Zone1 Why do so many on this forum refuse to post SOLUTIONS and, instead, they infer that everyone not black is a racist? Kind enough mods?

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Is that your way of saying "I got nuthin"?

I am shocked, SHOCKED I SAY!

Are you saying you can solve a problem without knowing what is causing the problem? Is that your position?
There was no question to dodge. I confronted the real issues blacks face, not issues somebody white thinks blacks face. You were given a solution and it is the only solution you are going to get.
I really feel sorry for you. Your hateful responses prove you are a white guy masquerading as a black guy. If you worked as hard at coming up with solutions and working toward having them implemented, you would go from being a major part of the problem toward solutions.

Hopefully, this title is gentle enough to pass muster and will generate some sincere solutions. :D

Why do so many on this forum refuse to post SOLUTIONS and, instead, infer that everyone not black is a racist?

A recent episode of "The FIRST 48" focused on a 14-year-old black male who had been murdered by a 16-year-old black male. The lead detective was black. The motive was that the 16-year-old had been disrespected by the 14-year-old kid. The murderer confessed and was sentenced to 20 years in prison. Why does that kid place such a low value on human life?

Racism played no part, whatsoever, in that tragedy. The lives of dozens of loved ones were irreparably destroyed because a child perceived that A GUN AND MURDER were the best solutions for having been DISRESPECTED. In tears, the child begged for his mama when told he was under arrest. He'll be 36 years old when he gets out of prison.

In another episode, a 20-year-old black male responded in exasperation, "HELL, I've got six brothers on my father's side that I hardly know"! Is that NOT a huge part of the problem in black communities? Specifically, how is that the fault of anyone else? Is anyone, other than legislation inspired by President Lyndon Johnson (D) and his "War on Poverty" and "Great Society"?

Specifically, how is RACISM at fault because this happens?
I'm going to let Booker T. Washington answer your main question in a way most people can't put into words.

“Among a large class, there seemed to be a dependence upon the government for every conceivable thing. The members of this class had little ambition to create a position for themselves, but wanted the federal officials to create one for them. How many times I wished then and have often wished since, that by some power of magic, I might remove the great bulk of these people into the country districts and plant them upon the soil – upon the solid and never deceptive foundation of Mother Nature, where all nations and races that have ever succeeded have gotten their start – a start that at first may be slow and toilsome, but one that nevertheless is real.”

“My experience is that people who call themselves "The Intellectuals" understand theories, but they do not understand things.

“I am afraid that there is a certain class of race-problem solvers who don’t want the patient to get well, because as long as the disease holds out they have not only an easy means of making a living, but also an easy medium through which to make themselves prominent before the public.”
I'm going to let Booker T. Washington answer your main question in a way most people can't put into words.

“Among a large class, there seemed to be a dependence upon the government for every conceivable thing. The members of this class had little ambition to create a position for themselves, but wanted the federal officials to create one for them. How many times I wished then and have often wished since, that by some power of magic, I might remove the great bulk of these people into the country districts and plant them upon the soil – upon the solid and never deceptive foundation of Mother Nature, where all nations and races that have ever succeeded have gotten their start – a start that at first may be slow and toilsome, but one that nevertheless is real.”

“My experience is that people who call themselves "The Intellectuals" understand theories, but they do not understand things.

“I am afraid that there is a certain class of race-problem solvers who don’t want the patient to get well, because as long as the disease holds out they have not only an easy means of making a living, but also an easy medium through which to make themselves prominent before the public.”
Al Sharpton springs to mind! So do the proponents of CRT in the classroom and the promoters of the 1619 project.
I'm going to let Booker T. Washington answer your main question in a way most people can't put into words.

“Among a large class, there seemed to be a dependence upon the government for every conceivable thing. The members of this class had little ambition to create a position for themselves, but wanted the federal officials to create one for them. How many times I wished then and have often wished since, that by some power of magic, I might remove the great bulk of these people into the country districts and plant them upon the soil – upon the solid and never deceptive foundation of Mother Nature, where all nations and races that have ever succeeded have gotten their start – a start that at first may be slow and toilsome, but one that nevertheless is real.”

“My experience is that people who call themselves "The Intellectuals" understand theories, but they do not understand things.

