Why at this juncture do republicans believe Bernie’s version of socialism is about ending capitalism


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Bernie is a millionaire. He never once proposed eliminating millionaires or billionaires and just pushed for higher taxes. For some bizarre reason, republicans still think his platform has anything to with Venezuela’s model.

I could go on and on about how the US has always been socialist in nature, but it’s pointless even to explain this to republicans.

Bernie’s brand of socialism is more like that of Canada, Denmark or Sweden. Countries with high approval ratings among citizens for their country’s healthcare system. These citizens from the latter two are the most happy populations according to a world happiness survey.

Republicans cherrypicking Venezuela really sets the coveration back.
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Bernie is a millionaire. He never once proposed eliminating millionaires or billionaires and just pushed for higher taxes. For some bizarre reason, republicans still think his platform has anything to with Venezuela’s model.

I could go on and on about how the US has always been socialist in nature, but it’s pointless even this to republicans.

Bernie’s brand of socialism is more like that of Canada, Denmark or Sweden. Countries with high approval ratings among citizens for their country’s healthcare system. These citizens are also the two most happy populations according to a world happiness survey.

Republicans cherrypicking Venezuela really sets the coveration back.

Yep, that's what we need, some of that Canadian stuff.
Why Canada’s ‘best’ health-care system just got ranked last — again
Bernie is a millionaire. He never once proposed eliminating millionaires or billionaires and just pushed for higher taxes. For some bizarre reason, republicans still think his platform has anything to with Venezuela’s model.

I could go on and on about how the US has always been socialist in nature, but it’s pointless even this to republicans.

Bernie’s brand of socialism is more like that of Canada, Denmark or Sweden. Countries with high approval ratings among citizens for their country’s healthcare system. These citizens are also the two most happy populations according to a world happiness survey.

Republicans cherrypicking Venezuela really sets the coveration back.

They all happy because they suckered the US tax payers to foot the bill for their defense.

Bernie is a millionaire. He never once proposed eliminating millionaires or billionaires and just pushed for higher taxes. For some bizarre reason, republicans still think his platform has anything to with Venezuela’s model.

I could go on and on about how the US has always been socialist in nature, but it’s pointless even this to republicans.

Bernie’s brand of socialism is more like that of Canada, Denmark or Sweden. Countries with high approval ratings among citizens for their country’s healthcare system. These citizens are also the two most happy populations according to a world happiness survey.

Republicans cherrypicking Venezuela really sets the coveration back.

Yep, that's what we need, some of that Canadian stuff.
Why Canada’s ‘best’ health-care system just got ranked last — again
Lol and just how do you think the US rates? You’re talking about a list made by 5 experts? What the fuck is that? 5? What a bullshit list lol
Bernie is a millionaire. He never once proposed eliminating millionaires or billionaires and just pushed for higher taxes. For some bizarre reason, republicans still think his platform has anything to with Venezuela’s model.

I could go on and on about how the US has always been socialist in nature, but it’s pointless even this to republicans.

Bernie’s brand of socialism is more like that of Canada, Denmark or Sweden. Countries with high approval ratings among citizens for their country’s healthcare system. These citizens are also the two most happy populations according to a world happiness survey.

Republicans cherrypicking Venezuela really sets the coveration back.

Yep, that's what we need, some of that Canadian stuff.
Why Canada’s ‘best’ health-care system just got ranked last — again
Lol and just how do you think the US rates? You’re talking about a list made by 5 experts? What the fuck is that? 5? What a bullshit list lol

Sure, that's why so many Americans go to Canada for healthcare.
Bernie is a millionaire. He never once proposed eliminating millionaires or billionaires and just pushed for higher taxes. For some bizarre reason, republicans still think his platform has anything to with Venezuela’s model.

I could go on and on about how the US has always been socialist in nature, but it’s pointless even this to republicans.

Bernie’s brand of socialism is more like that of Canada, Denmark or Sweden. Countries with high approval ratings among citizens for their country’s healthcare system. These citizens are also the two most happy populations according to a world happiness survey.

Republicans cherrypicking Venezuela really sets the coveration back.
Because they like to lie.

Plain and simple.

Good news is, "socialism" is not a scary word anymore.

In fact, Americans are starting to actually LIKE IT!

Bernie is a millionaire. He never once proposed eliminating millionaires or billionaires and just pushed for higher taxes. For some bizarre reason, republicans still think his platform has anything to with Venezuela’s model.

I could go on and on about how the US has always been socialist in nature, but it’s pointless even this to republicans.

Bernie’s brand of socialism is more like that of Canada, Denmark or Sweden. Countries with high approval ratings among citizens for their country’s healthcare system. These citizens are also the two most happy populations according to a world happiness survey.

Republicans cherrypicking Venezuela really sets the coveration back.

