Why aren't guns illegal?


VIP Member
Nov 25, 2014
Don't claim self defense, because guns are OFFENSIVE weaspons. Maybe "a good offense makes the best defense" is true for american football, but it's certainly NOT true where human lives are concerned, even if it's the human life of some asshole with a gun to your families heads. More guns entered into a situation where there's already one does not make for the best possible outcome. it never does.

In fact, it quite often makes the worst possible scene happen- a shoot out. Maybe YOU get shot and killed because you wouldn't let him rob you.

What happens when our government tries to ship guns? oh right, ISIS and Mexican Drug Cartels get a hold of, the proceed to kill us with them. Nice going. Interesting how guns don't care who they're shooting.

"Guns don't kill people, people kill people."
True. However, guns make it extremely EASY to murder, and easy murder is not okay with me. if your gonna take the life of a person or animal, it should be difficult.

"People would kill each other with knives or something else if there were no guns"
Again, due to the increased difficulty, there would be less overall murders. Even if someone has a gun, they usually won't shoot if you stare them in the eyes. Same is even more true if you're up close and personal, say with a knife.

"2nd amendment 2nd amendment 2nd amendment"
The 18th amendment was repealed by a later one. why can't the second be? Besides, I think there is fare more precedent for making guns illegal than making booze legal.

"Well what about hunters?"
Hunting is unnecessary these days, and is therefore cruel. I don't care if the animal never sees it coming and experiences no fear or pain. It is still DEAD because of you, and just for your amusement/entertainment/fun/sport/whatev... you wanna call it. It's absolutely sick and only barbarians would take part in it.
Don't claim self defense, because guns are OFFENSIVE weaspons. Maybe "a good offense makes the best defense" is true for american football, but it's certainly NOT true where human lives are concerned, even if it's the human life of some asshole with a gun to your families heads. More guns entered into a situation where there's already one does not make for the best possible outcome. it never does.

In fact, it quite often makes the worst possible scene happen- a shoot out. Maybe YOU get shot and killed because you wouldn't let him rob you.

What happens when our government tries to ship guns? oh right, ISIS and Mexican Drug Cartels get a hold of, the proceed to kill us with them. Nice going. Interesting how guns don't care who they're shooting.

"Guns don't kill people, people kill people."
True. However, guns make it extremely EASY to murder, and easy murder is not okay with me. if your gonna take the life of a person or animal, it should be difficult.

"People would kill each other with knives or something else if there were no guns"
Again, due to the increased difficulty, there would be less overall murders. Even if someone has a gun, they usually won't shoot if you stare them in the eyes. Same is even more true if you're up close and personal, say with a knife.

"2nd amendment 2nd amendment 2nd amendment"
The 18th amendment was repealed by a later one. why can't the second be? Besides, I think there is fare more precedent for making guns illegal than making booze legal.

"Well what about hunters?"
Hunting is unnecessary these days, and is therefore cruel. I don't care if the animal never sees it coming and experiences no fear or pain. It is still DEAD because of you, and just for your amusement/entertainment/fun/sport/whatev... you wanna call it. It's absolutely sick and only barbarians would take part in it.

Did you really just claim that staring someone in the eyes makes them less likely to shoot you? Sigh...there is a level of naivete on this board when it comes to guns that's scary. I hate to break this to you, Sparky but the world is full of bad people like ISIS and Ted Bundy. You can stare them in the eyes and see how it works out for you. I'll keep my guns thank you very much!
Don't claim self defense, because guns are OFFENSIVE weaspons. Maybe "a good offense makes the best defense" is true for american football, but it's certainly NOT true where human lives are concerned, even if it's the human life of some asshole with a gun to your families heads. More guns entered into a situation where there's already one does not make for the best possible outcome. it never does.

In fact, it quite often makes the worst possible scene happen- a shoot out. Maybe YOU get shot and killed because you wouldn't let him rob you.

What happens when our government tries to ship guns? oh right, ISIS and Mexican Drug Cartels get a hold of, the proceed to kill us with them. Nice going. Interesting how guns don't care who they're shooting.

"Guns don't kill people, people kill people."
True. However, guns make it extremely EASY to murder, and easy murder is not okay with me. if your gonna take the life of a person or animal, it should be difficult.

"People would kill each other with knives or something else if there were no guns"
Again, due to the increased difficulty, there would be less overall murders. Even if someone has a gun, they usually won't shoot if you stare them in the eyes. Same is even more true if you're up close and personal, say with a knife.

