Why Biden won't come out and support BLM/ANTIFA... HE KNOWS they are anarchists!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Photojournalist Seeking to Expose White Supremacists During Riots Discovers Something Much Different
From the below article... you should read the whole thing!

He expected to find that white supremacists were responsible for the mayhem. Instead, he discovered something different.
Of course, Quinn’s findings of the anarchist groups destroying parts of cities are accurate.
One only has to speak with a member of one of these groups to see that the “cultlike energy” exists. I experienced this when I had a short conversation with a protester in Austin, Texas.

When I attended supposed “Black Lives Matter” demonstrations in the city, I observed that many of these operatives, some of whom were armed, communicated using radios, possibly because they did not want their phones traced.
They had individuals designated as medics for those who were injured in clashes with the police.

These riots are not outbursts of anger; Indeed, they are carefully calculated terrorist operations.
They have absolutely nothing to do with protecting black lives even though the younger foot soldiers actually seem to believe they are helping African Americans. The danger is the leadership that manipulates these young minds and radicalizes them so that they view themselves as revolutionaries fighting against an oppressive system.

For this reason, the corporate media’s glossing over the true nature of these riots is reprehensible.
They are ensuring that the American public does not understand who these people are.
Journalists are deliberately obfuscating the threat these organizations can pose when and if they decided to escalate, and they are doing so purely for political purposes. Unless more people are made to comprehend the issue, this movement could grow into something far more pernicious than just property damage.
Photojournalist Seeking to Expose White Supremacists During Riots Discovers Something Much Different
From the below article... you should read the whole thing!

He expected to find that white supremacists were responsible for the mayhem. Instead, he discovered something different.
Of course, Quinn’s findings of the anarchist groups destroying parts of cities are accurate.
One only has to speak with a member of one of these groups to see that the “cultlike energy” exists. I experienced this when I had a short conversation with a protester in Austin, Texas.

When I attended supposed “Black Lives Matter” demonstrations in the city, I observed that many of these operatives, some of whom were armed, communicated using radios, possibly because they did not want their phones traced.
They had individuals designated as medics for those who were injured in clashes with the police.

These riots are not outbursts of anger; Indeed, they are carefully calculated terrorist operations.
They have absolutely nothing to do with protecting black lives even though the younger foot soldiers actually seem to believe they are helping African Americans. The danger is the leadership that manipulates these young minds and radicalizes them so that they view themselves as revolutionaries fighting against an oppressive system.

For this reason, the corporate media’s glossing over the true nature of these riots is reprehensible.
They are ensuring that the American public does not understand who these people are.
Journalists are deliberately obfuscating the threat these organizations can pose when and if they decided to escalate, and they are doing so purely for political purposes. Unless more people are made to comprehend the issue, this movement could grow into something far more pernicious than just property damage.

Another fake news story, from another "questionable source". Tell me, by "corporate media", does he mean publically owned corporations who have to answer to their shareholders, and who adhere to journalistic standards of fact checking and integrity? Your source is a part of the right wing Billionaire Media: privately owned corporations whose owners are receiving direct financial benefits from Republican fiscal policies. Media Bias has this to say about the website:

In 2019, three senior contributors for RedState resigned, after they noticed that articles critical of President Trump, were not promoted via social media. In an article for The Bulwark.com, titled Why We Are Quitting RedState, Kimberly Ross, and Andrea Ruth stated that “it’s hard not to note the irony that Salem Media, a company that targets “audiences interested in Christian and family-themed content and conservative values,” threw its full support behind Donald Trump, a thrice-married lying philanderer who utilized bankruptcy laws and debt to con tenants and contractors out of their money. Salem now promotes anyone who is pro-Trump, even if those people gleefully flout Christian principles.”

Photojournalist Seeking to Expose White Supremacists During Riots Discovers Something Much Different
From the below article... you should read the whole thing!

He expected to find that white supremacists were responsible for the mayhem. Instead, he discovered something different.
Of course, Quinn’s findings of the anarchist groups destroying parts of cities are accurate.
One only has to speak with a member of one of these groups to see that the “cultlike energy” exists. I experienced this when I had a short conversation with a protester in Austin, Texas.

When I attended supposed “Black Lives Matter” demonstrations in the city, I observed that many of these operatives, some of whom were armed, communicated using radios, possibly because they did not want their phones traced.
They had individuals designated as medics for those who were injured in clashes with the police.

These riots are not outbursts of anger; Indeed, they are carefully calculated terrorist operations.
They have absolutely nothing to do with protecting black lives even though the younger foot soldiers actually seem to believe they are helping African Americans. The danger is the leadership that manipulates these young minds and radicalizes them so that they view themselves as revolutionaries fighting against an oppressive system.

For this reason, the corporate media’s glossing over the true nature of these riots is reprehensible.
They are ensuring that the American public does not understand who these people are.
Journalists are deliberately obfuscating the threat these organizations can pose when and if they decided to escalate, and they are doing so purely for political purposes. Unless more people are made to comprehend the issue, this movement could grow into something far more pernicious than just property damage.

Another fake news story, from another "questionable source". Tell me, by "corporate media", does he mean publically owned corporations who have to answer to their shareholders, and who adhere to journalistic standards of fact checking and integrity? Your source is a part of the right wing Billionaire Media: privately owned corporations whose owners are receiving direct financial benefits from Republican fiscal policies. Media Bias has this to say about the website:

In 2019, three senior contributors for RedState resigned, after they noticed that articles critical of President Trump, were not promoted via social media. In an article for The Bulwark.com, titled Why We Are Quitting RedState, Kimberly Ross, and Andrea Ruth stated that “it’s hard not to note the irony that Salem Media, a company that targets “audiences interested in Christian and family-themed content and conservative values,” threw its full support behind Donald Trump, a thrice-married lying philanderer who utilized bankruptcy laws and debt to con tenants and contractors out of their money. Salem now promotes anyone who is pro-Trump, even if those people gleefully flout Christian principles.”