Yep, that's what we need, some of that Canadian stuff.
Why Canada’s ‘best’ health-care system just got ranked last — again
Lol and just how do you think the US rates? You’re talking about a list made by 5 experts? What the fuck is that? 5? What a bullshit list lol

Sure, that's why so many Americans go to Canada for healthcare.
The only foreign people who come to the US for healthcare are wealthy people and it’s for extreme situations.
Bernie is a millionaire. He never once proposed eliminating millionaires or billionaires and just pushed for higher taxes. For some bizarre reason, republicans still think his platform has anything to with Venezuela’s model.

I could go on and on about how the US has always been socialist in nature, but it’s pointless even this to republicans.

Bernie’s brand of socialism is more like that of Canada, Denmark or Sweden. Countries with high approval ratings among citizens for their country’s healthcare system. These citizens are also the two most happy populations according to a world happiness survey.

Republicans cherrypicking Venezuela really sets the coveration back.

Yep, that's what we need, some of that Canadian stuff.
Why Canada’s ‘best’ health-care system just got ranked last — again
Lol and just how do you think the US rates? You’re talking about a list made by 5 experts? What the fuck is that? 5? What a bullshit list lol

Sure, that's why so many Americans go to Canada for healthcare.

Don't know, but Sarah Palin said her family did..
Bernie is a millionaire. He never once proposed eliminating millionaires or billionaires and just pushed for higher taxes. For some bizarre reason, republicans still think his platform has anything to with Venezuela’s model.

I could go on and on about how the US has always been socialist in nature, but it’s pointless even to explain this to republicans.

Bernie’s brand of socialism is more like that of Canada, Denmark or Sweden. Countries with high approval ratings among citizens for their country’s healthcare system. These citizens from the latter two are the most happy populations according to a world happiness survey.

Republicans cherrypicking Venezuela really sets the coveration back.

Do you think Chavez had the current situation in mind when he started down his path?
Bernie is a millionaire. He never once proposed eliminating millionaires or billionaires and just pushed for higher taxes. For some bizarre reason, republicans still think his platform has anything to with Venezuela’s model.

I could go on and on about how the US has always been socialist in nature, but it’s pointless even to explain this to republicans.

Bernie’s brand of socialism is more like that of Canada, Denmark or Sweden. Countries with high approval ratings among citizens for their country’s healthcare system. These citizens from the latter two are the most happy populations according to a world happiness survey.

Republicans cherrypicking Venezuela really sets the coveration back.
Shut up, commie.

The end of capitalism is and always has been the socialist end game. The goal is commie.

You are either dishonest as fuck or ignorant/naive. You pick.
Bernie is a millionaire. He never once proposed eliminating millionaires or billionaires and just pushed for higher taxes. For some bizarre reason, republicans still think his platform has anything to with Venezuela’s model.

I could go on and on about how the US has always been socialist in nature, but it’s pointless even to explain this to republicans.

Bernie’s brand of socialism is more like that of Canada, Denmark or Sweden. Countries with high approval ratings among citizens for their country’s healthcare system. These citizens from the latter two are the most happy populations according to a world happiness survey.

Republicans cherrypicking Venezuela really sets the coveration back.
That's what the tRumpkin sheep were told to believe, so that's what they believe. It really is just that simple.
Bernie is a millionaire. He never once proposed eliminating millionaires or billionaires and just pushed for higher taxes. For some bizarre reason, republicans still think his platform has anything to with Venezuela’s model.

I could go on and on about how the US has always been socialist in nature, but it’s pointless even this to republicans.

Bernie’s brand of socialism is more like that of Canada, Denmark or Sweden. Countries with high approval ratings among citizens for their country’s healthcare system. These citizens are also the two most happy populations according to a world happiness survey.

Republicans cherrypicking Venezuela really sets the coveration back.

Yep, that's what we need, some of that Canadian stuff.
Why Canada’s ‘best’ health-care system just got ranked last — again
Actually it finished fifth out of the best 5 Healthcare systems in the world, brainwashed functional moron.the United States has the worst Healthcare system of any modern country. You can't even call it a system,with the GOP refusing it and sabotaging it as much as possible. The dupes just love screwing themselves. All to save the rich.
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It will all be better when the workers' control the means of production...

It will all be better when the workers' control the means of production...

that is communism. Socialism is simply fair capitalism with a good safety net and always Democratic. Obviously if you ever listen to any socialist in the modern world. Brainwashed functional moron.
Bernie is a millionaire. He never once proposed eliminating millionaires or billionaires and just pushed for higher taxes. For some bizarre reason, republicans still think his platform has anything to with Venezuela’s model.

I could go on and on about how the US has always been socialist in nature, but it’s pointless even to explain this to republicans.

Bernie’s brand of socialism is more like that of Canada, Denmark or Sweden. Countries with high approval ratings among citizens for their country’s healthcare system. These citizens from the latter two are the most happy populations according to a world happiness survey.

