Why do I have to wear mask? 100% politics NOT science


The Pale Orc
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 4, 2018
Boston, MA

I had COVID-19. I still have the antibodies. I am vaccinated. What in the Blue Hell does the mask do when I have "super immunity"? Leftists like Fauci keep saying to "trust the science"...same people who wear masks when they are driving alone in the car and who said College Football games would be super spreader events. Same people who say gender is a social construct.

It is time to throw the masks away! ENOUGH. 100% about politics and NOT remotely about science. Leftists don't understand science.

Truth over Facts

I had COVID-19. I still have the antibodies. I am vaccinated. What in the Blue Hell does the mask do when I have "super immunity"? Leftists like Fauci keep saying to "trust the science"...same people who wear masks when they are driving alone in the car and who said College Football games would be super spreader events. Same people who say gender is a social construct.

It is time to throw the masks away! ENOUGH. 100% about politics and NOT remotely about science. Leftists don't understand science.

Truth over Facts

You can still get infected with COVID after you're vaccinated.

You're safe because the vaccine told your body how to fight COVID.

But you're still carrying COVID around and you can spread it to vulnerable people.

I guess if you care zero about your fellow man, not wearing a mask would be okay.

I had COVID-19. I still have the antibodies. I am vaccinated. What in the Blue Hell does the mask do when I have "super immunity"? Leftists like Fauci keep saying to "trust the science"...same people who wear masks when they are driving alone in the car and who said College Football games would be super spreader events. Same people who say gender is a social construct.

It is time to throw the masks away! ENOUGH. 100% about politics and NOT remotely about science. Leftists don't understand science.

Truth over Facts
I wrote at PF a while back that Masks are part of the New Democrats use of
Control.But they also require visible evidence of control.Masks are used to
force Compliance.Consider it as if some Beta test.
It's the easiest and most visible way to prove if Americans are doing as they
are told.As in what Tucker Carlson popularized ...
Shut Up and Obey
There are virtually NO mask mandates in the US

What the fuck are you idiots whining about?
You can still get infected with COVID after you're vaccinated.

You're safe because the vaccine told your body how to fight COVID.

But you're still carrying COVID around and you can spread it to vulnerable people.

I guess if you care zero about your fellow man, not wearing a mask would be okay.

That's a straight up lie, so is your last sentence.

'How Dare You question your great and powerful Master?! You
will do as you are told...you will comply without question!'

'Pay NO Attention To The Dementia-Ravaged Man Sitting At The

Tiny Desk At The Fake White House Set....'

You can still get infected with COVID after you're vaccinated.

You're safe because the vaccine told your body how to fight COVID.

But you're still carrying COVID around and you can spread it to vulnerable people.

I guess if you care zero about your fellow man, not wearing a mask would be okay.
I had COVID and got the vaccine. So how am I carrying COVID around when I have "super immunity"? You didn't read the OP I guess.
I had COVID and got the vaccine. So how am I carrying COVID around when I have "super immunity"? You didn't read the OP I guess.
You are a 'freak of nature'.

The unvaccinated are the soulless enemy of America. Vaccinated people can NOT get COVID-19 and can not pass it on. Because of your freakish situation you are in serious need of a booster from no less than 2 different vaccine companies (J&J and Pfizer) then follow up once every quarter with another booster.

There are virtually NO mask mandates in the US

What the fuck are you idiots whining about?

Celtics and Bruins Games: Masks must be worn at all times except while actively eating or drinking in your seat as permitted. Masks must completely and tightly cover the wearer's nose

Herr Lesh, please don't talk. The smell of dung is obnoxious when you do. Loser.

Celtics and Bruins Games: Masks must be worn at all times except while actively eating or drinking in your seat as permitted. Masks must completely and tightly cover the wearer's nose

Herr Lesh, please don't talk. The smell of dung is obnoxious when you do. Loser.
Your governor is a republican....

No one knows who has caught covid previously or been vaccinated, and yes, you are super duper protected from dying from covid. You want a tattoo or papers required to show your status?

But breakthrough cases of covid, still occur in those who have previously been infected.... It's a hit or miss, though likely a miss.... There is no guarantee that you're not infected and spreading it free as a bird, to others.

The mask alone, does not prevent an infected person from spreading infection to others, it just reduces the spread of infection if everyone is wearing one.... A reduction in spread is better than no reduction in spread.
There are virtually NO mask mandates in the US

What the fuck are you idiots whining about?

Apparently, you haven't been on airliners and other forms of public transport recently. They are still fussing about masks in the friendly skies.
You can still get infected with COVID after you're vaccinated.

You're safe because the vaccine told your body how to fight COVID.

But you're still carrying COVID around and you can spread it to vulnerable people.

I guess if you care zero about your fellow man, not wearing a mask would be okay.
But Dimmer, WEARING a mask doesn't benefit the wearer or anyone he runs up to and coughs in their face. Here's an idea.....don't cough on people!

I had COVID-19. I still have the antibodies. I am vaccinated. What in the Blue Hell does the mask do when I have "super immunity"? Leftists like Fauci keep saying to "trust the science"...same people who wear masks when they are driving alone in the car and who said College Football games would be super spreader events. Same people who say gender is a social construct.

It is time to throw the masks away! ENOUGH. 100% about politics and NOT remotely about science. Leftists don't understand science.

Truth over Facts
Because the left want to CONTROL your life.
You're not very bright, are you? That's not what I said, at all.

" They don't even know what they don'[t know " - John Ziegler
Regarding those like USA Todays Christine Brennan.
Ziegler known for - Media Malpractice - video.
The politics of this virus did EXACTLY what they wanted it to do.

It got rid of Trump.
Your governor is a republican....

No one knows who has caught covid previously or been vaccinated, and yes, you are super duper protected from dying from covid. You want a tattoo or papers required to show your status?

But breakthrough cases of covid, still occur in those who have previously been infected.... It's a hit or miss, though likely a miss.... There is no guarantee that you're not infected and spreading it free as a bird, to others.

The mask alone, does not prevent an infected person from spreading infection to others, it just reduces the spread of infection if everyone is wearing one.... A reduction in spread is better than no reduction in spread.
He is a Republican in name only. You missed the article about the College Football games it seems. I am not spreading anything and I am not afraid to catch it. Masks are superfluous and annoying.

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