Why can't Americans have a vacation?

Every country is at a LEGISLATED vacation mandate of ~ 5 weeks per year, +/- 1 or 2, except the USA, where there is no vacation legislation for workers, and the ridiculously low 2 weeks is a "gift". Why are Americans so freakishly different again? And why do Americans love undercutting themselves this much?

Why do Europeans hate work so much?

If work is so great, why do they have to pay us to do it?
You have lousy reading comprehension. I said Many Countries, nor First World countries.

The Russian standard excludes babies less than 28 weeks gestation, less than 1000 grams in weight and 35 centimeters in length, who die within seven days of birth. They are not counted as live births. This standard is used by quite a few countries.

No one was discussing Russia (which has an infant mortality rate of 9.88)

We were discussing the United Kingdom, which does have a lower infant mortality rate, as do Germany, Japan, Italy and France...

Also of whom also have- Single payer, universal health care.

In the UK, the guidelines are that babies born before 22 weeks are not to be resuscitated.

Doctors left a premature baby to die because he was born two days too early, his devastated mother claimed yesterday.

Sarah Capewell begged them to save her tiny son, who was born just 21 weeks and five days into her pregnancy - almost four months early.

They ignored her pleas and allegedly told her they were following national guidelines that babies born before 22 weeks should not be given medical treatment....

Premature baby 'left to die' by doctors after mother gives birth just two days before 22-week care limit | Mail Online

Those stats are baloney as they do not use a standard definition for Live Births. Nationalized health care systems have an incentive to define away life in order to create a false sense of success.

Statistical Database -- United Nations Economic Commission for Europe

But thanks for playing, bub.

Actually, those stats are recognized by everyone, including our own government. We suck at life expectency, and we suck at infant mortality.

Here's what the CIA says on the same subject.


30 - United Kingdom 80.17

51 - United States 78.49

Wait, let's see what the CIA says about Infant Mortality...

188 - United Kingdom 4.56/100,000

173 - United States 6.00


NO, but please go ahead and keep telling yourself everthing is fine and our current system is wonderful.

More false statistics. If one adjusts life expectancy for auto accidents (the U.S. has more per capita because we have more cares) and for gang violence (thank you U.S. government for the disastrous effects of The Great Society plus the War on Drugs), life expectancy in the U.S. is quite high.
More false statistics. If one adjusts life expectancy for auto accidents (the U.S. has more per capita because we have more cares) and for gang violence (thank you U.S. government for the disastrous effects of The Great Society plus the War on Drugs), life expectancy in the U.S. is quite high.

Except for all those people who DIED, our life expectency is quite high. Okay, you are retarded.

In the UK, the guidelines are that babies born before 22 weeks are not to be resuscitated.

Doctors left a premature baby to die because he was born two days too early, his devastated mother claimed yesterday.

As Dragonlady pointed out, exactly how many pre-22 week old babies are born alive? I know this is the propaganda the anti-reform idiots spew, but it's garbage. We have a third world infant mortality rate because we have a third world health system for many of our citizens.

But they aren't white, so I guess it doesn't matter.
More false statistics. If one adjusts life expectancy for auto accidents (the U.S. has more per capita because we have more cares) and for gang violence (thank you U.S. government for the disastrous effects of The Great Society plus the War on Drugs), life expectancy in the U.S. is quite high.

Except for all those people who DIED, our life expectency is quite high. Okay, you are retarded.

In the UK, the guidelines are that babies born before 22 weeks are not to be resuscitated.

Doctors left a premature baby to die because he was born two days too early, his devastated mother claimed yesterday.

As Dragonlady pointed out, exactly how many pre-22 week old babies are born alive? I know this is the propaganda the anti-reform idiots spew, but it's garbage. We have a third world infant mortality rate because we have a third world health system for many of our citizens.

But they aren't white, so I guess it doesn't matter.

When you play the Race Card, you admit the bankruptcy of your argument.
More false statistics. If one adjusts life expectancy for auto accidents (the U.S. has more per capita because we have more cares) and for gang violence (thank you U.S. government for the disastrous effects of The Great Society plus the War on Drugs), life expectancy in the U.S. is quite high.

Except for all those people who DIED, our life expectency is quite high. Okay, you are retarded.

In the UK, the guidelines are that babies born before 22 weeks are not to be resuscitated.

Doctors left a premature baby to die because he was born two days too early, his devastated mother claimed yesterday.

As Dragonlady pointed out, exactly how many pre-22 week old babies are born alive? I know this is the propaganda the anti-reform idiots spew, but it's garbage. We have a third world infant mortality rate because we have a third world health system for many of our citizens.

But they aren't white, so I guess it doesn't matter.

When you play the Race Card, you admit the bankruptcy of your argument.

As far as I'm concerned, the race card was played when you started talking shit about gangs and the drug war and the Great Society.

Every health care system has reasons to lie. Medical negligence is not tied to profits. And people in all systems die from negligence. My SIL is Canadian and he won't live there because he doesn't want to die young.

