Why did Feinstein sit on the Kavanaugh letter?

Yes, because they're weak R's that bow to the dems.

Ok check, so we'll take that to mean you believe Heitkamp, Collins and Murkowski could be reelected if they rammed through an attempted rapist who would in a heartbeat, vote to overturn Roe?

Get real

Lol, was kavanaugh ever charged? Next.

God some of you people are mindless idiots. Women did not come forward with these sort of things until fairly recently. Perhaps you have heard of the "Me Too" movement (probably not) :rolleyes:
yea, and "innocent until proven guilty" is a thing also, unless you are a child and demand your way and any accusation that will allow that is valid.

Mr Kavanaugh is neither on trial nor will be be convicted of anything. This is a process by which we decide lifetime appointments to the highest court in the land.

Mr. Kavanaugh is on trial for his life in the court of Public Opinion.

Should he lose this, it will take an herculean effort for his to regain his reputation and he'll have to work for 20 years on this.
There is a reason western legal systems provide a statute of limitations. These third world red guards aren’t the same as us.
The statutes are there because (1) it is impossible to mount a defense from a decades old event (where were you aug 16 1996 at 4pm?) and (2) without a statute of limitations it is possible for the government to hold something over your head forever. As we see here.

But Democrats do not embrace our culture and traditions of freedom. They prefer third world systems and their supporters have educations at a third world level.

Nobody is going to put Brett Kavanaugh on trial or convict him of anything. But the fact of the matter is, when considering a lifetime appointment to the highest court in the land, it's fair to look at an entire life.

I didnt say anything about a trying Kavenaugh. Once again a liberal jumps straight to what the government can do. That is a deep sickness. If I mention free speech can I assume you will rant about the 1st amendment?
I was speaking of how common law freedoms are protected and the sense of fair play and justice brought to bear by the culture we inherited. All the things you hate. I was speaking of how the Red Guards of China and the Colectivos in Venezueala operate. The third worlders that inform your views.

What is fair is that Kavanaugh will be a Supreme Court judge until you die.

(S&P 500 is up 8% ytd, 17% year over year and 46% since Donald Trump was elected. How much do those fantastic bonds you bought pay again?)
Yes, because they're weak R's that bow to the dems.

Ok check, so we'll take that to mean you believe Heitkamp, Collins and Murkowski could be reelected if they rammed through an attempted rapist who would in a heartbeat, vote to overturn Roe?

Get real

Lol, was kavanaugh ever charged? Next.

God some of you people are mindless idiots. Women did not come forward with these sort of things until fairly recently. Perhaps you have heard of the "Me Too" movement (probably not) :rolleyes:
yea, and "innocent until proven guilty" is a thing also, unless you are a child and demand your way and any accusation that will allow that is valid.

Mr Kavanaugh is neither on trial nor will be be convicted of anything. This is a process by which we decide lifetime appointments to the highest court in the land.
and to the left he doesn't need to be. you have your ONE shaky statement and that's enough for you and the left to demonize the man. the process does not and should not include making up bullshit after sitting on it for months and even then the story changes 3 times in a week.

if you're "ok" with this then you are most certainly part of the problem.
There is a reason western legal systems provide a statute of limitations. These third world red guards aren’t the same as us.
The statutes are there because (1) it is impossible to mount a defense from a decades old event (where were you aug 16 1996 at 4pm?) and (2) without a statute of limitations it is possible for the government to hold something over your head forever. As we see here.

But Democrats do not embrace our culture and traditions of freedom. They prefer third world systems and their supporters have educations at a third world level.
----------------------------------------- good post and the reson that i say , these lefties - dems just do not think American or Western .

Correct! And that is what we have to learn and operate from. We arent fighting with Americans. We are fighting with third world thinkers who share no common American values.
Ford told her shrink there were four boys in the room.
Her shrink wrote that in her notes.
Now Ford claims only two boys were in the room. Was she drinking at the party?
Was her girlfriend drinking?
Lets see her medical records. She claims she "sought medical treatment" after the incident.
Let's see the records.
This stinks to high heaven.
She claims the two boys "locked the bedroom door".
How was she able to then 'run from the room'?

