Why aren't the vaccine nazis pressuring the homosexual community...


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
...to practice abstinence for a few weeks "to stop the spread"?

I mean...it was top priority for EVERYONE to get the vaccine to save their neighbors. Thread after thread about the "unvaxxed" spreading covid and killing grandma.

Where is the pressure campaign now?

Suddenly we hear "if we talk about monkeypox being transmitted by gay sex...we stigmatize the community"...and "abstinence programs won't work"...

Nobody gave a damn about stigmatizing people who didn't want the vax for health, religious or safety reasons.

But "that was different"...

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I have not followed the story minute by minute, but I have heard calls for gay men to refrain from anything but sex in a monogamous relationship. As for the vaccine, problem apparently is that supplies and demands are not not always aligning geographically though I did read something that said the FDA had officially decided that smallpox vax does work on monkeypox so there will be a back up vax apparently available soon.
...to practice abstinence for a few weeks "to stop the spread"?

I mean...it was top priority for EVERYONE to get the vaccine to save their neighbors. Thread after thread about the "unvaxxed" spreading covid and killing grandma.

Where is the pressure campaign now?

Suddenly we hear "if we talk about monkeypox being transmitted by gay sex...we stigmatize the community"...and "abstinence programs won't work"...

Nobody gave a damn about stigmatizing people who didn't want the vax for health, religious or safety reasons.

But "that was different"...


Because they dont NEED to. Gay folks lining UP for shots in all the big "gay" cities. NOT ENOUGH vaccine to distribute. Dr. Marc Siegel says the US let 20Mill doses of a M-Pox SPECIFIC vaccine go to waste and NOT get replaced. So much for "strategic reserves" farce.

So the only think to be used is a smallpox vaccine which is in very short supply.

As far as abstinence goes -- I think the STIGMA of getting M-pox is enough to make them practice monogamy or abstinence UNTIL there is vaccine available.
The LGBT community is the "elite" new child of corporate America, being pampered to spend money on "gay friendly" products, venues and services. It's all a farce. Just name-dropping. Gays are being used by these people just as blacks and women and all other minorities are. My boss's wife recently refused A government grant for her yoga business because they were simply giving it to her because she was a woman...and she had too much "PRIDE" to accept government handouts because she is doing just fine by herself.

Corporations do it for profit and the government does it for votes. When they join at the hip they do it for both and it becomes a really sick amalgam of untruth. Anyone who truly has any pride would simply turn the other cheek and walk away and do things on their own, and not take the bait.
I have not followed the story minute by minute, but I have heard calls for gay men to refrain from anything but sex in a monogamous relationship. As for the vaccine, problem apparently is that supplies and demands are not not always aligning geographically though I did read something that said the FDA had officially decided that smallpox vax does work on monkeypox so there will be a back up vax apparently available soon.
That's not what I'm hearing.

The WHO says...



But the CDC's message on Monkeypox is all about "reducing stigma"...

No one gave a damn about "reducing stigma" when the message was directed at the unvaccinated.
As far as abstinence goes -- I think the STIGMA of getting M-pox is enough to make them practice monogamy or abstinence UNTIL there is vaccine available.
That's not the media's message...

“If people want to have sex, they are going to have sex,” said California state Sen. Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco), who is involved in the city’s monkeypox response. “I know people who normally go to sex parties who will not. People will make their own decisions about their own risk levels.

That's a San Fran Democrat quoted in the Washington Post.

A far cry from the Covid19 messaging...isn't it.
That's not what I'm hearing.

The WHO says...

View attachment 678750


But the CDC's message on Monkeypox is all about "reducing stigma"...

No one gave a damn about "reducing stigma" when the message was directed at the unvaccinated.

I cannot speak to what you hear but the article your post says one of the two things I mentioned:

“For men who have sex with men, this includes for the moment, reducing your number of sexual partners, reconsidering considering sex with new partners, and exchanging contact details with any new partners to enable follow up if needed,” Tedros said.

as for vaccines:
"Three vaccines are being considered to tackle the current global outbreak. All three were developed as smallpox vaccines. Only one is licensed for monkeypox by the US Food and Drug Administration: a vaccine called MVA-BN, or Jynneos in the US.

Another of the vaccines, ACAM2000, is licensed by the FDA for smallpox but may be used for monkeypox with the submission of extra forms. The third vaccine being considered is LC16m8, which is licensed for smallpox in Japan." Everything you need to know about the monkeypox vaccines
...to practice abstinence for a few weeks "to stop the spread"?

I mean...it was top priority for EVERYONE to get the vaccine to save their neighbors. Thread after thread about the "unvaxxed" spreading covid and killing grandma.

Where is the pressure campaign now?

Suddenly we hear "if we talk about monkeypox being transmitted by gay sex...we stigmatize the community"...and "abstinence programs won't work"...

Nobody gave a damn about stigmatizing people who didn't want the vax for health, religious or safety reasons.

But "that was different"...


Agreed ---- it's up to 7,000 infected in the U.S. alone, as of now. That's a very fast infection rate.

'Stressed out' STD clinics struggle to handle surge in monkeypox patients as U.S. outbreak grows

Looks like it may very shortly make the break into the general community. I hope not; the HIV virus never really did, not over here. It's still a homosexual disease. I hope the monkeypox remains a homosexual sex disease; I'm getting pretty tired of those perverts bringing dire diseases in and infecting the whole country, or at least terrifying us all and infecting vulnerable people.
On the other hand, I'd like to see the population smallpox vaccinated. I think. I have been afraid of that one for a long time. Using smallpox vaccine "for monkeypox" is a good excuse.
"For men who have sex with men, this includes for the moment, reducing your number of sexual partners, reconsidering considering sex with new partners, and exchanging contact details with any new partners to enable follow up if needed,” Tedros said.

