Why Did The Trumps Create 500 Shell Companies?


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
The Trump family opened more than 500 shell companies to hide payments and launder money.

I don't believe they have paid a penny of revenue, a penny of taxes on most of the millions of dollars they received from our adversaries around the world.

How did they list this on their taxes? Is it a service they provided?

How does $617 million and 500 "shell companies" grab you?

Trump Campaign Shell Corporation Funneled $617 Million, According to Reporting Based on CLC Complaint

The FEC should hold the Trump campaign and Trump Make America Great Again Committee accountable for violating federal campaign finance law's transparency requirements.

Earlier this year, Campaign Legal Center (CLC) filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) alleging that the Trump Campaign laundered $170 million in spending to conceal payments to people close to the Trump family and campaign.

To conceal the campaign’s transactions to vendors, American Made Media Consultants LLC (AMMC), was used as a pass-through for payments that were directed to friendly political consulting firms, the president’s family members, or people who did not register the payments with the FEC.

By failing to report payments to the campaign’s true vendors and employees, the Trump campaign and Trump Make America Great Again Committee violated federal law’s transparency requirements and undermined the vital public information role that reporting is intended to serve.

Oops: Jared Kushner Reportedly Created a Shell Company to Secretly Pay Trump Family Members and Spend Half the Campaign’s Cash

Donald Trump and his family have spent the last four years making the airtight case that they view the presidency as simply a means to enrich themselves and their associates. They probably don’t particularly like that reputation and, yet, it hasn’t stopped them from funneling taxpayer money to their private business, gouging the Secret Service, and raising legal defense funds that the fine print says could go directly to their pockets. Oh, and, according to a new report, setting up a shell company that spent hundreds of millions of campaign dollars to pay Trump family members along with other expenditures it seemingly wanted to keep under wraps.

China Paid Trump Millions In Rent. Then He Left The White House

During the four years that Donald Trump occupied the White House, the state-owned Industrial and Commercial Bank of China paid him an estimated $7 million to rent space in Trump Tower.

As soon as Trump left the White House, the CCP-controlled bank ended their rental agreement.


FACT SHEET: President Trump’s Shady Business Dealings With The Chinese Government​

Trump Has Extensive Financial Ties To The Chinese Government

President Trump Collected Millions From Chinese Government-Owned Entities While In Office.
“President Donald Trump…has in fact collected millions of dollars from government-owned entities in China since he took office. […] Trump properties leased by the Industrial Bank of China, paying about $1.9 million in annual rent, contributed at least $5.4 million in business inflows during the Trump presidency.” [Forbes, 10/23/20]

“I Have The Best Tenants In The World:” President Trump Was Well-Aware Of The Multi-Million Dollar Lease To Chinese Interests. “The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China signed a lease for space in 2008, years before the president took office, paying about $1.9 million in annual rent. Trump is well-aware of the deal. ‘I’ll show you the Industrial Bank of China,’ he told three Forbes journalists touring Trump Tower in 2015. ‘I have the best tenants in the world in this building.’” [Forbes, 10/23/20]

President Trump Promised To Donate Foreign Government Profits While In Office—But He Donated Less Than A Third Of His Proceeds From The Chinese Government. “The president planned to donate all foreign government profits at his hotel to the U.S. Treasury […] it sure doesn’t seem like the Trump Organization handed over all their profits from the deal with the Chinese. The Trump Organization reportedly donated a total of $343,000 to the U.S. Treasury in 2017 and 2018, Trump’s first two years as president. […] “[T]hat money…coming from the Chinese government…adds up to $1.2 million—or more than three times what the Trump Organization reportedly gave to the Treasury.” [Forbes, 10/23/20]

