Why do so many people want centralized control at the Federal Level on anything and everything?

Bootney Lee Farnsworth

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2017
Can we let California destroy itself without taking Texas and Florida with it?

There's a reason we kept states independent and enumerated the powers that would go to the Federal Government. What retarded shit doesn't work in New York, should not be forced on Alabama.

So, make your case, Federal Supremacists. Why must we all do the stupid shit Maryland cranks out? What good does it do?
The United States is about as big in population and landmass as all of western Europe. There's a lot of different culture. It's hard/impossible to force all of it under one umbrella. The states need more autonomy.
Can we let California destroy itself without taking Texas and Florida with it?

There's a reason we kept states independent and enumerated the powers that would go to the Federal Government. What retarded shit doesn't work in New York, should not be forced on Alabama.

So, make your case, Federal Supremacists. Why must we all do the stupid shit Maryland cranks out? What good does it do?

Funny you should ask. In my own personal case I remain at an impasse on this topic. You see, for the past several years my wife and I have suffered in a number of ways at the hands of state level tyrants who without batting an eyelid cancel our constitutional rights, which are of course a federal level series of legal documents.

On the other hand, we despise the year after year creeping bloat of the federal government and its increasingly murderous tendencies and descent into nationwide tyranny.

Suffice it to say I believe the following to be true: all Americans should self-identify as Americans first, and by the state they inhabit a distant second. Finally, I also firmly believe no single state in the Union can or would be permitted to survive on its own.

Check and mate. At least in my mind.
Tree of Liberty March on Washington....coming soon

What does that mean, exactly? I mean, it sounds really cool . . . but then again, it also sounds like another opportunity for the Feds to arrest and throw a whole lot more patriots into the dungeon. In fact, I wouldn't even google "Tree of Liberty March" because it sounds like a set of key words Google might report to the Feds.
Funny you should ask. In my own personal case I remain at an impasse on this topic. You see, for the past several years my wife and I have suffered in a number of ways at the hands of state level tyrants who without batting an eyelid cancel our constitutional rights, which are of course a federal level series of legal documents.

On the other hand, we despise the year after year creeping bloat of the federal government and its increasingly murderous tendencies and descent into nationwide tyranny.

Suffice it to say I believe the following to be true: all Americans should self-identify as Americans first, and by the state they inhabit a distant second. Finally, I also firmly believe no single state in the Union can or would be permitted to survive on its own.

Check and mate. At least in my mind.

I would have to ask what state you live in and what constitutional rights are being cancelled. Maybe you should consider moving elsewhere.
The United States is about as big in population and landmass as all of western Europe. There's a lot of different culture. It's hard/impossible to force all of it under one umbrella. The states need more autonomy.

Pretty much that's why forced diversity is a bad idea. We have too many groups trying to make the country the America they want and none of them want to conform to society, they want society to conform to them

Some people say it's our strength but I say it's our weakness.
I would have to ask what state you live in and what constitutional rights are being cancelled. Maybe you should consider moving elsewhere.

Right. So we moved earlier this year from Maryland to Pennsylvania, a pit stop (hopefully) on the way to Alaska. I ran a small business in Maryland, north of Baltimore, training local police departments in close quarter combat drills, urban combat and unit human intelligence collection. Even before COVID hit the state government was threatening to put me out of business due to the challenge of hiring even a small number of new employees, due to the difficulty of getting them permits to own and or carry certain types of firearms, which was a vital requirement for them to work for me. In that way, and due to direct restrictions placed on the Second Amendment by the government of Maryland, my business suffered and is mostly dead.

So we moved up to PA, purchased land and a home, and I started a second business. In order to practice my new business I had to be licensed and insured, had to get many hours long qualifications and pay shit tons of money for them. Endless red tape. So it turned out that even though I was fully licensed by the State of PA to guide fisherman anywhere in the waters of the Commonwealth, multiple state parks where I wanted to guide fisherman demanded two further hoops for me to jump through. The directors of all those state parks wanted to force me to pay them large sums of money for "commercial use licenses" to guide fisherman on their waters, and they all required me to list them as beneficiaries of my fishing guide insurance policy, which pushed up the already expensive cost of the insurance.

