Why did Obama Have Troops in Niger?

Let's get out of Niger, and stay out. We don't belong there. How many countries are we meddling in at this point? It's too much. Enough is enough.

The military of the United States is deployed in more than 150 countries around the world, with nearly 300,000 of its active-duty personnel serving outside the United States and its territories.

It's 'Empire-Building.' Our Founding Fathers warned against it. All Empires fall. And the US won't be an exception. We're $21 Trillion in Debt and spread way too thin around the world. This Empire-Building is gonna end, one way or another. It's inevitable.
I agree, Trump should get us out of Niger. But will he? I doubt it. The MIC powers-that-be are making those decisions. And we know they've decided on Permanent War.

In his farewell address to the nation, President Dwight D. Eisenhower warns the American people to keep a careful eye on what he calls the “military-industrial complex” that has developed in the post-World War II years.

He saw the coming dangers of the MIC and CIA. We're at the point now, where we're meddling in nations most Americans don't even know exist. I mean, 'Niger?' Ask most Americans if they know what or where 'Niger' is. The meddling is so out of control.
He saw the coming dangers of the MIC and CIA. We're at the point now, where we're meddling in nations most Americans don't even know exist. I mean, 'Niger?' Ask most Americans if they know what or where 'Niger' is. The meddling is so out of control.

In short, we are "suffering" from the post-COLONIST mentality.
He saw the coming dangers of the MIC and CIA. We're at the point now, where we're meddling in nations most Americans don't even know exist. I mean, 'Niger?' Ask most Americans if they know what or where 'Niger' is. The meddling is so out of control.

In short, we are "suffering" from the post-COLONIST mentality.

We're an Imperialist Nation now. We'll take what we want, when we want it. It's sadly ironic, because our nation was founded on kicking Imperialist ass. When we had enough of the Brits, we gave em the boot.
We're an Imperialist Nation now. We'll take what we want, when we want it. It's sadly ironic, because our nation was founded on kicking Imperialist ass. When we had enough of the Brits, we gave em the boot.

Ultimately, what brought down the Roman Empire was based on two main factors....

The over-stretching of conquered lands that led to the empire's bankruptcy and with the then, almost non-existent communication, AND the empire's over-use and reliance on mercenaries.....(today we call them "private contractors")
Maybe the question should be, why did our involvement in Niger progress without casualties until Trump took over?

Probably because the soldiers from Chad were helping out and with them fighting with us, the terrorists were outnumbered.

But, when Trump put Chad on the list of banned terrorist nations, it confused everyone from the Chad government to former ambassadors to Africa, because Chad has been helping out in the fight against terrorists. Chad reacted by pulling their troops back home, and the terrorists attacked us when Chad left.

The really stupid thing is that Trump and the DHS said that one of the reasons they listed them on the terror watchlist is because they didn't submit a recent passport from Chad to be reviewed. Chad didn't send the passport because they had run out of the special paper used to make them and wouldn't have any for 6 more months. Chad then submitted a blank one that they had recently printed up, but DHS said it wasn't good enough, and put them on the list.

Yep, this has a strong potential to turn out to be Trump's Benghazi.
I believe it's already been said, but this all hinges of hanging Chads. Trump just put them on his muslim ban September 29th, , which pissed them off, so they pulled their forces out of Niger, where they were fighting ISIS, and were very effective fighters.

October 5th, halfway through Chads withdrawal, the americans ere ambushed.

True.....and the reason why Chad was banned, was due to some wrong paperwork.......

I wonder how right wingers would feel if this ambush and royal screw up in Niger should warrant the same scrutiny as Benghazi???

In the region, the US has enemies all around. Niger shares a border with Mali, where an al Qaeda affiliate and other Islamist groups thrive in the vast desert. It also borders Libya, where ISIS and other extremists are regrouping, and Nigeria, where Boko Haram is a major challenge.

Niger: US has drones and hundreds of troops in African nation - CNNPolitics

Obama put them there because of Boko. Even the far left CNN makes this claim, will you finally admit to being wrong?
It's mainly ISIS, boko Haram are mostly active in Nigeria. The French are the ones who have problems in Niger, Chad and Mali with Isis....because the French have their hands deep down that regions resources, and Isis are recruiting to fight the occupation as they say.

I don't back by any means ISIS or Boko....by the west create this mess, but topploing regimes and strengthening terrorists group. Lybia never had terrorist groups, nor Iraq or Syria mow thanks to the west, those countries are infested with terror groups.
Good job there

WTF is Lybia? If you are going to comment, get your information straight and learn to type in English.

If France was not present, ISIS would take over. Also, the people would be eating sand.
Bobo...im from The region and I know what I'm talking about. France has been stealing resources from the region. Made it easier for ISIS and other groups to recruit. Lybia was fine till the west helped topple the regime and created a safe heaven for ISIS.

Hey dumb ass! The word is Libya! Yes, you are from that region, yet you can't spell the name of the countries!

Good job!

If France does not provide a market for their resources, do you think China or North Korea would have any problem using their uranium or other products?

