Why Bush = Obama = Romney?


Litre of the Band
Aug 14, 2005
Long Beach, Ca
Nothing will change in Washington, no matter who's
in the White House, it will be business as usual, because...

The same type of multi-national corporations that called the shots
in the Bush Administration...

Bush's Cabinet

George Bush’s cabinet consisted of representatives from FedEx, Boeing, the Council
on Foreign Relations, big-oil’s Belfer Center at Harvard, the Center for Strategic
and International Studies (CSIS), Circuit City, Verizon, Cerberus Capital
Management, Goldman Sachs, and the RAND Corporation, among many others.

... call the shots in the Obama Administration...

Obama's Cabinet

Obama’s cabinet likewise features representatives from JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs,
the Council on Foreign Relations, Fortune 500 representatives Covington and
Burling, Citi Group, Freedie Mac, and defense contractor Honeywell.

...and would call the shots in a Romney Administration.

Romney's Cabinet

And with Mitt Romney, “running for president” against Obama in 2012, we see
already his foreign policy advisers, Michael Chertoff, Eliot Cohen, Paula Dobrainsky,
Eric Edelman, and Robert Kagan, represent the exact same people and corporate-funded
think-tanks devising strategy under both President Bush and President Obama.

It doesn't matter if you're left or right, this country is governed by a corporate oligarchy where the US Constitution no longer apply's.

While the public was fed various narratives explaining why Bush conducted two wars within the greater global “War on Terror,” and why Obama eagerly expanded these wars while starting new ones in Libya and now Syria, in reality we are seeing “continuity of agenda,” dictated by corporate-financier elite, rubber stamped by our elected representatives, and peddled to us by our “leaders,” who in reality are nothing more than spokesmen for the collective interests of the Fortune 500.

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