Why do you support Ukraine?

Well I have friends from the former Soviet union one is a 75-year-old Muslim guy from Uzbekistan. The guy is really cool he’s a white Muslim guy he’s got a lot of respect for the Soviet history and he’s a hard-working man a really great guy.

No one has a gun pointed to his head and he says that the Soviet days were a lot better than what he saw in the Russian federation and today in America.

Well I believe that part of American exceptionalism which is something I don’t think it’s good at all …is this view that the United States can invade other countries but when another country launches an invasion it is somehow different or evil. That somehow America can invade Iraq with the intention of only invading Iraq but that Russia will somehow go after Germany or Poland after Ukraine ….something that seems completely surreal and impossible. Ukraine is on the border of Russia. And Ukraine used to be a part of the Soviet union. One might even argue that Russia was more justified to invade Ukraine then America was to invade Iraq in 2003 …a country that was thousands of miles away that posed absolutely no threat to America.

Btw Saddam Hussein donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to American churches. The man was respected by Iraqi Arabs and Arabs all over the world and respected by Christians and he was our ally in the 1980s against Iran. But like Zelenskyy and I suppose like Vladimir Putin in Lake George W Bush …Saddam Hussein also had his opponents.
Uzbekistan is NOT part of the Soviet Union, NOT part of the Russian federation. It was one of our allies in the war in Afghanistan. My son's Army infantry unit went there first, prior to moving into Afghanistan.
I don't support either parties in regards to a war, because the reason for this or any other war in the past 10000 years has never been different. And I am also neither Ukrainian nor Russian.
It has always been about certain parties $/economic interests (those of the elites in a society) against other certain elite parties $/economic interests.

If the common people oppose those elites - the latter usually represented via a government, it isn't called a war but civil unrest or revolution. Just as the revolution in the American colonies - (elites or wanna be elites) amongst the colonist, contra the established elites of Great Britain. Upon declaring a government run by colonist elites - it was termed as a war.

The common people are told and made to believe, since 10,000 years it's all about, democracy, freedom, religious or ethnic/cultural righteousness. Or e.g. my personal favorite, someone's beautiful wife was taken to Troy and marital matters needed to be set straight accordingly.

Since 1900 the USA has become the leading nation in this drive for $/economic dominance. After WW2 the only remaining rival was the Soviet-union countering via communism.
The Soviet-Union ceased to exist in 1991 and the Western world's general population was convinced that now Russia won't pose any serious thread towards a war - after all they had gone bankrupt and as such couldn't pose a danger towards the US/EU $/economic dominance, and for sure those Russians will be damn happy and grateful to finally become a member in this US/EU lead world economy. Ahhh... in this democratic and freedom minded world.

Countries that behold an autocratic political systems are hard or even impossible for the Western democratic economies to break into or to convert them. As such a total global dominance by the US/EU propagated/favored system is still not in sight.
Since communism proved to be an economic/social failure - almost all previous communist or socialist states became autocratic countries practicing capitalism.

Russia and e.g. China manged to get/regain a grip onto their economies - via an autocratic/capitalist system - and therefore made things again harder for the US/EU lead economic expansionists who's primary tools are based onto the democratic system. (and respective damn democratic oppositions and mean sniffling journalists are really a headache or even an impregnable barrier at times) NATO or the US Armed Forces are simply an extended means of pressing US/EU economic interests towards such opposition via a military backed solution/option. Therefore a Ukraine being a future NATO and EU member - will place a huge obstacle towards Russia's Ruble/economic interests, might even break their back.

In order to protect or expand Russian Ruble/economic interests - Putin can't allow for a further NATO/EU eastward expansion. Either Ukraine can be politically controlled by Moscow or at minimum settles with neutrality - if not, a war might offer a preliminary solution or even a final solution.

Right now I can't recall a single war since the Soviet Union ceased to exist, that wasn't based on a US/EU economic expansion or maintaining a status quo that was opposed/hindered by a country/leader maintaining an autocratic capitalist system.

Only money rules this world - nothing else.

That is NOT true and you are a dumbass for forgetting wars against the former Soviet satellites.
What about the Christian and Muslim people of Iraq who had their homes blown up in 2003 who were forced to flee to different countries. What does the world think of those people. How about with those people have to say when they see some American politician get on TV and talk about how morally upright America is to help out Ukraine.

What about the Arab people of Palestine? What about that because America is giving billions of dollars to the Israeli defense forces. Why don’t the Talking Heads on CNN talk about getting weapons to the people of Palestine?