LOL.... hint: she unlocked the door.
I was speaking of how the Red Guards of China and the Colectivos in Venezueala operate. The third worlders that inform your views.

What is fair is that Kavanaugh will be a Supreme Court judge until you die.

(S&P 500 is up 8% ytd, 17% year over year and 46% since Donald Trump was elected. How much do those fantastic bonds you bought pay again?)

Funny you should say that when it is Third World murderous autocrats like Putin, Duterte, Kim and Erdogan that Donald Trump seems to admire the most! ;)

I am only 8 years older than Brett the Groper. There is no guarantee at all that he will be on the court when I die, outlive me, OR that he will get an appointment to begin with.

As a side note, my muni-bonds are doing great - right around a 15% clip on year one. WAY better than the stock market has been doing (completely flat) since the first week of February when he started his stupid trade war threats and I got out.

Nervous investors exiting US stocks at near-record pace on trade-war fears

Response Fail Noted
Ford told her shrink there were four boys in the room.
Her shrink wrote that in her notes.
Now Ford claims only two boys were in the room. Was she drinking at the party?
Was her girlfriend drinking?
Lets see her medical records. She claims she "sought medical treatment" after the incident.
Let's see the records.
This stinks to high heaven.
She claims the two boys "locked the bedroom door".
How was she able to then 'run from the room'?

LOL.... hint: she unlocked the door.

Heheh - Apparently Danny was unaware that bedroom doors do not typically lock anyone in or that drunk boys who are grappling with one another would be pretty easy to get away from. :)
I was speaking of how the Red Guards of China and the Colectivos in Venezueala operate. The third worlders that inform your views.

What is fair is that Kavanaugh will be a Supreme Court judge until you die.

(S&P 500 is up 8% ytd, 17% year over year and 46% since Donald Trump was elected. How much do those fantastic bonds you bought pay again?)

Funny you should say that when it is Third World murderous autocrats like Putin, Duterte, Kim and Erdogan that Donald Trump seems to admire the most! ;)

I am only 8 years older than Brett the Groper. There is no guarantee at all that he will be on the court when I die, outlive me, OR that he will get an appointment to begin with.

As a side note, my muni-bonds are doing great - right around a 15% clip on year one. WAY better than the stock market has been doing (completely flat) since the first week of February when he started his stupid trade war threats and I got out.

Nervous investors exiting US stocks at near-record pace on trade-war fears

Response Fail Noted

Sure they are :) Magic bonds. And of course I dont measure the stock market from some random date.,..like February...lol. I didnt buy into the market in February. But lets say I did...


Up 12.55% since (some random date in Feb). Are you completely insane?

Oh and I see you have a poll at odds with reality again. No wonder you keep losing elections but winning polls.

Here is what your compadres at CNBC had to say some time back. Cost you plenty didnt it?

I was speaking of how the Red Guards of China and the Colectivos in Venezueala operate. The third worlders that inform your views.

What is fair is that Kavanaugh will be a Supreme Court judge until you die.

(S&P 500 is up 8% ytd, 17% year over year and 46% since Donald Trump was elected. How much do those fantastic bonds you bought pay again?)

Funny you should say that when it is Third World murderous autocrats like Putin, Duterte, Kim and Erdogan that Donald Trump seems to admire the most! ;)

I am only 8 years older than Brett the Groper. There is no guarantee at all that he will be on the court when I die, outlive me, OR that he will get an appointment to begin with.

As a side note, my muni-bonds are doing great - right around a 15% clip on year one. WAY better than the stock market has been doing (completely flat) since the first week of February when he started his stupid trade war threats and I got out.

Nervous investors exiting US stocks at near-record pace on trade-war fears

Response Fail Noted

Sure they are :) Magic bonds. And of course I dont measure the stock market from some random date.,..like February...lol. I didnt buy into the market in February. But lets say I did...

