Why Can't The USA Be Invaded By Red China Or Anyother Nation?

1st post
A computer virus or worm would be an interesting strategy. But the logistics of physically invading and occupying the US would be formidable

An EMP will permanently destroy most electronics & the power grid. A HAARP type weapon can also create this type of destruction & a whole lot more. These weapons would take any country & their military back to the stone ages. Some of the old pre-electronics diesel vehicles could be repaired after an attack, but getting fuel through pipelines & out of station pumps will be a problem.

www.doh.wa.gov Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP)
A 1.4 Megaton bomb launched about 250 miles above Kansas would destroy most of the electronics that were not protected in the entire Continental United States. During the brief return to atmospheric testing in 1962, a 1.4 megaton nuclear weapon was detonated over Johnston Island at an altitude of about 250 miles. The effects of EMP were observed in Hawaii, 800 miles east of the detonation. Streetlights and fuses failed on Oahu and telephone service was disrupted on the Island of Kauai.

Military equipment is tested against HAEMP. A military Comms infrastructure could be used for emergency enplacement EMP would mess us up but there are contingencies in place. You still have to land a military occupation force here and our military would still be there after an EMP attack
2,000 hydrogen bombs?

rd, That's a possibility, but unlikely if they were planning an invasion. I am talking straight up invasion. The land would be useless to them because of the radiation if they nuked us, and their troops would be exposed to it. Even though I wouldn't put it past those red bastards to send them in afterwards anyway. ~BH

They had to come from somewhere. They come here to invade, they will have no home to go back to.
Military equipment is tested against HAEMP. A military Comms infrastructure could be used for emergency enplacement EMP would mess us up but there are contingencies in place. You still have to land a military occupation force here and our military would still be there after an EMP attack

But how much of our military would be needed to police our own citizens? EMP attacks the military from both sides (internally as well as externally).

That is the allure of EMP. It affects EVERYONE, most notably, the everyday civilian.

There simply is no way to escape an effective EMP attack. Your best scenario is that you're equipped well enough to survive the first 3-6 months, and armed well enough to fight off those who weren't prepared for however long it takes. (years?)
Armed citizens are a great defense. That is why we have not invaded Pakistan.

Tell that to the native indians, ... and all the other tribes of armed citizens that were blown away by the british/french/spanish/portugese colonization. And no, we ve not invade Pakistan because we currently give them money. And because officially we call them our "allies". Not because of "armed militia"

Their main defence was armed militia/tribes. Militia don't win wars, armies with advanced equipment do. The germans rolled over almost every country in Europe with their tanks, do you really believe that armed militia could ve stopped them?

Modern warfare is for state equiped armies, not for militia.

You're not familiar with EMP?

The next "major war" will not target humans directly. It will target those things we have taught ourselves we "cannot live without." An effective EMP attack (or HAARP, as pointed out above) would result in about 1/3 of the US population dying within 6 months, the remaining 2/3 left to fight amongst themselves for survival. Absolute chaos, and nationalized anarchy. We would annihilate ourselves for the attacking force. Sure, we might have the ability to nuke them into oblivion as well (if we can react quickly enough), but it wouldn't save us from ourselves. Eventually, someone will take that bet. Many are already franticly working towards that opportunity.

"Modern warfare" is for anyone with a true desire to win a war, at all costs, and a handful of WMDs with the capability of delivering them. Other than the WMDs, "modern warfare" has come full circle to the first war ever fought: defeat the enemy at any cost, there are no rules, no treaties, no "collateral damage." All is fair.

The domino effect is the wave of modern warfare.

A March 1989 Incident: A lesser solar storm caused the Canadian power grid to go down for over nine hours. Resulting damages and loss of revenue estimated in the hundreds of millions of dollars.

A 1994 Incident: A solar storm caused major malfunctions to two communications satellites.

The Sun: Sunspots - Solar Flares - Solar Storms - Solar Max - EMP - CME

More likely are solar flares or storms. Electrical grids can be built so they won't be affected, but that won't help us. Our grid is old and outdated. Eric Cantor, in the bill he proposed to stop spending, slashes any funds for improving America's infrastructure. Try to explain "solar storms" to a Republican. They are about as likely to believe that as "Climate change" and "evolution".

We know about it. It's going to happen. Republicans will stop us from doing anything about it. Then they will try to blame it on scientists for not making them believe or Democrats. The Republican Party of "take no responsibility".
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A computer virus or worm would be an interesting strategy. But the logistics of physically invading and occupying the US would be formidable

An EMP will permanently destroy most electronics & the power grid. A HAARP type weapon can also create this type of destruction & a whole lot more. These weapons would take any country & their military back to the stone ages. Some of the old pre-electronics diesel vehicles could be repaired after an attack, but getting fuel through pipelines & out of station pumps will be a problem.

www.doh.wa.gov Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP)
A 1.4 Megaton bomb launched about 250 miles above Kansas would destroy most of the electronics that were not protected in the entire Continental United States. During the brief return to atmospheric testing in 1962, a 1.4 megaton nuclear weapon was detonated over Johnston Island at an altitude of about 250 miles. The effects of EMP were observed in Hawaii, 800 miles east of the detonation. Streetlights and fuses failed on Oahu and telephone service was disrupted on the Island of Kauai.

Military equipment is tested against HAEMP. A military Comms infrastructure could be used for emergency enplacement EMP would mess us up but there are contingencies in place. You still have to land a military occupation force here and our military would still be there after an EMP attack

Not all the key military equipment can be hardened against EMP. The only real defense is to have replacement circuitry sealed in foil ready for trained personnel to install after an attack. Lots of current data would be lost in the attack.
5th post
Armed citizens are a great defense. That is why we have not invaded Pakistan.