ليبيا to be exact....At least that was only a typo.....Not like your president when he not only miss-spelled it but he also miss-pronounced it too lol. What do you say about that? you gonna give him a pass on that one too?

It was a typo? About 4 or 5 times you misspelled it? In this post, you even misspelled "misspelled"!

Yes, I give him a pass because like most Americans. we don't speak French. If we pronounced it the way it is spelled many people would call us racist and be greatly upset!
Maybe the question should be, why did our involvement in Niger progress without casualties until Trump took over?

Probably because the soldiers from Chad were helping out and with them fighting with us, the terrorists were outnumbered.

But, when Trump put Chad on the list of banned terrorist nations, it confused everyone from the Chad government to former ambassadors to Africa, because Chad has been helping out in the fight against terrorists. Chad reacted by pulling their troops back home, and the terrorists attacked us when Chad left.

The really stupid thing is that Trump and the DHS said that one of the reasons they listed them on the terror watchlist is because they didn't submit a recent passport from Chad to be reviewed. Chad didn't send the passport because they had run out of the special paper used to make them and wouldn't have any for 6 more months. Chad then submitted a blank one that they had recently printed up, but DHS said it wasn't good enough, and put them on the list.

Yep, this has a strong potential to turn out to be Trump's Benghazi.

You said one of the reasons. What about the others where they did not meet the requirements.

You called it a terrorist watchlist. That is not what it is called.

So what are they going to do for passports the next 6 months? If they don't have them, they cannot travel to the US anyway, so the ban has no effect. No problem. When they get the paper, they can come off the list.

Benghazi? Only if you are a moron! Oops! I forgot that you met that qualification long ago.
Another one of nobama's policies failing. Where Trump has to fix it by figuring out why were there troops sent to Niger in the first place.
the sad truth is trump doesn't know his ass from his elbow He has no idea what's happening

Congress DEMANDS answers on Niger ambush What did Trump know and when did he know it??

Congress can go f--- themselves until the military completes their review. They are using this to grandstand and get on TV. They are just assholes disrespecting the troops again!
Another one of nobama's policies failing. Where Trump has to fix it by figuring out why were there troops sent to Niger in the first place.
the sad truth is trump doesn't know his ass from his elbow He has no idea what's happening

Congress DEMANDS answers on Niger ambush What did Trump know and when did he know it??
Lets see gov't investigate the Niger ambush with the SAME zeal they investigated Benghazi??

If they did that, we would never know what happened. How long did it take for the FBI to get to Benghazi to start their work?
Another one of nobama's policies failing. Where Trump has to fix it by figuring out why were there troops sent to Niger in the first place.
the sad truth is trump doesn't know his ass from his elbow He has no idea what's happening

Congress DEMANDS answers on Niger ambush What did Trump know and when did he know it??
Lets see gov't investigate the Niger ambush with the SAME zeal they investigated Benghazi??

If they did that, we would never know what happened. How long did it take for the FBI to get to Benghazi to start their work?
lets put trump thru the same ringer you ah repubs put hillary thru
Another one of nobama's policies failing. Where Trump has to fix it by figuring out why were there troops sent to Niger in the first place.
the sad truth is trump doesn't know his ass from his elbow He has no idea what's happening

Congress DEMANDS answers on Niger ambush What did Trump know and when did he know it??
Lets see gov't investigate the Niger ambush with the SAME zeal they investigated Benghazi??

If they did that, we would never know what happened. How long did it take for the FBI to get to Benghazi to start their work?
lets put trump thru the same ringer you ah repubs put hillary thru

What ringer? She was made to testify and lied or could not remember even the most crucial details. If that is putting her through the ringer, so be it! She was intimately involved in Benghazi. In Niger, it was probably over before we even knew it happened.
the sad truth is trump doesn't know his ass from his elbow He has no idea what's happening

Congress DEMANDS answers on Niger ambush What did Trump know and when did he know it??
Lets see gov't investigate the Niger ambush with the SAME zeal they investigated Benghazi??

If they did that, we would never know what happened. How long did it take for the FBI to get to Benghazi to start their work?
lets put trump thru the same ringer you ah repubs put hillary thru

What ringer? She was made to testify and lied or could not remember even the most crucial details. If that is putting her through the ringer, so be it! She was intimately involved in Benghazi. In Niger, it was probably over before we even knew it happened.
trump is involved in Niger Who gave Chad the finger ?? Trump did .... put the pos republican in jail
Congress DEMANDS answers on Niger ambush What did Trump know and when did he know it??
Lets see gov't investigate the Niger ambush with the SAME zeal they investigated Benghazi??

If they did that, we would never know what happened. How long did it take for the FBI to get to Benghazi to start their work?
lets put trump thru the same ringer you ah repubs put hillary thru

What ringer? She was made to testify and lied or could not remember even the most crucial details. If that is putting her through the ringer, so be it! She was intimately involved in Benghazi. In Niger, it was probably over before we even knew it happened.
trump is involved in Niger Who gave Chad the finger ?? Trump did .... put the pos republican in jail

You really are a coward! Didn't the doctor tell you this would happen when he removed your testicles?
Admiral, you have trouble spelling your name, so you should let up.

grammar nazi.jpg

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