What do they say about the NY Times????

They carried the story, too!!!!
Photojournalist Seeking to Expose White Supremacists During Riots Discovers Something Much Different
From the below article... you should read the whole thing!

He expected to find that white supremacists were responsible for the mayhem. Instead, he discovered something different.
Of course, Quinn’s findings of the anarchist groups destroying parts of cities are accurate.
One only has to speak with a member of one of these groups to see that the “cultlike energy” exists. I experienced this when I had a short conversation with a protester in Austin, Texas.

When I attended supposed “Black Lives Matter” demonstrations in the city, I observed that many of these operatives, some of whom were armed, communicated using radios, possibly because they did not want their phones traced.
They had individuals designated as medics for those who were injured in clashes with the police.

These riots are not outbursts of anger; Indeed, they are carefully calculated terrorist operations.
They have absolutely nothing to do with protecting black lives even though the younger foot soldiers actually seem to believe they are helping African Americans. The danger is the leadership that manipulates these young minds and radicalizes them so that they view themselves as revolutionaries fighting against an oppressive system.

For this reason, the corporate media’s glossing over the true nature of these riots is reprehensible.
They are ensuring that the American public does not understand who these people are.
Journalists are deliberately obfuscating the threat these organizations can pose when and if they decided to escalate, and they are doing so purely for political purposes. Unless more people are made to comprehend the issue, this movement could grow into something far more pernicious than just property damage.

Another fake news story, from another "questionable source". Tell me, by "corporate media", does he mean publically owned corporations who have to answer to their shareholders, and who adhere to journalistic standards of fact checking and integrity? Your source is a part of the right wing Billionaire Media: privately owned corporations whose owners are receiving direct financial benefits from Republican fiscal policies. Media Bias has this to say about the website:

In 2019, three senior contributors for RedState resigned, after they noticed that articles critical of President Trump, were not promoted via social media. In an article for The Bulwark.com, titled Why We Are Quitting RedState, Kimberly Ross, and Andrea Ruth stated that “it’s hard not to note the irony that Salem Media, a company that targets “audiences interested in Christian and family-themed content and conservative values,” threw its full support behind Donald Trump, a thrice-married lying philanderer who utilized bankruptcy laws and debt to con tenants and contractors out of their money. Salem now promotes anyone who is pro-Trump, even if those people gleefully flout Christian principles.”

What do they say about the NY Times????

They carried the story, too!!!!
But but it doesn’t fit with my belief system. So I want it to be fake.
The fact is the left almost always jumps on the feelings bandwagon without actually reading or checking anything
Photojournalist Seeking to Expose White Supremacists During Riots Discovers Something Much Different
From the below article... you should read the whole thing!

He expected to find that white supremacists were responsible for the mayhem. Instead, he discovered something different.
Of course, Quinn’s findings of the anarchist groups destroying parts of cities are accurate.
One only has to speak with a member of one of these groups to see that the “cultlike energy” exists. I experienced this when I had a short conversation with a protester in Austin, Texas.

When I attended supposed “Black Lives Matter” demonstrations in the city, I observed that many of these operatives, some of whom were armed, communicated using radios, possibly because they did not want their phones traced.
They had individuals designated as medics for those who were injured in clashes with the police.

These riots are not outbursts of anger; Indeed, they are carefully calculated terrorist operations.
They have absolutely nothing to do with protecting black lives even though the younger foot soldiers actually seem to believe they are helping African Americans. The danger is the leadership that manipulates these young minds and radicalizes them so that they view themselves as revolutionaries fighting against an oppressive system.

For this reason, the corporate media’s glossing over the true nature of these riots is reprehensible.
They are ensuring that the American public does not understand who these people are.
Journalists are deliberately obfuscating the threat these organizations can pose when and if they decided to escalate, and they are doing so purely for political purposes. Unless more people are made to comprehend the issue, this movement could grow into something far more pernicious than just property damage.

Another fake news story, from another "questionable source". Tell me, by "corporate media", does he mean publically owned corporations who have to answer to their shareholders, and who adhere to journalistic standards of fact checking and integrity? Your source is a part of the right wing Billionaire Media: privately owned corporations whose owners are receiving direct financial benefits from Republican fiscal policies. Media Bias has this to say about the website:

In 2019, three senior contributors for RedState resigned, after they noticed that articles critical of President Trump, were not promoted via social media. In an article for The Bulwark.com, titled Why We Are Quitting RedState, Kimberly Ross, and Andrea Ruth stated that “it’s hard not to note the irony that Salem Media, a company that targets “audiences interested in Christian and family-themed content and conservative values,” threw its full support behind Donald Trump, a thrice-married lying philanderer who utilized bankruptcy laws and debt to con tenants and contractors out of their money. Salem now promotes anyone who is pro-Trump, even if those people gleefully flout Christian principles.”

Argue with the videos that show the truth! This is where people like you get so confused! The videos show ANTIFA/BLM, breaking windows, robbing stores, beating up people and you call that "peaceful protests"? How many people have to be thrown out of work because their stores are burned? How many people have to hospitalized because "peaceful protestors" throw rocks, fireworks, clubs, baseball bats, sputum (spit for you less intelligent!!) and feces (shit to you idiots)!
It's all there to be seen. So why doesn't the MSM show it? They are part of the consortium of anti-Americans which is totally DUMB!
Who do they think they'll be working for ?

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