Neutronium Member & truth speaker #StopBrandon
Why do this Board’s Left wingers suddenly dislike Putin? I mean. Before, they only disliked Putin because they bought Hillary’s paid for “story” that Putin and Trump were somehow pals.
But we all now realize that the entire Trump- Russia “collusion” hoax was a rancid fiction foisted on the American people by Hillary, the DNC and by their handmaiden apparatchik main stream media. Up until the Hillary disinformation campaign, the Dems all loved Russia. Brandon’s PR spokesfool, Jen “the Red” Psaki, even wore that pretty little Russian hat.
The Democrap Parody and the liberal ignorati used to spend all day every day pissing all over America. Now, suddenly, they wish to appear to be the “ones” who are “patriotic.” They dishonestly and bombastically even try to contend that opposition to our enfeebled demented President is somehow “unAmerican.”
And none of them can fathom how transparently and fully fraudulent we realize they are. Well, I don’t mind assisting in the process of bursting their bubbles.
The DNC didn’t even have flags displayed at their presidential debates or at their nominating convention. (Ok. One or two. But hardly any flown or hoisted with pride and patriotism.) The very word “patriotism” used to enrage them in fact. We all remember.
Liberals of USMB, members of the DNC and your fellow travelers hiding behind the terms “liberals” and “progressives,” we are on to you. Your pathetic rhetoric won’t prevent the truth from shining. Brightly. In the words of former President Hussein Obumbler, you want to “fundamentally change” America. So don’t keep trying to pretend that you like our Republic. You don’t. Don’t continue to pretend that you’re “proud” of the United States. You aren’t. Nobody wants to fundamentally change something of which they are proud.
But we all now realize that the entire Trump- Russia “collusion” hoax was a rancid fiction foisted on the American people by Hillary, the DNC and by their handmaiden apparatchik main stream media. Up until the Hillary disinformation campaign, the Dems all loved Russia. Brandon’s PR spokesfool, Jen “the Red” Psaki, even wore that pretty little Russian hat.
The Democrap Parody and the liberal ignorati used to spend all day every day pissing all over America. Now, suddenly, they wish to appear to be the “ones” who are “patriotic.” They dishonestly and bombastically even try to contend that opposition to our enfeebled demented President is somehow “unAmerican.”
And none of them can fathom how transparently and fully fraudulent we realize they are. Well, I don’t mind assisting in the process of bursting their bubbles.
The DNC didn’t even have flags displayed at their presidential debates or at their nominating convention. (Ok. One or two. But hardly any flown or hoisted with pride and patriotism.) The very word “patriotism” used to enrage them in fact. We all remember.
Liberals of USMB, members of the DNC and your fellow travelers hiding behind the terms “liberals” and “progressives,” we are on to you. Your pathetic rhetoric won’t prevent the truth from shining. Brightly. In the words of former President Hussein Obumbler, you want to “fundamentally change” America. So don’t keep trying to pretend that you like our Republic. You don’t. Don’t continue to pretend that you’re “proud” of the United States. You aren’t. Nobody wants to fundamentally change something of which they are proud.