Why Didn't Brave Patriots Fight Harder For America First??

"Conservative Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene is scrapping the planned launch of her "America First" caucus after receiving blowback from leaders in her own party, despite confirming through a spokesperson on Friday that the caucus would launch. This is a reversal from Friday, when her office said she would launch the caucus "very soon."

"This was an early planning proposal and nothing was agreed to or approved," he said in an email to CNN, referring to a flier promoting the caucus, obtained by Punchbowl News, that used inflammatory rhetoric. Nick Dyer, Greene's spokesperson, told CNN in an email on Saturday afternoon the Georgia Republican is not "launching anything."

How can you get anything done if the minute you get some pushback, you fold up like a cheap seat and try to distance yourself from the very thing you advocated for?? So just because some folks in your own party are weak and said things like; "The Republican Party is the party of Lincoln & the party of more opportunity for all Americans—not nativist dog whistles." -- that was from Kevin McCarthy, he is a nobody...screw what he thinks.....and "Racism, nativism, and anti-Semitism are evil. History teaches we all have an obligation to confront & reject such malicious hate." -- that was from Liz Cheney...who the fuck cares what she has to say??

The America First caucus agenda is 100% spot on and popular with the majority of true Americans, including a few darkies too who know their place...we also have the full support of Matt Gaetz, need I say anymore? So far the agenda calls for a return to unique Anglo-Saxon traditions from 1066; a federal mandate that calls for all buildings to be of European architecture, you know, the important stuff....and besides, how can you move closer to establishing a white ethno-state one day if you are still too afraid to fight for the less overtly racist stuff??
....and besides, how can you move closer to establishing a white ethno-state one day...
Y'know, come to think of it, this would explain a lot.

They really don't seem to care about how tone deaf this stuff is, and they really don't seem to care about changing any minds or constructively communicating.

Maybe they really, seriously are after just having their own place at this point.

You wokeologists should exhaust all energy showing racists that America WOULDN’T be a better, cleaner, safer, more productive more likeminded nation if it were whiter and practiced traditional Caucasian principles. Show them that dark folks improve and enhance America...show them that darkies make America a better place.....I’m certain you have that data...RIGHT?
I wouldn't know where to find such data.

When do you guys separate from us? That's what you want. Quit bitching and get to it.

Start by gathering statistics from the following categories:
Teen pregnancy
School drop-out rate
Violent crime / Criminality
Abortion rate
Fatherless households
Taxpayer dependency

Show us that discarding “Anglo-Saxon” principles and traditions and following whatever value system dark people follow leads to a cleaner, safer, unified, more prosperous nation and I‘m sure we’ll all get right behind you.
I’m certain you can show us...RIGHT?

In all fairness, we cannot use a one bucket fits all approach.
I would agree that we have a serious black problem in America....but in no way could I ever say ALL black Americans are savages.

The problem is there is a significant number of savage and highly racist segment of blacks that is a disproportionate percentage of the entire population.

I refuse to split hairs, play semantics and sift through the hay stack for that needle...
I’m playing like they play...All cops are bad and all whites are systemically racist....GAME ON!
So if all whites are systemically racist -- how come you folks whine so much about having no power??
Racism and power have nothing to do with each other. Where do you people come up with these weird ideas? :cuckoo:

"Conservative Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene is scrapping the planned launch of her "America First" caucus after receiving blowback from leaders in her own party, despite confirming through a spokesperson on Friday that the caucus would launch. This is a reversal from Friday, when her office said she would launch the caucus "very soon."

"This was an early planning proposal and nothing was agreed to or approved," he said in an email to CNN, referring to a flier promoting the caucus, obtained by Punchbowl News, that used inflammatory rhetoric. Nick Dyer, Greene's spokesperson, told CNN in an email on Saturday afternoon the Georgia Republican is not "launching anything."

How can you get anything done if the minute you get some pushback, you fold up like a cheap seat and try to distance yourself from the very thing you advocated for?? So just because some folks in your own party are weak and said things like; "The Republican Party is the party of Lincoln & the party of more opportunity for all Americans—not nativist dog whistles." -- that was from Kevin McCarthy, he is a nobody...screw what he thinks.....and "Racism, nativism, and anti-Semitism are evil. History teaches we all have an obligation to confront & reject such malicious hate." -- that was from Liz Cheney...who the fuck cares what she has to say??

The America First caucus agenda is 100% spot on and popular with the majority of true Americans, including a few darkies too who know their place...we also have the full support of Matt Gaetz, need I say anymore? So far the agenda calls for a return to unique Anglo-Saxon traditions from 1066; a federal mandate that calls for all buildings to be of European architecture, you know, the important stuff....and besides, how can you move closer to establishing a white ethno-state one day if you are still too afraid to fight for the less overtly racist stuff??
....and besides, how can you move closer to establishing a white ethno-state one day...
Y'know, come to think of it, this would explain a lot.

They really don't seem to care about how tone deaf this stuff is, and they really don't seem to care about changing any minds or constructively communicating.

Maybe they really, seriously are after just having their own place at this point.

You wokeologists should exhaust all energy showing racists that America WOULDN’T be a better, cleaner, safer, more productive more likeminded nation if it were whiter and practiced traditional Caucasian principles. Show them that dark folks improve and enhance America...show them that darkies make America a better place.....I’m certain you have that data...RIGHT?
I wouldn't know where to find such data.

When do you guys separate from us? That's what you want. Quit bitching and get to it.
Apparently you dont know where that data is either. Now would have been the perfect opportunity for you to produce it and thereby shut him up.
He's just a Trumpster. I don't care.
You dont care about arguing your positions effectively?
Mac1958 runs exclusively on opinion rooted in FEELZ, no logic, no reason, no data...pure FEELZ, therefore he knows he has no effective angle in this debate...All he can do is throw his hands up and say “Trumpsters aren’t worth my time”.
If he posts the data I’ve requested he looks like a FEELZ based illogical fool and he knows it.
Yeah, its the weakest thing you could possibly do on a forum where people debate topics. I would NEVER say some shit that i couldnt effectively defend. That would be humiliating.

I completely agree...
Leftists like Mac1958 can’t use data to refute a position because the data will almost always prove they are fucked in the head for taking said position.
They haven’t realized they could save face by owning their ignorance, their FEELZ and by saying.....“look, I know the data proves I’m an ignorant fool but I have to look out for my feelings first because I’m an irrational, illogical, unreasonable, emotional pussy and thats what we pussies do, we can’t see past our nose on emotional issues.”

