Why did Obama pick Kagen? It's simple SHE IS JEWISH!!!

that must be it... he wants to pacify jews...


it's not like his chief of staff, press secretary and an awful lot of other people in high places in this admin are jewish or anything.

GH... silly thread... no offense, but seriously. It's absurd.

There were probably many reasons she was picked, but you can't tell me the fact she is Jewish wasn't one of them?

No doubt I overblow it, but I am shocked he would make another very controversial selection after picking a first very controversial figure in the Wise Latina member of the racist La Raza organization!
that must be it... he wants to pacify jews...


it's not like his chief of staff, press secretary and an awful lot of other people in high places in this admin are jewish or anything.

GH... silly thread... no offense, but seriously. It's absurd.

There were probably many reasons she was picked, but you can't tell me the fact she is Jewish wasn't one of them?

No doubt I overblow it, but I am shocked he would make another very controversial selection after picking a first very controversial figure in the Wise Latina member of the racist La Raza organization!

Why are you surprised? Nothing should surprise you with this guy.
that must be it... he wants to pacify jews...


it's not like his chief of staff, press secretary and an awful lot of other people in high places in this admin are jewish or anything.

GH... silly thread... no offense, but seriously. It's absurd.

There were probably many reasons she was picked, but you can't tell me the fact she is Jewish wasn't one of them?

No doubt I overblow it, but I am shocked he would make another very controversial selection after picking a first very controversial figure in the Wise Latina member of the racist La Raza organization!

Why are you surprised? Nothing should surprise you with this guy.

Every appointment is made for poltical reasons. I mean Alito was to appease the prolifers. However, I believed him when he stated he would get a centralist and what he did was appoint a person who has never written any opinions. We can't scrutinize her as a judge! That is what angers me.
There were probably many reasons she was picked, but you can't tell me the fact she is Jewish wasn't one of them?

No doubt I overblow it, but I am shocked he would make another very controversial selection after picking a first very controversial figure in the Wise Latina member of the racist La Raza organization!

Why are you surprised? Nothing should surprise you with this guy.

Every appointment is made for poltical reasons. I mean Alito was to appease the prolifers. However, I believed him when he stated he would get a centralist and what he did was appoint a person who has never written any opinions. We can't scrutinize her as a judge! That is what angers me.

you believed alito? lol... none of us did.

and no... i don't think kagan being jewish has anything to do with anything. in fact, if he wanted to appease any religious group politically, he'd have picked a protestant.
I'm a Zionist Jew (atheist, but still Jewish) so I think I can speak honestly and freely on the subject.

With all the slack Obama has taken from the the American Jewish and non-Jewish supporters of Israel over his treatment or hard stance on Israel. He decided to make another political nomination and nominate a Jewish women. Just as he wanted to placate the Latinos by nominating a Latina, he did the same for the Jews. It pathetic.

He purposely picked an unqualified Jew, just as he picked a racist and overtly impartial biased Latina. That way the Republicans with JUSTIFIABLY and RIGHTFULLY bitch. The race baiting Democrats will cry antisemitism and the Jews who were thinking of living the Democrats will come back. The man has made a mockery of the Supreme Court election process and the liberals will defend him to the end.

Note: I probably would have been biased against any Jew selected, since they are usually overtly liberal and fall within open-border, pro-big government, pro-evironmental nazis and pro-entitlements!

-----and she is 50 years young and will be able to serve the progressive agenda for years to come, if she doesn't become a heart attack on a plate, sooner than later.....
She is a socialist. I think that trumps everything else. He picks people becuase they have similiar viewpoints he does and she doesn't have a huge papertrail so he can sell her without a problem.

Not sure why everyones so fired up. It's not a surprise of a pick and she's going to get the seat.

LOL. "She is a Socialist".

Well, there's a pre-emptive unsubstantiated claim.
Could it be that Obama picked her because he thought she might make a good Supreme Court justice? No, nothing like that.

Rather than speculate on why Obama appointed her, it might be more interesting to speculate on issue of her being gay.

First, is she gay?
If so, will she come out the closet?
How will the Republican handle this issue?
Does it make any difference if she is gay?
She is a socialist. I think that trumps everything else. He picks people becuase they have similiar viewpoints he does and she doesn't have a huge papertrail so he can sell her without a problem.

Not sure why everyones so fired up. It's not a surprise of a pick and she's going to get the seat.

LOL. "She is a Socialist".

Well, there's a pre-emptive unsubstantiated claim.

Yes, yes she's a socialist, just like Sotomayor, big O himself, and anyone else who isn't Samuel fucking Alito.

Really dumb guys, as a wise man once said I've seen more intelligent stuff scribed on the walls of a port-o-potty.
Could it be that Obama picked her because he thought she might make a good Supreme Court justice? No, nothing like that.

Rather than speculate on why Obama appointed her, it might be more interesting to speculate on issue of her being gay.

First, is she gay?
If so, will she come out the closet?
How will the Republican handle this issue?
Does it make any difference if she is gay?

If she's gay, then her stance against Gay Marriage is sure an odd way to show it.
that must be it... he wants to pacify jews...


it's not like his chief of staff, press secretary and an awful lot of other people in high places in this admin are jewish or anything.

GH... silly thread... no offense, but seriously. It's absurd.

There were probably many reasons she was picked, but you can't tell me the fact she is Jewish wasn't one of them?

No doubt I overblow it, but I am shocked he would make another very controversial selection after picking a first very controversial figure in the Wise Latina member of the racist La Raza organization!
Quit lying, dude. Anyone he picked would be seen as a communist kenyan terrorist to the right wing. Or a gay, Jewish, female. :lol:


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Could it be that Obama picked her because he thought she might make a good Supreme Court justice? No, nothing like that.

Rather than speculate on why Obama appointed her, it might be more interesting to speculate on issue of her being gay.

First, is she gay?
If so, will she come out the closet?
How will the Republican handle this issue?
Does it make any difference if she is gay?

If she's gay, then her stance against Gay Marriage is sure an odd way to show it.
Possibly, her statement was based on her interpretation of the law and not her personal preference. A mark of a good judge is to form legal opinion based on law and not personal personal preferences. Political junks seem to forget this and would rather believe that judges rule based on personal opinions and political philosophy. This is why predicting how a candidate judge will rule is very dicey, yet we will spend endless hours taking apart every aspect of a candidates life to determine how they rule on this or that.
The adminsitration denies she's gay, not that this is an issue, but according to them, she is being unfairly accused of that.

The charge that she's ugly must come from some pretty insecure or mean spirited people, because I don't think she's ugly at all.

The charge that she's unqualified is very wrong. She may be among the most imminently qualified people nominated for the high court. According to her peers that have spoken on her behalf, some of them pretty darn conservative, she is not given to uncareful or wacko positions on anything and will no doubt be no further left than Justice Stevens who was appointed by a Republican and probably will be even more centrist than him. As Dean of Harvard Law School, she recruited a number of conservative faculty which would tell us that she is no ideological extremist.

We would not expect a liberal President to appoint a conservative Supreme Court Justice any more than we would expect a conservative President to appoint a liberal one.

You all know I'm no fan of President Obama. But unless some serious flaw show up in the confirmation process, from all appearances he could have done a whole lot worse than he has done with this nomination.

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