President Trump Maintained Three Foreign Bank Accounts While In Office—Including One In China. “Mr. Trump’s own business history is filled with overseas financial deals, and some have involved the Chinese state. He spent a decade unsuccessfully pursuing projects in China, operating an office there during his first run for president and forging a partnership with a major government-controlled company. And it turns out that China is one of only three foreign nations — the others are Britain and Ireland — where Mr. Trump maintains a bank account…” [New York Times, 10/20/20]

President Trump’s Business With China Raised Legal and Ethics Concerns. “The arrangement posed legal concerns, since the U.S. Constitution prohibits federal officials from accepting “any present, emolument, office, or title, of any kind whatever, from any king, prince, or foreign state” without Congressional approval. Ethics experts, who have often focused on the president’s hotel in Washington, D.C., argued that the president would be in violation of the Constitution’s emoluments clause from the moment he took office.” [Forbes, 10/23/20]

President Trump: “President Xi Loves The People Of China, He Loves His Country, And He’s Doing A Very Good Job.” “Speaking to the press on February 18, the President praised the Chinese government again. ‘I think President Xi is working very hard,’ Trump said. ‘As you know, I spoke with him recently. He’s working really hard. It’s a tough problem. I think he’s going to do — look, I’ve seen them build hospitals in a short period of time. I really believe he wants to get that done, and he wants to get it done fast. Yes, I think he’s doing it very professionally.’ Asked if he trusted the data from China, the President declined to answer the question, instead, again, praising the Chinese President. ‘Look, I know this: President Xi loves the people of China, he loves his country, and he’s doing a very good job with a very, very tough situation,’ he said.” [CNN, 3/25/20]

Trump Benefited From Trademarks Approved By The Chinese Government

October 2018: The Chinese Government Approved Multiple “Trump” Name Trademarks In the Midst of Negotiations For A New Trade Deal.
In fall 2018, Ivanka Trump won initial approval for 16 trademarks applied for two years prior in the midst of Trump’s trade war with China. The Chinese government also approved two “Trump” trademarks, registered at Trump Tower in Manhattan, as negotiation efforts progressed.

  • Months Earlier, China Gave Ivanka Trump Seven New Trademarks Across Multiple Businesses That She Applied For After President Trump Took Office—Approved Around The Time President Trump Committed To Keeping A Chinese Telecommunications Company Afloat. “China this month awarded Ivanka Trump seven new trademarks across a broad collection of businesses, including books, housewares and cushions. […] Ms. Trump applied for six of the trademarks in March 2017. She applied for the seventh even earlier, in May 2016. […] At around the same time, President Trump vowed to find a way to prevent a major Chinese telecommunications company from going bust, even though the company has a history of violating American limits on doing business with countries like Iran and North Korea.” [New York Times, 5/28/18]
  • Over A Year Earlier, Ivanka Trump Received Three Trademark Approvals In China The Same Day She And Her Father Dined With Chinese President Xi Jinping. In April 2017, Ivanka Trump’s company had 37 pending trademark applications in ten counties, including China, Indonesia, and the Philippines, covering “the sale of leather goods in China, jewelry in the Philippines and beauty products in Indonesia.” According to the LA Times, “on the same day Trump and his daughter dined with Chinese President Xi Jinping at Mar-a-Lago in Florida in April 2017, China awarded her three preliminary trademark approvals for jewelry, handbags and spa services.” [New York Times, 4/11/17; LA Times, 10/10/19]
Trump Operated a Web of Over 500 LLCs While In Office

During His Presidency, Trump Operated A Web Of Over 500LLCs Not Subject To External Audits Or Rigorous Disclosure Requirements.
For decades, Donald Trump operated a web of shadowy LLCs used to evade taxes and conceal loans and business interests. Even during his presidency, Trump’s use of LLCs allowed him to keep much of his financial portfolio outside the public eye.
The Trump family opened more than 500 shell companies to hide payments and launder money.

I don't believe they have paid a penny of revenue, a penny of taxes on most of the millions of dollars they received from our adversaries around the world.

How did they list this on their taxes? Is it a service they provided?