"Conservative Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene is scrapping the planned launch of her "America First" caucus after receiving blowback from leaders in her own party, despite confirming through a spokesperson on Friday that the caucus would launch. This is a reversal from Friday, when her office said she would launch the caucus "very soon."

"This was an early planning proposal and nothing was agreed to or approved," he said in an email to CNN, referring to a flier promoting the caucus, obtained by Punchbowl News, that used inflammatory rhetoric. Nick Dyer, Greene's spokesperson, told CNN in an email on Saturday afternoon the Georgia Republican is not "launching anything."

How can you get anything done if the minute you get some pushback, you fold up like a cheap seat and try to distance yourself from the very thing you advocated for?? So just because some folks in your own party are weak and said things like; "The Republican Party is the party of Lincoln & the party of more opportunity for all Americans—not nativist dog whistles." -- that was from Kevin McCarthy, he is a nobody...screw what he thinks.....and "Racism, nativism, and anti-Semitism are evil. History teaches we all have an obligation to confront & reject such malicious hate." -- that was from Liz Cheney...who the fuck cares what she has to say??

The America First caucus agenda is 100% spot on and popular with the majority of true Americans, including a few darkies too who know their place...we also have the full support of Matt Gaetz, need I say anymore? So far the agenda calls for a return to unique Anglo-Saxon traditions from 1066; a federal mandate that calls for all buildings to be of European architecture, you know, the important stuff....and besides, how can you move closer to establishing a white ethno-state one day if you are still too afraid to fight for the less overtly racist stuff??
....and besides, how can you move closer to establishing a white ethno-state one day...
Y'know, come to think of it, this would explain a lot.

They really don't seem to care about how tone deaf this stuff is, and they really don't seem to care about changing any minds or constructively communicating.

Maybe they really, seriously are after just having their own place at this point.

You wokeologists should exhaust all energy showing racists that America WOULDN’T be a better, cleaner, safer, more productive more likeminded nation if it were whiter and practiced traditional Caucasian principles. Show them that dark folks improve and enhance America...show them that darkies make America a better place.....I’m certain you have that data...RIGHT?
I wouldn't know where to find such data.

When do you guys separate from us? That's what you want. Quit bitching and get to it.

Start by gathering statistics from the following categories:
Teen pregnancy
School drop-out rate
Violent crime / Criminality
Abortion rate
Fatherless households
Taxpayer dependency

Show us that discarding “Anglo-Saxon” principles and traditions and following whatever value system dark people follow leads to a cleaner, safer, unified, more prosperous nation and I‘m sure we’ll all get right behind you.
I’m certain you can show us...RIGHT?

In all fairness, we cannot use a one bucket fits all approach.
I would agree that we have a serious black problem in America....but in no way could I ever say ALL black Americans are savages.

The problem is there is a significant number of savage and highly racist segment of blacks that is a disproportionate percentage of the entire population.

I refuse to split hairs, play semantics and sift through the hay stack for that needle...
I’m playing like they play...All cops are bad and all whites are systemically racist....GAME ON!
So if all whites are systemically racist -- how come you folks whine so much about having no power??
Playing the victim is part of the cult dogma....as is an inherent desire for violence.
Who plays victim more than democrats? Its literally the democrat party platform

"Conservative Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene is scrapping the planned launch of her "America First" caucus after receiving blowback from leaders in her own party, despite confirming through a spokesperson on Friday that the caucus would launch. This is a reversal from Friday, when her office said she would launch the caucus "very soon."

"This was an early planning proposal and nothing was agreed to or approved," he said in an email to CNN, referring to a flier promoting the caucus, obtained by Punchbowl News, that used inflammatory rhetoric. Nick Dyer, Greene's spokesperson, told CNN in an email on Saturday afternoon the Georgia Republican is not "launching anything."

How can you get anything done if the minute you get some pushback, you fold up like a cheap seat and try to distance yourself from the very thing you advocated for?? So just because some folks in your own party are weak and said things like; "The Republican Party is the party of Lincoln & the party of more opportunity for all Americans—not nativist dog whistles." -- that was from Kevin McCarthy, he is a nobody...screw what he thinks.....and "Racism, nativism, and anti-Semitism are evil. History teaches we all have an obligation to confront & reject such malicious hate." -- that was from Liz Cheney...who the fuck cares what she has to say??

The America First caucus agenda is 100% spot on and popular with the majority of true Americans, including a few darkies too who know their place...we also have the full support of Matt Gaetz, need I say anymore? So far the agenda calls for a return to unique Anglo-Saxon traditions from 1066; a federal mandate that calls for all buildings to be of European architecture, you know, the important stuff....and besides, how can you move closer to establishing a white ethno-state one day if you are still too afraid to fight for the less overtly racist stuff??
....and besides, how can you move closer to establishing a white ethno-state one day...
Y'know, come to think of it, this would explain a lot.

They really don't seem to care about how tone deaf this stuff is, and they really don't seem to care about changing any minds or constructively communicating.

Maybe they really, seriously are after just having their own place at this point.

You wokeologists should exhaust all energy showing racists that America WOULDN’T be a better, cleaner, safer, more productive more likeminded nation if it were whiter and practiced traditional Caucasian principles. Show them that dark folks improve and enhance America...show them that darkies make America a better place.....I’m certain you have that data...RIGHT?
I wouldn't know where to find such data.

When do you guys separate from us? That's what you want. Quit bitching and get to it.

Start by gathering statistics from the following categories:
Teen pregnancy
School drop-out rate
Violent crime / Criminality
Abortion rate
Fatherless households
Taxpayer dependency

Show us that discarding “Anglo-Saxon” principles and traditions and following whatever value system dark people follow leads to a cleaner, safer, unified, more prosperous nation and I‘m sure we’ll all get right behind you.
I’m certain you can show us...RIGHT?

In all fairness, we cannot use a one bucket fits all approach.
I would agree that we have a serious black problem in America....but in no way could I ever say ALL black Americans are savages.

The problem is there is a significant number of savage and highly racist segment of blacks that is a disproportionate percentage of the entire population.

