Why Conservatives are obsessed with Obama's grades

Whats in it for him?

Wouldnt being that wealthy actually make him LESS prone to influence, and worrying about "what is in it for him?"

Just fess up and admit you want to see his tax returns just to fuel your envy over anyone who has more stuff than you do. It will make you feel better.

It never does

If Romney is signing legislation, tax cuts, oil leases, labor law reductions..

How does it affect his own wealth?

If Romney is paying only 5% of his income in taxes, how does he justify further cuts in his own tax bracket?

Romney already submitted tax returns in accordance with the law.
If you don't like the law, pull your mouth off of Obama's balls for a moment and ask him to change the law.
Glad you asked

Because we need to know whom he is beholden to
Where does his money come from? Where does he invest? What are his writeoffs? What is his effective tax rate? If he passes further tax cuts for the wealthy, whats in it for him?

All are directly related to him being president.

And this relates to being president how?

Whats in it for him?

What's in it for Romney? He gets to undo all the crap that's happen in the last 4yrs. Unlike obama he'll be a good President and unlike obama his wife loves the U.S.A.
Why are you obsessed with Romney taxes, asslips?

Glad you asked

Because we need to know whom he is beholden to
Where does his money come from? Where does he invest? What are his writeoffs? What is his effective tax rate? If he passes further tax cuts for the wealthy, whats in it for him?

All are directly related to him being president.

10 years? Bullshit!

We will have two years and it doesn't matter, nor does Obama's school records.

Why is his tax rates of interest to anyone, as long as it is all legal, why do we care?

If Obama takes money from non-union workers, what is in it for him?

I don't care that both Obama and Romney are 1%ers, I want a better America. What will they do for the country as a whole.

Obama and Biden have released 11 years of their returns....what is Romney afraid of?

He is embarassed at how little he pays in taxes
He is embarassed at how little he pays in taxes

Where'd you hear that? In a men's room stall between pleasuring truck drivers?


bagger doesnt care if a billionaire makes all the rules and by definition guarantees said bagger will literally starve to death, just as long as no Black man is in charge of anything and they can prevent women from health care and keep Gays out of the public square
bagger doesnt care if a billionaire makes all the rules and by definition guarantees said bagger will literally starve to death, just as long as no Black man is in charge of anything and they can prevent women from health care and keep Gays out of the public square

Still waiting for examples of racism in the Teaparty, polesmoker.

You able to provide ?

Of course not.

Run along Johnnie...
Barack Obama has gotten by his entire adult life on one achievement...his selection to be President of the Harvard Law Review.

He has done nothing even remotely exceptional as a lawyer, as a college lecturer or as a legislator since being chosen by the powers that be at Harvard...a choice that was based on skin pigmentation rather than merit. Quite frankly, Barack Obama was as qualified to become President as he was to win the Nobel Peace Prize.

In order for him to be electable as President of the United States a "facade" of what Barack Obama supposedly is was fabricated. Any attempts to look behind that facade, at what the reality of Barry Obama really consists of, will be fought tooth and nail because the facade is all he has.

I've made this challenge many times before and the progressives here have always avoided it like the plague. Name something exceptional that Barack Obama has done since leaving Harvard Law. You'd think that should be an easy task...yet when you REALLY examine his adult life it's hard to come up with anything. I actually admire the man for basically bluffing his way to the Oval Office without doing anything of note. It still amazes me that we elected someone we knew so little about.
Glad you asked

Because we need to know whom he is beholden to
Where does his money come from? Where does he invest? What are his writeoffs? What is his effective tax rate? If he passes further tax cuts for the wealthy, whats in it for him?

All are directly related to him being president.

10 years? Bullshit!

We will have two years and it doesn't matter, nor does Obama's school records.

Why is his tax rates of interest to anyone, as long as it is all legal, why do we care?

If Obama takes money from non-union workers, what is in it for him?

I don't care that both Obama and Romney are 1%ers, I want a better America. What will they do for the country as a whole.

Obama and Biden have released 11 years of their returns....what is Romney afraid of?

He is embarassed at how little he pays in taxes

Who cares what they released? Romney released his college transcripts, why hasn't Obama?

No one is required to release any of the information if they don't want to. Obama released 7 years before he was President and four since he has been President. So if Romney went back 7 years it be 2005 and that wouldn't satisfy the nutty left.

Non-issue but when you can't run on anything else, you resort to these types of tactics.
bagger doesnt care if a billionaire makes all the rules and by definition guarantees said bagger will literally starve to death, just as long as no Black man is in charge of anything and they can prevent women from health care and keep Gays out of the public square

Still waiting for examples of racism in the Teaparty, polesmoker.

You able to provide ?

Of course not.

Run along Johnnie...

He never has anything to contribute, he just knee jerks to race, because he has nothing else to contribute to a thread.
Barack Obama has gotten by his entire adult life on one achievement...his selection to be President of the Harvard Law Review.

He has done nothing even remotely exceptional as a lawyer, as a college lecturer or as a legislator since being chosen by the powers that be at Harvard...a choice that was based on skin pigmentation rather than merit. Quite frankly, Barack Obama was as qualified to become President as he was to win the Nobel Peace Prize.

In order for him to be electable as President of the United States a "facade" of what Barack Obama supposedly is was fabricated. Any attempts to look behind that facade, at what the reality of Barry Obama really consists of, will be fought tooth and nail because the facade is all he has.

I've made this challenge many times before and the progressives here have always avoided it like the plague. Name something exceptional that Barack Obama has done since leaving Harvard Law. You'd think that should be an easy task...yet when you REALLY examine his adult life it's hard to come up with anything. I actually admire the man for basically bluffing his way to the Oval Office without doing anything of note. It still amazes me that we elected someone we knew so little about.

President Obama is vastly more qualified than a failed Governor from Massachusetts
Barack Obama has gotten by his entire adult life on one achievement...his selection to be President of the Harvard Law Review.
Yet, somehow or another, we cannot seem to find a single scrap of his editorial commentary in the HLR.

Strange, innit?

No one saw him on campus either.....

I am having doubts if he even attended college in the first place
Glad you asked

Because we need to know whom he is beholden to
Where does his money come from? Where does he invest? What are his writeoffs? What is his effective tax rate? If he passes further tax cuts for the wealthy, whats in it for him?

All are directly related to him being president.

10 years? Bullshit!

We will have two years and it doesn't matter, nor does Obama's school records.

Why is his tax rates of interest to anyone, as long as it is all legal, why do we care?

If Obama takes money from non-union workers, what is in it for him?

I don't care that both Obama and Romney are 1%ers, I want a better America. What will they do for the country as a whole.

Obama and Biden have released 11 years of their returns....what is Romney afraid of?

He is embarassed at how little he pays in taxes

Show me where the consitutuion requires dueling tax returns between presidential candidates.
President Obama is vastly more qualified than a failed Governor from Massachusetts

He certainly is more qualified to run up the unemployment, national debt, jobless claims, wars compared to President-Elect Romney's 66% approval rating as successful Governor of Massachusetts.

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