How does $617 million and 500 "shell companies" grab you?

Trump Campaign Shell Corporation Funneled $617 Million, According to Reporting Based on CLC Complaint

The FEC should hold the Trump campaign and Trump Make America Great Again Committee accountable for violating federal campaign finance law's transparency requirements.

Earlier this year, Campaign Legal Center (CLC) filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) alleging that the Trump Campaign laundered $170 million in spending to conceal payments to people close to the Trump family and campaign.

To conceal the campaign’s transactions to vendors, American Made Media Consultants LLC (AMMC), was used as a pass-through for payments that were directed to friendly political consulting firms, the president’s family members, or people who did not register the payments with the FEC.

By failing to report payments to the campaign’s true vendors and employees, the Trump campaign and Trump Make America Great Again Committee violated federal law’s transparency requirements and undermined the vital public information role that reporting is intended to serve.

Oops: Jared Kushner Reportedly Created a Shell Company to Secretly Pay Trump Family Members and Spend Half the Campaign’s Cash

Donald Trump and his family have spent the last four years making the airtight case that they view the presidency as simply a means to enrich themselves and their associates. They probably don’t particularly like that reputation and, yet, it hasn’t stopped them from funneling taxpayer money to their private business, gouging the Secret Service, and raising legal defense funds that the fine print says could go directly to their pockets. Oh, and, according to a new report, setting up a shell company that spent hundreds of millions of campaign dollars to pay Trump family members along with other expenditures it seemingly wanted to keep under wraps.
Donald Trump and his family have spent decades IN THE PRIVATE SECTOR actually creating REAL BUSINESSES. That is entirely different than the worthless Biden Family that has spent decades sucking on the government teat and selling out the country to foreign nationals and oligarchs. Do you understand the difference?

Trump's controversial ZTE order came days after the Chinese government provided millions to a Trump Organization-tied project​

  • President Donald Trump's order regarding Chinese telecom company ZTE came just days after the Chinese government moved to provide cash to a venture that will help the president's bottom line.
Within three days of the Chinese government agreeing to provide $500 million in loans to an Indonesian theme park that the Trump Organization has a deal to license President Donald Trump's name to, the president stunningly ordered sanctions be rescinded against a major Chinese telecom company.
Donald Trump and his family have spent decades IN THE PRIVATE SECTOR actually creating REAL BUSINESSES. That is entirely different than the worthless Biden Family that has spent decades sucking on the government teat and selling out the country to foreign nationals and oligarchs. Do you understand the difference?
This is about Trump, not the Bidens. Stay on topic.

The Trump family opened more than 500 shell companies to hide payments and launder money.

I don't believe they have paid a penny of revenue, a penny of taxes on most of the millions of dollars they received from our adversaries around the world.

How did they list this on their taxes? Is it a service they provided?

How does $617 million and 500 "shell companies" grab you?

Trump Campaign Shell Corporation Funneled $617 Million, According to Reporting Based on CLC Complaint

The FEC should hold the Trump campaign and Trump Make America Great Again Committee accountable for violating federal campaign finance law's transparency requirements.

Earlier this year, Campaign Legal Center (CLC) filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) alleging that the Trump Campaign laundered $170 million in spending to conceal payments to people close to the Trump family and campaign.

To conceal the campaign’s transactions to vendors, American Made Media Consultants LLC (AMMC), was used as a pass-through for payments that were directed to friendly political consulting firms, the president’s family members, or people who did not register the payments with the FEC.

By failing to report payments to the campaign’s true vendors and employees, the Trump campaign and Trump Make America Great Again Committee violated federal law’s transparency requirements and undermined the vital public information role that reporting is intended to serve.

