Why do people hate the Baby Boomers?

one thing the boomers of which i am one...did as the largest voting block...we voted ourselves endless entitlements...at the cost of future generation..

And I think introduced a sense of entitlement to our kids and grandkids. When I was growing up, you were taught to earn a living, but now it's expected from the gov't at someone else's expense. And no one seems to care that this situation cannot last forever and somebody will eventually pay for our profligate ways.
Why do people hate the Baby Boomers so much?
Is it envy?
We have better music, movies, books and TV Shows.
We had style.
We had cool cars.
We created the Internet, HDTV, PC computers, and Cellphones
We created a cushy world for the Millennials and Gen Xers and GenZers to live in.
Today's generation doesn't have any original style.

Because your generation went from fighting fascism to being the fascist
I am a Boomer.

I had a great childhood in the 1950s. It was great to be a teen and young adult in the 1960s. Probably the best time ever.

I learned to work hard by parents that survived the Great Depression.

I learned to love this country from a WWII veteran Dad and a patriotic mother.

I was the first one in my family to complete High School.

I served in a war.

I came home and went to college and graduated with no debt. I was the first one in my family to graduate college.

I married a wonderful woman withe same Conservative values as myself.

I had a great career as an Engineer and paid a ton of taxes.

Both my wife and I did all kinds of community service.

One of my sons is a combat veteran. Both my sons are successful.

I have a great retirement and life has been good.

Most of my Boomer friends have similar stories.

You can bitch about Boomers all you want and after you get through you can kiss my ass.
Boomers were the backbone of America, today America has no backbone.
Why do people hate the Baby Boomers so much?
Is it envy?
We have better music, movies, books and TV Shows.
We had style.
We had cool cars.
We created the Internet, HDTV, PC computers, and Cellphones
We created a cushy world for the Millennials and Gen Xers and GenZers to live in.
Today's generation doesn't have any original style.

Newer generations hate baby boomers because they are a vauge and unprovable thing they can point at and say "it's their fault everything sucks. It's not our fault for being shitty, they made everything shitty".

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