Why Did So Many Fall For The Obvious Hoax??


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
I already know the answer but doesn't it make you wonder, make you fear for the future of our Republic?

That so many millions of people, some of whom actually might be semi-literate, fell for so obvious a hoax?

Seriously. I want to know.

How is it possible that, with the evidence right before your eyes, that you fell for the hoax?

Is it that you really are that stupid? I think that's part of it.

Or is it (more likely) that you blindly follow your Pied Pipers in the Media?

I think it's more the latter than th former but, let's face it -- You still have to be pretty stupid to follow those obviously shallow dirtbags.

I don't expect dimocraps to have any answers. They rally never do but to our resident Conservatives, how do you think it is that they followed so many wrong people about so many wrong things?

Enquiring minds
Sheer desperation...

I don't think so.

I also don't think it was anger. I don't believe it was that they wanted to be told what they wanted to hear. And I just as firmly believe they didn't think it was because dimocraps actually thought Trump cheated.

I think dimocrap scum, in general, are just simply followers. They're 'Betas' in every sense of the word. Which explains the cuckology so prevalent among dimocraps

I think they're just incapable of independent thought.

But I'm not sure of why dimocrap scum are so incredibly without anything even resembling being self-aware.

They are people to be scorned. Not to be taken seriously. To be mocked, chided and kept out of the Halls of Power.

Trump tried to obstruct justice to keep Mueller from discovering that Trump had committed…
I already know the answer but doesn't it make you wonder, make you fear for the future of our Republic?

That so many millions of people, some of whom actually might be semi-literate, fell for so obvious a hoax?

Seriously. I want to know.

How is it possible that, with the evidence right before your eyes, that you fell for the hoax?

Is it that you really are that stupid? I think that's part of it.

Or is it (more likely) that you blindly follow your Pied Pipers in the Media?

I think it's more the latter than th former but, let's face it -- You still have to be pretty stupid to follow those obviously shallow dirtbags.

I don't expect dimocraps to have any answers. They rally never do but to our resident Conservatives, how do you think it is that they followed so many wrong people about so many wrong things?

Enquiring minds

I don't think you can box this issue into a single mindset.

The most obvious one are those who refuse to admit Trump actually won. The whole collusion thing gives cover to that concept, that somehow outside forces caused their golden woman to lose. They get to ignore her horrible ground game in the battleground States, as well as her advisors inability to get her to realize she could be in trouble.

The 2nd group are those hard partisans looking for any excuse to invalidate Trump, or even remove him from office. These are the people that are even more left than Hillary, who don't care about her loss in the election, but only care that someone who goes against all their policy ideas is in office, and they want him out of office, or so neutered that he can't enact his policies until 2020 rolls around.

There are other groups, but I will let other posters try to figure it out.

I already know the answer but doesn't it make you wonder, make you fear for the future of our Republic?

That so many millions of people, some of whom actually might be semi-literate, fell for so obvious a hoax?

Seriously. I want to know.

How is it possible that, with the evidence right before your eyes, that you fell for the hoax?

Is it that you really are that stupid? I think that's part of it.

Or is it (more likely) that you blindly follow your Pied Pipers in the Media?

I think it's more the latter than th former but, let's face it -- You still have to be pretty stupid to follow those obviously shallow dirtbags.

I don't expect dimocraps to have any answers. They rally never do but to our resident Conservatives, how do you think it is that they followed so many wrong people about so many wrong things?

Enquiring minds

I don't think you can box this issue into a single mindset.

The most obvious one are those who refuse to admit Trump actually won. The whole collusion thing gives cover to that concept, that somehow outside forces caused their golden woman to lose. They get to ignore her horrible ground game in the battleground States, as well as her advisors inability to get her to realize she could be in trouble.

The 2nd group are those hard partisans looking for any excuse to invalidate Trump, or even remove him from office. These are the people that are even more left than Hillary, who don't care about her loss in the election, but only care that someone who goes against all their policy ideas is in office, and they want him out of office, or so neutered that he can't enact his policies until 2020 rolls around.

There are other groups, but I will let other posters try to figure it out.

Yup. People who backed Hitlery were flabbergasted when she lost and just couldn't believe Trump, who they all said had no chance, beat her.

Had to be a reason so collusion with Russia fit that bill to a tee.
I don't think you can box this issue into a single mindset.

The most obvious one are those who refuse to admit Trump actually won. The whole collusion thing gives cover to that concept, that somehow outside forces caused their golden woman to lose. They get to ignore her horrible ground game in the battleground States, as well as her advisors inability to get her to realize she could be in trouble.

The 2nd group are those hard partisans looking for any excuse to invalidate Trump, or even remove him from office. These are the people that are even more left than Hillary, who don't care about her loss in the election, but only care that someone who goes against all their policy ideas is in office, and they want him out of office, or so neutered that he can't enact his policies until 2020 rolls around.