I refuse to split hairs, play semantics and sift through the hay stack for that needle...
I’m playing like they play...All cops are bad and all whites are systemically racist....GAME ON!
So if all whites are systemically racist -- how come you folks whine so much about having no power??
Racism and power have nothing to do with each other. Where do you people come up with these weird ideas? :cuckoo:
racists want power.
everybody wants power.
there are racists in every ethnic group.
but not everybody is racist.

"Conservative Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene is scrapping the planned launch of her "America First" caucus after receiving blowback from leaders in her own party, despite confirming through a spokesperson on Friday that the caucus would launch. This is a reversal from Friday, when her office said she would launch the caucus "very soon."

"This was an early planning proposal and nothing was agreed to or approved," he said in an email to CNN, referring to a flier promoting the caucus, obtained by Punchbowl News, that used inflammatory rhetoric. Nick Dyer, Greene's spokesperson, told CNN in an email on Saturday afternoon the Georgia Republican is not "launching anything."

How can you get anything done if the minute you get some pushback, you fold up like a cheap seat and try to distance yourself from the very thing you advocated for?? So just because some folks in your own party are weak and said things like; "The Republican Party is the party of Lincoln & the party of more opportunity for all Americans—not nativist dog whistles." -- that was from Kevin McCarthy, he is a nobody...screw what he thinks.....and "Racism, nativism, and anti-Semitism are evil. History teaches we all have an obligation to confront & reject such malicious hate." -- that was from Liz Cheney...who the fuck cares what she has to say??

The America First caucus agenda is 100% spot on and popular with the majority of true Americans, including a few darkies too who know their place...we also have the full support of Matt Gaetz, need I say anymore? So far the agenda calls for a return to unique Anglo-Saxon traditions from 1066; a federal mandate that calls for all buildings to be of European architecture, you know, the important stuff....and besides, how can you move closer to establishing a white ethno-state one day if you are still too afraid to fight for the less overtly racist stuff??
....and besides, how can you move closer to establishing a white ethno-state one day...
Y'know, come to think of it, this would explain a lot.

They really don't seem to care about how tone deaf this stuff is, and they really don't seem to care about changing any minds or constructively communicating.

Maybe they really, seriously are after just having their own place at this point.

You wokeologists should exhaust all energy showing racists that America WOULDN’T be a better, cleaner, safer, more productive more likeminded nation if it were whiter and practiced traditional Caucasian principles. Show them that dark folks improve and enhance America...show them that darkies make America a better place.....I’m certain you have that data...RIGHT?
I wouldn't know where to find such data.

When do you guys separate from us? That's what you want. Quit bitching and get to it.

Start by gathering statistics from the following categories:
Teen pregnancy
School drop-out rate
Violent crime / Criminality
Abortion rate
Fatherless households
Taxpayer dependency

Show us that discarding “Anglo-Saxon” principles and traditions and following whatever value system dark people follow leads to a cleaner, safer, unified, more prosperous nation and I‘m sure we’ll all get right behind you.
I’m certain you can show us...RIGHT?

In all fairness, we cannot use a one bucket fits all approach.
I would agree that we have a serious black problem in America....but in no way could I ever say ALL black Americans are savages.

The problem is there is a significant number of savage and highly racist segment of blacks that is a disproportionate percentage of the entire population.

I refuse to split hairs, play semantics and sift through the hay stack for that needle...
I’m playing like they play...All cops are bad and all whites are systemically racist....GAME ON!
So if all whites are systemically racist -- how come you folks whine so much about having no power??
Haha...”power”....WTF do you live under a rock?
Caucasians founded, built, fund and run this nation...that’s the only reason you darkies flock to America....HAHAHA....how many predominantly dark nations are dark people dying to get in?

"Conservative Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene is scrapping the planned launch of her "America First" caucus after receiving blowback from leaders in her own party, despite confirming through a spokesperson on Friday that the caucus would launch. This is a reversal from Friday, when her office said she would launch the caucus "very soon."

"This was an early planning proposal and nothing was agreed to or approved," he said in an email to CNN, referring to a flier promoting the caucus, obtained by Punchbowl News, that used inflammatory rhetoric. Nick Dyer, Greene's spokesperson, told CNN in an email on Saturday afternoon the Georgia Republican is not "launching anything."

How can you get anything done if the minute you get some pushback, you fold up like a cheap seat and try to distance yourself from the very thing you advocated for?? So just because some folks in your own party are weak and said things like; "The Republican Party is the party of Lincoln & the party of more opportunity for all Americans—not nativist dog whistles." -- that was from Kevin McCarthy, he is a nobody...screw what he thinks.....and "Racism, nativism, and anti-Semitism are evil. History teaches we all have an obligation to confront & reject such malicious hate." -- that was from Liz Cheney...who the fuck cares what she has to say??

The America First caucus agenda is 100% spot on and popular with the majority of true Americans, including a few darkies too who know their place...we also have the full support of Matt Gaetz, need I say anymore? So far the agenda calls for a return to unique Anglo-Saxon traditions from 1066; a federal mandate that calls for all buildings to be of European architecture, you know, the important stuff....and besides, how can you move closer to establishing a white ethno-state one day if you are still too afraid to fight for the less overtly racist stuff??
....and besides, how can you move closer to establishing a white ethno-state one day...
Y'know, come to think of it, this would explain a lot.

They really don't seem to care about how tone deaf this stuff is, and they really don't seem to care about changing any minds or constructively communicating.

Maybe they really, seriously are after just having their own place at this point.

You wokeologists should exhaust all energy showing racists that America WOULDN’T be a better, cleaner, safer, more productive more likeminded nation if it were whiter and practiced traditional Caucasian principles. Show them that dark folks improve and enhance America...show them that darkies make America a better place.....I’m certain you have that data...RIGHT?
I wouldn't know where to find such data.

When do you guys separate from us? That's what you want. Quit bitching and get to it.

Start by gathering statistics from the following categories:
Teen pregnancy
School drop-out rate
Violent crime / Criminality
Abortion rate
Fatherless households
Taxpayer dependency

Show us that discarding “Anglo-Saxon” principles and traditions and following whatever value system dark people follow leads to a cleaner, safer, unified, more prosperous nation and I‘m sure we’ll all get right behind you.
I’m certain you can show us...RIGHT?

In all fairness, we cannot use a one bucket fits all approach.
I would agree that we have a serious black problem in America....but in no way could I ever say ALL black Americans are savages.

The problem is there is a significant number of savage and highly racist segment of blacks that is a disproportionate percentage of the entire population.

