Why as a Christian you cant support BLM


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
East Coast or is it actually West Coast?
3 Reasons Why Catholics Can’t Support Black Lives Matter

TFP Student Action

Did you know the Catholic Church was the institution that broke the back of “systemic” slavery in the ancient pagan world for the first time in history? The argument the Church advanced back then was simple: Everyone is created with an immortal soul redeemed by Our Lord Jesus Christ.

In other words, all souls matter. That’s why the Church went forth to convert all nations. The Church has a long and honorable history of seeking after the salvation of souls wherever they might be, even to the ends of the earth. She never wavered in her conviction that all souls matter.

Thus, Catholics are by their nature anti-racist. They ardently desire the salvation of all souls, without exception, regardless of race.

But doubts arise with “Black Lives Matter” (BLM). Attached to this label are causes and philosophies that clash with the Church’s solicitude for the salvation of souls.

The following reasons will show you why Catholics cannot embrace the Black Lives Matter cause and still be faithful to Our Lord Jesus Christ.

#1. BLM is Pro-Abortion
The BLM movement does not care about the innocent lives of preborn black babies. In fact, its militants, sympathizers, media supporters, business CEO enablers, and fellow travelers are all part of the pro-abortion establishment.

Catholics know that every innocent life and every immortal soul matters. Therefore, as long as the BLM movement continues to trample the Fifth Commandment, their cause is tainted and unworthy of support.

#2. BLM Attacks the Family
BLM officially pledges to “disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure…”

This direct attack against the family is harmful. Because children, families, and communities don’t flourish with absent fathers, struggling single mothers, and broken families. Yet BLM activists do not seem to care about restoring marriage and family to its proper order and dignity.

Behind BLM’s “queer‐affirming network,” which claims to be free from “heteronormative thinking,” Catholics discern the anti-Christian paradigm. Therefore, their cause is unacceptable to anyone who believes in God’s marriage between one man and one woman.

#3. BLM Promotes Marxism
BLM promotes a secular narrative steeped in the Marxist class-struggle dialectic of its two Marxist co-founders. The movement adopts a false worldview where everything is explained by dividing society into oppressors and oppressed and mutual hatred between the two camps.

This cold, deterministic and materialistic narrative stands against the Catholic worldview. The Church explains so much by things spiritual, sacramental, and supernatural. The perspective informed by the love of God and neighbor is the easiest path to understand the just and harmonious relationships that can and should exist among humanity’s various races and ethnicities.

In contrast, Marxist egalitarianism only fuels more division. That’s why BLM demonstrations are marked by explosions of hatred, violence, destruction of property, obscenity, Bible desecration, U.S, flag burnings, and even chants of “death to America.”

Black Lives Matter is the wrong fight lead by the wrong people.
We don’t want more socialism and more communism.
We don’t want more abortion, homosexuality and transgenderism.

The racial issue is extremely important, but it melds into a generalized moral crisis. To think that a solution can be found without a general moral conversion is a pipe dream.

The only option is a return to God.
#3. BLM Promotes Marxism

You got that right Mortimer!

They are a marxist/socialist organization...NOT an organization for social issues!

BLM has murdered hundreds of black people since the death of george floyd (including 1 year old babies). A black person wearing a BLM T-shirt is equal to a jewish person wearing a hitler T-shirt.
3 Reasons Why Catholics Can’t Support Black Lives Matter

TFP Student Action

Did you know the Catholic Church was the institution that broke the back of “systemic” slavery in the ancient pagan world for the first time in history? The argument the Church advanced back then was simple: Everyone is created with an immortal soul redeemed by Our Lord Jesus Christ.

In other words, all souls matter. That’s why the Church went forth to convert all nations. The Church has a long and honorable history of seeking after the salvation of souls wherever they might be, even to the ends of the earth. She never wavered in her conviction that all souls matter.

Thus, Catholics are by their nature anti-racist. They ardently desire the salvation of all souls, without exception, regardless of race.

But doubts arise with “Black Lives Matter” (BLM). Attached to this label are causes and philosophies that clash with the Church’s solicitude for the salvation of souls.