There are other groups, but I will let other posters try to figure it out.

Good theory but I don't think it's as simple as that.

I also think you're applying logic to your thinking and when you start in on dimocraps, you have to set logic aside.

I think it's a pathology. I think it's some kind of disease, some kind of mental handicap. Maybe it's a big part laziness but I also think it's the fact that ALL dimocraps are genetically predisposed to be followers, to be of such lesser intelligence that they must be led by charlatans as a matter of course.

I respect what you're saying but, like I said, you are assuming intelligence on the part of dimocraps. Maybe a sort of 'group intelligence' like what is found in Ants or Bees but nothing like we expect to find in Humans.

And, I really don't mean to take cheap shots at dims, I'm serious as dogs copulating...... I don't think people like you and I are capable of understanding them completely.

They're a different breed. And not a good one.
I don't think you can box this issue into a single mindset.

The most obvious one are those who refuse to admit Trump actually won. The whole collusion thing gives cover to that concept, that somehow outside forces caused their golden woman to lose. They get to ignore her horrible ground game in the battleground States, as well as her advisors inability to get her to realize she could be in trouble.

The 2nd group are those hard partisans looking for any excuse to invalidate Trump, or even remove him from office. These are the people that are even more left than Hillary, who don't care about her loss in the election, but only care that someone who goes against all their policy ideas is in office, and they want him out of office, or so neutered that he can't enact his policies until 2020 rolls around.

There are other groups, but I will let other posters try to figure it out.

Good theory but I don't think it's as simple as that.

I also think you're applying logic to your thinking and when you start in on dimocraps, you have to set logic aside.

I think it's a pathology. I think it's some kind of disease, some kind of mental handicap. Maybe it's a big part laziness but I also think it's the fact that ALL dimocraps are genetically predisposed to be followers, to be of such lesser intelligence that they must be led by charlatans as a matter of course.

I respect what you're saying but, like I said, you are assuming intelligence on the part of dimocraps. Maybe a sort of 'group intelligence' like what is found in Ants or Bees but nothing like we expect to find in Humans.

And, I really don't mean to take cheap shots at dims, I'm serious as dogs copulating...... I don't think people like you and I are capable of understanding them completely.

They're a different breed. And not a good one.

The complexity isn't in the individual reasons, it's in the number of reasons, and the various people who use them to justify TRUMP IS TEH DEBBIL!!!

What i assume is that many of these people have found in progressive politics their substitute for Religion, and like any "true believer" anything that detracts from their belief structure is heresy.

Being unable to understand the other side is something progressives seem to have more of an issue with.

It's how they justify not supporting a death penalty because "prison must suck" without realizing that the type of person who would commit a murder worthy of the death penalty might be just fine with "3 hots and a cot" and the position and power in an incarcerated society that would come from the ability to commit such a crime.
Its just a fact that some people out there are prone to falling for loose association stuff. Marketing people get paid big $ do dupe people into buying their product using words like "sale", "best", "dependable", "sturdy", "reliable", "long lasting", "refreshing" etc..........the suckers go for it and the media and some politicians are taking advantage of these people. They don't even have to try hard with the fakery stuff:113:
I already know the answer but doesn't it make you wonder, make you fear for the future of our Republic?

That so many millions of people, some of whom actually might be semi-literate, fell for so obvious a hoax?

Seriously. I want to know.

How is it possible that, with the evidence right before your eyes, that you fell for the hoax?

Is it that you really are that stupid? I think that's part of it.

Or is it (more likely) that you blindly follow your Pied Pipers in the Media?

I think it's more the latter than th former but, let's face it -- You still have to be pretty stupid to follow those obviously shallow dirtbags.

I don't expect dimocraps to have any answers. They rally never do but to our resident Conservatives, how do you think it is that they followed so many wrong people about so many wrong things?

Enquiring minds
hate is a strong emotion.
I already know the answer but doesn't it make you wonder, make you fear for the future of our Republic?

That so many millions of people, some of whom actually might be semi-literate, fell for so obvious a hoax?

Seriously. I want to know.

How is it possible that, with the evidence right before your eyes, that you fell for the hoax?

Is it that you really are that stupid? I think that's part of it.

Or is it (more likely) that you blindly follow your Pied Pipers in the Media?

I think it's more the latter than th former but, let's face it -- You still have to be pretty stupid to follow those obviously shallow dirtbags.

I don't expect dimocraps to have any answers. They rally never do but to our resident Conservatives, how do you think it is that they followed so many wrong people about so many wrong things?

Enquiring minds

Hoax? Nope, Mueller is a Putin spy, unless when the democrats get their hands on the report they can prove Russian collusion, that is.

Stop watching the fake news and close your blinds and don't talk to anyone who is not a democrat.

Stop listening to lies.

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