View attachment 216949

Up 12.55% since (some random date in Feb). Are you completely insane?

Oh and I see you have a poll at odds with reality again. No wonder you keep losing elections but winning polls.

Here is what your compadres at CNBC had to say some time back. Cost you plenty didnt it?

View attachment 216948

Nope, and you're insane - Look for yourself and select 1 yr.
Dow Jones Industrial Average

1-26-18 = 26,616
9-17-18 = 26,149

Yep - FLATTER than a pancake and an excellent gamble on my part.
12.55%? WTF are you talking about? It will be almost another 6 months until I've been in muni-bonds for a year
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The one person the Fake Accuser cites as being a witness denies the incident took place.
----------------------------------------- i guess that that'd be Kavanaugh eh Boedicca ?? ---------------------- The woman brings 35 year old unprovable accusations and they should be disregarded . She should be pointed out and advertised as a poor citizen and role model for young people in public school and throughout USA Society .

No, she cited Mark Judge as being there. He denies the incident took place.
The one person the Fake Accuser cites as being a witness denies the incident took place.
----------------------------------------- i guess that that'd be Kavanaugh eh Boedicca ?? ---------------------- The woman brings 35 year old unprovable accusations and they should be disregarded . She should be pointed out and advertised as a poor citizen and role model for young people in public school and throughout USA Society .

No, she cited Mark Judge as being there. He denies the incident took place.

Mark Judge is a self-admitted "blackout drunk"

In his book, Judge describes an institution where alcoholism was rampant, a theme he detailed in his 1997 addiction memoir, Wasted: Tales of a Gen X Drunk.

That book chronicles Judge’s time as a teenage alcoholic. Like many works of the genre, it devotes a lot of ink to the kinds of debauchery that leads to AA and recovery. While there’s nothing in the book that resembles the incident reportedly described in the private letter given to the FBI, Judge says his own black-out drinking while he and Kavanaugh were Georgetown Prep students “reached the point where once I had the first beer, I found it impossible to stop until I was completely annihilated.”

He describes, for instance, what happened after a night of heavy drinking with friends at a Georgetown bar. “The next thing I knew, I was lying on a bathroom floor. I was curled up in the fetal position with saliva running out of the side of my mouth,” Judge writes, explaining that he had inexplicably woken up inside a nearby Four Seasons Hotel. He writes that he called his mom for help getting home. “I must have come over here and passed out,” he tells her.

The amount of drinking Judge describes himself undertaking might suggest that his memory of those days may not be entirely reliable.​

Feel free to read his book for yourself :)

Nope, and you're insane - Look for yourself and select 1 yr.
Dow Jones Industrial Average

1-26-18 = 26,616
9-17-18 = 26,149

Yep - FLATTER than a pancake and an excellent gamble on my part.
12.55%? WTF are you talking about? It will be almost another 6 months until I've been in muni-bonds for a year

We have been though this before. Remember how embarrassed and pissy you got when i pointed out a two year flat spot 2014 to 2016? I mean you really sucked your thumb! It was almost like market gyrations in the shoirt term mean little.

Your orginal claim was that we were headed for a catastrophe. Not that magic bonds would squeak past stocks. Or that we were due a "flat spot" from 2:35 PM January 6th through Sept 14. Want me to find your old posts?

And so now it *wasnt* Feb. But January? And not just any January but January 26th lol. Any particular reason your financial life turns on January 29 2016? Is there an hour too?

WAY better than the stock market has been doing (completely flat) since the first week of February when he started his stupid trade war threats and I got out.

But to be clear..you didnt actually mean the first week in Feb when you "got out". You meant..January 26th? And when you say first week in February you always mean precisely Jan 26?

You deserve t die broke and eating cat food. That doesnt mean you have to drag everyone with you.

And lastly...WTF am I talking about? Well..ill show you again.


You see that from the first week of February until Sept 14 the S&P 500 is up 323.98 points or 12.55%. That is *well* above the normal long term stock market returns of 10.7% per year. far from the "crash" you predicted.
Maybe you could look at the chart and we could see exactly what confuses you? Or is it the math?