The following reasons will show you why Catholics cannot embrace the Black Lives Matter cause and still be faithful to Our Lord Jesus Christ.

#1. BLM is Pro-Abortion
The BLM movement does not care about the innocent lives of preborn black babies. In fact, its militants, sympathizers, media supporters, business CEO enablers, and fellow travelers are all part of the pro-abortion establishment.

Catholics know that every innocent life and every immortal soul matters. Therefore, as long as the BLM movement continues to trample the Fifth Commandment, their cause is tainted and unworthy of support.

#2. BLM Attacks the Family
BLM officially pledges to “disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure…”

This direct attack against the family is harmful. Because children, families, and communities don’t flourish with absent fathers, struggling single mothers, and broken families. Yet BLM activists do not seem to care about restoring marriage and family to its proper order and dignity.

Behind BLM’s “queer‐affirming network,” which claims to be free from “heteronormative thinking,” Catholics discern the anti-Christian paradigm. Therefore, their cause is unacceptable to anyone who believes in God’s marriage between one man and one woman.

#3. BLM Promotes Marxism
BLM promotes a secular narrative steeped in the Marxist class-struggle dialectic of its two Marxist co-founders. The movement adopts a false worldview where everything is explained by dividing society into oppressors and oppressed and mutual hatred between the two camps.

This cold, deterministic and materialistic narrative stands against the Catholic worldview. The Church explains so much by things spiritual, sacramental, and supernatural. The perspective informed by the love of God and neighbor is the easiest path to understand the just and harmonious relationships that can and should exist among humanity’s various races and ethnicities.

In contrast, Marxist egalitarianism only fuels more division. That’s why BLM demonstrations are marked by explosions of hatred, violence, destruction of property, obscenity, Bible desecration, U.S, flag burnings, and even chants of “death to America.”

Black Lives Matter is the wrong fight lead by the wrong people.
We don’t want more socialism and more communism.
We don’t want more abortion, homosexuality and transgenderism.

The racial issue is extremely important, but it melds into a generalized moral crisis. To think that a solution can be found without a general moral conversion is a pipe dream.

The only option is a return to God.

Great post, Mortimer. Thanks.
You forgot the most important reason.

They're black.

Washington — The National Black Sisters' Conference issued a "clarion warning" to U.S. Catholics saying church members and leaders have not done enough to speak out against the sin of racism.
"In this moment of dual life-threatening pandemics; COVID-19 and racism, the voice of the church in America is, for the most part, eerily silent when it comes to the racial unrest in this country," said the Sept. 16 statement by the national organization of more than 150 Black Catholic women religious and associates in the United States.
The group said they felt compelled to "hold up the light," referring to an old spiritual with the same title, where light is held aloft to "expose the darkness of evil and sin, thereby destroying its power."
"We are holding up the light," the sisters said, "against the sin of racism that is still alive and well in the Catholic Church today."
I am a Christian and I most certainly DO support the Bureau of Land Management!

3 Reasons Why Catholics Can’t Support Black Lives Matter

TFP Student Action

Did you know the Catholic Church was the institution that broke the back of “systemic” slavery in the ancient pagan world for the first time in history? The argument the Church advanced back then was simple: Everyone is created with an immortal soul redeemed by Our Lord Jesus Christ.

In other words, all souls matter. That’s why the Church went forth to convert all nations. The Church has a long and honorable history of seeking after the salvation of souls wherever they might be, even to the ends of the earth. She never wavered in her conviction that all souls matter.

Thus, Catholics are by their nature anti-racist. They ardently desire the salvation of all souls, without exception, regardless of race.

But doubts arise with “Black Lives Matter” (BLM). Attached to this label are causes and philosophies that clash with the Church’s solicitude for the salvation of souls.

The following reasons will show you why Catholics cannot embrace the Black Lives Matter cause and still be faithful to Our Lord Jesus Christ.

#1. BLM is Pro-Abortion
The BLM movement does not care about the innocent lives of preborn black babies. In fact, its militants, sympathizers, media supporters, business CEO enablers, and fellow travelers are all part of the pro-abortion establishment.

