Why Do You Trump Lovers Hate NATO So Much?

Look at all the European lackeys on this thread. Probably going to cry about how they're our "allies".

Sure, sure they are, uh-huh. Some allies, you bet.
On the one hand we have
"european lackeys" and on the other "Putin Defenders"

I'll side with Europe...ya know...our traditional allies

Sooooo funny. Look who's turned inflexible and conservative? See, they're losing the culture, folks.

"Traditional allies". LOL
Traditional allies as in -- Steve King prefers them over "brown people" type of allies.

Its fun to see republicans pretend they don't love Europeans over anything brown....

History lesson????

Coming right up:

1. The Democrats are, and have always been, the party of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship, the party that stood in schoolhouse doors to block black school children….until Republicans sent in the 101st airborne

2. It is the party of Jefferson Davis, the KKK, Planned Parenthood, concentration camps for American citizens, and restrictions on free speech.

3. It is the party of Mao ornaments on the White House Christmas tree, and of James Hodgkinson, and of Communist Bernie Sanders, of pretend genders.

4. The Democrat Party is the oldest racist organization in America, the trail of tears, the author of Jim Crow and the bigotry of low expectations, filibustered against women getting the vote and killed every anti-lynching bill to get to Congress

5. The Democrat Party is the number one funder of the Islamic Revolution in Tehran….to the tune of $100 billion to the Ayatollahs….and gave Hezbollah the go-ahead to sell cocaine in America.

6. It is the party of anti-Semitism and Louis Farrakhan, and of the first Cabinet member ever to be held in contempt of Congress.

7. It is the party that admits its future depends on flooding the country with illegal aliens, and telling them to vote.

8. It is the party that couldn't suck up to the Castro Brothers enough, and treats the Bill of Rights like a Chinese menu..

9. The Democrats got us into the Civil War…Jefferson Davis .... Woodrow Wilson, WWI….FDR, WWII……Truman, Korean War….VietNam, JFK and LBJ…..yet they want to weaken our military.

10. The Democrats are the party that looks at the mayhem their gun laws have produced in Chicago, ……and this is their model for the nation.

11. I should mention that the Democrat Party was used as a model by Adolph Hitler and the Nazi Party….another ‘feather’ in the party’s cap?

12. The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism.

Bet you can't find a single thing in the above that isn't true.
I reject that.

Republicans obstructed Obama at every turn for purely political reasons.

This is WAY beyond petty politics
It’s all turning into petty politics in my eyes. Trump is different in the sense that he likes to provoke it because he thrives on divisive petty fights. Dems gotta stop with the knee jerk impeachment reactions to everything that comes out. Save that for when real crimes are uncovered. As for stupid ideas like ditching NATO, that is just an easy argument to win on the facts alone so stick to those

Democrats and their corrupt media doesn't have anything serious to complain about, so they resort to petty attacks.
Both sides resort to petty attacks. It’s happening more and more. Our reality show addicted puppet of a society feeds off it for some reason and politics is now becoming about ratings and shock factors. It’s a sad state of affairs we are devolving to.
Bullshit. What's going on with Trump is anything but "petty"/

Save us the "both sides" garbage
Trump is a joke but there are many opposing him that take everything waaaay too far. It waters down the serious stuff that should stir outrage. Its a case of the boy that cried wolf. Y’all need to do better at picking your battles and reacting appropriately
Stop with the both sides shit -- there is no both sides to what the Republicans have reduced themselves to, again...When Bush was in office, just the idea of being against the War in Iraq meant you were a traitor or a terrorist, now look at how republicans talk about the War In Iraq? Suddenly when they say the same shit about it that liberals were saying well over 15 years ago, now its ok...

Republicans can literally smear shit all over themselves then claim "both sides do it" -- and there will always be someone like you to try to find a way to agree...
Trump Is Training His Base to Hate NATO and Like Putin

So Trump lovers got their panties all moist this week when they heard news of Trump seriously considering pulling out of NATO -- their general consensus was, "Fuck yea!! let's save that money and give it away in corporate tax cuts or directly to defense contractors!! #MAGA"

Is NATO really that much of a problem in the world? Or is pulling out of NATO more of a way to just feel like you are "owning the libs" on something? It seems that much of whatever Trump lovers support is mainly based on the fact they think it makes "libs" angry -- which is pathetic in itself.

As Trump himself said (from the article) "Sometimes our worst enemies are our so-called friends or allies, right?” At a subsequent rally in Montana last week, the president declared, “Our allies in many cases were worse than our enemies.” He then went on to say about his boo-thang Putin: "Putin is KGB.” (Putin did in fact work in the KGB.) “You know what,” he said, “Putin’s fine. He’s fine. We are all fine, we’re all people.”