"2nd amendment 2nd amendment 2nd amendment"
The 18th amendment was repealed by a later one. why can't the second be? Besides, I think there is fare more precedent for making guns illegal than making booze legal.

"Well what about hunters?"
Hunting is unnecessary these days, and is therefore cruel. I don't care if the animal never sees it coming and experiences no fear or pain. It is still DEAD because of you, and just for your amusement/entertainment/fun/sport/whatev... you wanna call it. It's absolutely sick and only barbarians would take part in it.

90 pound woman walking to her car. 200 pound man decides he wants to rape and murder her. A gun is the only chance she has to defend herself. Your argument is based on emotion and propaganda.
Don't claim self defense, because guns are OFFENSIVE weaspons. Maybe "a good offense makes the best defense" is true for american football, but it's certainly NOT true where human lives are concerned, even if it's the human life of some asshole with a gun to your families heads. More guns entered into a situation where there's already one does not make for the best possible outcome. it never does.

In fact, it quite often makes the worst possible scene happen- a shoot out. Maybe YOU get shot and killed because you wouldn't let him rob you.

What happens when our government tries to ship guns? oh right, ISIS and Mexican Drug Cartels get a hold of, the proceed to kill us with them. Nice going. Interesting how guns don't care who they're shooting.

"Guns don't kill people, people kill people."
True. However, guns make it extremely EASY to murder, and easy murder is not okay with me. if your gonna take the life of a person or animal, it should be difficult.

"People would kill each other with knives or something else if there were no guns"
Again, due to the increased difficulty, there would be less overall murders. Even if someone has a gun, they usually won't shoot if you stare them in the eyes. Same is even more true if you're up close and personal, say with a knife.

"2nd amendment 2nd amendment 2nd amendment"
The 18th amendment was repealed by a later one. why can't the second be? Besides, I think there is fare more precedent for making guns illegal than making booze legal.

"Well what about hunters?"
Hunting is unnecessary these days, and is therefore cruel. I don't care if the animal never sees it coming and experiences no fear or pain. It is still DEAD because of you, and just for your amusement/entertainment/fun/sport/whatev... you wanna call it. It's absolutely sick and only barbarians would take part in it.

Do you know anyone who lives in Texas,
and has shot at wild boars/pigs that run in huge herds in the thousands.

Do you know any person who has had to defend themselves using a gun
to deter a crime?

I'm not sure where you live, but it must be nice not to need guns
to the point you take it for granted they aren't necessary.

Some people don't have that luxury.

I live in Houston, where the loose policies allow for undocumented workers / "aliens"
(not ever referred to in the media) unfortunately open the door for gangs, drug and human trafficking, and shootings and home invasions from people taking advantage; thus it
makes it handy to have guns and an armed trained and aware citizenry for deterrence.

See Welcome to The Armed Citizen Project Armed Citizen Project
I believe in setting up training for citizens the same as law enforcement is required to go through
to use arms to enforce laws. What's wrong with having more citizens trained like police?
Wouldn't that deter crime if more people are educated and trained in law enforcement?

The point is NOT to go around shooting/killing but to PREVENT incidents that otherwise
require or result in that.

You don't learn CPR and emergency procedures to "go around inducing such emergencies"
but it is to respond in cases of emergencies that require knowledge and training in that.
Don't claim self defense, because guns are OFFENSIVE weaspons. Maybe "a good offense makes the best defense" is true for american football, but it's certainly NOT true where human lives are concerned, even if it's the human life of some asshole with a gun to your families heads. More guns entered into a situation where there's already one does not make for the best possible outcome. it never does.

In fact, it quite often makes the worst possible scene happen- a shoot out. Maybe YOU get shot and killed because you wouldn't let him rob you.

What happens when our government tries to ship guns? oh right, ISIS and Mexican Drug Cartels get a hold of, the proceed to kill us with them. Nice going. Interesting how guns don't care who they're shooting.

"Guns don't kill people, people kill people."
True. However, guns make it extremely EASY to murder, and easy murder is not okay with me. if your gonna take the life of a person or animal, it should be difficult.

"People would kill each other with knives or something else if there were no guns"
Again, due to the increased difficulty, there would be less overall murders. Even if someone has a gun, they usually won't shoot if you stare them in the eyes. Same is even more true if you're up close and personal, say with a knife.