Catholics know that every innocent life and every immortal soul matters. Therefore, as long as the BLM movement continues to trample the Fifth Commandment, their cause is tainted and unworthy of support.

#2. BLM Attacks the Family
BLM officially pledges to “disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure…”

This direct attack against the family is harmful. Because children, families, and communities don’t flourish with absent fathers, struggling single mothers, and broken families. Yet BLM activists do not seem to care about restoring marriage and family to its proper order and dignity.

Behind BLM’s “queer‐affirming network,” which claims to be free from “heteronormative thinking,” Catholics discern the anti-Christian paradigm. Therefore, their cause is unacceptable to anyone who believes in God’s marriage between one man and one woman.

#3. BLM Promotes Marxism
BLM promotes a secular narrative steeped in the Marxist class-struggle dialectic of its two Marxist co-founders. The movement adopts a false worldview where everything is explained by dividing society into oppressors and oppressed and mutual hatred between the two camps.

This cold, deterministic and materialistic narrative stands against the Catholic worldview. The Church explains so much by things spiritual, sacramental, and supernatural. The perspective informed by the love of God and neighbor is the easiest path to understand the just and harmonious relationships that can and should exist among humanity’s various races and ethnicities.

In contrast, Marxist egalitarianism only fuels more division. That’s why BLM demonstrations are marked by explosions of hatred, violence, destruction of property, obscenity, Bible desecration, U.S, flag burnings, and even chants of “death to America.”

Black Lives Matter is the wrong fight lead by the wrong people.
We don’t want more socialism and more communism.
We don’t want more abortion, homosexuality and transgenderism.

The racial issue is extremely important, but it melds into a generalized moral crisis. To think that a solution can be found without a general moral conversion is a pipe dream.

The only option is a return to God.
Bullshit. MLK was called a communist and every black individual or group that rises up to pose a threat to white supremacy get this treatment. The catholic church did not end slavery. What we don't want is more fascism. White racism is fascism and that fascism manifests itself in police murder of blacks. Now since black lives matter has a primary mission of criminal justice reform and not abortion, or seeking political office this post is irrelevant bullshit based on racism.
3 Reasons Why Catholics Can’t Support Black Lives Matter

TFP Student Action

Did you know the Catholic Church was the institution that broke the back of “systemic” slavery in the ancient pagan world for the first time in history? The argument the Church advanced back then was simple: Everyone is created with an immortal soul redeemed by Our Lord Jesus Christ.

In other words, all souls matter. That’s why the Church went forth to convert all nations. The Church has a long and honorable history of seeking after the salvation of souls wherever they might be, even to the ends of the earth. She never wavered in her conviction that all souls matter.

Thus, Catholics are by their nature anti-racist. They ardently desire the salvation of all souls, without exception, regardless of race.

But doubts arise with “Black Lives Matter” (BLM). Attached to this label are causes and philosophies that clash with the Church’s solicitude for the salvation of souls.

The following reasons will show you why Catholics cannot embrace the Black Lives Matter cause and still be faithful to Our Lord Jesus Christ.

#1. BLM is Pro-Abortion
The BLM movement does not care about the innocent lives of preborn black babies. In fact, its militants, sympathizers, media supporters, business CEO enablers, and fellow travelers are all part of the pro-abortion establishment.

Catholics know that every innocent life and every immortal soul matters. Therefore, as long as the BLM movement continues to trample the Fifth Commandment, their cause is tainted and unworthy of support.

#2. BLM Attacks the Family
BLM officially pledges to “disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure…”

This direct attack against the family is harmful. Because children, families, and communities don’t flourish with absent fathers, struggling single mothers, and broken families. Yet BLM activists do not seem to care about restoring marriage and family to its proper order and dignity.

Behind BLM’s “queer‐affirming network,” which claims to be free from “heteronormative thinking,” Catholics discern the anti-Christian paradigm. Therefore, their cause is unacceptable to anyone who believes in God’s marriage between one man and one woman.

