Why do white liberals keep pushing the use of the term 'Latinx'?

Liberals are famous for their beliefs that whatever a person wants to be called or referred to as, they should then be addressed that way. If some dude wants to be referred to as a woman, they are all in for it.
If a turtle could talk and tell us he/she is a lion and loves to kill and eat wildebeests, liberals would demand the government fund a protection program to save wildebeests from turtles who believe they are lions.
So when there is plenty of evidence that Hispanics do not wish to be called 'Latinx' why do they insist on the continual use? Apparently white liberals are determined to chase Hispanics right to the Republican party.

“Latinx” has become popular online over the past few years, but very few Latinos actually use the term. One Pew Research Center survey from 2020 showed that about a quarter of Latinos have heard of the term — and only 3 per cent use it."

Voices: The problem isn’t Jill Biden’s ‘breakfast tacos’ gaffe. The problem is the ‘LatinX IncluXion luncheon’​

In recent years they have changed how to address people with a mountain of new wording. Latinx is in that direction. It seems they want to end up with no distinctions between males and females which opens up all the other agendas of sex.
One of the guys I work with came from Mexico city. He hates the term Latinx, said he has never met a Mexican that ever used it.

He seems to believe some people call them that and want it to stick because it somehow makes them their property, or that they think they would be happy to be recognized by them and happy to have a name.

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