Why Do Democrats Oppose Voter ID?

Paul Weyrich: " Our leverage goes up, as the voting population goes down."

I Don t Want Everybody to Vote The Roots of GOP Voter Suppression Right Wing Watch

It's true, Republicans benefit when illegal aliens and dead people are prevented from voting.
That's not what Weyrich is saying.

That's what I'm saying.
That's why Dems are against voter ID.
What Weyrich is saying is what counts. What the uninformed believe means nothing. the laws are written by ALEC (his organization) and handed over to the state legislators, who implement them. It's nothing about dead people. Never has been.
1) I think that forcing people to produce a picture ID will NOT eliminate voter fraud or even curtail it.

2) It will mostly serve to reduce the amount of voters who would normally vote democrat, thus giving me great pause as to the actual motivations central to this issue.

3) I believe that most dems have taken up this issue because they understand that it is being used as a tool by the right to shrink the dem voter base.

It will mostly serve to reduce the amount of voters who would normally vote democrat,

How will it do that?

Thank you for the question.

People who don't drive (like poor people) generally don't even have an ID.

Blacks and Hispanics, other minorities and disabled or homeless people would not be permitted to vote.

Then how do those poor people get welfare? How did they sign up for Obamacare since that requires an ID and it's the law that EVERYONE must have insurance? As soon as Obamacare passed, everyone was legally obligated to obtain a legal ID.

Either people work or are on welfare to purchase food and other things. Can't do either without an ID.

Libs would have us believe that there are millions of Democrats who live under rocks and kill their own food only come out to vote, but never work or accept welfare. People who live on the street without any kind of income or assistance would be grossly uninformed about politics and likely wouldn't vote.

If people are capable of registering to vote, they are equally capable of obtaining a simple ID. They don't need a driver's license.
1) I think that forcing people to produce a picture ID will NOT eliminate voter fraud or even curtail it.

2) It will mostly serve to reduce the amount of voters who would normally vote democrat, thus giving me great pause as to the actual motivations central to this issue.

3) I believe that most dems have taken up this issue because they understand that it is being used as a tool by the right to shrink the dem voter base.
It WILL shrink the Democrat voter base,,,but this is the proper thing, because a significant part of that voter base is ILLEGAL ALIENS, who don't have a legal right to vote. With a good voter ID working, less Illegal aliens will get through the screen and improperly imbalance the election.
WikiLeaks: Indian politicians 'bought votes with cash tucked inside newspapers'
Indian political leaders admitted widespread electoral corruption and told American diplomats how they had bought votes with cash tucked inside morning newspapers, according to cables disclosed by WikiLeaks.

Yup, that voter ID stuff is FOOLproof.

No one said anything about BUYING a vote, it's the process of having an ID TO VOTE!
1) I think that forcing people to produce a picture ID will NOT eliminate voter fraud or even curtail it.

2) It will mostly serve to reduce the amount of voters who would normally vote democrat, thus giving me great pause as to the actual motivations central to this issue.

3) I believe that most dems have taken up this issue because they understand that it is being used as a tool by the right to shrink the dem voter base.
It WILL shrink the Democrat voter base,,,but this is the proper thing, because a significant part of that voter base is ILLEGAL ALIENS, who don't have a legal right to vote. With a good voter ID working, less Illegal aliens will get through the screen and improperly imbalance the election.

Bull. Very few votes are illegal. Where did you get that information?
WikiLeaks: Indian politicians 'bought votes with cash tucked inside newspapers'
Indian political leaders admitted widespread electoral corruption and told American diplomats how they had bought votes with cash tucked inside morning newspapers, according to cables disclosed by WikiLeaks.

Yup, that voter ID stuff is FOOLproof.

No one said anything about BUYING a vote, it's the process of having an ID TO VOTE!

My point is that dispute having an ID, stuff like this is going to happen.
Democrats oppose verifying their identity in order to assure the integrity of the election, because their intention is to defraud the election.

Such is the nature of evil.

Are you capable of grasping the absurdity of someone going through the elaborate process of registering under a false identity all for the sake of casting one extra vote?

LOL! The Democrat Party is built precisely upon the process... They register millions of malcontents then send insurgents throughout the state to vote as the respective malcontents, made possible through the absence of any requirement to prove the identity of the voter.

There's nothing particularly complex about this, but it is clearly beyond your means to be honest... so perhaps you should find a thread in the 'Hate God' forum, where you're needed to add your voice to the progressive echo-chamber.

Really? Then there should be millions of cases of voter fraud. Where are they?
The GOP motives behind these voting laws are so obvious that anyone who denies them simply looks the fool.