State government sucks.
I would have to ask what state you live in and what constitutional rights are being cancelled. Maybe you should consider moving elsewhere.
Wrong answer. Maybe bureaucrats throughout should follow the constitution and the bill of rights in the decisions they make and quit trying to force in tyranny on the people. If you give away one state to this bullshit you give it all away.

Rod's dad years ago was furious that the government was going to mandate seatbelts. He saw the writing on the wall when the government starts claiming that they are doing something for "your own good". That man was there among many other Americans who fought for truth and liberty to prevail when the death camps in Germany were liberated. Thankfully he doesn't have to see what our government is attempting to do today to adults and children too.
The United States is about as big in population and landmass as all of western Europe. There's a lot of different culture. It's hard/impossible to force all of it under one umbrella. The states need more autonomy.
Didn't this clown claim to be a liberal the other day?

Why do so many people want centralized control at the Federal Level on anything and everything?​

Just to piss you off
Can we let California destroy itself without taking Texas and Florida with it?

There's a reason we kept states independent and enumerated the powers that would go to the Federal Government. What retarded shit doesn't work in New York, should not be forced on Alabama.

So, make your case, Federal Supremacists. Why must we all do the stupid shit Maryland cranks out? What good does it do?
I spoke with some younger people the other day, and they were not actually taught the differences in the roles of state and federal government, and therefore seemed to think everything was handled and ended with the fed.
Can we let California destroy itself without taking Texas and Florida with it?

There's a reason we kept states independent and enumerated the powers that would go to the Federal Government. What retarded shit doesn't work in New York, should not be forced on Alabama.

So, make your case, Federal Supremacists. Why must we all do the stupid shit Maryland cranks out? What good does it do?
The debate is long over. You’re a little late to the party. We already have centralized authoritarian government. The reality is your greatest fears have been realized.
The United States is about as big in population and landmass as all of western Europe. There's a lot of different culture. It's hard/impossible to force all of it under one umbrella. The states need more autonomy.
What we need is a major secession movement. We need to split the country into multiple nations and put an end to this evil empire.

Alas I know. I’m dreaming.
Right. So we moved earlier this year from Maryland to Pennsylvania, a pit stop (hopefully) on the way to Alaska. I ran a small business in Maryland, north of Baltimore, training local police departments in close quarter combat drills, urban combat and unit human intelligence collection. Even before COVID hit the state government was threatening to put me out of business due to the challenge of hiring even a small number of new employees, due to the difficulty of getting them permits to own and or carry certain types of firearms, which was a vital requirement for them to work for me. In that way, and due to direct restrictions placed on the Second Amendment by the government of Maryland, my business suffered and is mostly dead.

So we moved up to PA, purchased land and a home, and I started a second business. In order to practice my new business I had to be licensed and insured, had to get many hours long qualifications and pay shit tons of money for them. Endless red tape. So it turned out that even though I was fully licensed by the State of PA to guide fisherman anywhere in the waters of the Commonwealth, multiple state parks where I wanted to guide fisherman demanded two further hoops for me to jump through. The directors of all those state parks wanted to force me to pay them large sums of money for "commercial use licenses" to guide fisherman on their waters, and they all required me to list them as beneficiaries of my fishing guide insurance policy, which pushed up the already expensive cost of the insurance.

State government sucks.

Wow, I can see why you dislike state gov'ts. They do tend to squeeze as much revenue out of their citizens as much as possible, but I would say that some states are better than others. Especially with regard to the 2nd Amendment. Do ALL of the PA state parks require the commercial use licenses for big money? Is it feasible to run your business without using those parks?
What we need is a major secession movement. We need to split the country into multiple nations and put an end to this evil empire.

Alas I know. I’m dreaming.
I have nothing in common with the traitorous left. If they are given their own country I'd be okay with that, preferably on another continent.
Wow, I can see why you dislike state gov'ts. They do tend to squeeze as much revenue out of their citizens as much as possible, but I would say that some states are better than others. Especially with regard to the 2nd Amendment. Do ALL of the PA state parks require the commercial use licenses for big money? Is it feasible to run your business without using those parks?
NY, IL and CA are at the bottom of the list. Here's some news, NY City is home to millions of rats and placed third on Orkin's list of America's "Rattiest Cities," behind Chicago and Los Angeles. :oops:

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