Oops: Jared Kushner Reportedly Created a Shell Company to Secretly Pay Trump Family Members and Spend Half the Campaign’s Cash

Donald Trump and his family have spent the last four years making the airtight case that they view the presidency as simply a means to enrich themselves and their associates. They probably don’t particularly like that reputation and, yet, it hasn’t stopped them from funneling taxpayer money to their private business, gouging the Secret Service, and raising legal defense funds that the fine print says could go directly to their pockets. Oh, and, according to a new report, setting up a shell company that spent hundreds of millions of campaign dollars to pay Trump family members along with other expenditures it seemingly wanted to keep under wraps.
That mother-fucker is the most illegal citizen of this country! If there is a God, Trump will spend the rest of his life in prison!

Ivanka’s Trademark Requests Were Fast-Tracked In China After Trump Was Elected​

The Chinese government granted a total of 41 trademarks to companies linked to Ivanka Trump by April of 2019—and the trademarks she applied for after her father became president got approved about 40% faster than those she requested before Donald Trump’s victory in the 2016 election

On March 29, 2017, Ivanka Trump, the eldest daughter of President Trump, became an official government employee, joining her husband, Jared Kushner, as an adviser to her father.

The day before that appointment, Ivanka applied for 17 new trademarks with the Chinese government.

In early May of 2018, ZTE, a Chinese electronics maker, said that it had halted “major operating activities” after being penalized by the United States Department of Commerce for breaking sanctions and selling electronics to Iran and North Korea.

Yet, in mid-May, President Trump surprisingly reversed course when he indicated a willingness to rethink the punishment and vowed to work with Chinese President Xi Jinping to prevent the collapse of the ZTE, which employs 75,000 people, with Trump tweeting, “Too many jobs in China lost. Commerce Department has been instructed to get it done!”

That same month, May of 2018, amid tense trade negotiations between China and the United States, China approved seven Ivanka trademarks, according to Alexander’s book,
White House, Inc.
The Trump family opened more than 500 shell companies to hide payments and launder money.

I don't believe they have paid a penny of revenue, a penny of taxes on most of the millions of dollars they received from our adversaries around the world.

How did they list this on their taxes? Is it a service they provided?

How does $617 million and 500 "shell companies" grab you?

Trump Campaign Shell Corporation Funneled $617 Million, According to Reporting Based on CLC Complaint

The FEC should hold the Trump campaign and Trump Make America Great Again Committee accountable for violating federal campaign finance law's transparency requirements.

Earlier this year, Campaign Legal Center (CLC) filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) alleging that the Trump Campaign laundered $170 million in spending to conceal payments to people close to the Trump family and campaign.

To conceal the campaign’s transactions to vendors, American Made Media Consultants LLC (AMMC), was used as a pass-through for payments that were directed to friendly political consulting firms, the president’s family members, or people who did not register the payments with the FEC.

By failing to report payments to the campaign’s true vendors and employees, the Trump campaign and Trump Make America Great Again Committee violated federal law’s transparency requirements and undermined the vital public information role that reporting is intended to serve.

Oops: Jared Kushner Reportedly Created a Shell Company to Secretly Pay Trump Family Members and Spend Half the Campaign’s Cash

Donald Trump and his family have spent the last four years making the airtight case that they view the presidency as simply a means to enrich themselves and their associates. They probably don’t particularly like that reputation and, yet, it hasn’t stopped them from funneling taxpayer money to their private business, gouging the Secret Service, and raising legal defense funds that the fine print says could go directly to their pockets. Oh, and, according to a new report, setting up a shell company that spent hundreds of millions of campaign dollars to pay Trump family members along with other expenditures it seemingly wanted to keep under wraps.
That is alot, but he's been in business, what, 50+ years?
The Trump family opened more than 500 shell companies to hide payments and launder money.

I don't believe they have paid a penny of revenue, a penny of taxes on most of the millions of dollars they received from our adversaries around the world.

How did they list this on their taxes? Is it a service they provided?

How does $617 million and 500 "shell companies" grab you?