I refuse to split hairs, play semantics and sift through the hay stack for that needle...
I’m playing like they play...All cops are bad and all whites are systemically racist....GAME ON!
So if all whites are systemically racist -- how come you folks whine so much about having no power??
Racism and power have nothing to do with each other. Where do you people come up with these weird ideas?
Bawhahahahahhahahahahahahahah @ racism and power have nothing do with each other....

Just stop.......

Racism without power is just a bigot yelling at other people from his front porch....

Power allows you to manifest your racism in law.......or did you think this couple had to go thru what they went thru because of how there was no POWER to ENFORCE racist anti-miscegenation laws

_00-rac008 (219).jpg

"Conservative Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene is scrapping the planned launch of her "America First" caucus after receiving blowback from leaders in her own party, despite confirming through a spokesperson on Friday that the caucus would launch. This is a reversal from Friday, when her office said she would launch the caucus "very soon."

"This was an early planning proposal and nothing was agreed to or approved," he said in an email to CNN, referring to a flier promoting the caucus, obtained by Punchbowl News, that used inflammatory rhetoric. Nick Dyer, Greene's spokesperson, told CNN in an email on Saturday afternoon the Georgia Republican is not "launching anything."

How can you get anything done if the minute you get some pushback, you fold up like a cheap seat and try to distance yourself from the very thing you advocated for?? So just because some folks in your own party are weak and said things like; "The Republican Party is the party of Lincoln & the party of more opportunity for all Americans—not nativist dog whistles." -- that was from Kevin McCarthy, he is a nobody...screw what he thinks.....and "Racism, nativism, and anti-Semitism are evil. History teaches we all have an obligation to confront & reject such malicious hate." -- that was from Liz Cheney...who the fuck cares what she has to say??

The America First caucus agenda is 100% spot on and popular with the majority of true Americans, including a few darkies too who know their place...we also have the full support of Matt Gaetz, need I say anymore? So far the agenda calls for a return to unique Anglo-Saxon traditions from 1066; a federal mandate that calls for all buildings to be of European architecture, you know, the important stuff....and besides, how can you move closer to establishing a white ethno-state one day if you are still too afraid to fight for the less overtly racist stuff??
....and besides, how can you move closer to establishing a white ethno-state one day...
Y'know, come to think of it, this would explain a lot.

They really don't seem to care about how tone deaf this stuff is, and they really don't seem to care about changing any minds or constructively communicating.

Maybe they really, seriously are after just having their own place at this point.

You wokeologists should exhaust all energy showing racists that America WOULDN’T be a better, cleaner, safer, more productive more likeminded nation if it were whiter and practiced traditional Caucasian principles. Show them that dark folks improve and enhance America...show them that darkies make America a better place.....I’m certain you have that data...RIGHT?
I wouldn't know where to find such data.

When do you guys separate from us? That's what you want. Quit bitching and get to it.

Start by gathering statistics from the following categories:
Teen pregnancy
School drop-out rate
Violent crime / Criminality
Abortion rate
Fatherless households
Taxpayer dependency

Show us that discarding “Anglo-Saxon” principles and traditions and following whatever value system dark people follow leads to a cleaner, safer, unified, more prosperous nation and I‘m sure we’ll all get right behind you.
I’m certain you can show us...RIGHT?

In all fairness, we cannot use a one bucket fits all approach.
I would agree that we have a serious black problem in America....but in no way could I ever say ALL black Americans are savages.

The problem is there is a significant number of savage and highly racist segment of blacks that is a disproportionate percentage of the entire population.

I refuse to split hairs, play semantics and sift through the hay stack for that needle...
I’m playing like they play...All cops are bad and all whites are systemically racist....GAME ON!
So if all whites are systemically racist -- how come you folks whine so much about having no power??
Haha...”power”....WTF do you live under a rock?
Caucasians founded, built, fund and run this nation...that’s the only reason you darkies flock to America....HAHAHA....how many predominantly dark nations are dark people dying to get in?
Cool....so since you feel this country was founded on racism and also claimed all whites are racist......you should have more than enough power to implement a system that prevents your fragile ass from whining like a bitch all the time, right??

Or are you just a weak ass bitch who has to vicariously pretend to have power online??

"Conservative Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene is scrapping the planned launch of her "America First" caucus after receiving blowback from leaders in her own party, despite confirming through a spokesperson on Friday that the caucus would launch. This is a reversal from Friday, when her office said she would launch the caucus "very soon."

"This was an early planning proposal and nothing was agreed to or approved," he said in an email to CNN, referring to a flier promoting the caucus, obtained by Punchbowl News, that used inflammatory rhetoric. Nick Dyer, Greene's spokesperson, told CNN in an email on Saturday afternoon the Georgia Republican is not "launching anything."

How can you get anything done if the minute you get some pushback, you fold up like a cheap seat and try to distance yourself from the very thing you advocated for?? So just because some folks in your own party are weak and said things like; "The Republican Party is the party of Lincoln & the party of more opportunity for all Americans—not nativist dog whistles." -- that was from Kevin McCarthy, he is a nobody...screw what he thinks.....and "Racism, nativism, and anti-Semitism are evil. History teaches we all have an obligation to confront & reject such malicious hate." -- that was from Liz Cheney...who the fuck cares what she has to say??

The America First caucus agenda is 100% spot on and popular with the majority of true Americans, including a few darkies too who know their place...we also have the full support of Matt Gaetz, need I say anymore? So far the agenda calls for a return to unique Anglo-Saxon traditions from 1066; a federal mandate that calls for all buildings to be of European architecture, you know, the important stuff....and besides, how can you move closer to establishing a white ethno-state one day if you are still too afraid to fight for the less overtly racist stuff??
....and besides, how can you move closer to establishing a white ethno-state one day...
Y'know, come to think of it, this would explain a lot.

They really don't seem to care about how tone deaf this stuff is, and they really don't seem to care about changing any minds or constructively communicating.

Maybe they really, seriously are after just having their own place at this point.

You wokeologists should exhaust all energy showing racists that America WOULDN’T be a better, cleaner, safer, more productive more likeminded nation if it were whiter and practiced traditional Caucasian principles. Show them that dark folks improve and enhance America...show them that darkies make America a better place.....I’m certain you have that data...RIGHT?
I wouldn't know where to find such data.

