Why Do Whites Believe African...

countries had a policy of selling servants to white slave traders as a way of trying to deflect on any talk of reparations from the US? I always wondered about this and I think I have it figured out. Its got to be some sort of cognitive dissonance at play. Whites make up and made up a lot of stories to justify all the criminal things they have and still do. I guess they think having some traitors help them procure slaves means the practice was one that Africans practiced as a national policy. Its a good thing having access to research from Black authors that tell the truth.

From Snopes, https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/facts-about-slavery/

Brutal black-on-black slavery was common in Africa for thousands of years.

True, in the sense that the phenomenon of human beings enslaving other human beings goes back thousands of years, but not just among blacks, and not just in Africa.

Most slaves brought to America from Africa were purchased from black slave owners.

Sort of true. Historian Steven Mintz describes the situation more accurately in the introduction to his book African-American Voices: A Documentary Reader, 1619-1877:

Apologists for the African slave trade long argued that European traders did not enslave anyone: they simply purchased Africans who had already been enslaved and who otherwise would have been put to death. Thus, apologists claimed, the slave trade actually saved lives. Such claims represent a gross distortion of the facts. Some independent slave merchants did in fact stage raids on unprotected African villages and kidnap and enslave Africans. Most professional slave traders, however, set up bases along the west African coast where they purchased slaves from Africans in exchange for firearms and other goods. Before the end of the seventeenth century, England, France, Denmark, Holland, and Portugal had all established slave trading posts on the west African coast.

Yet to simply say that Europeans purchased people who had already been enslaved seriously distorts historical reality. While there had been a slave trade within Africa prior to the arrival of Europeans, the massive European demand for slaves and the introduction of firearms radically transformed west and central African society. A growing number of Africans were enslaved for petty debts or minor criminal or religious offenses or following unprovoked raids on unprotected villages. An increasing number of religious wars broke out with the goal of capturing slaves. European weapons made it easier to capture slaves.
impuretrash said:
What a ridiculous thread topic. Ascepias and IM2 are the worst posters on this forum. Both of you low IQ retards are doing a great disservice to black americans so why don't you just give it up already and go eat crayons?
HA-HAA !! How True !!
The OP Is A Veiled Denial Posing As A Question
Of African Slavery By Africans In Africa

Yet Asclepias Keeps Deflecting To Slavery In N. America !!

Asclepias Seeks An African History
That Has Magical Cities, Streets Of Gold, And The Ability To Fly

IM2 Is An Overt Racial Bigot
That Wants Us To Help Him Pretend American Greatness
Could Never Have Happened Without Enslaved Illiterates Picking Cotton Bolls

Slavery Happened In America In A Bubble All By Itself....Yessir !!

I Can't Help But Wonder
How Prevalent Are These Thoughts In The Black Community ??
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Notice the hypocrisy

Care to point it out? I understand facts are tough for you to deal with...

When whites do something good like an invention ?

Why does it have to be about race? Do you think the individual is as narrow minded as you? Inventors invent to help mankind, I have to say I'm not aware of one who did it just for one race.

White supremacists don't look to the history books to find black people who have done the same thing

How do you mix White Supremacist with looking into the history books for Black inventors? We were discussing how Black Slave Traders sold Black Slaves to White Slave Owners, wouldn't it be easier for you to just say you're afraid of Whites? At least that would make some sense...

When whites do something bad like slavery ?

Yes I agree, Slavery is nothing for Whites to be proud of. Slavery is as old as time itself. Speaking of history, if you open your mind you'll find that every race has been used as slaves.

White supremacists look to the history books to find black people who they think have done the same thing

Yeah history has a serious impact on the facts that you don't have the depth to admit to. Do you have any white friends that tell you the truth or do you just hang out with other blacks that are as ill informed as you?

And you ignore that at every turn, your hard work has been met with access to an opportunity structure to which black people have been denied similar access.

The stupidity of this statement just shows how immature and misled you have become...

Yeah they said I was white and just decided to give it to me. It's like when I go to the car dealership to buy a new car, they don't pull my credit score, they just say "hey white guy, you get the best price and rate and that black guy gets nothing".