“I am afraid that there is a certain class of race-problem solvers who don’t want the patient to get well, because as long as the disease holds out they have not only an easy means of making a living, but also an easy medium through which to make themselves prominent before the public.”
You are right that the far-left and many Democrats do not want a solution. That is also the reason our far-left friends here refuse to even approach real answers to these issues.
I really feel sorry for you. Your hateful responses prove you are a white guy masquerading as a black guy. If you worked as hard at coming up with solutions and working toward having them implemented, you would go from being a major part of the problem toward solutions.

I think he said he's a black WOMAN
The point I was making is that the racism he says he faces is more likely not related to his skin color but because of his attitude. According to him most whites who respond to his posts are racists. I have never said anything to suggest that I am a racist, but he calls me one anyway. I don’t get butt hurt over it, it’s his pathetic way of dealing with anyone who disagrees with him.
Okay, that's how you see things from your perspective however did it ever occur to you that maybe none of you will seriously considered the validity of many of the things IM2 states is simply because you don't like him?

When I was growing up, whenever I would encounter racism in the real world, I considered it an anomaly, that the people who were making the racist statements were just ignorant. What I didn't realize thought is that while yes they were ignorant and not even cognizant of just how ignorant they are, they were also racists, there is no getting around that fact. People who are not racists don't use the n-word to describe Black people, EVER.

Certain attitudes, beliefs, actions and words are rooted in white racism and most of the whites on this thread are guilty of one or more of the above. We know the ones who revel in their racism because they are intentionally antagonistic as well as being proud of their Neanderthal ways. Others will stubbornly say and do things that reveal their prejudices and biases all while insisting that none exist. And then some others I think are just kind of naive in that they may not (or may) be fully cognizant that some of the things they say or believe show racists tendencies even if it's soft racism. I will give you an example.

One of the last conversations I can recall with you revolved around Affirmative Action and us explaining that white women moving up into management positions have been the largest beneficiaries of Affirmative Action. You mistook what I was saying as me claiming that these white women didn't achieve what they have on their own merits although I never indicated any such thing. Nonetheless it was good to see you pushing back on what you mistakenly thought I was saying because it's not different from what Black people experience when people try to claim that we only received certain jobs solely because of our race and not due to us being qualified, and in some cases, eminently qualified for the positions.

Believing that Black people can only get a job because of Affirmative Action and that by doing so we "stole" a job from a better qualified white person is a racist attitude whether you agree that it is or not. And I'm not saying this because I have any animus against you, hell there are some Black people who also believe the same things you do. Furthermore, I myself was unaware of many of the forms in which racism manifests. It was only until I began studying the history of the United States in relation to Black people who as everyone knows began life here in chains and all of the racially motivated legislation passed as well as the negative court rulings all for the express purpose of impeding the progress of Black people and keeping us in the state of being second class citizens that many things that I had not paid much mind to previously, started becoming clear.

An enormous amount of what I've learned is due to IM2 being willing to share his knowledge of American history, Black American history, social studies particularly political science as well as his ability to track and understand the results of all of that legislation to provide a safety net for people but many of which Black people often were left out like social security, the benefits paid to veterans (initially), the land grants, etc.

You do know that the United States government broke many a promise to the Native Americans as well as Black people in this country with long lasting implications.
The very fact that you have wrongly accused me of being a racist - you did it again with the “in the closet” remark - tells me you can’t judge properly, so I have no reason to believe you when you call OhPleaseJustQuit a racist.

That would be the Democrats who passed those laws which have been gone now for generations. But you already knew that.


Some how I missed that you posted this in response to the question I asked yet my response was accurate nonetheless.

The answer doesn't change due to party or even along with it. White racists are the ones who legislatively relegated Black people in America to second class citizenship status but only after admitting that they didn't want us to have the same rights as white people in what has been called the worse U.S. Supreme Court decision ever - Sanford v Dred Scott:

“[if negroes were] entitled to the privileges and immunities of [white] citizens, …it would give persons of the Negro race… the right… to keep and bear arms wherever they want… inevitably producing discontent and insubordination among them, and endangering the peace and safety of the state…”
– Supreme Court Chief Justice Roger Taney, in the 1857 Dred Scott decision

[African Americans] had for more than a century before been regarded as beings of an inferior order, and altogether unfit to associate with the white race, either in social or political relations; and so far inferior, that they had no rights which the white man was bound to respect; and that the negro might justly and lawfully be reduced to slavery for his benefit. He was bought and sold, and treated as an ordinary article of merchandise and traffic, whenever a profit could be made by it.
Okay, that's how you see things from your perspective however did it ever occur to you that maybe none of you will seriously considered the validity of many of the things IM2 states is simply because you don't like him?
True, IM2 is intentionally obnoxious so as to maintain his leadership among trolls. But that is certainly not the reason he is disliked. IM2 is like a one-note song. He is ignorant about the actual topic so he just repeats the same historical comments year after year. What makes him so tragic is that with all his threads, he might have actually promulgated some real suggestions and solutions. Instead, he simply works to stir hate and division.