Trump claims his opposition to NATO is based on money; but that is not how NATO works. It is not a protection scheme where the allies pay the United States. It is a collective defense organization in which members agree that an attack on one is an attack on all. NATO is the most successful peace-keeping franchise in world history; let's not forget that the norm for Europe before then was wars, wars, and more wars....It was only 20 yrs that separated WW1 from WW2; since NATO -- no more wars breaking out all across Europe; how is that a failure?
Well put. Leaving NATO will save NO money...but WILL embolden Putin

Let me reiterate...there are no DUES for NATO

How many billions would be saved by closing the bases and telling Europe to pay for their own damned militaries?
Those bases aren't there for Europe, you do know that right?

We have bases in Japan, why? to protect Japan?
Trump claims his opposition to NATO is based on money; but that is not how NATO works. It is not a protection scheme where the allies pay the United States. It is a collective defense organization in which members agree that an attack on one is an attack on all. NATO is the most successful peace-keeping franchise in world history; let's not forget that the norm for Europe before then was wars, wars, and more wars....It was only 20 yrs that separated WW1 from WW2; since NATO -- no more wars breaking out all across Europe; how is that a failure?

I see no inherent issue with NATO, but I do agree with the president that Europe has to pony up their fair share of the cost seeing as how they are the main beneficiaries of the pact. We've been defending Europe for nearly a century now. The only reason they can afford their generous social welfare states is because we have military bases all over their continent allowing them to greatly scale back their defense spending. We're basically paying for our military and a good chunk of theirs.
Sweden is not a member of NATO...Neither is Singapore and Japan...so how do they afford to have universal healthcare?
Look at all the European lackeys on this thread. Probably going to cry about how they're our "allies".

Sure, sure they are, uh-huh. Some allies, you bet.
On the one hand we have
"european lackeys" and on the other "Putin Defenders"

I'll side with Europe...ya know...our traditional allies

Sooooo funny. Look who's turned inflexible and conservative? See, they're losing the culture, folks.

"Traditional allies". LOL
Traditional allies as in -- Steve King prefers them over "brown people" type of allies.

Its fun to see republicans pretend they don't love Europeans over anything brown....

the only color seen by any DC politician regardless of what party they claim to belong to is green. If you honestly think otherwise
you are very gullible.

Those DC politicians that like to appease white supremacists do so because they know those white supremacists care very much about color -- to pretend otherwise makes you the gullible one
not once , not ever have i worried about 'nato' in all my 70 years ,

Does it exist?

--------------------------------- its just funny , they worry about everything but all they are is Pawns . And President Trump is going to do as he thinks is best Mindful .
This was an actual story on Fox News for over 2 weeks....I know trump lovers hate people's ability to remember shit because when we do, you folks have to pretend like it wasn't really that big of a deal at the time to you...which is false.
Only gays put Grey Poupon on their Freedom Fries. (-:
Trump Is Training His Base to Hate NATO and Like Putin

So Trump lovers got their panties all moist this week when they heard news of Trump seriously considering pulling out of NATO -- their general consensus was, "Fuck yea!! let's save that money and give it away in corporate tax cuts or directly to defense contractors!! #MAGA"

Is NATO really that much of a problem in the world? Or is pulling out of NATO more of a way to just feel like you are "owning the libs" on something? It seems that much of whatever Trump lovers support is mainly based on the fact they think it makes "libs" angry -- which is pathetic in itself.

As Trump himself said (from the article) "Sometimes our worst enemies are our so-called friends or allies, right?” At a subsequent rally in Montana last week, the president declared, “Our allies in many cases were worse than our enemies.” He then went on to say about his boo-thang Putin: "Putin is KGB.” (Putin did in fact work in the KGB.) “You know what,” he said, “Putin’s fine. He’s fine. We are all fine, we’re all people.”

Trump claims his opposition to NATO is based on money; but that is not how NATO works. It is not a protection scheme where the allies pay the United States. It is a collective defense organization in which members agree that an attack on one is an attack on all. NATO is the most successful peace-keeping franchise in world history; let's not forget that the norm for Europe before then was wars, wars, and more wars....It was only 20 yrs that separated WW1 from WW2; since NATO -- no more wars breaking out all across Europe; how is that a failure?
Well put. Leaving NATO will save NO money...but WILL embolden Putin

Let me reiterate...there are no DUES for NATO

How many billions would be saved by closing the bases and telling Europe to pay for their own damned militaries?
Those bases aren't there for Europe, you do know that right?

We have bases in Japan, why? to protect Japan?
Close them, too.
Trump Is Training His Base to Hate NATO and Like Putin

So Trump lovers got their panties all moist this week when they heard news of Trump seriously considering pulling out of NATO -- their general consensus was, "Fuck yea!! let's save that money and give it away in corporate tax cuts or directly to defense contractors!! #MAGA"

Is NATO really that much of a problem in the world? Or is pulling out of NATO more of a way to just feel like you are "owning the libs" on something? It seems that much of whatever Trump lovers support is mainly based on the fact they think it makes "libs" angry -- which is pathetic in itself.