The sad truth is you're to stupid to discuss any of this with, your White Supremacist shit only proves how insecure you are about being Black. When you decide to love the fact God brought you into this world as a Black Man, maybe then you'll accomplish something with your life, until then you'll rot away blaming Whitey for all your failures...
countries had a policy of selling servants to white slave traders as a way of trying to deflect on any talk of reparations from the US? I always wondered about this and I think I have it figured out. Its got to be some sort of cognitive dissonance at play. Whites make up and made up a lot of stories to justify all the criminal things they have and still do. I guess they think having some traitors help them procure slaves means the practice was one that Africans practiced as a national policy. Its a good thing having access to research from Black authors that tell the truth.

Your op question does not make sense.

We believe it happened because it did happen.

We use it as a response to bat shit crazy libs who pretend taht whites have sooooo evul.
It doesnt make sense to you because you lack intelligence.

No it didnt happen. There is zero proof it happend.

Africa is...well its in Africa. Even if your claim was true what does that have to do with the US doing reparations? It has dick to do with another country or continent.

In the early 18th century, Kings of Dahomey (known today as Benin) became big players in the slave trade, waging a bitter war on their neighbours, resulting in the capture of 10,000, including another important slave trader, the King of Whydah. King Tegbesu made £250,000 a year selling people into slavery in 1750. King Gezo said in the 1840's he would do anything the British wanted him to do apart from giving up slave trade:

The Story of Africa| BBC World Service

I think that anyone who was a slave deserves reparations.
countries had a policy of selling servants to white slave traders as a way of trying to deflect on any talk of reparations from the US? I always wondered about this and I think I have it figured out. Its got to be some sort of cognitive dissonance at play. Whites make up and made up a lot of stories to justify all the criminal things they have and still do. I guess they think having some traitors help them procure slaves means the practice was one that Africans practiced as a national policy. Its a good thing having access to research from Black authors that tell the truth.

When are you negroes going to pay reparations for the whites who freed the slaves?
impuretrash said:
What a ridiculous thread topic. Ascepias and IM2 are the worst posters on this forum. Both of you low IQ retards are doing a great disservice to black americans so why don't you just give it up already and go eat crayons?
HA-HAA !! How True !!
The OP Is A Veiled Denial Posing As A Question
Of African Slavery By Africans In Africa

Yet Asclepias Keeps Deflecting To Slavery In N. America !!

Asclepias Seeks An African History
That Has Magical Cities, Streets Of Gold, And The Ability To Fly

IM2 Is An Overt Racial Bigot
That Wants Us To Help Him Pretend American Greatness
Could Never Have Happened Without Enslaved Illiterates Picking Cotton Bolls

Slavery Happened In America In A Bubble All By Itself....Yessir !!

I Can't Help But Wonder
How Prevalent Are These Thoughts In The Black Community ??

Asclepias comes from a culturally superior African country. One where knowledge and technology are far superior to anything in the West, in fact everything the West has accomplished is thanks to his culture teaching us everything we know.

He comes from Wakanda.
You never come out and say it (lack of balls?), but you seem to be saying that black people had no hand in the slave trade. The truth- powerful leaders sold their own race into slavery. Does that lessen the the crimes against humanity of the European slave traders, or the American slave owners- of course not, but it is reality. So the next time you ask me to pay reparations for crimes I had nothing to do with, go ask the Portuguese, British, Spanish, Dutch and descendants of the powerful leaders in western central Africa.
You didnt address my point. Lack of balls? Why do whites talk about something that occurred on an entirely different continent instead of concentrating on the point? Africa didnt force the US to legalize slavery. I didnt ask you to pay reparations. You couldnt afford it. The US is responsible for what occurred here. No one else.

So what do you want? People living today to pay money to other people for something that might have occurred well over a century and a half ago.

Reparations won’t cure racist people, it will only piss off people paying money for something they had nothing to do with.
I want whites to stop deflecting. What Africa did or did not do has no bearing on what the US did for centuries.

I dont care about racists. I dont care how pissed off they get. I deal with them very well on a daily basis. The value of the reparations can be used to close the economic gap. I dont expect it to cure racists.