It has been said that voter 'fraud' is an article of religious faith for republicans, where they lose elections as a consequence of 'fraud,' unwilling to accept the fact that they lose elections because the voters reject the republican candidates and their conservative agenda.
Why aren't the Democrats complaining about fraudulent voting on the part of the Republicans? Are they so clean in this arena? Must be.
An interesting dissection of what is really behind the Democrats obsession with voter ID's!

Lots of folks think Democrats oppose voter ID laws because they want to cheat and such laws interfere with their plans. That’s an attractive explanation, but it ignores the far more complex architecture of voter ID opposition. Here’s the real reasons Democrats oppose voter ID. Understanding these three reasons will help you decode the whole narrative behind voter ID. 1. Opposition to Voter ID Is a Base-Mobilization Tool. Simply, Democrats and civil rights groups spend millions of dollars opposing voter ID because they are trying to scare minority voters into thinking that Jim Crow is back. If Jim Crow is...

The PJ Tatler Why Do Democrats Oppose Voter ID

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Why Do Democrats Oppose Voter ID?

Because they are afraid of legit voting results. NOTHING ELSE MAKES SENSE. They NEED voting fraud. Liberalism MUST be mandated, even by coercion and fraud.

Libs claim it's about fairness, while airline flyers, book checker-outers, renters of all kinds, drivers, servicemen, attendees of R-rated movies, and all sorts of other aspects
of modern adult life in the West, require ID, yet the suggestion that minorities are too dumb to get a voter ID must somehow be racist and thus a republican conspiracy, and is thus discrimatory? Dumber than a box of door knobs..... Liberalism really is a mental disorder....

The point of voter ID is to tighten voter accountability and eliminate fraud. Gee, why might libs be against that???

See my signature....
Repubs are continuing to make vote fraud an issue, even though they have no proof of massive fraud. Or even minor fraud.

What the Rethugs do have is rigged, re drawn voting districts. And they sure as hell don't want to talk about that.

And whoever said that this crying about vote fraud is the perfect excuse for Repubs to use when they lose an election is absolutely correct. All repubs have are excuses. And lies.
Zeke, why do you think libraries, the gov't., organizations, law enforcement,stores,doctors,airlines and virtually all utilities and companies all require you to show an ID for self identification?

Because fraud IS a problem everywhere. Voting is a precious right that has to be preserved for just the citizens of the nation.That is how we select our leaders and what is more important than that in our form of government?

Let's safe guard out rights and see that only those who are being represented are those who are voting. It isn't rocket science but it is the backbone of our electoral system.
I'm not opposed to Voter ID. I think it's a great idea...in the future...when 99.9% of the voting populace possesses the required photo ID. I'm opposed to putting the cart before the horse, requiring the ID before the voting populace has it. When 11% of the voting citizens do not possess the required photo ID, you're disenfranchising more voters than you're stopping "fraud". (which is fewer than 1% of all the votes cast)

It is also the restrictive types of ID that I object to. To prove your ID at the polls, you shouldn't have to have a current photo ID. You should be able to use:

(A) driver's license or identification card of any state;
(B) passport;
(C) employee identification card;
(D) identification card provided by a commercial establishment;
(E) credit or debit card;
(F) military identification card;
(G) student identification card;
(H) health club identification card;
(I) insurance plan identification card; or
(J) public housing identification card.

Any of the following documents, provided that the document includes the name and address of the individual presenting it, and is dated since the date of the last general election, unless the document is intended to be of a permanent nature such as a pardon or discharge or unless the date requirements of paragraph
(F) apply, including:

(A) utility bill;
(B) bank statement;
(C) government check;
(D) government paycheck;
(E) document issued by a governmental agency;
(F) sample ballot or other official elections document issued by a governmental, agency dated for the
election in which the individual is providing it as proof, of residency or identity;
(G) voter notification card issued by a governmental agency;
(H) public housing identification card issued by a governmental agency;
(I) lease or rental statement or agreement issued by a governmental agency;
(J) student identification card issued by a governmental agency;
(K) tuition statement or bill issued by a governmental agency;
(L) insurance plan card or drug discount card issued by a governmental agency;
(M) discharge certificates, pardons, or other official documents issued to the individual by a governmental
agency in connection with the resolution of a criminal case, indictment, sentence, or other matter;
(N) public transportation authority senior citizen and disabled discount cards issued by a governmental
(O) identification documents issued by governmental disability agencies;
(P) identification documents issued by government homeless shelters and other government temporary or
transitional facilities;
(Q) drug prescription issued by a government doctor or other governmental health care provider;
(R) property tax statement issued by a governmental agency;
(S) vehicle registration issued by a governmental agency; or
(T) vehicle certificate of ownership issued by a governmental agency.
I'm not opposed to Voter ID. I think it's a great idea...in the future...when 99.9% of the voting populace possesses the required photo ID. I'm opposed to putting the cart before the horse, requiring the ID before the voting populace has it. When 11% of the voting citizens do not possess the required photo ID, you're disenfranchising more voters than you're stopping "fraud". (which is fewer than 1% of all the votes cast)

It is also the restrictive types of ID that I object to. To prove your ID at the polls, you shouldn't have to have a current photo ID. You should be able to use:

(A) driver's license or identification card of any state;
(B) passport;
(C) employee identification card;
(D) identification card provided by a commercial establishment;
(E) credit or debit card;
(F) military identification card;
(G) student identification card;
(H) health club identification card;
(I) insurance plan identification card; or
(J) public housing identification card.