You SIL is an idiot. Canadian have a longer life expectancy than Americans. If we doesn't want to die young, he'd be bettter off here.

The big difference Americans note when they come to Canada is that medical staff are far more focussed on the patient and achieving a good outcome. They're not asking about insurance and how you'll pay. 100% of their attention is on the patient and his/her well being.

National medical systems have no reason to lie. Doctors and hospitals can still be sued for negligence or incompetence. Again more lies from the medical lobby.
I know it's a novel concept for a lazy fuck like you but you get paid for working not for sitting on your ass.

You know how much vacation I've taken in the past 5 years?

3 weeks and not more than 5 days at once and I'm doing just fine. So stop your fucking whining.

What arrogance. Another "I got mine, fuck you!" a$$hat who thinks that HE deserves his vacation but the rest of us are lazy shits who don't deserve it.

People are asking for two weeks of paid vacation, not six weeks. It was commented that some people in Europe get six weeks off not that people wanted or expected 6 weeks of paid vacation.

Any firm I've worked for offers 3 weeks vacation if you have more than 10 years experience, with 4 weeks after 5 years but that is a local standard for the legal industry. The government mandated vacation period is 2 weeks/4% of salary.

You can take all the vacation you want but why does your employer have to pay you while you're not working?

And I got mine as you say because I worked and never expected to get paid for sitting on my ass doing nothing.
Every health care system has reasons to lie. Medical negligence is not tied to profits. And people in all systems die from negligence. My SIL is Canadian and he won't live there because he doesn't want to die young.

You SIL is an idiot. Canadian have a longer life expectancy than Americans. If we doesn't want to die young, he'd be bettter off here.

The big difference Americans note when they come to Canada is that medical staff are far more focussed on the patient and achieving a good outcome. They're not asking about insurance and how you'll pay. 100% of their attention is on the patient and his/her well being.

National medical systems have no reason to lie. Doctors and hospitals can still be sued for negligence or incompetence. Again more lies from the medical lobby.

Gee, you are gullible.

Just sayin'.
I know it's a novel concept for a lazy fuck like you but you get paid for working not for sitting on your ass.

You know how much vacation I've taken in the past 5 years?

3 weeks and not more than 5 days at once and I'm doing just fine. So stop your fucking whining.

That just tells me you are a terrible manager, not that this surprises me.

Seriously, you apparently can't take any time off because the minute you take your eyes off of them, apparently the hired help are going to screw everything up.

You know, Good managers, and even some of the mediocre douchebags I've worked for, could actually take vacations because they could trust their people to do their jobs.

And the bad ones, when they took vacation, it was kind of a vacation for us because we could just do the job without the less than useful micromanagement.


A legend in his own mind...

That shows me you have never been a manger and certainly never owned a business.

Let me tell you something half of what I do is cleaning up after employees fuck something up so sorry if I don't trust lazy blame everyone else for their problems fucks like you with my business but if you ever actually risked everything you had to start a business rather than whining that everyone owes you a living then you might understand that.
That shows me you have never been a manger and certainly never owned a business.

Let me tell you something half of what I do is cleaning up after employees fuck something up so sorry if I don't trust lazy blame everyone else for their problems fucks like you with my business but if you ever actually risked everything you had to start a business rather than whining that everyone owes you a living then you might understand that.

actually, I've been a supervisor and a NCO in the army, thanks.

If half of your time is cleaning up fuckups, you must be a pretty awful supervisor for 1) Picking a bad team to start with 2) not training them 3) not motivating them to do better.

Honestly, given your attitudes, I suspect your wage slaves are just fucking with you.

I guess you missed this part of the article you linked:

Amillia Taylor was born in Florida on October 24, 2006, after just 21 weeks and six days in the womb. She celebrated her second birthday last year.

Doctors believed she was a week older and so gave her intensive care, but later admitted she would not have received treatment if they had known her true age.

So it isn't just the British who have a cut-off point. This is an American baby would not have received treatment on delivery, except for that error.

You should try reading the stuff you link. The article said that the guidelines for treatment of premature babies in Britain, aren't hard and fast, and that they are there to guide the doctors in their treatment decisions for premature infants.

It should also be noted that the babies born at the low end of the survivability range often have a host of medical and development problems including cerebral palsy (over 20% of infants delivered under 25 weeks). Half of all low-birthweight babies have minor motor and coordination problems, and low birthweight babies also have lower IQ's (10+ points for those 1000 grams below normal). Children who weigh less than two pounds, are 22 times more likely to be mentally retarded, and they have a higher risk of being deaf, blind or both.