I feel sorry for him. When he first began posting he indicated through several threads that he had a mixed-race daughter and a black wife. That left him as being white, apparently an angry white guy. I guess he didn't get enough attention so he changed to being black.

I wish he'd get some help. He then might find peace.
Some how I missed that you posted this in response to the question I asked yet my response was accurate nonetheless.

The answer doesn't change due to party or even along with it. White racists are the ones who legislatively relegated Black people in America to second class citizenship status but only after admitting that they didn't want us to have the same rights as white people in what has been called the worse U.S. Supreme Court decision ever - Sanford v Dred Scott:

“[if negroes were] entitled to the privileges and immunities of [white] citizens, …it would give persons of the Negro race… the right… to keep and bear arms wherever they want… inevitably producing discontent and insubordination among them, and endangering the peace and safety of the state…”
[African Americans] had for more than a century before been regarded as beings of an inferior order, and altogether unfit to associate with the white race, either in social or political relations; and so far inferior, that they had no rights which the white man was bound to respect; and that the negro might justly and lawfully be reduced to slavery for his benefit. He was bought and sold, and treated as an ordinary article of merchandise and traffic, whenever a profit could be made by it.
This is 2022, not 1887.

You have affirmative action which provides you with privilege these days.
Go ahead. Call me a liar.

Better yet, step out of your safe zone :auiqs.jpg: and call me a liar, if you dare.
Oh so now you want to fight me?

And I asked you a question, I didn't call you a liar but you sure were quick to jump to the conclusion that I may "think" you are a liar. Liars do that a lot.

What's even funnier is you told AZrailwhale that I was lying about one of my professional networks and allegedly you "know" that I'm lying because you used to "live" in Western Washington and are currently glad that you escaped this "shithole", if I am recalling your comment correctly.

You called ME a liar and all I did was chuckle while you want to start a fight over something I didn't even state.

Why'd you leave Washington State? You have an active warrant out?
True, IM2 is intentionally obnoxious so as to maintain his leadership among trolls. But that is certainly not the reason he is disliked. IM2 is like a one-note song. He is ignorant about the actual topic so he just repeats the same historical comments year after year. What makes him so tragic is that with all his threads, he might have actually promulgated some real suggestions and solutions. Instead, he simply works to stir hate and division.

I feel sorry for him. When he first began posting he indicated through several threads that he had a mixed-race daughter and a black wife. That left him as being white, apparently an angry white guy. I guess he didn't get enough attention so he changed to being black.

I wish he'd get some help. He then might find peace.
Really? IM2's words cause you to feel hatred and acts to divide you from whom?
This is 2022, not 1887.

You have affirmative action which provides you with privilege these days.
No, my "privilege" is bought and paid for sometimes by the government and sometimes by me. And it has nothing to do with Affirmative Action at this point.

You must be a really pathetic creature if the only thing that makes you feel better is an imaginary scenario where the ONLY way Black people can excel and pass you by is because of a law that benefitted white women more than Black people and not because of our own talents, education & experience.

What excuse do you have for my grandfather? The Tuskegee Airmen far exceeded everyone's expectations more than 20 years before the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

How do you think that was possible if the only way Black people can accomplish anything is with a law that in your minds gives Black people preference over white people, which it does not but I see staying ignorant is a trend with you people.

By the way, I'm the only Black person on a combined team of 18 people originally. You really think they would have kept me for more than 4 years if I couldn't do the job or carry my share of the responsibilities?

But keep thinking I'm the problem and not certain males who can't be bothered with learning new skills or remaining relevant.
The very fact that you have wrongly accused me of being a racist - you did it again with the “in the closet” remark - tells me you can’t judge properly, so I have no reason to believe [snipped]
Lisa if you logged into U.S. Message Board every day over a week and on each of those days I was ranting about too many Jewish people moving into the neighborhood, or setting up a synagogue in our neighborhood or seeing them everywhere I go when I'm out and about, would that lead you to believe me to be an antisemite?

And would you not call me out on my comments? Please be truthful.
Oh so now you want to fight me?