Any of the following documents, provided that the document includes the name and address of the individual presenting it, and is dated since the date of the last general election, unless the document is intended to be of a permanent nature such as a pardon or discharge or unless the date requirements of paragraph
(F) apply, including:

(A) utility bill;
(B) bank statement;
(C) government check;
(D) government paycheck;
(E) document issued by a governmental agency;
(F) sample ballot or other official elections document issued by a governmental, agency dated for the
election in which the individual is providing it as proof, of residency or identity;
(G) voter notification card issued by a governmental agency;
(H) public housing identification card issued by a governmental agency;
(I) lease or rental statement or agreement issued by a governmental agency;
(J) student identification card issued by a governmental agency;
(K) tuition statement or bill issued by a governmental agency;
(L) insurance plan card or drug discount card issued by a governmental agency;
(M) discharge certificates, pardons, or other official documents issued to the individual by a governmental
agency in connection with the resolution of a criminal case, indictment, sentence, or other matter;
(N) public transportation authority senior citizen and disabled discount cards issued by a governmental
(O) identification documents issued by governmental disability agencies;
(P) identification documents issued by government homeless shelters and other government temporary or
transitional facilities;
(Q) drug prescription issued by a government doctor or other governmental health care provider;
(R) property tax statement issued by a governmental agency;
(S) vehicle registration issued by a governmental agency; or
(T) vehicle certificate of ownership issued by a governmental agency.

I appreiate what you are saying, but I feel it should be a picture ID. Many of the forms of ID that you listed are too easily stolen and used as an ID.

Let's make it simple for that 11% to get the picture ID. And then we have the best of both worlds. Right now there are drives to "Get Out the Vote." Let's have a drive to "Get Your ID." People will volunteer to drive people to get their picture ID's done, they could be done free of charge, and volunteers could take people to get copies of their birth certificates.
1) I think that forcing people to produce a picture ID will NOT eliminate voter fraud or even curtail it.

2) It will mostly serve to reduce the amount of voters who would normally vote democrat, thus giving me great pause as to the actual motivations central to this issue.

3) I believe that most dems have taken up this issue because they understand that it is being used as a tool by the right to shrink the dem voter base.

Then you are dumb as you look.
1) I think that forcing people to produce a picture ID will NOT eliminate voter fraud or even curtail it.

2) It will mostly serve to reduce the amount of voters who would normally vote democrat, thus giving me great pause as to the actual motivations central to this issue.

3) I believe that most dems have taken up this issue because they understand that it is being used as a tool by the right to shrink the dem voter base.

Then you are dumb as you look.
And how do you know what he looks like? What an inane comment. He was right.
Democrats oppose verifying their identity in order to assure the integrity of the election, because their intention is to defraud the election.

Such is the nature of evil.

Are you capable of grasping the absurdity of someone going through the elaborate process of registering under a false identity all for the sake of casting one extra vote?

LOL! The Democrat Party is built precisely upon the process... They register millions of malcontents then send insurgents throughout the state to vote as the respective malcontents, made possible through the absence of any requirement to prove the identity of the voter.

There's nothing particularly complex about this, but it is clearly beyond your means to be honest... so perhaps you should find a thread in the 'Hate God' forum, where you're needed to add your voice to the progressive echo-chamber.

Really? Then there should be millions of cases of voter fraud. Where are they?


So, you're saying that because Democrats have not policed themselves, that this is evidence that Democrats have committed no crimes?

Oh now THATS fascinatin'.

No doubt that this species of reasoning justifies the conclusion that obama and his office isn't guilty of abuse of power, perjury, subornation of perjury and treason in Fast and Furious, The IRS, Benghazi, the intentional infecting of the US Culture with Ebola and the host of other known cases, because the Justice Department has not 'found in evidence'.

ROFL! Relativists... .
Democrats oppose verifying their identity in order to assure the integrity of the election, because their intention is to defraud the election.

Such is the nature of evil.

What??? You have proof of this, of course?

Yes... I have proof. And the proof is in their actions, wherein they (Democrats, OKA: The proponents of Foreign Ideas Hostile to American Principles) refuse to take personal responsibility to defend the integrity of the election process.

Do you feel that we reasonably need more evidence than that?

If so... based upon what?

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