Why Build Back Better Is So Unloved

Willing to give it a try, be nice to see some program that favors the average working person, The pandemic has caused a lot of problems for workers especially those with children.
Willing to give it a try, be nice to see some program that favors the average working person, The pandemic has caused a lot of problems for workers especially those with children.
what is in the bill for average persons?
Here is what is going to happen....when I back up what I say with facts...you are then going to complain about either the source I cite -- or you will complain about the specific Republicans who did a complete 180 and campaigned on protecting Obamacare....claiming dumb shit like "but but they don't count" - but what you won't do is refute a single thing I said...

And this from just last year....

"In the 2014 elections, Republicans rode a wave of anti-Affordable Care Act sentiment -- Six years later, those senators are up for reelection. Not only is the law still around, but it’s gaining in popularity. What was once a winning strategy has become a political liability."

I thought Republicans loved running against affordable healthcare and promising to strip health insurance away from millions of people ...why would it be a liability now?? But wait....there is more...

"[Senator] Gardner for example, ran numerous campaign ads that year criticizing the ACA -- Despite Gardner’s multiple votes to repeal the ACA, he has largely avoided talking about the measure during the 2020 campaign. He even removed his pro-repeal position from his campaign website."

Why are Republicans so silent on Obamacare now?? Weren't we all supposed to be afraid of the death panels and all of the other fearmongering Republicans pulled out their ass...now...just like that....nothing....they have moved on to other made up bullshit...
Republicans have been selling tax cuts for the rich for 40 years. Fuck the “kids debt” rhetoric.
same old rubbish decade after decade. but you're too fking blind to know the truths. you are just a demofk's sheep. And yes fk the kids debt rhetoric is correct. didn't stop forty years of the rhetoric from the demofks though. they hate their own shit smacked back in their faces. feces isn't fun to wipe off huh?
It's unloved because everyone can see that it's just a slush fund for electing Democrat's and it's a boondoggle.
Yep, a slush funds for democrats because lets face it, if you are a big corporation, or if you make more than ten million dollars a year, you probably should vote Republican. But if make less than ten million dollars a year, have parents with hearing problems and high prescription drug costs, have children that you pay for daycare, or even, just have children. Or wait, have no children but make less than forty grand a year, then yep, this bill probably helps you out. And if you don't make that ten million a year and vote Republican, YOU ARE A FLIPPIN IDIOT. And I am willing to bet, you don't make jacksquat and are about the stupidest poster on this board. Hell, the kid in your avatar has more sense than you do. You are a FOOL.
why do you presume the bill only affects republicans? you know it's your kids debt to swallow as well.
Stop concern trolling about the debt...your still dead hero Rush already spilled the beans that Conservatives acting concerned about the debt was always bullshit....

The words out of his own mouth were:

"Nobody is a fiscal conservative anymore. All this talk about concern for the deficit and the budget has been bogus for as long as it’s been around."

Republicans do this constantly...run up the debt when in power....and then whine about debt when out of power... in order to stop policies from being passed that doesn't cater to the top 10%....which is also why you are having such a hard time telling me about all of these popular Republican policies...
Here is what is going to happen....when I back up what I say with facts...you are then going to complain about either the source I cite -- or you will complain about the specific Republicans who did a complete 180 and campaigned on protecting Obamacare....claiming dumb shit like "but but they don't count" - but what you won't do is refute a single thing I said...

And this from just last year....

"In the 2014 elections, Republicans rode a wave of anti-Affordable Care Act sentiment -- Six years later, those senators are up for reelection. Not only is the law still around, but it’s gaining in popularity. What was once a winning strategy has become a political liability."

I thought Republicans loved running against affordable healthcare and promising to strip health insurance away from millions of people ...why would it be a liability now?? But wait....there is more...

"[Senator] Gardner for example, ran numerous campaign ads that year criticizing the ACA -- Despite Gardner’s multiple votes to repeal the ACA, he has largely avoided talking about the measure during the 2020 campaign. He even removed his pro-repeal position from his campaign website."

Why are Republicans so silent on Obamacare now?? Weren't we all supposed to be afraid of the death panels and all of the other fearmongering Republicans pulled out their ass...now...just like that....nothing....they have moved on to other made up bullshit...
pre existing conditions have always been supported. I personally know that. my first wife had child diabetes and was fking never declined healthcare. so your links stating pre-existing conditions don't say anything to me. They do not support obammy care as it is though!!! None of them. Maybe read what's in your links.
Yep, a slush funds for democrats because lets face it, if you are a big corporation, or if you make more than ten million dollars a year, you probably should vote Republican. But if make less than ten million dollars a year, have parents with hearing problems and high prescription drug costs, have children that you pay for daycare, or even, just have children. Or wait, have no children but make less than forty grand a year, then yep, this bill probably helps you out. And if you don't make that ten million a year and vote Republican, YOU ARE A FLIPPIN IDIOT. And I am willing to bet, you don't make jacksquat and are about the stupidest poster on this board. Hell, the kid in your avatar has more sense than you do. You are a FOOL.
The money all goes to fund Democrat political organisations and leftwing propaganda organs?

The claim that it goes to ordinary Americans is total fucking bullshit. It's welfare for the left. If it wasn't for all these Dim welfare programs, people could afford to fund this stuff out of their own pockets, but that doesn't get Dims elected.

Why is every Dim in this forum such a raging douchebag?
pre existing conditions have always been supported. I personally know that. my first wife had child diabetes and was fking never declined healthcare. so your links stating pre-existing conditions don't say anything to me. They do not support obammy care as it is though!!! None of them. Maybe read what's in your links.
If pre-existing conditions have always been supported...why did it take Democrats to pass that provision??

Seems like something Republicans could have done, but didn't....

The only reason you morons talk different about Obamcare now is because the policy is MORE POPULAR with Americans than anything Republicans have proposed...
Sorry, I don't concern troll about the deficit.....

Run that BS on someone who gives a fuck....

Trump's taxcuts added 4 trillion to the defict and it was still so unpopular that he had to lie and claim he was passing a special middle class taxcut just before Christmas....Why would you need to lie about a taxcut if the first one was so popular? Because it wasn't

Sorry, I don't concern troll about the deficit.....

Run that BS on someone who gives a fuck....

Trump's taxcuts added 4 trillion to the defict and it was still so unpopular that he had to lie and claim he was passing a special middle class taxcut just before Christmas....Why would you need to lie about a taxcut if the first one was so popular? Because it wasn't

I know you don't care about america, more and more of you are speaking out loud lately to show your hate at the country. Thanks for letting everyone see who you really are. One question, why did you ever care anyone got a tax break then?
BBB is an "infrastructure" bill that has jackshit to do with real infrastructure and a lot to do with funding worthless Progressive programs.

Typical Democrat big deficit spending that fucks the American people.
because they are conmen and conwomen. They con you all the fking time. Never me.
So you admit that the provision Democrats passed was good and benefits millions of Americans....

And Republicans opposing it means they are cons.....and they con all the time.....yet, you still vote for them and the unpopular policies they support -- because you aren't conned..


About those Republican policies...why is it so hard for you to name any...so far, you have been praising the policies they ACTIVELY tried to stop from existing...

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