Point is support of Ukraine is clearly not about morals. I think the last great war United States fought for moral reasons was World War II.
If you think we targeted homes of Iraqi civilians for the heck of it, you are simply an uneducated idiot.
Who the fuck cares about your fantasies?
Fantasy? The Khazarian Mafia, which is deeply rooted in the U.S. and Canada, is the kingpin of world-wide child and sex slave traffic, deadly drugs and money laundering. Zelensky is merely a puppet for the organization. You fancy you are a scholar so why aren't you familiar with the subject, Mr Spellcheck? Google is your friend.
Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty. This much we pledge--and more.
When did Ukraine become an ally of the US?
Fantasy? The Khazarian Mafia, which is deeply rooted in the U.S. and Canada, is the kingpin of world-wide child and sex slave traffic, deadly drugs and money laundering. Zelensky is merely a puppet for the organization. You fancy you are a scholar so why aren't you familiar with the subject, Mr Spellcheck? Google is your friend.
Why should I dig up shit on your fantasy? Ever site I can find lists it as a conspiracy theory.
No, we should close and defend our own borders. Today I saw a segment on TV about the Latinos coming in now thru Canada ---- 56,000 just this past year.

Our borders have collapsed, but the Biden administration wants to fight for Ukraine???? Darn. I'll never support that, and no more aid, either. Weapons aid always leads to our soldiers going over there. Let them take care of themselves and let's get a prez who cares something, anything, about this country! We sure don't have one now.
Do you want to pull of out Israel too and let them fend for themselves in the Middle-East?
.... I think the last great war United States fought for moral reasons was World War II....
You really tend to believe that?

The USA and all other Western countries couldn't care less about e.g. 20+ million Chinese civilians being murdered by Imperial Japan since the 1880's.
Pearl harbor and the simultaneous Imperial Japanese attacks onto all Western colonial possessions in Asia - caused the USA government to simply respond with the means of war.
Only after nutty Hitler had declared war onto the USA - the USA fully responded - they simply had to.
Certainly there were convictions amongst the US government - that did not favor the NAZI policy, especially it's racial policy - but not enough to go to war.

The USA and the UK were convinced that Nazi Germany posed the greater danger - towards their global economic dominance and expansion (based onto their democratic laws/outlay) - that would likely proof to be inferior towards an autocratic system, practicing capitalism.
So my enemies enemy becomes my friend - right? in that case Communist Soviet Russia. Just as dictatorial and ruthless as Nazi Germany - but far less economically potent.
You think Stalin could be bothered about Jews? His security service hated them, Russia's history is just as saturated with anti-Jewish pogrom's as the rest of Europe was.
He didn't even care about his own Soviet population. e.g. Ukrainians or those of the Baltic States, etc. Therefore his policy also beheld racist policies.

The only "moral" aspect in view of WW2 is in hindsight. Racial based persecution (which was known due to the Nuremberg laws in 1935) did not cause the US to declare or go to war. The racial motivated mass-murder conducted by the Nazis. was more or less only discovered upon Allied troops entering Germany in 1945 and Soviet troops entering Poland. As such the holocaust or the killing of 20+ million Chinese civilians was never a, or the reason for the USA to go to war.
because I hate putin and what he stands for. The guy is a fascist creep that shits on human rights, freedom and freedom of expression. I have to ask why you support him? That isn't something FDR would be ok with.
Putin is a tyrant and a killer and he wants to make Russia into the old Soviet Union.

Fuck that… and fuck anyone who defends him
So in other words, you don't know or remember shit about the war from personal experience , just like I don't remember or know shit from personal experience about the Cuban missile crisis?

I remember well how all the grandfathers had world maps that showed the locations of all their family members stationed around the globe. We had radios that everyone would gather around to listen to the uncensored war news every night and the daily list of American war casualties read by Walter Winchell. We also listened to FDR's fireside chats and on Sunday mornings Mayor Laguardia read the funny papers because we had no Sunday funnies. Just about everything was rationed and we grew everything we ate. Kids were more astute and knowledgeable than the pansies today.

As for Cuba, my division was on ships in Havana harbor a week prior to and until the morning after Russia moved their missiles.
I remember well how all the grandfathers had world maps that showed the locations of all their family members stationed around the globe. We had radios that everyone would gather around to listen to the uncensored war news every night and the daily list of American war casualties read by Walter Winchell. We also listened to FDR's fireside chats and on Sunday mornings Mayor Laguardia read the funny papers because we had no Sunday funnies. Just about everything was rationed and we grew everything we ate. Kids were more astute and knowledgeable than the pansies today.

As for Cuba, my division was on ships in Havana harbor a week prior to and until the morning after Russia moved their missiles.
You remember at this at the ripe old age of 3-6 years old? Bullshit!
You remember at this at the ripe old age of 3-6 years old? Bullshit!
Of course I do. I was 2 years old the day after Pearl and I distinctly remember my mother listening to the radio and when Dad came home from work and she informed him, I started bawling because I thought she was talking about Baltimore harbor. My parents worked different shifts at Martin Aircraft. In my first 6 years everything was about the war so I know quite a bit about the war.

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