Trump Campaign Shell Corporation Funneled $617 Million, According to Reporting Based on CLC Complaint

The FEC should hold the Trump campaign and Trump Make America Great Again Committee accountable for violating federal campaign finance law's transparency requirements.

Earlier this year, Campaign Legal Center (CLC) filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) alleging that the Trump Campaign laundered $170 million in spending to conceal payments to people close to the Trump family and campaign.

To conceal the campaign’s transactions to vendors, American Made Media Consultants LLC (AMMC), was used as a pass-through for payments that were directed to friendly political consulting firms, the president’s family members, or people who did not register the payments with the FEC.

By failing to report payments to the campaign’s true vendors and employees, the Trump campaign and Trump Make America Great Again Committee violated federal law’s transparency requirements and undermined the vital public information role that reporting is intended to serve.

Oops: Jared Kushner Reportedly Created a Shell Company to Secretly Pay Trump Family Members and Spend Half the Campaign’s Cash

Donald Trump and his family have spent the last four years making the airtight case that they view the presidency as simply a means to enrich themselves and their associates. They probably don’t particularly like that reputation and, yet, it hasn’t stopped them from funneling taxpayer money to their private business, gouging the Secret Service, and raising legal defense funds that the fine print says could go directly to their pockets. Oh, and, according to a new report, setting up a shell company that spent hundreds of millions of campaign dollars to pay Trump family members along with other expenditures it seemingly wanted to keep under wraps.
so he opened these companies decades ago to launder money when he became POTUS,,

thats planning ahead,,,

your dementia is noted and mocked for the craziness it exposes,,

Ivanka’s Trademark Requests Were Fast-Tracked In China After Trump Was Elected

The Chinese government granted a total of 41 trademarks to companies linked to Ivanka Trump by April of 2019—and the trademarks she applied for after her father became president got approved about 40% faster than those she requested before Donald Trump’s victory in the 2016 election

On March 29, 2017, Ivanka Trump, the eldest daughter of President Trump, became an official government employee, joining her husband, Jared Kushner, as an adviser to her father.

The day before that appointment, Ivanka applied for 17 new trademarks with the Chinese government.

In early May of 2018, ZTE, a Chinese electronics maker, said that it had halted “major operating activities” after being penalized by the United States Department of Commerce for breaking sanctions and selling electronics to Iran and North Korea.

Yet, in mid-May, President Trump surprisingly reversed course when he indicated a willingness to rethink the punishment and vowed to work with Chinese President Xi Jinping to prevent the collapse of the ZTE, which employs 75,000 people, with Trump tweeting, “Too many jobs in China lost. Commerce Department has been instructed to get it done!”

That same month, May of 2018, amid tense trade negotiations between China and the United States, China approved seven Ivanka trademarks, according to Alexander’s book,
White House, Inc.

she really gonna make a lot of shoes and purses with those trademarks,,,

wonder what country she plans on invading,,
Working class Americans will pay the taxes to run their country and they won't dare interfere with the ruling class being able to dodge taxation by a thousand different means!

Preserving the American way is worth it, they're told!
Donald Trump and his family have spent decades IN THE PRIVATE SECTOR actually creating REAL BUSINESSES. That is entirely different than the worthless Biden Family that has spent decades sucking on the government teat and selling out the country to foreign nationals and oligarchs. Do you understand the difference?
So you're cool with the Trump Campaign laundering $170 million in spending to conceal payments to people close to the Trump family and campaign?

You're cool with Jared Kushner creating a shell company to secretly pay the Trump family and spend half the campaign's cash?

You're cool with Trump lifting restrictions on ZTE so he could receive $500 million for his project in Indonesia from China, and so his daughter could financially benefit from fast-tracked trademarks in China?
Donald Trump and his family have spent decades IN THE PRIVATE SECTOR actually creating REAL BUSINESSES. That is entirely different than the worthless Biden Family that has spent decades sucking on the government teat and selling out the country to foreign nationals and oligarchs. Do you understand the difference?

