Why Aren’t There More Black Republicans?


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Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015

Here, let a conservative explain to you why blacks are not republicans.

Why Aren’t There More Black Republicans?
Conservatives must embrace the GOP’s once proud legacy on civil rights.
By Musa Al-Gharbi

Today up to 95 percent of African-American voters are aligned with the Democratic Party, and the GOP has largely abandoned its legacy of civil rights activism.

It’s tough to assert being the party of Lincoln while some Republican legislators court Neo-Confederates and other ethnic nationalist movements. They further distance themselves by advocating for voter ID laws, which disenfranchise primarily low-income and legal minority voters. (There is no evidence of widespread voter fraud by illegal or ineligible voters, let alone a single example of when such voting has actually turned an election).

It is similarly difficult for Republicans to trumpet their role in passing Civil Rights Acts while the Republican National Committee is spearheading efforts to dismantle affirmative action (Former GOP chairman Michael Steele struck a good balance on this). And perhaps most importantly, the conservative emphasis on personal responsibility sounds disingenuous to many blacks when Republicans refuse to acknowledge the profound and continuing effects of slavery, Jim Crow and segregation—let alone the persistence of overt racism, institutional and systemic discrimination, and unconscious racial bias.

There is an assumption that these issues do not need to be addressed head-on because a strong economy will raise up all Americans. Hence Republicans focus on fiscal matters over social justice. But if a particular social arrangement fundamentally privileges one group or marginalizes others, then economic growth tends to exacerbate disparities between groups rather than “lifting all boats.” Or put another way, a system has to be fair before it can be color blind.

Diversity v. Tokenism

During virtually every election cycle, the RNC goes out of its way to elevate some black candidate onto the national stage. But diversity isn’t about seeing an African American advocating the exact same positions as their white counterparts. Instead, with often dramatically different life experiences, one would expect substantive differences in how black candidates view and approach policy problems. Yet most of the black voices elevated by the Republican Party reflect little of this more meaningful diversity—and to make matters worse, they aren’t strong candidates to begin with.

Why Aren’t There More Black Republicans?
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Because there are only 2 in the house and 1 in the Senate, black republicans in US state congress.
Democrats promise them free stuff and they believe it. Dumbshits!

That's not what is written by the American Conservative Magazine.
Good question. I mean they’re treated so well by their brothers and sisters, and who doesn’t like Oreos?

More blacks voted for Trump in ‘16 than the experts had forecasted.

Stay tuned...
Good question. I mean they’re treated so well by their brothers and sisters, and who doesn’t like Oreos?

More blacks voted for Trump in ‘16 than the experts had forecasted.

Stay tuned...

But 88 percent did not vote for Trump.
She wasn't allowed to carry a gun to defend herself but those rules didn't stop the Negro from bringing a gun to shoot her.

Dumbass Liberals


What the fuck does this have to do with the damn topic?

The U.S. Government is being held responsible. Drop your race pimped comments about white people being held responsible.

LOL! You Libtards are not that bright. White people mostly fund the filthy ass US Government. You sure as hell don't see the Negrras paying much of that $1 trillion a year in income tax, do you? Not many of them own corporations paying another $1 trillion a year in corporate tax.

Reparation is Neggras getting money paid by White people.
She wasn't allowed to carry a gun to defend herself but those rules didn't stop the Negro from bringing a gun to shoot her.

Dumbass Liberals


What the fuck does this have to do with the damn topic?

A Neggra shot a White woman. The anti gun laws preventing her from being able to defend herself were passed by stupid Democrats.

This has nothing to do with the thread topic.

The U.S. Government is being held responsible. Drop your race pimped comments about white people being held responsible.

How can the US govt. be held responsible for African men who chose slavery for themselves and their families instead of fighting to the death for their freedom?

The US government made slavery legal and blacks did not choose anything.

African Resistance - The Abolition of The Slave Trade

The U.S. Government is being held responsible. Drop your race pimped comments about white people being held responsible.

How can the US govt. be held responsible for African men who chose slavery for themselves and their families instead of fighting to the death for their freedom?

The US government made slavery legal and blacks did not choose anything.

African Resistance - The Abolition of The Slave Trade

So slavery didn't exist until the US govt made it legal?

The U.S. Government is being held responsible. Drop your race pimped comments about white people being held responsible.

LOL! You Libtards are not that bright. White people mostly fund the filthy ass US Government. You sure as hell don't see the Negrras paying much of that $1 trillion a year in income tax, do you? Not many of them own corporations paying another $1 trillion a year in corporate tax.

Reparation is Neggras getting money paid by White people.

We all fund the government. If you want to whine about whites paying reparations whites should not have made the laws that created the human rights violations .

You apparently don't understand how capitalism works.
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