So you want to redistribute money from white people who had nothing to do with slavery to black people who were never enslaved. That makes perfect “liberal” sense.
White people are not the only demographic in the US. Taxes are paid by everyone. Again you need to concentrate on my point. Why do whites deflect instead of talking about the point?

Ok, make your argument for reparations. Why should there be reparations for Black Americans?
You didnt address my point. Lack of balls? Why do whites talk about something that occurred on an entirely different continent instead of concentrating on the point? Africa didnt force the US to legalize slavery. I didnt ask you to pay reparations. You couldnt afford it. The US is responsible for what occurred here. No one else.

So what do you want? People living today to pay money to other people for something that might have occurred well over a century and a half ago.

Reparations won’t cure racist people, it will only piss off people paying money for something they had nothing to do with.
I want whites to stop deflecting. What Africa did or did not do has no bearing on what the US did for centuries.

I dont care about racists. I dont care how pissed off they get. I deal with them very well on a daily basis. The value of the reparations can be used to close the economic gap. I dont expect it to cure racists.

So you want to redistribute money from white people who had nothing to do with slavery to black people who were never enslaved. That makes perfect “liberal” sense.
White people are not the only demographic in the US. Taxes are paid by everyone. Again you need to concentrate on my point. Why do whites deflect instead of talking about the point?

Ok, make your argument for reparations. Why should there be reparations for Black Americans?

Why would I do that if thats not what I am discussing?

I am asking why do whites do all the deflecting as a default response to discussion of reparations like you did for a couple of posts.
countries had a policy of selling servants to white slave traders as a way of trying to deflect on any talk of reparations from the US? I always wondered about this and I think I have it figured out. Its got to be some sort of cognitive dissonance at play. Whites make up and made up a lot of stories to justify all the criminal things they have and still do. I guess they think having some traitors help them procure slaves means the practice was one that Africans practiced as a national policy. Its a good thing having access to research from Black authors that tell the truth.

Reparations :21:

Take your 40 acres and a team of mules........ er wait

You ain't getting that either

We gave you welfare instead


countries had a policy of selling servants to white slave traders as a way of trying to deflect on any talk of reparations from the US? I always wondered about this and I think I have it figured out. Its got to be some sort of cognitive dissonance at play. Whites make up and made up a lot of stories to justify all the criminal things they have and still do. I guess they think having some traitors help them procure slaves means the practice was one that Africans practiced as a national policy. Its a good thing having access to research from Black authors that tell the truth.

Reparations :21:

Take your 40 acres and a team of mules........ er wait

You ain't getting that either

We gave you welfare instead


See what I mean? white boys cant even stay with the OP.
countries had a policy of selling servants to white slave traders as a way of trying to deflect on any talk of reparations from the US? I always wondered about this and I think I have it figured out. Its got to be some sort of cognitive dissonance at play. Whites make up and made up a lot of stories to justify all the criminal things they have and still do. I guess they think having some traitors help them procure slaves means the practice was one that Africans practiced as a national policy. Its a good thing having access to research from Black authors that tell the truth.

Reparations :21:

Take your 40 acres and a team of mules........ er wait

You ain't getting that either

We gave you welfare instead



countries had a policy of selling servants to white slave traders as a way of trying to deflect on any talk of reparations from the US? I always wondered about this and I think I have it figured out. Its got to be some sort of cognitive dissonance at play. Whites make up and made up a lot of stories to justify all the criminal things they have and still do. I guess they think having some traitors help them procure slaves means the practice was one that Africans practiced as a national policy. Its a good thing having access to research from Black authors that tell the truth.

Reparations :21:

Take your 40 acres and a team of mules........ er wait

You ain't getting that either

We gave you welfare instead



That is not true


So what do you want? People living today to pay money to other people for something that might have occurred well over a century and a half ago.

Reparations won’t cure racist people, it will only piss off people paying money for something they had nothing to do with.
I want whites to stop deflecting. What Africa did or did not do has no bearing on what the US did for centuries.

I dont care about racists. I dont care how pissed off they get. I deal with them very well on a daily basis. The value of the reparations can be used to close the economic gap. I dont expect it to cure racists.

So you want to redistribute money from white people who had nothing to do with slavery to black people who were never enslaved. That makes perfect “liberal” sense.
White people are not the only demographic in the US. Taxes are paid by everyone. Again you need to concentrate on my point. Why do whites deflect instead of talking about the point?