Most likely though...TDS.

And remember, CNBC says the whole world is dumping stocks. We are all gonna die!
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We have been though this before. Remember how embarrassed and pissy you got when i pointed out a two year flat spot 2014 to 2016? I mean you really sucked your thumb! It was almost like market gyrations in the shoirt term mean little.

GAWD you're a dumb investor. EIGHT MONTHS is "short term" and not a trend to you?
The DJIA is FLATTER than a pancake and has been since last week of January.

2014-2016 was "flat" - as in 4,000 points? :rolleyes-41:

February 7, 2014

December 30, 2016

Dow Jones Industrial Average History (DJIA / Dow 30)

Get back to me when you grow a brain and Trump's stupid trade war starts paying off for ya. Mmmmk?
We have been though this before. Remember how embarrassed and pissy you got when i pointed out a two year flat spot 2014 to 2016? I mean you really sucked your thumb! It was almost like market gyrations in the shoirt term mean little.

GAWD you're a dumb investor. EIGHT MONTHS is "short term" and not a trend to you?
The DJIA is FLATTER than a pancake and has been since last week of January.

2014-2016 was "flat" - as in 4,000 points? :rolleyes-41:

February 7, 2014

December 30, 2016

Dow Jones Industrial Average History (DJIA / Dow 30)

Get back to me when you grow a brain and Trump's stupid trade war starts paying off for ya. Mmmmk?

No its not. It is up 8% ytd. That isnt flat.
We have been though this before. Remember how embarrassed and pissy you got when i pointed out a two year flat spot 2014 to 2016? I mean you really sucked your thumb! It was almost like market gyrations in the shoirt term mean little.

GAWD you're a dumb investor. EIGHT MONTHS is "short term" and not a trend to you?
The DJIA is FLATTER than a pancake and has been since last week of January.

2014-2016 was "flat" - as in 4,000 points? :rolleyes-41:

February 7, 2014

December 30, 2016

Get back to me when you grow a brain and Trump's stupid trade war starts paying off for ya. Mmmmk?

You cheery pick your dates again. There was indeed a two year flat spot. Ill show it to you (again :))


So tell us again how a flat spot of eight months is really really really bad?

Come on...admit it..you never owned a stock in your life.
We have been though this before. Remember how embarrassed and pissy you got when i pointed out a two year flat spot 2014 to 2016? I mean you really sucked your thumb! It was almost like market gyrations in the shoirt term mean little.

GAWD you're a dumb investor. EIGHT MONTHS is "short term" and not a trend to you?
The DJIA is FLATTER than a pancake and has been since last week of January.

2014-2016 was "flat" - as in 4,000 points? :rolleyes-41:

February 7, 2014

December 30, 2016

Get back to me when you grow a brain and Trump's stupid trade war starts paying off for ya. Mmmmk?

You cheery pick your dates again. There was indeed a two year flat spot. Ill show it to you (again :))

View attachment 216969

So tell us again how a flat spot of eight months is really really really bad?

Come on...admit it..you never owned a stock in your life.

I linked my dates between February of '14 and December of '16. Go back to bed please.
Ill just put this up...for laughs.. The stock market guru with the "hair trigger" instincts :) And yes the "hair trigger" does make the prediction funnier. (Warning!! Will Robinson..."the markets are overvalued") lol.

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We have been though this before. Remember how embarrassed and pissy you got when i pointed out a two year flat spot 2014 to 2016? I mean you really sucked your thumb! It was almost like market gyrations in the shoirt term mean little.

GAWD you're a dumb investor. EIGHT MONTHS is "short term" and not a trend to you?
The DJIA is FLATTER than a pancake and has been since last week of January.

2014-2016 was "flat" - as in 4,000 points? :rolleyes-41:

February 7, 2014

December 30, 2016

Get back to me when you grow a brain and Trump's stupid trade war starts paying off for ya. Mmmmk?

You cheery pick your dates again. There was indeed a two year flat spot. Ill show it to you (again :))

View attachment 216969

So tell us again how a flat spot of eight months is really really really bad?