Tell that to the native indians, ... and all the other tribes of armed citizens that were blown away by the british/french/spanish/portugese colonization. And no, we ve not invade Pakistan because we currently give them money. And because officially we call them our "allies". Not because of "armed militia"

Their main defence was armed militia/tribes. Militia don't win wars, armies with advanced equipment do. The germans rolled over almost every country in Europe with their tanks, do you really believe that armed militia could ve stopped them?

Modern warfare is for state equiped armies, not for militia.

You're not familiar with EMP?

The next "major war" will not target humans directly. It will target those things we have taught ourselves we "cannot live without." An effective EMP attack (or HAARP, as pointed out above) would result in about 1/3 of the US population dying within 6 months, the remaining 2/3 left to fight amongst themselves for survival. Absolute chaos, and nationalized anarchy. We would annihilate ourselves for the attacking force. Sure, we might have the ability to nuke them into oblivion as well (if we can react quickly enough), but it wouldn't save us from ourselves. Eventually, someone will take that bet. Many are already franticly working towards that opportunity.

"Modern warfare" is for anyone with a true desire to win a war, at all costs, and a handful of WMDs with the capability of delivering them. Other than the WMDs, "modern warfare" has come full circle to the first war ever fought: defeat the enemy at any cost, there are no rules, no treaties, no "collateral damage." All is fair.

The domino effect is the wave of modern warfare.

An EMP attack on the US would be treated like any other nuclear attack. Whoever launched it would see a hundred times the devastation the US sees.
An EMP attack on the US would be treated like any other nuclear attack. Whoever launched it would see a hundred times the devastation the US sees.

I don't doubt that. Not one bit. I'm sure they (an attacker) don't either.

It will keep us all feeling better as we attack and defend against ourselves (this is the objective of an EMP attack)

Do you think the hijackers on 9/11 thought they would survive? And did the fact that they did not survive lessen the impact on us?
An EMP will permanently destroy most electronics & the power grid. A HAARP type weapon can also create this type of destruction & a whole lot more. These weapons would take any country & their military back to the stone ages. Some of the old pre-electronics diesel vehicles could be repaired after an attack, but getting fuel through pipelines & out of station pumps will be a problem.

www.doh.wa.gov Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP)

Military equipment is tested against HAEMP. A military Comms infrastructure could be used for emergency enplacement EMP would mess us up but there are contingencies in place. You still have to land a military occupation force here and our military would still be there after an EMP attack

Not all the key military equipment can be hardened against EMP. The only real defense is to have replacement circuitry sealed in foil ready for trained personnel to install after an attack. Lots of current data would be lost in the attack.

All critical military equipment is required to have a HAEMP survivability strategy in place. It must either have the circuitry to directly survive or be capable of being brought back on line within 60 min. An EMP attack would not bring our military to it's knees

Our retaliation would bring our opponent to his knees
22 years in the US Army Signal Corps. Everything from running cable to Satellite and Tropo radio, to Cellular networks. Believe me, our CCC is protected from EMP.

(Command Control Communications)

I'm sure any other critical systems are also as well protected.
22 years in the US Army Signal Corps. Everything from running cable to Satellite and Tropo radio, to Cellular networks. Believe me, our CCC is protected from EMP.

(Command Control Communications)

I'm sure any other critical systems are also as well protected.

I'm sure you can provide a link if you looked.
10th post
22 years in the US Army Signal Corps. Everything from running cable to Satellite and Tropo radio, to Cellular networks. Believe me, our CCC is protected from EMP.

(Command Control Communications)

I'm sure any other critical systems are also as well protected.

I'm sure you can provide a link if you looked.

I've been fielding Comms systems to the Army for 30 years. I have never been able to field anything without HAEMP testing and certification.
22 years in the US Army Signal Corps. Everything from running cable to Satellite and Tropo radio, to Cellular networks. Believe me, our CCC is protected from EMP.

(Command Control Communications)

I'm sure any other critical systems are also as well protected.

I'm sure you can provide a link if you looked.

On this, I am the link. Believe me or don't, I could care less what you want to believe. My record speaks for itself.
Some seem to think that since many of us have guns....
Many in Afganistan had guns too.

us, Only the Taliban, Al Qaeda and various tribal warlord groups are armed in Afganistan. The rest of the folks their are living in mass poverty. Unless you grow poppies and want a personal firearm I suppose. ;) ~BH


Unless you're speaking of the U.S Military, who else besides who I mentioned does? ~BH
Conventional wars between nation states with nuclear weapons are a fantasy. There would be no winner.
anyone remember MADD?
us, Only the Taliban, Al Qaeda and various tribal warlord groups are armed in Afganistan. The rest of the folks their are living in mass poverty. Unless you grow poppies and want a personal firearm I suppose. ;) ~BH


Unless you're speaking of the U.S Military, who else besides who I mentioned does? ~BH

Afghanistan has been in a state of war for decades, the Soviet invasion in the 1980s, when the Taliban took over in the mid 90s they have a civil war with the Northern Alliance and now the war with the US since 2001. Many Afghans have grown up only knowing war, do you know how much arms were pumped in that country since the 80s? many Taliban fight with rifles they used against the Soviets in the 80s and the ones the Saudis, Pakistanis and the Americans supplied the Mujahideen. Weapons are all over the fucking place in Afghanistan, if you want me to be frank. Easier to find than tits in a strip joint.

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