#3. BLM Promotes Marxism
BLM promotes a secular narrative steeped in the Marxist class-struggle dialectic of its two Marxist co-founders. The movement adopts a false worldview where everything is explained by dividing society into oppressors and oppressed and mutual hatred between the two camps.

This cold, deterministic and materialistic narrative stands against the Catholic worldview. The Church explains so much by things spiritual, sacramental, and supernatural. The perspective informed by the love of God and neighbor is the easiest path to understand the just and harmonious relationships that can and should exist among humanity’s various races and ethnicities.

In contrast, Marxist egalitarianism only fuels more division. That’s why BLM demonstrations are marked by explosions of hatred, violence, destruction of property, obscenity, Bible desecration, U.S, flag burnings, and even chants of “death to America.”

Black Lives Matter is the wrong fight lead by the wrong people.
We don’t want more socialism and more communism.
We don’t want more abortion, homosexuality and transgenderism.

The racial issue is extremely important, but it melds into a generalized moral crisis. To think that a solution can be found without a general moral conversion is a pipe dream.

The only option is a return to God.
Bullshit. MLK was called a communist and every black individual or group that rises up to pose a threat to white supremacy get this treatment. The catholic church did not end slavery. What we don't want is more fascism. White racism is fascism and that fascism manifests itself in police murder of blacks. Now since black lives matter has a primary mission of criminal justice reform and not abortion, or seeking political office this post is irrelevant bullshit based on racism.

Are you denying that the BLM founders are basically Marxists? Because they openly admit that. And anyone can go read their website to see what their politics are, so you are simply denying reality by acting as if they have nothing to do with communism, and by claiming the article is false. If you think it's false, show how it is false, prove it instead of merely claiming it is.

3 Reasons Why Catholics Can’t Support Black Lives Matter

TFP Student Action

Did you know the Catholic Church was the institution that broke the back of “systemic” slavery in the ancient pagan world for the first time in history? The argument the Church advanced back then was simple: Everyone is created with an immortal soul redeemed by Our Lord Jesus Christ.

In other words, all souls matter. That’s why the Church went forth to convert all nations. The Church has a long and honorable history of seeking after the salvation of souls wherever they might be, even to the ends of the earth. She never wavered in her conviction that all souls matter.

Thus, Catholics are by their nature anti-racist. They ardently desire the salvation of all souls, without exception, regardless of race.

But doubts arise with “Black Lives Matter” (BLM). Attached to this label are causes and philosophies that clash with the Church’s solicitude for the salvation of souls.

The following reasons will show you why Catholics cannot embrace the Black Lives Matter cause and still be faithful to Our Lord Jesus Christ.

#1. BLM is Pro-Abortion
The BLM movement does not care about the innocent lives of preborn black babies. In fact, its militants, sympathizers, media supporters, business CEO enablers, and fellow travelers are all part of the pro-abortion establishment.

Catholics know that every innocent life and every immortal soul matters. Therefore, as long as the BLM movement continues to trample the Fifth Commandment, their cause is tainted and unworthy of support.

#2. BLM Attacks the Family
BLM officially pledges to “disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure…”

This direct attack against the family is harmful. Because children, families, and communities don’t flourish with absent fathers, struggling single mothers, and broken families. Yet BLM activists do not seem to care about restoring marriage and family to its proper order and dignity.

Behind BLM’s “queer‐affirming network,” which claims to be free from “heteronormative thinking,” Catholics discern the anti-Christian paradigm. Therefore, their cause is unacceptable to anyone who believes in God’s marriage between one man and one woman.

#3. BLM Promotes Marxism
BLM promotes a secular narrative steeped in the Marxist class-struggle dialectic of its two Marxist co-founders. The movement adopts a false worldview where everything is explained by dividing society into oppressors and oppressed and mutual hatred between the two camps.

This cold, deterministic and materialistic narrative stands against the Catholic worldview. The Church explains so much by things spiritual, sacramental, and supernatural. The perspective informed by the love of God and neighbor is the easiest path to understand the just and harmonious relationships that can and should exist among humanity’s various races and ethnicities.