When do you guys separate from us? That's what you want. Quit bitching and get to it.
Apparently you dont know where that data is either. Now would have been the perfect opportunity for you to produce it and thereby shut him up.
He's just a Trumpster. I don't care.
You dont care about arguing your positions effectively?
Mac1958 runs exclusively on opinion rooted in FEELZ, no logic, no reason, no data...pure FEELZ, therefore he knows he has no effective angle in this debate...All he can do is throw his hands up and say “Trumpsters aren’t worth my time”.
If he posts the data I’ve requested he looks like a FEELZ based illogical fool and he knows it.
So what's your plan to separate? And time frame?

Can you only bitch and moan?

Our plan is not to separate but to simply eliminate the Socialist problem.

"Conservative Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene is scrapping the planned launch of her "America First" caucus after receiving blowback from leaders in her own party, despite confirming through a spokesperson on Friday that the caucus would launch. This is a reversal from Friday, when her office said she would launch the caucus "very soon."

"This was an early planning proposal and nothing was agreed to or approved," he said in an email to CNN, referring to a flier promoting the caucus, obtained by Punchbowl News, that used inflammatory rhetoric. Nick Dyer, Greene's spokesperson, told CNN in an email on Saturday afternoon the Georgia Republican is not "launching anything."

How can you get anything done if the minute you get some pushback, you fold up like a cheap seat and try to distance yourself from the very thing you advocated for?? So just because some folks in your own party are weak and said things like; "The Republican Party is the party of Lincoln & the party of more opportunity for all Americans—not nativist dog whistles." -- that was from Kevin McCarthy, he is a nobody...screw what he thinks.....and "Racism, nativism, and anti-Semitism are evil. History teaches we all have an obligation to confront & reject such malicious hate." -- that was from Liz Cheney...who the fuck cares what she has to say??

The America First caucus agenda is 100% spot on and popular with the majority of true Americans, including a few darkies too who know their place...we also have the full support of Matt Gaetz, need I say anymore? So far the agenda calls for a return to unique Anglo-Saxon traditions from 1066; a federal mandate that calls for all buildings to be of European architecture, you know, the important stuff....and besides, how can you move closer to establishing a white ethno-state one day if you are still too afraid to fight for the less overtly racist stuff??
....and besides, how can you move closer to establishing a white ethno-state one day...
Y'know, come to think of it, this would explain a lot.

They really don't seem to care about how tone deaf this stuff is, and they really don't seem to care about changing any minds or constructively communicating.

Maybe they really, seriously are after just having their own place at this point.

You wokeologists should exhaust all energy showing racists that America WOULDN’T be a better, cleaner, safer, more productive more likeminded nation if it were whiter and practiced traditional Caucasian principles. Show them that dark folks improve and enhance America...show them that darkies make America a better place.....I’m certain you have that data...RIGHT?
I wouldn't know where to find such data.

When do you guys separate from us? That's what you want. Quit bitching and get to it.
Apparently you dont know where that data is either. Now would have been the perfect opportunity for you to produce it and thereby shut him up.
He's just a Trumpster. I don't care.
You dont care about arguing your positions effectively?
Mac1958 runs exclusively on opinion rooted in FEELZ, no logic, no reason, no data...pure FEELZ, therefore he knows he has no effective angle in this debate...All he can do is throw his hands up and say “Trumpsters aren’t worth my time”.
If he posts the data I’ve requested he looks like a FEELZ based illogical fool and he knows it.
So what's your plan to separate? And time frame?

Can you only bitch and moan?

Our plan is not to separate but to simply eliminate the Socialist problem.
Hey, you're doing great.

"Conservative Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene is scrapping the planned launch of her "America First" caucus after receiving blowback from leaders in her own party, despite confirming through a spokesperson on Friday that the caucus would launch. This is a reversal from Friday, when her office said she would launch the caucus "very soon."

"This was an early planning proposal and nothing was agreed to or approved," he said in an email to CNN, referring to a flier promoting the caucus, obtained by Punchbowl News, that used inflammatory rhetoric. Nick Dyer, Greene's spokesperson, told CNN in an email on Saturday afternoon the Georgia Republican is not "launching anything."

How can you get anything done if the minute you get some pushback, you fold up like a cheap seat and try to distance yourself from the very thing you advocated for?? So just because some folks in your own party are weak and said things like; "The Republican Party is the party of Lincoln & the party of more opportunity for all Americans—not nativist dog whistles." -- that was from Kevin McCarthy, he is a nobody...screw what he thinks.....and "Racism, nativism, and anti-Semitism are evil. History teaches we all have an obligation to confront & reject such malicious hate." -- that was from Liz Cheney...who the fuck cares what she has to say??

The America First caucus agenda is 100% spot on and popular with the majority of true Americans, including a few darkies too who know their place...we also have the full support of Matt Gaetz, need I say anymore? So far the agenda calls for a return to unique Anglo-Saxon traditions from 1066; a federal mandate that calls for all buildings to be of European architecture, you know, the important stuff....and besides, how can you move closer to establishing a white ethno-state one day if you are still too afraid to fight for the less overtly racist stuff??
....and besides, how can you move closer to establishing a white ethno-state one day...
Y'know, come to think of it, this would explain a lot.

They really don't seem to care about how tone deaf this stuff is, and they really don't seem to care about changing any minds or constructively communicating.

Maybe they really, seriously are after just having their own place at this point.

You wokeologists should exhaust all energy showing racists that America WOULDN’T be a better, cleaner, safer, more productive more likeminded nation if it were whiter and practiced traditional Caucasian principles. Show them that dark folks improve and enhance America...show them that darkies make America a better place.....I’m certain you have that data...RIGHT?
I wouldn't know where to find such data.

When do you guys separate from us? That's what you want. Quit bitching and get to it.

Start by gathering statistics from the following categories:
Teen pregnancy
School drop-out rate
Violent crime / Criminality
Abortion rate
Fatherless households
Taxpayer dependency

Show us that discarding “Anglo-Saxon” principles and traditions and following whatever value system dark people follow leads to a cleaner, safer, unified, more prosperous nation and I‘m sure we’ll all get right behind you.
I’m certain you can show us...RIGHT?

In all fairness, we cannot use a one bucket fits all approach.
I would agree that we have a serious black problem in America....but in no way could I ever say ALL black Americans are savages.

The problem is there is a significant number of savage and highly racist segment of blacks that is a disproportionate percentage of the entire population.