Republicans cherrypicking Venezuela really sets the coveration back.
That's what the tRumpkin sheep were told to believe, so that's what they believe. It really is just that simple.
It's all they ever hear because they can't stand to listen to real journalism or read a newspaper. Or listen to law enforcement for crying out loud.
It will all be better when the workers' control the means of production...

that is communism. Socialism is simply fair capitalism with a good safety net and always Democratic. Obviously if you ever listen to any socialist in the modern world. Brainwashed functional moron.


noun: socialism
  1. A political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
    synonyms: leftism, Fabianism, syndicalism, consumer socialism, utopian socialism, welfarism; More
    communism, Bolshevism;
    radicalism, militancy;
    progressivism, social democracy;
    Marxism, Leninism, Marxism–Leninism, neo-Marxism, Trotskyism, Maoism
    antonyms: conservatism
    • policy or practice based on the political and economic theory of socialism.
      synonyms: leftism, Fabianism, syndicalism, consumer socialism, utopian socialism, welfarism;
      communism, Bolshevism;
      radicalism, militancy;
      progressivism, social democracy;
      Marxism, Leninism, Marxism–Leninism, neo-Marxism, Trotskyism, Maoism
      antonyms: conservatism
    • (in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism.
Bernie is a millionaire. He never once proposed eliminating millionaires or billionaires and just pushed for higher taxes. For some bizarre reason, republicans still think his platform has anything to with Venezuela’s model.

I could go on and on about how the US has always been socialist in nature, but it’s pointless even to explain this to republicans.

Bernie’s brand of socialism is more like that of Canada, Denmark or Sweden. Countries with high approval ratings among citizens for their country’s healthcare system. These citizens from the latter two are the most happy populations according to a world happiness survey.

Republicans cherrypicking Venezuela really sets the coveration back.

Because in his heart like most hard core Democrat lunatics, he probably believes the American people need to be punished. Don't forget to them America is an illegitimate country, founded on oppression. Americans and mostly Americans of european ancestry have benefited by this illegitimacy according to them. We need to have wealth taken away from us and given to the rest of the world which we have oppressed and what better way to do this but through Socialism? It like Communism drift towards more and more regulation and punishment by nature especially when you are talking about these lunatic politicians who despise a good portion of this country. Is it any wonder that Bernie doesnt want to deport illegal aliens even when they dont show up for their immigration hearings? It's why they support sanctuary cities and ignore the laws they want to ignore. because inside they dont really like America. They have guilt and think we are all guilty. Capitalism gives too much power to the average person... too much freedom, to much upward mobility, thus with Capitalism in place, social justice can never occur. Socialism is needed to implement social justice according to Monte Python..... uhh I mean Bernie Sanders.
Bernie is a millionaire. He never once proposed eliminating millionaires or billionaires and just pushed for higher taxes. For some bizarre reason, republicans still think his platform has anything to with Venezuela’s model.

I could go on and on about how the US has always been socialist in nature, but it’s pointless even to explain this to republicans.

Bernie’s brand of socialism is more like that of Canada, Denmark or Sweden. Countries with high approval ratings among citizens for their country’s healthcare system. These citizens from the latter two are the most happy populations according to a world happiness survey.

Republicans cherrypicking Venezuela really sets the coveration back.

Because in his heart like most hard core Democrat lunatics, he probably believes the American people need to be punished. Don't forget to them America is an illegitimate country, founded on oppression. Americans and mostly Americans of european ancestry have benefited by this illegitimacy according to them. We need to have wealth taken away from us and given to the rest of the world which we have oppressed and what better way to do this but through Socialism? It like Communism drift towards more and more regulation and punishment by nature especially when you are talking about these lunatic politicians who despise a good portion of this country. Is it any wonder that Bernie doesnt want to deport illegal aliens even when they dont show up for their immigration hearings? It's why they support sanctuary cities and ignore the laws they want to ignore. because inside they dont really like America. They have guilt and think we are all guilty. Capitalism gives too much power to the average person... too much freedom, to much upward mobility, thus with Capitalism in place, social justice can never occur. Socialism is needed to implement social justice according to Monte Python..... uhh I mean Bernie Sanders.

That's one of the craziest diatribes I have ever seen. Hannity should be proud of you.
Bernie is a millionaire. He never once proposed eliminating millionaires or billionaires and just pushed for higher taxes. For some bizarre reason, republicans still think his platform has anything to with Venezuela’s model.

I could go on and on about how the US has always been socialist in nature, but it’s pointless even to explain this to republicans.

Bernie’s brand of socialism is more like that of Canada, Denmark or Sweden. Countries with high approval ratings among citizens for their country’s healthcare system. These citizens from the latter two are the most happy populations according to a world happiness survey.

Republicans cherrypicking Venezuela really sets the coveration back.
Google "America's national debt". Then google "Social Security insolvent by 2035". Then google "Medicare insolvent by 2026". Then ask yourself "Gee if our debt is so large and we can't pay for Social Security or Medicare how do we make all that other stuff "free"?

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