Doesn't sound even remotely close to the campaign launched against those who made a decision not to get vaccinated for Covid.


That's a pressure campaign.

Why aren't we seeing THAT kind of pressure brought to bear here?

I'm not making the argument that it will work ... and I don't care if it's in the gay community or the black community or the redneck community...that's not the point either.

The point is ... if the Covid19 vaccine campaign was actually to stop the spread and save lives...why isn't that same type of campaign being used here.
Doesn't sound even remotely close to the campaign launched against those who made a decision not to get vaccinated for Covid.


That's a pressure campaign.

Why aren't we seeing THAT kind of pressure brought to bear here?

I'm not making the argument that us will work ... and I don't care if it's in the gay community or the black community or the redneck community...that's not the point either.

The point is ... if the Covid19 vaccine campaign was actually to stop the spread and save lives...why isn't that same campaign being used here.
You know why, I bet --- because it was really all about training people to be controlled.

It was never about stopping the disease, because nothing whatever stopped the disease.
You know why, I bet --- because it was really all about training people to be controlled.

It was never about stopping the disease, because nothing whatever stopped the disease.
Or an excuse to demonize your political adversaries.

That's what I'm getting at.

The hypocrisy is evident.

If it was about stopping the spread and saving lives ..they'd be on this in a heartbeat.

...but it wasn't.

It was bullcrap.

They don't really give a single damn about monkeypox spreading...not if they have to be tough on THEIR voters.

I mean...we knew this was the case...now we have the proof.
Doesn't sound even remotely close to the campaign launched against those who made a decision not to get vaccinated for Covid.


That's a pressure campaign.

Why aren't we seeing THAT kind of pressure brought to bear here?

I'm not making the argument that it will work ... and I don't care if it's in the gay community or the black community or the redneck community...that's not the point either.

The point is ... if the Covid19 vaccine campaign was actually to stop the spread and save lives...why isn't that same type of campaign being used here.

To me a campaign is a campaign. I am guessing if monkeypox was dependent on direct or sometimes indirect close contact with an infected person, we would be seeing CDC, Inc., being more aggressive.

I mean if you want to compare apple and oranges, go ahead, but my biggest complaint about the COVID jabs is the outright lying revisionist history that took place in the campaign once they couldn't find a way to But But around that town in Massachusettes, a deep blue state, reporting that most of their hospital cases were people who had been vaccinated prior to contracting the virus. The narrative changed on a dime from prevents COVID to lessens symptoms of COVID, but I think Mr. Trump had lost by the point and that was all that really mattered. I even heard not long after the election a piece on NPR that was all pro masks suddenly point out that masks were not necessary and that all of the research showing COVID could last two weeks was fudged studies putting the virus on life support under lab conditions that would never happen in the real world. I remember the particularly graphic example given by the scientist that if someone with COVID sneezed on a plate and you licked it a few minutes later, you would get COVID, but casual brief close contact walking past someone with it was highly unlikely to infect you unless you were way immune compromised.
The narrative changed on a dime from prevents COVID to lessens symptoms of COVID, but I think Mr. Trump had lost by the point and that was all that really mattered.

I think we're on the same page.

Little to do with public safety and everything to do with politics...
Wow perhaps our numbers are wrong , the % of LGBTQPN folks in America might be more like 4.3 % ( rather than the excepted 3.8 %)
...to practice abstinence for a few weeks "to stop the spread"?
I mean...it was top priority for EVERYONE to get the vaccine to save their neighbors. Thread after thread about the "unvaxxed" spreading covid and killing grandma.
Where is the pressure campaign now?

Good Point. We were told we had to give up our jobs, our income, our education, our careers, life savings, business, and social life all for Covid.

ANSWER: Because gays, queers, fags, etc., ARE the democrat party. To tell them they need to abstain for the good of the country would be the unthinkable: AN ADMISSION THAT HOMOSEXUAL DEVIANT SEXUAL ACTIVITY IS NOT NORMAL AND IS DANGEROUS.

HELL would freeze over before the Left ever issued a medical edict targeting gays, even if it meant saving thousands of lives.
That's not the media's message...

“If people want to have sex, they are going to have sex,” said California state Sen. Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco), who is involved in the city’s monkeypox response. “I know people who normally go to sex parties who will not. People will make their own decisions about their own risk levels.

That's a San Fran Democrat quoted in the Washington Post.

A far cry from the Covid19 messaging...isn't it.

That's the "crazy" in San Fran. You'll find that attitude but it's not the dominant one. There is GENUINE FEAR of this in the male gay communities.

How do you "lock down" sex or intimacy? I certainly wouldn't want THAT enforcement job. And with the govt SNAFUing the vax supplies, there's not a lot to mandate.
Don't enforce shit.....let them all die.

I mean....if there is such a problem trying to keep the homosexual community safe....well then

let them.....:dunno:
Good Point. We were told we had to give up our jobs, our income, our education, our careers, life savings, business, and social life all for Covid.

ANSWER: Because gays, queers, fags, etc., ARE the democrat party. To tell them they need to abstain for the good of the country would be the unthinkable: AN ADMISSION THAT HOMOSEXUAL DEVIANT SEXUAL ACTIVITY IS NOT NORMAL AND IS DANGEROUS.

HELL would freeze over before the Left ever issued a medical edict targeting gays, even if it meant saving thousands of lives.
Of course it's not normal and is dangerous --- to them, which doesn't matter because they choose it, but importantly to all the normal people because the homosexual males bring in and transmit terrible diseases, and here we go again.

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