As Trump himself said (from the article) "Sometimes our worst enemies are our so-called friends or allies, right?” At a subsequent rally in Montana last week, the president declared, “Our allies in many cases were worse than our enemies.” He then went on to say about his boo-thang Putin: "Putin is KGB.” (Putin did in fact work in the KGB.) “You know what,” he said, “Putin’s fine. He’s fine. We are all fine, we’re all people.”

Trump claims his opposition to NATO is based on money; but that is not how NATO works. It is not a protection scheme where the allies pay the United States. It is a collective defense organization in which members agree that an attack on one is an attack on all. NATO is the most successful peace-keeping franchise in world history; let's not forget that the norm for Europe before then was wars, wars, and more wars....It was only 20 yrs that separated WW1 from WW2; since NATO -- no more wars breaking out all across Europe; how is that a failure?

Modern Day NATO is a a scheme where the US pulls most of the weight, including money. Any global threat, US is going to be pulled in anyway. NATO is in an outdated concept.
Trump Is Training His Base to Hate NATO and Like Putin

So Trump lovers got their panties all moist this week when they heard news of Trump seriously considering pulling out of NATO -- their general consensus was, "Fuck yea!! let's save that money and give it away in corporate tax cuts or directly to defense contractors!! #MAGA"

Is NATO really that much of a problem in the world? Or is pulling out of NATO more of a way to just feel like you are "owning the libs" on something? It seems that much of whatever Trump lovers support is mainly based on the fact they think it makes "libs" angry -- which is pathetic in itself.

As Trump himself said (from the article) "Sometimes our worst enemies are our so-called friends or allies, right?” At a subsequent rally in Montana last week, the president declared, “Our allies in many cases were worse than our enemies.” He then went on to say about his boo-thang Putin: "Putin is KGB.” (Putin did in fact work in the KGB.) “You know what,” he said, “Putin’s fine. He’s fine. We are all fine, we’re all people.”

Trump claims his opposition to NATO is based on money; but that is not how NATO works. It is not a protection scheme where the allies pay the United States. It is a collective defense organization in which members agree that an attack on one is an attack on all. NATO is the most successful peace-keeping franchise in world history; let's not forget that the norm for Europe before then was wars, wars, and more wars....It was only 20 yrs that separated WW1 from WW2; since NATO -- no more wars breaking out all across Europe; how is that a failure?

Modern Day NATO is a a scheme where the US pulls most of the weight, including money. Any global threat, US is going to be pulled in anyway. NATO is in an outdated concept.
So what is the replacement? What part is outdated and why?

Knee jerk chaos, is no way to run a government for we the people.
Putin hate NATO...so of course Trump hates NATO

Trump hates NATO so of course Trumpers hate NATO

You might as well get your talking points directly from the Kremlin
Huh? Your what hurts?
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HUH? Just HUH? Your post is nutty. Trump has pushed very hard to get NATO to strengthen itself, hardly the action of someone who "hates" NATO.
Trump Is Training His Base to Hate NATO and Like Putin

So Trump lovers got their panties all moist this week when they heard news of Trump seriously considering pulling out of NATO -- their general consensus was, "Fuck yea!! let's save that money and give it away in corporate tax cuts or directly to defense contractors!! #MAGA"

Is NATO really that much of a problem in the world? Or is pulling out of NATO more of a way to just feel like you are "owning the libs" on something? It seems that much of whatever Trump lovers support is mainly based on the fact they think it makes "libs" angry -- which is pathetic in itself.

As Trump himself said (from the article) "Sometimes our worst enemies are our so-called friends or allies, right?” At a subsequent rally in Montana last week, the president declared, “Our allies in many cases were worse than our enemies.” He then went on to say about his boo-thang Putin: "Putin is KGB.” (Putin did in fact work in the KGB.) “You know what,” he said, “Putin’s fine. He’s fine. We are all fine, we’re all people.”

Trump claims his opposition to NATO is based on money; but that is not how NATO works. It is not a protection scheme where the allies pay the United States. It is a collective defense organization in which members agree that an attack on one is an attack on all. NATO is the most successful peace-keeping franchise in world history; let's not forget that the norm for Europe before then was wars, wars, and more wars....It was only 20 yrs that separated WW1 from WW2; since NATO -- no more wars breaking out all across Europe; how is that a failure?
you have to ask !!!!!!!??????????!!!!!!!!!!!
it's a paper tiger like the UN--WASTING American $$$$$$
Trump said something, they nodded, simple as that.
Well, that's steps 2 and 3. Step 1 is "talk radio says it".

Then you go from there.
Can’t stand opposing talking points I see. I thought you were neutral
I've never said I was neutral. Ever. Not once.
Yeah, never used that word. I get your gig.

splash down
Not once. Ever.

And for people like you, the second line of my sig: 2. >>> For the liars who pretend I claim to be a centrist/middle of the road/moderate/impartial/unbiased/fence-sitter: https://www.usmessageboard.com/threads/come-on-jake-man-up-just-this-once.590002/

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