Why Do Democrats Fear a Forensic Audit in Pennsylvania?

---Looks like Dems are panicking over the planned forensic audit of the Pennsylvania 2020 presidential election---

Citing someone who has no clue what he is talking about. Even Republican counties refused to poarticipate. The state legislature should not be allowed to touch the machines.
60% of Biden votes were mail-ins. Data.
Biden sets voting record despite unpopularity and scarce campaigning. Data
Trump only incumbent in 130 years to gain votes and lose (the last, Cleveland, won the popular vote). Data
Trump vote increase rivals that of FDR’s in his second run and FDR won the electoral vote, 523 - 8. Data.
More than enough to warrant audits.

That is proof of nothing. Your opinion is not fact. Trump only won in 2016 because of a fluke.
No, Biden was a two-time loser as a potus candidate and his vp was rejected by 98% of dems during the primaries. That’s not popular.
The likelihood of a stolen election is backed very clearly by all of those facts.

You have proven nothing except there were a large number of mail in votes. Also Harris lost because she was unknown.
Obviously if the democrats had not rigged the election they would be all for a well run audit.

They did rig the election and they sure as hell don’t want to get caught. If nothing else it would make rigging future elections extremely difficult and the democrats will need to rig future elections in order to win thanks to Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer and AOC plus inflation and the skyrocketing crime rate due to defunding the police.

Republicans were for defunding the police as well. Crime is skyrocketing even in red states. Apparently Republicans are soft on crime as well.
Republicans were for defunding the police as well. Crime is skyrocketing even in red states. Apparently Republicans are soft on crime as well.
Some claims by democrats that republicans were for defunding the police were false. Since you didn’t post a link I have no idea which you are talking about.

The Black Lives Matter movement turned police all over the nation from proactive to reactive. Today many police arrive on the scene of a crime just in time to put up the crime scene tape. They avoid sticking their neck out as they may lose their job and end up in prison. Plus a good number of cops have decided the pay is not worth the risk and have left the force. Finding new cops to replace them is not easy.

It is not surprising the crime rate is skyrocketing all over the nation. Even I was able to predict that result and it didn’t take a crystal ball.

My grandson was considering joining the police and my advise to him was to avoid a job where he would get little respect for putting his life on the line every day and where he might get shot dead while simply sitting in his police car. He wisely decided to join the Navy.

Democrats are smearing the audit team because they fear the truth will come out.
The Democrats are going to have a hell of a time staying in power if they can’t rig elections.

There is way more obvious fraud in the 2020 election than is even questionable. No comparison at all to typical levels of election fraud.
A dem tandem of rejects breaking a vote record by 17%? While 60% of their votes were from highly manipulatable mail-in votes?
Elephant in the room.
Funny how you have been laughed out of every court room over 60 in the land. These things are joke that only work on the propaganda machine. Now they are disbarring the scumbag lawyers who tried it. Sorry you're Trump coup didn't work out... You are a disgrace along with the rest of the GOP even if you are so dumb you are actually innocent.

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