Hack and Taylor (2000) found that 14-year-old children with weights of less than 750 grams at birth had significantly higher prevalences of functional limitations and a greater need for special services than children who weighed 750 to 1,499 grams at birth and controls born fullterm. Only 3 percent of those born weighing less than 750 grams and 2 percent of those born weighing 750 to 1,499 grams (and no controls) had severe functional impairments that interfered with feeding, dressing, washing, or toileting themselves. Compared with control children born fullterm, children with birth weights less than 750 grams were more likely to have mental or emotional delays, restrictions in activity, and visual difficulties (odds ratios = 4.7, 5.1, and 3.9, respectively). They were more likely to need special education, counseling, and special arrangements at school (odds ratios = 5.0, 4.8, and 9.5, respectively).

While the story you posted is heart-rending, I've seen interviews with parents of babies who were born very early (less than 24 weeks) who said that their child is severely disabled and will always need round the clock care throughout their lives, and the child lives with constant pain and who would have let their child die rather than see them living in pain this way. Yes, the American child delivered at 22 weeks sound amazing, but what is the qualty of this little girl's life? How are her parent coping? What about the bills?

Just because medical science CAN do something, doesn't mean that it should.
I have friends from England. Not a single one of them is in favor of the British health care system. The goal of that system is to reduce the burden on the government system, mostly by killing off the old, very sick and very young.
While the story you posted is heart-rending, I've seen interviews with parents of babies who were born very early (less than 24 weeks) who said that their child is severely disabled and will always need round the clock care throughout their lives, and the child lives with constant pain and who would have let their child die rather than see them living in pain this way. Yes, the American child delivered at 22 weeks sound amazing, but what is the qualty of this little girl's life? How are her parent coping? What about the bills?

Just because medical science CAN do something, doesn't mean that it should.

That's for the parents to decide, not government bureaucrats.
So it isn't just the British who have a cut-off point. This is an American baby would not have received treatment on delivery, except for that error.

My brother had to be delivered by emergency C-section at ~5 months...he was about 2lbs and was in the neo-natal ICU for almost a month.

As an adult, he's perfectly healthy, currently a Marine NCO stationed in Okinawa.
While the story you posted is heart-rending, I've seen interviews with parents of babies who were born very early (less than 24 weeks) who said that their child is severely disabled and will always need round the clock care throughout their lives, and the child lives with constant pain and who would have let their child die rather than see them living in pain this way. Yes, the American child delivered at 22 weeks sound amazing, but what is the qualty of this little girl's life? How are her parent coping? What about the bills?

Just because medical science CAN do something, doesn't mean that it should.

That's for the parents to decide, not government bureaucrats.

Not really. If parents decided to euthanize their disabled child, the government would have a word with them, as they should.

It should also be pointed out the 22 week rule you cited is a guideline, a medical professional, not a bureaucrat, would make the call.
While the story you posted is heart-rending, I've seen interviews with parents of babies who were born very early (less than 24 weeks) who said that their child is severely disabled and will always need round the clock care throughout their lives, and the child lives with constant pain and who would have let their child die rather than see them living in pain this way. Yes, the American child delivered at 22 weeks sound amazing, but what is the qualty of this little girl's life? How are her parent coping? What about the bills?

Just because medical science CAN do something, doesn't mean that it should.

That's for the parents to decide, not government bureaucrats.

Not really. If parents decided to euthanize their disabled child, the government would have a word with them, as they should.

It should also be pointed out the 22 week rule you cited is a guideline, a medical professional, not a bureaucrat, would make the call.

Wow. You really must be corrupt to think that my comment meant allowing parents to murder their child.
Back to OP?- Maybe you have a 4 week vacation, but I'm betting that's after years of work. ALL other modern countries mandate a 4 week paid vacation after 1 year of work. The whole world is full of younger workers seeing the world, whereas by the time OUR workers have the time off, they have families and travel as "bloody tourists" if at all. Maybe why have so many provincial Pubtwits here LOL...not to mention all the other Pubcrappe (see sig) we put up with here.
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That's for the parents to decide, not government bureaucrats.

Not really. If parents decided to euthanize their disabled child, the government would have a word with them, as they should.

It should also be pointed out the 22 week rule you cited is a guideline, a medical professional, not a bureaucrat, would make the call.

Wow. You really must be corrupt to think that my comment meant allowing parents to murder their child.

I take your statement for exactly what it was.

Do you really think that if a doctor says, "Hey, we have a good chance to save that child", and the parents say no, they should be able to withhold treatment?

Look, I know that you really need the fantasy that the UK and other countries that have socialized medicine are going around killing preemies or some such shit. (Not that we have one out of four with inadequate coverage) but you need to really make your argument more coherent...
Back to OP?- Maybe you have a 4 week vacation, but I'm betting that's after years of work. ALL other modern countries mandate a 4 week paid vacation after 1 year of work. The whole world is full of younger workers seeing the world, whereas by the time OUR workers have the time off, they have families and travel as "bloody tourists" if at all. Maybe why have so many provincial Pubtwits here LOL...not to mention all the other Pubcrappe (see sig) we put up with here.

Not true. Most countries mandate between 10 and 15 workings days. See attached list:


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