I refuse to split hairs, play semantics and sift through the hay stack for that needle...
I’m playing like they play...All cops are bad and all whites are systemically racist....GAME ON!
So if all whites are systemically racist -- how come you folks whine so much about having no power??
Racism and power have nothing to do with each other. Where do you people come up with these weird ideas? :cuckoo:
racists want power.
everybody wants power.
there are racists in every ethnic group.
but not everybody is racist.

That isn't what I have been hearing lately.

"Conservative Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene is scrapping the planned launch of her "America First" caucus after receiving blowback from leaders in her own party, despite confirming through a spokesperson on Friday that the caucus would launch. This is a reversal from Friday, when her office said she would launch the caucus "very soon."

"This was an early planning proposal and nothing was agreed to or approved," he said in an email to CNN, referring to a flier promoting the caucus, obtained by Punchbowl News, that used inflammatory rhetoric. Nick Dyer, Greene's spokesperson, told CNN in an email on Saturday afternoon the Georgia Republican is not "launching anything."

How can you get anything done if the minute you get some pushback, you fold up like a cheap seat and try to distance yourself from the very thing you advocated for?? So just because some folks in your own party are weak and said things like; "The Republican Party is the party of Lincoln & the party of more opportunity for all Americans—not nativist dog whistles." -- that was from Kevin McCarthy, he is a nobody...screw what he thinks.....and "Racism, nativism, and anti-Semitism are evil. History teaches we all have an obligation to confront & reject such malicious hate." -- that was from Liz Cheney...who the fuck cares what she has to say??

The America First caucus agenda is 100% spot on and popular with the majority of true Americans, including a few darkies too who know their place...we also have the full support of Matt Gaetz, need I say anymore? So far the agenda calls for a return to unique Anglo-Saxon traditions from 1066; a federal mandate that calls for all buildings to be of European architecture, you know, the important stuff....and besides, how can you move closer to establishing a white ethno-state one day if you are still too afraid to fight for the less overtly racist stuff??
....and besides, how can you move closer to establishing a white ethno-state one day...
Y'know, come to think of it, this would explain a lot.

They really don't seem to care about how tone deaf this stuff is, and they really don't seem to care about changing any minds or constructively communicating.

Maybe they really, seriously are after just having their own place at this point.

You wokeologists should exhaust all energy showing racists that America WOULDN’T be a better, cleaner, safer, more productive more likeminded nation if it were whiter and practiced traditional Caucasian principles. Show them that dark folks improve and enhance America...show them that darkies make America a better place.....I’m certain you have that data...RIGHT?
I wouldn't know where to find such data.

When do you guys separate from us? That's what you want. Quit bitching and get to it.
Apparently you dont know where that data is either. Now would have been the perfect opportunity for you to produce it and thereby shut him up.
He's just a Trumpster. I don't care.
You dont care about arguing your positions effectively?
Mac1958 runs exclusively on opinion rooted in FEELZ, no logic, no reason, no data...pure FEELZ, therefore he knows he has no effective angle in this debate...All he can do is throw his hands up and say “Trumpsters aren’t worth my time”.
If he posts the data I’ve requested he looks like a FEELZ based illogical fool and he knows it.
So what's your plan to separate? And time frame?

Can you only bitch and moan?

Our plan is not to separate but to simply eliminate the Socialist problem.
The Socialist problem? Like Social Security and Medicare? Like tax paid for police and fire service?

"Conservative Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene is scrapping the planned launch of her "America First" caucus after receiving blowback from leaders in her own party, despite confirming through a spokesperson on Friday that the caucus would launch. This is a reversal from Friday, when her office said she would launch the caucus "very soon."

"This was an early planning proposal and nothing was agreed to or approved," he said in an email to CNN, referring to a flier promoting the caucus, obtained by Punchbowl News, that used inflammatory rhetoric. Nick Dyer, Greene's spokesperson, told CNN in an email on Saturday afternoon the Georgia Republican is not "launching anything."

How can you get anything done if the minute you get some pushback, you fold up like a cheap seat and try to distance yourself from the very thing you advocated for?? So just because some folks in your own party are weak and said things like; "The Republican Party is the party of Lincoln & the party of more opportunity for all Americans—not nativist dog whistles." -- that was from Kevin McCarthy, he is a nobody...screw what he thinks.....and "Racism, nativism, and anti-Semitism are evil. History teaches we all have an obligation to confront & reject such malicious hate." -- that was from Liz Cheney...who the fuck cares what she has to say??

The America First caucus agenda is 100% spot on and popular with the majority of true Americans, including a few darkies too who know their place...we also have the full support of Matt Gaetz, need I say anymore? So far the agenda calls for a return to unique Anglo-Saxon traditions from 1066; a federal mandate that calls for all buildings to be of European architecture, you know, the important stuff....and besides, how can you move closer to establishing a white ethno-state one day if you are still too afraid to fight for the less overtly racist stuff??
....and besides, how can you move closer to establishing a white ethno-state one day...
Y'know, come to think of it, this would explain a lot.

They really don't seem to care about how tone deaf this stuff is, and they really don't seem to care about changing any minds or constructively communicating.

Maybe they really, seriously are after just having their own place at this point.

You wokeologists should exhaust all energy showing racists that America WOULDN’T be a better, cleaner, safer, more productive more likeminded nation if it were whiter and practiced traditional Caucasian principles. Show them that dark folks improve and enhance America...show them that darkies make America a better place.....I’m certain you have that data...RIGHT?
I wouldn't know where to find such data.

When do you guys separate from us? That's what you want. Quit bitching and get to it.
Apparently you dont know where that data is either. Now would have been the perfect opportunity for you to produce it and thereby shut him up.
He's just a Trumpster. I don't care.
You dont care about arguing your positions effectively?
Mac1958 runs exclusively on opinion rooted in FEELZ, no logic, no reason, no data...pure FEELZ, therefore he knows he has no effective angle in this debate...All he can do is throw his hands up and say “Trumpsters aren’t worth my time”.
If he posts the data I’ve requested he looks like a FEELZ based illogical fool and he knows it.
So what's your plan to separate? And time frame?

Can you only bitch and moan?

Our plan is not to separate but to simply eliminate the Socialist problem.
The Socialist problem? Like Social Security and Medicare? Like tax paid for police and fire service?
These people are forced to keep their arguments as vague as possible because when you force them to address it policy wise -- their bullshit crumbles....