Ok, make your argument for reparations. Why should there be reparations for Black Americans?

Why would I do that if thats not what I am discussing?

I am asking why do whites do all the deflecting as a default response to discussion of reparations like you did for a couple of posts.

What you call deflection is what others refer to as reasons against reparations. You don’t have the onions to come out and say you want to get paid for being black (assuming you’re black). I have never heard a compelling argument for reparations, and you’re clearly not ready to make one.
countries had a policy of selling servants to white slave traders as a way of trying to deflect on any talk of reparations from the US?
Nobody needs to “deflect” from talk of “reparations”. Only an idiot would provide “reparations” for something that happened hundreds of years ago and which was simply the “norm” of that era. And only an asshole would accept “reparations” for something which they never suffered, their parents never suffered, their grandparents never suffered, and their great-grandparents never suffered.

There isn’t a single person alive today who can say that they actually spoke with a slave in the U.S.
countries had a policy of selling servants to white slave traders as a way of trying to deflect on any talk of reparations from the US? I always wondered about this and I think I have it figured out. Its got to be some sort of cognitive dissonance at play. Whites make up and made up a lot of stories to justify all the criminal things they have and still do. I guess they think having some traitors help them procure slaves means the practice was one that Africans practiced as a national policy. Its a good thing having access to research from Black authors that tell the truth.

Reparations :21:

Take your 40 acres and a team of mules........ er wait

You ain't getting that either

We gave you welfare instead


See what I mean? white boys cant even stay with the OP.

So, what amount do you believe that you are personally owed? Do you have a dollar amount in mind?
I want whites to stop deflecting. What Africa did or did not do has no bearing on what the US did for centuries.

I dont care about racists. I dont care how pissed off they get. I deal with them very well on a daily basis. The value of the reparations can be used to close the economic gap. I dont expect it to cure racists.

So you want to redistribute money from white people who had nothing to do with slavery to black people who were never enslaved. That makes perfect “liberal” sense.
White people are not the only demographic in the US. Taxes are paid by everyone. Again you need to concentrate on my point. Why do whites deflect instead of talking about the point?

Ok, make your argument for reparations. Why should there be reparations for Black Americans?

Why would I do that if thats not what I am discussing?

I am asking why do whites do all the deflecting as a default response to discussion of reparations like you did for a couple of posts.

What you call deflection is what others refer to as reasons against reparations. You don’t have the onions to come out and say you want to get paid for being black (assuming you’re black). I have never heard a compelling argument for reparations, and you’re clearly not ready to make one.

No its deflection. You pay Native Americans reparations every year for shit that happened in the 17-1800's. So you have no argument against it.
countries had a policy of selling servants to white slave traders as a way of trying to deflect on any talk of reparations from the US?
Nobody needs to “deflect” from talk of “reparations”. Only an idiot would provide “reparations” for something that happened hundreds of years ago and which was simply the “norm” of that era. And only an asshole would accept “reparations” for something which they never suffered, their parents never suffered, their grandparents never suffered, and their great-grandparents never suffered.

There isn’t a single person alive today who can say that they actually spoke with a slave in the U.S.

Apparently you are an idiot then. You pay Native Americans reparations every year for shit that happened in the 17-1800's. So you have no argument against reparations.
So you want to redistribute money from white people who had nothing to do with slavery to black people who were never enslaved. That makes perfect “liberal” sense.
White people are not the only demographic in the US. Taxes are paid by everyone. Again you need to concentrate on my point. Why do whites deflect instead of talking about the point?

Ok, make your argument for reparations. Why should there be reparations for Black Americans?

Why would I do that if thats not what I am discussing?

I am asking why do whites do all the deflecting as a default response to discussion of reparations like you did for a couple of posts.

What you call deflection is what others refer to as reasons against reparations. You don’t have the onions to come out and say you want to get paid for being black (assuming you’re black). I have never heard a compelling argument for reparations, and you’re clearly not ready to make one.

No its deflection. You pay Native Americans reparations every year for shit that happened in the 17-1800's. So you have no argument against it.

Where my reparations be at?

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