In contrast, Marxist egalitarianism only fuels more division. That’s why BLM demonstrations are marked by explosions of hatred, violence, destruction of property, obscenity, Bible desecration, U.S, flag burnings, and even chants of “death to America.”

Black Lives Matter is the wrong fight lead by the wrong people.
We don’t want more socialism and more communism.
We don’t want more abortion, homosexuality and transgenderism.

The racial issue is extremely important, but it melds into a generalized moral crisis. To think that a solution can be found without a general moral conversion is a pipe dream.

The only option is a return to God.
Bullshit. MLK was called a communist and every black individual or group that rises up to pose a threat to white supremacy get this treatment. The catholic church did not end slavery. What we don't want is more fascism. White racism is fascism and that fascism manifests itself in police murder of blacks. Now since black lives matter has a primary mission of criminal justice reform and not abortion, or seeking political office this post is irrelevant bullshit based on racism.

Are you denying that the BLM founders are basically Marxists? Because they openly admit that. And anyone can go read their website to see what their politics are, so you are simply denying reality by acting as if they have nothing to do with communism, and by claiming the article is false. If you think it's false, show how it is false, prove it instead of merely claiming it is.

Are you denying that the American police state has practiced fascism against blacks and other people of color?
3 Reasons Why Catholics Can’t Support Black Lives Matter

TFP Student Action

Did you know the Catholic Church was the institution that broke the back of “systemic” slavery in the ancient pagan world for the first time in history? The argument the Church advanced back then was simple: Everyone is created with an immortal soul redeemed by Our Lord Jesus Christ.

In other words, all souls matter. That’s why the Church went forth to convert all nations. The Church has a long and honorable history of seeking after the salvation of souls wherever they might be, even to the ends of the earth. She never wavered in her conviction that all souls matter.

Thus, Catholics are by their nature anti-racist. They ardently desire the salvation of all souls, without exception, regardless of race.

But doubts arise with “Black Lives Matter” (BLM). Attached to this label are causes and philosophies that clash with the Church’s solicitude for the salvation of souls.

The following reasons will show you why Catholics cannot embrace the Black Lives Matter cause and still be faithful to Our Lord Jesus Christ.

#1. BLM is Pro-Abortion
The BLM movement does not care about the innocent lives of preborn black babies. In fact, its militants, sympathizers, media supporters, business CEO enablers, and fellow travelers are all part of the pro-abortion establishment.

Catholics know that every innocent life and every immortal soul matters. Therefore, as long as the BLM movement continues to trample the Fifth Commandment, their cause is tainted and unworthy of support.

#2. BLM Attacks the Family
BLM officially pledges to “disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure…”

This direct attack against the family is harmful. Because children, families, and communities don’t flourish with absent fathers, struggling single mothers, and broken families. Yet BLM activists do not seem to care about restoring marriage and family to its proper order and dignity.

Behind BLM’s “queer‐affirming network,” which claims to be free from “heteronormative thinking,” Catholics discern the anti-Christian paradigm. Therefore, their cause is unacceptable to anyone who believes in God’s marriage between one man and one woman.

#3. BLM Promotes Marxism
BLM promotes a secular narrative steeped in the Marxist class-struggle dialectic of its two Marxist co-founders. The movement adopts a false worldview where everything is explained by dividing society into oppressors and oppressed and mutual hatred between the two camps.

This cold, deterministic and materialistic narrative stands against the Catholic worldview. The Church explains so much by things spiritual, sacramental, and supernatural. The perspective informed by the love of God and neighbor is the easiest path to understand the just and harmonious relationships that can and should exist among humanity’s various races and ethnicities.

In contrast, Marxist egalitarianism only fuels more division. That’s why BLM demonstrations are marked by explosions of hatred, violence, destruction of property, obscenity, Bible desecration, U.S, flag burnings, and even chants of “death to America.”

Black Lives Matter is the wrong fight lead by the wrong people.
We don’t want more socialism and more communism.
We don’t want more abortion, homosexuality and transgenderism.

The racial issue is extremely important, but it melds into a generalized moral crisis. To think that a solution can be found without a general moral conversion is a pipe dream.

