Shameful: ‘Ruby Bridges’ Film Banned From School Because White Parents Feeling Some Kind of Way

Jul 26, 2010
North Carolina
Even though the Disney film “Ruby Bridges” has been shown during Black History Month in Florida’s Pinellas County for years, it was recently pulled because a parent was worried that it would teach white children about the racism that Black children faced.

Emily Conklin, whose child attends North Shore Elementary parent, refused to let the student see “Ruby Bridges” when it was shown earlier this month. Conklin believed that the movie was inappropriate for second graders.

She made a formal complaint on March 6, stating that the use of racial epithets and images of white folks who harassed Ruby as she walked into a school will allow white children to see the racist history of segregation.

School officials for Pinellas decided to ban the movie at the St. Petersburg school until a review committee can evaluate it. This is ultimately a result of Florida parents having more say in deciding what children can see and read in schools.

In an open letter, Ric Davis—who is president of Concerned Organization for Quality Education for Black Students—wrote: “Many from historically marginalized communities are asking whether this so-called integrated education system in Pinellas County can even serve the diverse community fairly and equitably.”

Why do some folks want to hide American History?

Why do you only want your children to see the good parts of History?
Even though the Disney film “Ruby Bridges” has been shown during Black History Month in Florida’s Pinellas County for years, it was recently pulled because a parent was worried that it would teach white children about the racism that Black children faced.

Emily Conklin, whose child attends North Shore Elementary parent, refused to let the student see “Ruby Bridges” when it was shown earlier this month. Conklin believed that the movie was inappropriate for second graders.

She made a formal complaint on March 6, stating that the use of racial epithets and images of white folks who harassed Ruby as she walked into a school will allow white children to see the racist history of segregation.

School officials for Pinellas decided to ban the movie at the St. Petersburg school until a review committee can evaluate it. This is ultimately a result of Florida parents having more say in deciding what children can see and read in schools.

In an open letter, Ric Davis—who is president of Concerned Organization for Quality Education for Black Students—wrote: “Many from historically marginalized communities are asking whether this so-called integrated education system in Pinellas County can even serve the diverse community fairly and equitably.”

Why do some folks want to hide American History?

Why do you only want your children to see the good parts of History?
I personally favor accurate history including both the good and the bad. I don’t want to see revisionist history taught in schools. No one sided political history and no brainwashing. Just history, as accurate as it can be.
Yes there were dark moments in our history and they should be taught as such.
However the teaching of those dark moments should also reflect the fact we solved or made progress on solving the problem if we did. We still have real problems today that need solved and they also should be pointed out.

The simple fact that people from all over the world are coming here both legally and illegally should be pointed out to prove that our nation is not a terrible nation as some will argue. We may not be perfect but to many in other nations we have freedoms and opportunities they lack.
The purpose of education should be to uplift the little children, including honky children, and make them feel good about themselves. How does laying down a bum trip on these innocent little kids help them in any way?
Even though the Disney film “Ruby Bridges” has been shown during Black History Month in Florida’s Pinellas County for years, it was recently pulled because a parent was worried that it would teach white children about the racism that Black children faced.

Emily Conklin, whose child attends North Shore Elementary parent, refused to let the student see “Ruby Bridges” when it was shown earlier this month. Conklin believed that the movie was inappropriate for second graders.

She made a formal complaint on March 6, stating that the use of racial epithets and images of white folks who harassed Ruby as she walked into a school will allow white children to see the racist history of segregation.

School officials for Pinellas decided to ban the movie at the St. Petersburg school until a review committee can evaluate it. This is ultimately a result of Florida parents having more say in deciding what children can see and read in schools.

In an open letter, Ric Davis—who is president of Concerned Organization for Quality Education for Black Students—wrote: “Many from historically marginalized communities are asking whether this so-called integrated education system in Pinellas County can even serve the diverse community fairly and equitably.”

Why do some folks want to hide American History?

Why do you only want your children to see the good parts of History?
They should be showing documentaries on all the crime the Negroes commit in this country and how they don't take care of their families and how they use so many drugs and are on welfare.

That is real Black American history.
Even though the Disney film “Ruby Bridges” has been shown during Black History Month in Florida’s Pinellas County for years, it was recently pulled because a parent was worried that it would teach white children about the racism that Black children faced.

Emily Conklin, whose child attends North Shore Elementary parent, refused to let the student see “Ruby Bridges” when it was shown earlier this month. Conklin believed that the movie was inappropriate for second graders.

She made a formal complaint on March 6, stating that the use of racial epithets and images of white folks who harassed Ruby as she walked into a school will allow white children to see the racist history of segregation.

School officials for Pinellas decided to ban the movie at the St. Petersburg school until a review committee can evaluate it. This is ultimately a result of Florida parents having more say in deciding what children can see and read in schools.

In an open letter, Ric Davis—who is president of Concerned Organization for Quality Education for Black Students—wrote: “Many from historically marginalized communities are asking whether this so-called integrated education system in Pinellas County can even serve the diverse community fairly and equitably.”

Why do some folks want to hide American History?

Why do you only want your children to see the good parts of History?
I thought the headline was a typo from Ruby Ridge when the Deep State murdered a woman and a young boy
How did threatening Ruby Bridges uplift little children

Doesn’t teaching children about a brave little girl uplift them?

The purpose of the film is to demonize Honkies as hateful haters and unworthy.

That doesn't help the little crackers at all raise their self esteem.

It doesn't help the little black kids either, as it causes them to hate their cracker classmates.

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