Why did US government create mess in Iraq and the middle east?


VIP Member
Nov 17, 2013
Simple question, maybe someone can explain. not interested about blaming bush, Hillary or Obama they are clearly a team of con artists that follow orders.
Make it easier to reset the value of the US dollar, which is also why Obama is militarizing domestic police
Simple question, maybe someone can explain. not interested about blaming bush, Hillary or Obama they are clearly a team of con artists that follow orders.

There was money, lots of money to be made for dozens of industries in America.

Don't want to blame the usual suspects? Well, sorry but you didn't mention Dick Cheney, after all. And if anybody actually believes his interests in Halliburton (as well as other military-based corporations) were divested before 2003 then they are just plain too stupid to breathe and walk at the same time.

It was an easy choice for both the Dick and the Bush because neither had served much less gone to war. And all their kids are daughters.

The Dick got 4 deferments during Viet Nam and Bush got his picture taken in front of a Texas Air National Guard plane before he left base to go get drunk in Midland....again.

Whether the reaction was right or wrong, who knows, but that was the trigger.
Simple question, maybe someone can explain. not interested about blaming bush, Hillary or Obama they are clearly a team of con artists that follow orders.

There was money, lots of money to be made for dozens of industries in America.

Don't want to blame the usual suspects? Well, sorry but you didn't mention Dick Cheney, after all. And if anybody actually believes his interests in Halliburton (as well as other military-based corporations) were divested before 2003 then they are just plain too stupid to breathe and walk at the same time.

It was an easy choice for both the Dick and the Bush because neither had served much less gone to war. And all their kids are daughters.

The Dick got 4 deferments during Viet Nam and Bush got his picture taken in front of a Texas Air National Guard plane before he left base to go get drunk in Midland....again.

Bill Clinton didn't serve either. Was it an easy choice for him too?

You know, you could be far more respectable if you'd just stop saying stupid things.
Israel doesn't mind our presence in the ME...As long as we're there destabilizing the area the muzzies don't have time to focus on them.

AIPAC pulls the strings and american pols dance.
history will tell and partisan asshats will fight about it..
It was Republicans who controlled the entire government. Remember, they were able to use reconciliation three times.
When you have someone like John McCain saying Iran was training al Qaeda (Shiite training Sunni), and needing to be corrected in public, then what you have are ignorant bullies who go in, throw their weight around and try to "make things happen" the way they feel they should happen without knowing jacksquat.

Iraq is what happens when you put people in charge of the US Government who don't want to learn anything, have no respect for anyone else and feel they are always right and moral try to bully others into doing what they say. And anyone who doesn't agree with the Republicans are automatically labeled "terrorists".

Make a list of the questions that needed answering before the invasion by the US:

What's the difference between Shiite and Sunni?

What will happened to the Iraqi Christians?

Why is the Iraqi government enemies with Iran?

What would taking out the Sunni government of Iraq do to that area?

What was the history of the region before Americans arrived?

When we tried to bring up these questions years ago, even on the USMB, Republicans pretty much said "Fuck it, we don't care. Muslims are raghead camel jockey's. They do what we tell them to or else".

And what is happening now is the direct result of Republican foreign policy.

So what should we do now? I don't know. The GOP has fucked this up beyond the ability of anyone to fix it. In fact, just letting it happen and waiting until the dust clears may be the only solution. One thing we do know, history is going to look on this Republican Party as years of ignorance and one disaster after another.
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It was Republicans who controlled the entire government. Remember, they were able to use reconciliation three times.
When you have someone like John McCain saying Iran was training al Qaeda (Shiite training Sunni), and needing to be corrected in public, then what you have are ignorant bullies who go in, throw their weight around and try to "make things happen" the way they feel they should happen without knowing jacksquat.

Iraq is what happens when you put people in charge of the US Government who don't want to learn anything, have no respect for anyone else and feel they are always right and moral try to bully others into doing what they say. And anyone who doesn't agree with the Republicans are automatically labeled "terrorists".

Make a list of the questions that needed answering before the invasion by the US:

What's the difference between Shiite and Sunni?

What will happened to the Iraqi Christians?

Why is the Iraqi government enemies with Iran?

What would taking out the Sunni government of Iraq do to that area?

What was the history of the region before Americans arrived?

When we tried to bring up these questions years ago, even on the USMB, Republicans pretty much said "Fuck it, we don't care. Muslims are raghead camel jockey's. They do what we tell them to or else".

And what is happening now is the direct result of Republican foreign policy.

So what should we do now? I don't know. The GOP has fucked this up beyond the ability of anyone to fix it. In fact, just letting it happen and waiting until the dust clears may be the only solution. One thing we do know, history is going to look on this Republican Party as years of ignorance and one disaster after another.


Obama fucked up, therefore Boooooooooooooooooooooooosh!
It was Republicans who controlled the entire government. Remember, they
What I remember was that in 2000 me and my father both voted for Bush because Bush promised no nation building like Bill Clinton. Then I remember Hillary Clinton and other democrats voting to authorize Bush's war. Then things got foggy as I stopped paying attention to politicians on television.
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Saddam, miss him yet?

Honestly, what a waste of blood and treasure that war was, we got absolutely nothing out of this pointless quagmire(except a trillion in debt, thousands of americans dead, hundreds of thousands of Iraqis debt, and a demoralized fighting force that is spread far too thin) . We didn't even get oil out of the deal(we fought a war to give the Chinese cheap oil).

And as if the situation couldn't get any worse, President Noble Peace Prize had the bright idea to give Al Qaeda weapons in Syria(because Assad was the new Hitler), and when these guys lost in Syria they have just decided to overthrow the puppet state we spent a decade establishing.

It comes full circle, President Bush got rid of Saddam because Al Qaeda(despite the fact Saddam opposed Al Qaeda and had nothing to do with 911), now the Smartest President Ever put Al Qaeda into a position to run the country with the second largest oil supply in the middle east.

It's dark comedy is what it is.
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be nice if rdean read the original post

The original post asked the question: Why did US government create mess in Iraq and the middle east?

I answered with the truth. You know Republicans knew nothing about Iraq or it's people when Bush invaded. And they didn't care. You know they didn't care.

The Taliban blew up 1700 year old statues. Because of ignorance and a refusal to have any interest in what destroying them would do to other people who revered them.

How is that different than Republicans? What they did to Iraq? Worse, 15 of the 16 terrorists were from Arabia.
Probably the most obvious of the Republican debacles in Iraq and what would happen is what happened to the Iraqi Christians. How come USMB Republicans refuse to discuss the Iraqi Christians?
be nice if rdean read the original post

The original post asked the question: Why did US government create mess in Iraq and the middle east?

I answered with the truth. You know Republicans knew nothing about Iraq or it's people when Bush invaded. And they didn't care. You know they didn't care.

The Taliban blew up 1700 year old statues. Because of ignorance and a refusal to have any interest in what destroying them would do to other people who revered them.

How is that different than Republicans? What they did to Iraq? Worse, 15 of the 16 terrorists were from Arabia.
How do you live with yourself, supporting a president who armed al qaeda aligned islamist groups when those people and that ideology killed so many people on 9/11, 3000 of our people?

How can you stand by and support a president as the islamist groups he armed savage Iraq, a country we have screwed again and again?

The thing is, terrible individuals like you are just as bad as the neo-cons who supported the war in Iraq. It's like none of you have a conscience or think your immoral actions have consequences. Shame on you.

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