I guess in case all Trump tenants have nothing to pay on him any longer their money will go directly into the US-American economy. So could it be if you expropriate a high traitor like him this could be good for the US-American economy?
What is 100% certain is this. The Bidens having ZERO business experience created a tangled network of 20 shell companies and six banks. There is documented evidence showing multi-million dollar payments flowing into this network from Chinese, Romainian, and Ukrainian entities. We will see how long Wray and the FBI can keep the cover-up going.
This is about Trump, not the Bidens. Stay on Topic!


FACT SHEET: President Trump’s Shady Business Dealings With The Chinese Government

Trump Has Extensive Financial Ties To The Chinese Government

President Trump Collected Millions From Chinese Government-Owned Entities While In Office.
“President Donald Trump…has in fact collected millions of dollars from government-owned entities in China since he took office. […] Trump properties leased by the Industrial Bank of China, paying about $1.9 million in annual rent, contributed at least $5.4 million in business inflows during the Trump presidency.” [Forbes, 10/23/20]

“I Have The Best Tenants In The World:” President Trump Was Well-Aware Of The Multi-Million Dollar Lease To Chinese Interests. “The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China signed a lease for space in 2008, years before the president took office, paying about $1.9 million in annual rent. Trump is well-aware of the deal. ‘I’ll show you the Industrial Bank of China,’ he told three Forbes journalists touring Trump Tower in 2015. ‘I have the best tenants in the world in this building.’” [Forbes, 10/23/20]

President Trump Promised To Donate Foreign Government Profits While In Office—But He Donated Less Than A Third Of His Proceeds From The Chinese Government. “The president planned to donate all foreign government profits at his hotel to the U.S. Treasury […] it sure doesn’t seem like the Trump Organization handed over all their profits from the deal with the Chinese. The Trump Organization reportedly donated a total of $343,000 to the U.S. Treasury in 2017 and 2018, Trump’s first two years as president. […] “[T]hat money…coming from the Chinese government…adds up to $1.2 million—or more than three times what the Trump Organization reportedly gave to the Treasury.” [Forbes, 10/23/20]

President Trump Maintained Three Foreign Bank Accounts While In Office—Including One In China. “Mr. Trump’s own business history is filled with overseas financial deals, and some have involved the Chinese state. He spent a decade unsuccessfully pursuing projects in China, operating an office there during his first run for president and forging a partnership with a major government-controlled company. And it turns out that China is one of only three foreign nations — the others are Britain and Ireland — where Mr. Trump maintains a bank account…” [New York Times, 10/20/20]

President Trump’s Business With China Raised Legal and Ethics Concerns. “The arrangement posed legal concerns, since the U.S. Constitution prohibits federal officials from accepting “any present, emolument, office, or title, of any kind whatever, from any king, prince, or foreign state” without Congressional approval. Ethics experts, who have often focused on the president’s hotel in Washington, D.C., argued that the president would be in violation of the Constitution’s emoluments clause from the moment he took office.” [Forbes, 10/23/20]

President Trump: “President Xi Loves The People Of China, He Loves His Country, And He’s Doing A Very Good Job.” “Speaking to the press on February 18, the President praised the Chinese government again. ‘I think President Xi is working very hard,’ Trump said. ‘As you know, I spoke with him recently. He’s working really hard. It’s a tough problem. I think he’s going to do — look, I’ve seen them build hospitals in a short period of time. I really believe he wants to get that done, and he wants to get it done fast. Yes, I think he’s doing it very professionally.’ Asked if he trusted the data from China, the President declined to answer the question, instead, again, praising the Chinese President. ‘Look, I know this: President Xi loves the people of China, he loves his country, and he’s doing a very good job with a very, very tough situation,’ he said.” [CNN, 3/25/20]

Trump Benefited From Trademarks Approved By The Chinese Government

October 2018: The Chinese Government Approved Multiple “Trump” Name Trademarks In the Midst of Negotiations For A New Trade Deal.
In fall 2018, Ivanka Trump won initial approval for 16 trademarks applied for two years prior in the midst of Trump’s trade war with China. The Chinese government also approved two “Trump” trademarks, registered at Trump Tower in Manhattan, as negotiation efforts progressed.

