Why do alleged "progressives" hate their own?


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
Elon Musk, SNL, and the Purpose of Life

I don't get it- why do people hate successful people?

from the article:



Even if he is not conservative, Elon Musk expresses an independent opinion occasionally on things such as COVID-19. This makes him — to use the word so many on Twitter use — “dangerous.” It’s the same justification for the daily campaigns to kick Tucker Carlson off the air. The repression leftists require shows how weak their positions are. If there were free speech, we would win.

What makes Elon Musk “dangerous?” Historically, progressivism is about “problem-solving.” A managerial elite uses state power to end poverty, war, and racial disparities. During the George W. Bush years, many leftists called themselves the “reality-based community.” “New Atheists” such as Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, and the late Christopher Hitchens became heroes for the Party of Science. Engineers like Elon Musk would stop climate change with new technology.

Progressives thought the same thing about race. Bad policies and prejudice caused inequality. Education would “solve” racism. Freedom of speech would break old habits.

However, over the last few years, American progressivism became more like a religion, unleashing what we call “Woke Culture.” Yesterday’s heroes are today’s villains. In 2018, Vox said Sam Harris was part of the “Intellectual Dark Web,” a movement close to the Alt Right. Christopher Hitchens did his career a huge favor by dying, because he would certainly be “canceled” today.

The meaning of “science” seems to have changed. Rather than a process discovering truth through experiment, it seems to be unproven (and unproveable) assertions that must be taken on faith. Thus, Richard Dawkins, once Oxford’s “Simonyi Professor for the Public Understanding of Science,” now finds himself stripped of the title “humanist of the year,” which he got from the American Humanist Association 25 years ago. The AHA said he was “using the guise of scientific discourse to demean marginalized groups” when he wrote such things as “Is trans woman a woman?” Dr. Dawkins apologized and distanced himself from “Republican bigots” but it did him no good. He’s a brave crusader against God, but he can’t stand up to a Twitter mob
They hate unfunny people on a comedy show.
How did you read what I wrote and respond while I was editing? Oh- you don't read- my bad.
I trained meselve to be a sped redder. I already knew the issue and already knew the OP's opinion because I can anticipate your redundancy and reiteration. Plus, I had the same opinion that just because you be rich doesn't make you a good choice for a TV show....
I trained meselve to be a sped redder
and a classic example of Publicly Funded education
How come I never saw a dime of it? I am sorry you base your ability to accept people based on your love of Polislick....Plus, you are derailing your thread..

Musk is no funny....get it, it's an opinion, no one gets to cannibalize anyone...
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The first folks lined up and shot are those who birthed the revolution, as they know. . . . those are the most dangerous. Of course they will attack Musk.
Musk is only interested in Musk.

. . . Musk is not to be trusted anywho. He is an oligarch that is on the inside. He is extremely, and I cannot stress this enough, highly intelligent.

Do not underestimate him.

Nothing he states in public should be taken at face value. . . OTH? Yeah, there are times he will express the truth.

Pointing out that Musk is kind of stupid on some topics is just, you know, common sense.

And calling Musk a "progressive" is just kooky.

The ongoing Trump cult war on common sense is funny. It really offends them.
You have zero. . . and I want to make this perfectly clear, zero, critical thinking skills.
You have zero. . . and I want to make this perfectly clear, zero, critical thinking skills.
Awww. I see. You have a big crush on Elon. I dissed your sweetie, now you're mad.
No, you said believe you are smarter than he is, or that he is kind of "stupid," on some topics.

It means to me? That you are an avid consumer of media. . . and, like all of our corporate titans, public officials, and other celebrities? You have no clue when they are acting, being disingenuous, or just out and out lying to you.

I have no doubt you think Trump never told the truth, and everything Obama, Hillary and Biden say is the truth.

You probably believe establishment media tell you the truth, and anything not approved by "NewsGuard" approved sources, is that truth.