Come on...admit it..you never owned a stock in your life.

I linked my dates between February of '14 and December of '16. Go back to bed please.

doesnt matter when you linked them. there was a flat spot there well over 8 months long. What do your "hair trigger" instincts say about that? Terrible wasnt? That huge flat spot right there in Barry Sowetos amazing performance?
We have been though this before. Remember how embarrassed and pissy you got when i pointed out a two year flat spot 2014 to 2016? I mean you really sucked your thumb! It was almost like market gyrations in the shoirt term mean little.

GAWD you're a dumb investor. EIGHT MONTHS is "short term" and not a trend to you?
The DJIA is FLATTER than a pancake and has been since last week of January.

2014-2016 was "flat" - as in 4,000 points? :rolleyes-41:

February 7, 2014

December 30, 2016

Dow Jones Industrial Average History (DJIA / Dow 30)

Get back to me when you grow a brain and Trump's stupid trade war starts paying off for ya. Mmmmk?

No its not. It is up 8% ytd. That isnt flat.

The DJIA? NO - it is NOT - Stop LYING and go back to bed
Dow Jones YTD Performance

More bad news for Trumptard bulls
Apple, Amazon lead Wall Street lower as tariffs loom
Professor accusing Kavanaugh is radical SJW with some damning student reviews

It's true that Bill Clinton's liberal '90s apologists justified his sexual misconduct with the claim "Character doesn’t matter." It nonetheless does, and since Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation hopes are being influenced by accusations that may speak to his character, it's only fair to examine the character of his accuser. And this woman, Palo Alto University psychology professor Christine Blasey Ford, is a radical social-justice warrior with some damning student reviews - including one from a person who wrote "I am honestly scared of her."

Ford's accusation goes back to her high-school days, in approximately 1982, when she would have been 15 and Kavanaugh 17. She claims that Kavanaugh laid on top of her and groped her while heavily intoxicated and that the incident ended when a friend of his, Mark Judge, jumped on both of them, sending them all tumbling (you can read a more thorough account here).

Whatever the truth of the matter, however, certainly true is that Ford is a radical leftist who'd be inclined to zealously oppose a Kavanaugh nomination. For example, Breitbart reports that she not only has attended anti-Trump events, but actually donned a pink "brain pu**y hat" for a 2017 anti-Trump march.

Just as telling, though, may be her student reviews. Consider the following screen grab of one of her reviews (now scrubbed) from the popular site Rate My Professors:


(Excerpt) Read more at americanthinker.com ...

There are NO reviews whatsoever on RateMyProfessors on Christine Blasey Ford at Palo Alto University.
She is a RESEARCH Psychologist
You have fallen for RW claptrap - unless of course you can link this review :)
Well, how about that, they actually a wiped WITH A CLOTH her 2.0 rating.... It's a miracle....scumbag liberals can do that!

How about it never existed, OR it was scrubbed by RateMyProfessor because they discovered it was posted for political reasons.


Christine Blasey Ford is a professor at Palo Alto University who teaches in a consortium with Stanford, training graduate students in clinical psychology. Her work has been widely published in academic journals.


Christine Blasey Ford’s yearbook photo from Holton-Arms School.

An archive of her LinkedIn reveals that she has been a visiting professor at Pepperdine University, a research psychologist for Stanford’s Department of Psychiatry, and a professor at the Stanford School Of Medicine Collaborative Clinical Psychology Program.

Ford received her undergraduate degree at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She then received a Master’s Degree in psychology at Pepperdine University, followed by a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology: Research Design at the USC. Finally, she received a Master’s in Education from Stanford.
Rush just said she now has a 2.9 teachers rating and a whole bunch of awfuls. She is a DemonRAT activist, get her QUICK to the subcommittee. If she won't show up before Thursdays vote. We KNOW FOR SURE she is a plant!.....Funny she can't even remember the date this supposedly happened....women REMEMBER EVERYTHING about a supposed attempted rape!

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