at Fox's staff list. You'll find a long list of liberals there. Not many conservatives at MSNBC. Now who's lying ?
Not many conservatives at MSNBC?

Have you ever watched Morning Joe?

Morning Joe, the RHINO Neocon warmonger?

Most of the guests he has on his show are well known conservatives. And besides, after listening to many on the right scream at the top of their lungs that we need to invade Syria, I thought you right wingers liked warmongering.
Not many conservatives at MSNBC?

Have you ever watched Morning Joe?

Morning Joe, the RHINO Neocon warmonger?

Most of the guests he has on his show are well known conservatives. And besides, after listening to many on the right scream at the top of their lungs that we need to invade Syria, I thought you right wingers liked warmongering.
Their idols appear to be Putin and Netanyahu, well known war mongers.
It's embarrassing when other countries start making jokes about a national news network!

Can't Fox just stop lying, do some actual journalism, and grow up?

David Cameron said Fox made him 'nearly choke on my porridge.'

A British CNN reporter confronted Bobby Jindal, asked for some kind of evidence that there are "no-go zones," and he couldn't come up with one.

Why do Republicans lie all the time? Like, ALL the time?

And who pays for that?

ROFLMNAO! The Sweetest of ALL IRONY; Leftists (relativists) braying about 'honesty'.

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