Figuring out things for yourself, distinguishing nuance, truth from lies, facts from fudge? I have noticed is NOT your strong suit. It would not surprise me. . . if, like Elon, I found out you, yourself, are a neuroatypical.

Progressives don't hate their own. As a matter of fact they bend over backwards (sometimes forwards) to support other progressives who might be in trouble.
No, you said believe you are smarter than he is, or that he is kind of "stupid," on some topics.
And that's correct.

It means to me? That you are an avid consumer of media. . . and, like all of our corporate titans, public officials, and other celebrities? You have no clue when they are acting, being disingenuous, or just out and out lying to you.

Pointing out Elon Musk sometimes says dumb things means all of that? How so? After all, he does sometimes say dumb things. It doesn't mean I'm saying that everything he does is dumb.

Remember his submarine cave rescue vehicle, followed by his pedo accusation?

Remember hyperloop?

Remember his ongoing self-driving car obsession?

Remember his underground car tunnels?

Elon Musk sometimes says some really dumb things.

No, you said believe you are smarter than he is, or that he is kind of "stupid," on some topics.
And that's correct.

It means to me? That you are an avid consumer of media. . . and, like all of our corporate titans, public officials, and other celebrities? You have no clue when they are acting, being disingenuous, or just out and out lying to you.

Pointing out Elon Musk sometimes says dumb things means all of that? How so? After all, he does sometimes say dumb things. It doesn't mean I'm saying that everything he does is dumb.

Remember his submarine cave rescue vehicle, followed by his pedo accusation?

Remember hyperloop?

Remember his ongoing self-driving car obsession?

Remember his underground car tunnels?

Elon Musk sometimes says some really dumb things.

. . . and you believe it all.

Pointing out that Musk is kind of stupid on some topics is just, you know, common sense.

And calling Musk a "progressive" is just kooky.

The ongoing Trump cult war on common sense is funny. It really offends them.
Progressives hate EVERYONE at some point, even themselves.
Elon Musk, SNL, and the Purpose of Life

I don't get it- why do people hate successful people?

from the article:

View attachment 489036


Even if he is not conservative, Elon Musk expresses an independent opinion occasionally on things such as COVID-19. This makes him — to use the word so many on Twitter use — “dangerous.” It’s the same justification for the daily campaigns to kick Tucker Carlson off the air. The repression leftists require shows how weak their positions are. If there were free speech, we would win.

What makes Elon Musk “dangerous?” Historically, progressivism is about “problem-solving.” A managerial elite uses state power to end poverty, war, and racial disparities. During the George W. Bush years, many leftists called themselves the “reality-based community.” “New Atheists” such as Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, and the late Christopher Hitchens became heroes for the Party of Science. Engineers like Elon Musk would stop climate change with new technology.

Progressives thought the same thing about race. Bad policies and prejudice caused inequality. Education would “solve” racism. Freedom of speech would break old habits.

However, over the last few years, American progressivism became more like a religion, unleashing what we call “Woke Culture.” Yesterday’s heroes are today’s villains. In 2018, Vox said Sam Harris was part of the “Intellectual Dark Web,” a movement close to the Alt Right. Christopher Hitchens did his career a huge favor by dying, because he would certainly be “canceled” today.

The meaning of “science” seems to have changed. Rather than a process discovering truth through experiment, it seems to be unproven (and unproveable) assertions that must be taken on faith. Thus, Richard Dawkins, once Oxford’s “Simonyi Professor for the Public Understanding of Science,” now finds himself stripped of the title “humanist of the year,” which he got from the American Humanist Association 25 years ago. The AHA said he was “using the guise of scientific discourse to demean marginalized groups” when he wrote such things as “Is trans woman a woman?” Dr. Dawkins apologized and distanced himself from “Republican bigots” but it did him no good. He’s a brave crusader against God, but he can’t stand up to a Twitter mob

Musk has humiliated the DemoKKKrat Reich several times by openly defying the leftist narratives on covid, climate change, civil rights, and the economy. Thus, they're busily trying to destroy him.

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