  • Months Earlier, China Gave Ivanka Trump Seven New Trademarks Across Multiple Businesses That She Applied For After President Trump Took Office—Approved Around The Time President Trump Committed To Keeping A Chinese Telecommunications Company Afloat. “China this month awarded Ivanka Trump seven new trademarks across a broad collection of businesses, including books, housewares and cushions. […] Ms. Trump applied for six of the trademarks in March 2017. She applied for the seventh even earlier, in May 2016. […] At around the same time, President Trump vowed to find a way to prevent a major Chinese telecommunications company from going bust, even though the company has a history of violating American limits on doing business with countries like Iran and North Korea.” [New York Times, 5/28/18]
  • Over A Year Earlier, Ivanka Trump Received Three Trademark Approvals In China The Same Day She And Her Father Dined With Chinese President Xi Jinping. In April 2017, Ivanka Trump’s company had 37 pending trademark applications in ten counties, including China, Indonesia, and the Philippines, covering “the sale of leather goods in China, jewelry in the Philippines and beauty products in Indonesia.” According to the LA Times, “on the same day Trump and his daughter dined with Chinese President Xi Jinping at Mar-a-Lago in Florida in April 2017, China awarded her three preliminary trademark approvals for jewelry, handbags and spa services.” [New York Times, 4/11/17; LA Times, 10/10/19]
Trump Operated a Web of Over 500 LLCs While In Office

During His Presidency, Trump Operated A Web Of Over 500LLCs Not Subject To External Audits Or Rigorous Disclosure Requirements.
For decades, Donald Trump operated a web of shadowy LLCs used to evade taxes and conceal loans and business interests. Even during his presidency, Trump’s use of LLCs allowed him to keep much of his financial portfolio outside the public eye.
Your scandals are too old to be scandals.
The Trump family opened more than 500 shell companies to hide payments and launder money.

I don't believe they have paid a penny of revenue, a penny of taxes on most of the millions of dollars they received from our adversaries around the world.

How did they list this on their taxes? Is it a service they provided?

How does $617 million and 500 "shell companies" grab you?

Trump Campaign Shell Corporation Funneled $617 Million, According to Reporting Based on CLC Complaint

The FEC should hold the Trump campaign and Trump Make America Great Again Committee accountable for violating federal campaign finance law's transparency requirements.

Earlier this year, Campaign Legal Center (CLC) filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) alleging that the Trump Campaign laundered $170 million in spending to conceal payments to people close to the Trump family and campaign.

To conceal the campaign’s transactions to vendors, American Made Media Consultants LLC (AMMC), was used as a pass-through for payments that were directed to friendly political consulting firms, the president’s family members, or people who did not register the payments with the FEC.

By failing to report payments to the campaign’s true vendors and employees, the Trump campaign and Trump Make America Great Again Committee violated federal law’s transparency requirements and undermined the vital public information role that reporting is intended to serve.

Oops: Jared Kushner Reportedly Created a Shell Company to Secretly Pay Trump Family Members and Spend Half the Campaign’s Cash

Donald Trump and his family have spent the last four years making the airtight case that they view the presidency as simply a means to enrich themselves and their associates. They probably don’t particularly like that reputation and, yet, it hasn’t stopped them from funneling taxpayer money to their private business, gouging the Secret Service, and raising legal defense funds that the fine print says could go directly to their pockets. Oh, and, according to a new report, setting up a shell company that spent hundreds of millions of campaign dollars to pay Trump family members along with other expenditures it seemingly wanted to keep under wraps.

Real Estate developers created several entities for each project.

Biden creates them to launder money

See the difference?

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