And I asked you a question, I didn't call you a liar but you sure were quick to jump to the conclusion that I may "think" you are a liar. Liars do that a lot.

What's even funnier is you told AZrailwhale that I was lying about one of my professional networks and allegedly you "know" that I'm lying because you used to "live" in Western Washington and are currently glad that you escaped this "shithole", if I am recalling your comment correctly.

You called ME a liar and all I did was chuckle while you want to start a fight over something I didn't even state.

Why'd you leave Washington State? You have an active warrant out?

Step out of your safe space and we'll talk.

If not, we'll know why.

Lisa if you logged into U.S. Message Board every day over a week and on each of those days I was ranting about too many Jewish people moving into the neighborhood, or setting up a synagogue in our neighborhood or seeing them everywhere I go when I'm out and about, would that lead you to believe me to be an antisemite?
Are you Implying that I said those things? Sure hope not!
And would you not call me out on my comments? Please be truthful.
Of course you should be called out. Just as I call out (XXXX - mod edit) who suggest what they call “a final solution” to Jews by punting them all on a separate island, how they deserved what Hitler did, and equally antisemitic things.

Not sure of your point here.

My complaint is of blacks and their enabling white liberals calling anything and everything racist, constantly going back to the 19th century to show how there‘s racism today, and refusing to take ownership of their poor actions by blaming them instead on white racism. IM2 is a perfect example: when I reported how a POC worker at McDonalds refused to take my order yet served the Latinos in front of me immediately - I waited about 15 minutes, and she was in the kitchen and kept peering out at the register to make sure POCs didn’t walk in, yet ignoring me - IM2 said white racists made her do it.
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Okay, that's how you see things from your perspective however did it ever occur to you that maybe none of you will seriously considered the validity of many of the things IM2 states is simply because you don't like him?

When I was growing up, whenever I would encounter racism in the real world, I considered it an anomaly, that the people who were making the racist statements were just ignorant. What I didn't realize thought is that while yes they were ignorant and not even cognizant of just how ignorant they are, they were also racists, there is no getting around that fact. People who are not racists don't use the n-word to describe Black people, EVER.

Certain attitudes, beliefs, actions and words are rooted in white racism and most of the whites on this thread are guilty of one or more of the above. We know the ones who revel in their racism because they are intentionally antagonistic as well as being proud of their Neanderthal ways. Others will stubbornly say and do things that reveal their prejudices and biases all while insisting that none exist. And then some others I think are just kind of naive in that they may not (or may) be fully cognizant that some of the things they say or believe show racists tendencies even if it's soft racism. I will give you an example.

One of the last conversations I can recall with you revolved around Affirmative Action and us explaining that white women moving up into management positions have been the largest beneficiaries of Affirmative Action. You mistook what I was saying as me claiming that these white women didn't achieve what they have on their own merits although I never indicated any such thing. Nonetheless it was good to see you pushing back on what you mistakenly thought I was saying because it's not different from what Black people experience when people try to claim that we only received certain jobs solely because of our race and not due to us being qualified, and in some cases, eminently qualified for the positions.

Believing that Black people can only get a job because of Affirmative Action and that by doing so we "stole" a job from a better qualified white person is a racist attitude whether you agree that it is or not. And I'm not saying this because I have any animus against you, hell there are some Black people who also believe the same things you do. Furthermore, I myself was unaware of many of the forms in which racism manifests. It was only until I began studying the history of the United States in relation to Black people who as everyone knows began life here in chains and all of the racially motivated legislation passed as well as the negative court rulings all for the express purpose of impeding the progress of Black people and keeping us in the state of being second class citizens that many things that I had not paid much mind to previously, started becoming clear.

An enormous amount of what I've learned is due to IM2 being willing to share his knowledge of American history, Black American history, social studies particularly political science as well as his ability to track and understand the results of all of that legislation to provide a safety net for people but many of which Black people often were left out like social security, the benefits paid to veterans (initially), the land grants, etc.

You do know that the United States government broke many a promise to the Native Americans as well as Black people in this country with long lasting implications.
The reason I dislike IM2 is because of his attitude and his constant blaming on whites for everything. Yes, SOME whites in the past were horrible. SOME today are, but not to the extent of his beliefs. Things like believing blacks die from stress and anxiety caused by whites. I call bullshit on that. What’s his excuse for this same ailment killing other races? He believe that black people are refused everything because of their skin color. I know that is untrue. I have worked in places where both whites and blacks were fired or refused things for the same reasons.
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