The only option is a return to God.
Bullshit. MLK was called a communist and every black individual or group that rises up to pose a threat to white supremacy get this treatment. The catholic church did not end slavery. What we don't want is more fascism. White racism is fascism and that fascism manifests itself in police murder of blacks. Now since black lives matter has a primary mission of criminal justice reform and not abortion, or seeking political office this post is irrelevant bullshit based on racism.

Are you denying that the BLM founders are basically Marxists? Because they openly admit that. And anyone can go read their website to see what their politics are, so you are simply denying reality by acting as if they have nothing to do with communism, and by claiming the article is false. If you think it's false, show how it is false, prove it instead of merely claiming it is.

Are you denying that the American police state has practiced fascism against blacks and other people of color?

That's not the topic, don't evade a direct question by bringing up an entirely different topic!
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I'd feel ashamed if I wasn't getting these.

It would mean my world view aligned with that of distressingly ignorant deplorables.

Why as a Christian you cant support BLM
Because Jesus said to love your neighbours unless they were black marxists.


You are either incredibly ignorant, or a liar. In this case, I'm thinking it's the latter. Most Christians don't support BLM because it is a Marxist front organization, and because they are anti-family and their other politics that most Christians don't agree with, like abortion. And because it's funded by subversive billionaires like Soros who are NWO globalists whose M.O is divide and conquer. People like him use Blacks as pawns.

If BLM was truly about helping Blacks and not that other stuff, I would be on board with them 100%. People can be anti-racism and support Blacks without supporting THIS particular organization. Is that so hard to grasp?

Any other lies you want to spew, little demon?
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I'd feel ashamed if I wasn't getting these.
View attachment 393500
It would mean my world view aligned with that of distressingly ignorant deplorables.


What is "deplorable" to you about being pro-family and pro-life and not agreeing with a Marxist worldview?

Or is your use of that word your way of ignorantly assuming that I'm a Trump supporter?
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You forgot the most important reason.

They're black.

Washington — The National Black Sisters' Conference issued a "clarion warning" to U.S. Catholics saying church members and leaders have not done enough to speak out against the sin of racism.
"In this moment of dual life-threatening pandemics; COVID-19 and racism, the voice of the church in America is, for the most part, eerily silent when it comes to the racial unrest in this country," said the Sept. 16 statement by the national organization of more than 150 Black Catholic women religious and associates in the United States.
The group said they felt compelled to "hold up the light," referring to an old spiritual with the same title, where light is held aloft to "expose the darkness of evil and sin, thereby destroying its power."
"We are holding up the light," the sisters said, "against the sin of racism that is still alive and well in the Catholic Church today."

You are evil. That is clear in just about every single of one of your posts.
Most Christians don't support BLM because it is a Marxist front
And black. Jesus said to not love those neighbours didn't he?

You must really hate Christians and Christianity, based on your hateful lies and asinine upside-down statements.

But just in case you actually believe the nonsense you post, let me make something crystal clear to you: racism is evil, unchristian and ungodly. I don't know any Christians who hate anyone based on race or ethnicity. In fact, the Christians I know IRL don't hate people at all, even people with opposing political views.

In case you weren't aware of this, Jesus taught not only to love our neighbors, but to love even our enemies. (Matthew 5:44)

So as I said last night and as others have said as well, all of which you completely ignored, Christians don't support BLM is because it is a Marxist organization who are anti-family and anti-traditional values, who support violence, and as I said last night, they are funded by subversive NWO billionaires who don't actually care about Blacks but are only using Blacks as pawns. Because for those globalist billionaires it's all about Divide and Conquer, and "Order out of Chaos."

Since you ignored what I said last night, hopefully this post that was clear as could possibly be will get through your head.... but if it doesn't, then you will just be proving that you're a hateful, immature troll.
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One more thing. In addition to abortion, anti-family and other extreme left political views, BLM is also about pushing the transgender thing, and other unbiblical ideas that most Christians simply don't agree with and don't want to support.

This guy goes over that and explains how illogical those views are, in addition to being unbiblical. I highly recommend that certain misguided anti-christians like cnm watch this video.


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