Their entire agenda is feelings based

"Conservative Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene is scrapping the planned launch of her "America First" caucus after receiving blowback from leaders in her own party, despite confirming through a spokesperson on Friday that the caucus would launch. This is a reversal from Friday, when her office said she would launch the caucus "very soon."

"This was an early planning proposal and nothing was agreed to or approved," he said in an email to CNN, referring to a flier promoting the caucus, obtained by Punchbowl News, that used inflammatory rhetoric. Nick Dyer, Greene's spokesperson, told CNN in an email on Saturday afternoon the Georgia Republican is not "launching anything."

How can you get anything done if the minute you get some pushback, you fold up like a cheap seat and try to distance yourself from the very thing you advocated for?? So just because some folks in your own party are weak and said things like; "The Republican Party is the party of Lincoln & the party of more opportunity for all Americans—not nativist dog whistles." -- that was from Kevin McCarthy, he is a nobody...screw what he thinks.....and "Racism, nativism, and anti-Semitism are evil. History teaches we all have an obligation to confront & reject such malicious hate." -- that was from Liz Cheney...who the fuck cares what she has to say??

The America First caucus agenda is 100% spot on and popular with the majority of true Americans, including a few darkies too who know their place...we also have the full support of Matt Gaetz, need I say anymore? So far the agenda calls for a return to unique Anglo-Saxon traditions from 1066; a federal mandate that calls for all buildings to be of European architecture, you know, the important stuff....and besides, how can you move closer to establishing a white ethno-state one day if you are still too afraid to fight for the less overtly racist stuff??
....and besides, how can you move closer to establishing a white ethno-state one day...
Y'know, come to think of it, this would explain a lot.

They really don't seem to care about how tone deaf this stuff is, and they really don't seem to care about changing any minds or constructively communicating.

Maybe they really, seriously are after just having their own place at this point.

You wokeologists should exhaust all energy showing racists that America WOULDN’T be a better, cleaner, safer, more productive more likeminded nation if it were whiter and practiced traditional Caucasian principles. Show them that dark folks improve and enhance America...show them that darkies make America a better place.....I’m certain you have that data...RIGHT?
I wouldn't know where to find such data.

When do you guys separate from us? That's what you want. Quit bitching and get to it.

Start by gathering statistics from the following categories:
Teen pregnancy
School drop-out rate
Violent crime / Criminality
Abortion rate
Fatherless households
Taxpayer dependency

Show us that discarding “Anglo-Saxon” principles and traditions and following whatever value system dark people follow leads to a cleaner, safer, unified, more prosperous nation and I‘m sure we’ll all get right behind you.
I’m certain you can show us...RIGHT?

In all fairness, we cannot use a one bucket fits all approach.
I would agree that we have a serious black problem in America....but in no way could I ever say ALL black Americans are savages.

The problem is there is a significant number of savage and highly racist segment of blacks that is a disproportionate percentage of the entire population.

I refuse to split hairs, play semantics and sift through the hay stack for that needle...
I’m playing like they play...All cops are bad and all whites are systemically racist....GAME ON!
So if all whites are systemically racist -- how come you folks whine so much about having no power??
Racism and power have nothing to do with each other. Where do you people come up with these weird ideas?
Bawhahahahahhahahahahahahahah @ racism and power have nothing do with each other....

Just stop.......

Racism without power is just a bigot yelling at other people from his front porch....

Power allows you to manifest your racism in law.......or did you think this couple had to go thru what they went thru because of how there was no POWER to ENFORCE racist anti-miscegenation laws

View attachment 481654
You need to reference a dictionary immediately. You are embarrassing yourself.

....and besides, how can you move closer to establishing a white ethno-state one day...
Y'know, come to think of it, this would explain a lot.

They really don't seem to care about how tone deaf this stuff is, and they really don't seem to care about changing any minds or constructively communicating.

Maybe they really, seriously are after just having their own place at this point.
America First is no worse than the Congressional Black Caucus that libs support

if one is wrong so is the other

"Conservative Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene is scrapping the planned launch of her "America First" caucus after receiving blowback from leaders in her own party, despite confirming through a spokesperson on Friday that the caucus would launch. This is a reversal from Friday, when her office said she would launch the caucus "very soon."

"This was an early planning proposal and nothing was agreed to or approved," he said in an email to CNN, referring to a flier promoting the caucus, obtained by Punchbowl News, that used inflammatory rhetoric. Nick Dyer, Greene's spokesperson, told CNN in an email on Saturday afternoon the Georgia Republican is not "launching anything."

How can you get anything done if the minute you get some pushback, you fold up like a cheap seat and try to distance yourself from the very thing you advocated for?? So just because some folks in your own party are weak and said things like; "The Republican Party is the party of Lincoln & the party of more opportunity for all Americans—not nativist dog whistles." -- that was from Kevin McCarthy, he is a nobody...screw what he thinks.....and "Racism, nativism, and anti-Semitism are evil. History teaches we all have an obligation to confront & reject such malicious hate." -- that was from Liz Cheney...who the fuck cares what she has to say??

The America First caucus agenda is 100% spot on and popular with the majority of true Americans, including a few darkies too who know their place...we also have the full support of Matt Gaetz, need I say anymore? So far the agenda calls for a return to unique Anglo-Saxon traditions from 1066; a federal mandate that calls for all buildings to be of European architecture, you know, the important stuff....and besides, how can you move closer to establishing a white ethno-state one day if you are still too afraid to fight for the less overtly racist stuff??
What a shame we didn't go back to Anglo-Saxon values...we could worship Wodin and reintroduce the wergild system of justice. Beowulf could be required reading in Elementary schools.
When people emigrate, where do they go? Two massive continents some 5 centuries ago opened up for exploration, colonizing and settling. The part with the Anglo/Saxon values prospered the most. In fact, tens of millions of people and many more are constantly trying to get in this nation. When you change it enough there will not be anywhere else to go. At least for the peasant citizen. Long live the Village! Where others left to come here.
When Slick Willy was Commander in Chief my older son was of age to join the military. I advised him not to do it.

When my younger son was of age Bush was President and I advised him to join.

I would definitely not advise anyone to join now.

The Democrats have taken over this Republic by stealing an election and have an agenda to make the US a Socialist shithole and have no qualms about using the military to solidify their illegitimate power. We saw what happen in DC.

