Why do school board hearings cut parents from reading sexually explicit excerpts because of children?

Those books were never on the reading list for the younger children who might have been watching that, and are obviously inappropriate for that age group. Older students, are exposed to much more explicit material than that on TV every day.
Can the younger kids get access to the material the board thinks is inappropriate for them? If so, the school has some work to do and the parents are right to be concerned. Don't you agree?
Can the younger kids get access to the material the board thinks is inappropriate for them? If so, the school has some work to do and the parents are right to be concerned. Don't you agree?
Age appropriate makes a hell of a difference.
So you still dont know what classic literature is....
I know classical literature can contain sexually explicit content and ideas such as incest. Do you? Is sexually incestuous content ok only so long that it's really old?
Do you actually believe a kid is going scour through Hamlet to find it?
I don't think kids in general are going to be scouring any book for sexually pornographic gratification when videos are so readily available on the internet but then that isn't my argument, it's yours. My question to you is that if they will, as you claim they will, why not Shakespeare?
And say they did,I promise it' not going to read like porn.
From your subjective opinion. That's my point. Anything can be porn. It depends on the person.
I know classical literature can contain sexually explicit content and ideas such as incest. Do you? Is sexually incestuous content ok only so long that it's really old?

I don't think kids in general are going to be scouring any book for sexually pornographic gratification when videos are so readily available on the internet but then that isn't my argument, it's yours. My question to you is that if they will, as you claim they will, why not Shakespeare?

From your subjective opinion. That's my point. Anything can be porn. It depends on the person.

Schools have no business providing porn to our children.
It's really that simple.
Just like schools have no business teaching kids that being gay is okay.
Schools have no business providing porn to our children.
It's really that simple.
Just like schools have no business teaching kids that being gay is okay.
What's wrong with being gay? Can you articulate that in a way that doesn't make you seem like a hilarious coward?
What's wrong with being gay? Can you articulate that in a way that doesn't make you seem like a hilarious coward?

Isn't it obvious?
They face ostracization and mental problems.
It's no secret that gay people commit suicide at much higher rates than hetrosexual people do.
This indicates that they have mental issues that should be treated not encouraged.
That's my point. If the younger kids can access the inappropriate stuff, steps need to be taken to restrict it, which I believe is the parents' concern.
But they aren't complaining about age appropriateness.
But they aren't complaining about age appropriateness.
Oh for crying out loud, they certainly aren't protesting that the material is appropriate. SMH. It IS a school board meeting discussing whether a library offering is APPROPRIATE for school age children. Wake the fuck up and pay attention.
Isn't it obvious?
They face ostracization and mental problems.
It's no secret that gay people commit suicide at much higher rates than hetrosexual people do.
This indicates that they have mental issues that should be treated not encouraged.

That's not actually what science says you moron. You can't evoke it only part way and discard the science that hurts your little fee fees.

Science tells us that these mental health issues are caused by ostracization, bullying and violence and not an inherent aspect of being gay. Science also tells us that we can't stop people from being gay but we can mitigate shitty behavior with social and legal incentives and punishments. The correct treatment is intolerance of people who bully gays. That's what the science says.
There's nothing wrong with heterosexuality either, but that doesn't mean I want it taught to my grade schooler, moron.
Heterosexuality has always been taught in school. There is much more to sexuality than the plumbing in a sex act. When they are old enough to start learning about reproduction, they are old enough to age appropriately start learning about sexuality.
But they aren't complaining about age appropriateness.
At what age is it appropriate to allow minor aged children NOT YOUR OWN access to sexually explicit material? I want a number, then consider a parent in your neighborhood giving the kids in your neighborhood of that age such access. No supervision, just allowing them free reign to walk up to the shelf, pull down whatever and peruse it.

My guess is you would not be happy if a parent did that.

That's not actually what science says you moron. You can't evoke it only part way and discard the science that hurts your little fee fees.

Science tells us that these mental health issues are caused by ostracization, bullying and violence and not an inherent aspect of being gay. Science also tells us that we can't stop people from being gay but we can mitigate shitty behavior with social and legal incentives and punishments. The correct treatment is intolerance of people who bully gays. That's what the science says.

Nah...homos are just crazy.
They kill each other as well.

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