Obama purged the upper military leadership of everybody that was not a yes man or Left leaning weenie. We now see the Joe Dufus administration attempting to do that again with the lower ranks.

This country is not the America that we veterans fought for. It has been taken over by Leftest. Nobody should be aiding them. We need to oppose them.

"Conservative Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene is scrapping the planned launch of her "America First" caucus after receiving blowback from leaders in her own party, despite confirming through a spokesperson on Friday that the caucus would launch. This is a reversal from Friday, when her office said she would launch the caucus "very soon."

"This was an early planning proposal and nothing was agreed to or approved," he said in an email to CNN, referring to a flier promoting the caucus, obtained by Punchbowl News, that used inflammatory rhetoric. Nick Dyer, Greene's spokesperson, told CNN in an email on Saturday afternoon the Georgia Republican is not "launching anything."

How can you get anything done if the minute you get some pushback, you fold up like a cheap seat and try to distance yourself from the very thing you advocated for?? So just because some folks in your own party are weak and said things like; "The Republican Party is the party of Lincoln & the party of more opportunity for all Americans—not nativist dog whistles." -- that was from Kevin McCarthy, he is a nobody...screw what he thinks.....and "Racism, nativism, and anti-Semitism are evil. History teaches we all have an obligation to confront & reject such malicious hate." -- that was from Liz Cheney...who the fuck cares what she has to say??

The America First caucus agenda is 100% spot on and popular with the majority of true Americans, including a few darkies too who know their place...we also have the full support of Matt Gaetz, need I say anymore? So far the agenda calls for a return to unique Anglo-Saxon traditions from 1066; a federal mandate that calls for all buildings to be of European architecture, you know, the important stuff....and besides, how can you move closer to establishing a white ethno-state one day if you are still too afraid to fight for the less overtly racist stuff??
....and besides, how can you move closer to establishing a white ethno-state one day...
Y'know, come to think of it, this would explain a lot.

They really don't seem to care about how tone deaf this stuff is, and they really don't seem to care about changing any minds or constructively communicating.

Maybe they really, seriously are after just having their own place at this point.

You wokeologists should exhaust all energy showing racists that America WOULDN’T be a better, cleaner, safer, more productive more likeminded nation if it were whiter and practiced traditional Caucasian principles. Show them that dark folks improve and enhance America...show them that darkies make America a better place.....I’m certain you have that data...RIGHT?
I wouldn't know where to find such data.

When do you guys separate from us? That's what you want. Quit bitching and get to it.

Start by gathering statistics from the following categories:
Teen pregnancy
School drop-out rate
Violent crime / Criminality
Abortion rate
Fatherless households
Taxpayer dependency

Show us that discarding “Anglo-Saxon” principles and traditions and following whatever value system dark people follow leads to a cleaner, safer, unified, more prosperous nation and I‘m sure we’ll all get right behind you.
I’m certain you can show us...RIGHT?

In all fairness, we cannot use a one bucket fits all approach.
I would agree that we have a serious black problem in America....but in no way could I ever say ALL black Americans are savages.

The problem is there is a significant number of savage and highly racist segment of blacks that is a disproportionate percentage of the entire population.

I refuse to split hairs, play semantics and sift through the hay stack for that needle...
I’m playing like they play...All cops are bad and all whites are systemically racist....GAME ON!
So if all whites are systemically racist -- how come you folks whine so much about having no power??
Haha...”power”....WTF do you live under a rock?
Caucasians founded, built, fund and run this nation...that’s the only reason you darkies flock to America....HAHAHA....how many predominantly dark nations are dark people dying to get in?
Cool....so since you feel this country was founded on racism and also claimed all whites are racist......you should have more than enough power to implement a system that prevents your fragile ass from whining like a bitch all the time, right??

Or are you just a weak ass bitch who has to vicariously pretend to have power online??
I’m pretty sure we both know who holds the “power” in this nation.
We’re in a strange time where thinking backwards is soooo cool and fulfilling. Ignorant white guilt weirdos are having fun pretending they own blacks...pretending they can elevate blacks through their foster program...they love their pet humans right now.
Standby for a few, this retarded woke white guilt trend will fade and blacks will no longer be whiteys pet...Come on man, you didn’t really believe you could ride George Floyds back forever...did you?

"Conservative Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene is scrapping the planned launch of her "America First" caucus after receiving blowback from leaders in her own party, despite confirming through a spokesperson on Friday that the caucus would launch. This is a reversal from Friday, when her office said she would launch the caucus "very soon."

"This was an early planning proposal and nothing was agreed to or approved," he said in an email to CNN, referring to a flier promoting the caucus, obtained by Punchbowl News, that used inflammatory rhetoric. Nick Dyer, Greene's spokesperson, told CNN in an email on Saturday afternoon the Georgia Republican is not "launching anything."

How can you get anything done if the minute you get some pushback, you fold up like a cheap seat and try to distance yourself from the very thing you advocated for?? So just because some folks in your own party are weak and said things like; "The Republican Party is the party of Lincoln & the party of more opportunity for all Americans—not nativist dog whistles." -- that was from Kevin McCarthy, he is a nobody...screw what he thinks.....and "Racism, nativism, and anti-Semitism are evil. History teaches we all have an obligation to confront & reject such malicious hate." -- that was from Liz Cheney...who the fuck cares what she has to say??

The America First caucus agenda is 100% spot on and popular with the majority of true Americans, including a few darkies too who know their place...we also have the full support of Matt Gaetz, need I say anymore? So far the agenda calls for a return to unique Anglo-Saxon traditions from 1066; a federal mandate that calls for all buildings to be of European architecture, you know, the important stuff....and besides, how can you move closer to establishing a white ethno-state one day if you are still too afraid to fight for the less overtly racist stuff??
....and besides, how can you move closer to establishing a white ethno-state one day...
Y'know, come to think of it, this would explain a lot.

They really don't seem to care about how tone deaf this stuff is, and they really don't seem to care about changing any minds or constructively communicating.

Maybe they really, seriously are after just having their own place at this point.

You wokeologists should exhaust all energy showing racists that America WOULDN’T be a better, cleaner, safer, more productive more likeminded nation if it were whiter and practiced traditional Caucasian principles. Show them that dark folks improve and enhance America...show them that darkies make America a better place.....I’m certain you have that data...RIGHT?
The rich southern slave owners weren't too hard working.
How wo9uld you know that?? Your theory seems unlikely.

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