"2nd amendment 2nd amendment 2nd amendment"
The 18th amendment was repealed by a later one. why can't the second be? Besides, I think there is fare more precedent for making guns illegal than making booze legal.

"Well what about hunters?"
Hunting is unnecessary these days, and is therefore cruel. I don't care if the animal never sees it coming and experiences no fear or pain. It is still DEAD because of you, and just for your amusement/entertainment/fun/sport/whatev... you wanna call it. It's absolutely sick and only barbarians would take part in it.

90 pound woman walking to her car. 200 pound man decides he wants to rape and murder her. A gun is the only chance she has to defend herself. Your argument is based on emotion and propaganda.

there is no need for guns ladies..guns are very bad..you have options
College women told to urinate or vomit to deter a rapist
By Lateef Mungin, CNN
College women told to urinate or vomit to deter a rapist - CNN.com

Updated 5:26 PM ET, Wed February 20, 2013

Don't claim self defense, because guns are OFFENSIVE weaspons. Maybe "a good offense makes the best defense" is true for american football, but it's certainly NOT true where human lives are concerned, even if it's the human life of some asshole with a gun to your families heads. More guns entered into a situation where there's already one does not make for the best possible outcome. it never does.

In fact, it quite often makes the worst possible scene happen- a shoot out. Maybe YOU get shot and killed because you wouldn't let him rob you.

What happens when our government tries to ship guns? oh right, ISIS and Mexican Drug Cartels get a hold of, the proceed to kill us with them. Nice going. Interesting how guns don't care who they're shooting.

"Guns don't kill people, people kill people."
True. However, guns make it extremely EASY to murder, and easy murder is not okay with me. if your gonna take the life of a person or animal, it should be difficult.

"People would kill each other with knives or something else if there were no guns"
Again, due to the increased difficulty, there would be less overall murders. Even if someone has a gun, they usually won't shoot if you stare them in the eyes. Same is even more true if you're up close and personal, say with a knife.

"2nd amendment 2nd amendment 2nd amendment"
The 18th amendment was repealed by a later one. why can't the second be? Besides, I think there is fare more precedent for making guns illegal than making booze legal.

"Well what about hunters?"
Hunting is unnecessary these days, and is therefore cruel. I don't care if the animal never sees it coming and experiences no fear or pain. It is still DEAD because of you, and just for your amusement/entertainment/fun/sport/whatev... you wanna call it. It's absolutely sick and only barbarians would take part in it.

90 pound woman walking to her car. 200 pound man decides he wants to rape and murder her. A gun is the only chance she has to defend herself. Your argument is based on emotion and propaganda.

there is no need for guns ladies..guns are very bad..you have options
College women told to urinate or vomit to deter a rapist
By Lateef Mungin, CNN
College women told to urinate or vomit to deter a rapist - CNN.com

Updated 5:26 PM ET, Wed February 20, 2013

Yes, that's about as ridiculous as it gets.
Since rape is usually a crime of anger committed by someone who gets off on the debasement of women...throwing up or peeing yourself is basically doing to yourself what the rapist wants to do to you. Whoever came up with that concept is pretty clueless when it comes to the topic of rape.
Well like most uneducated ANTI-gunners the OP does NOT understand English. Let's cue up a few terms shall we?

"Offensive Weapon"...ANY weapon used to assault is OFFENSIVE.
"Assault Weapon"....Assault is a action NOT a weapon.
"Sniper Rifle"......Sniping is a skill NOT a weapon.

I'm one of those "evil" guys who buys/sells and works on guns SOO tell you what.
1, When islam comes to your door tho behead you I will IGNORE your cries.
2, When democrats come to your door to steal your liberties I will IGNORE your cries.

Why you ask?
Because it's called NATURAL SELECTION and the stupid die first.
Don't claim self defense, because guns are OFFENSIVE weaspons. Maybe "a good offense makes the best defense" is true for american football, but it's certainly NOT true where human lives are concerned, even if it's the human life of some asshole with a gun to your families heads. More guns entered into a situation where there's already one does not make for the best possible outcome. it never does.

In fact, it quite often makes the worst possible scene happen- a shoot out. Maybe YOU get shot and killed because you wouldn't let him rob you.

What happens when our government tries to ship guns? oh right, ISIS and Mexican Drug Cartels get a hold of, the proceed to kill us with them. Nice going. Interesting how guns don't care who they're shooting.

"Guns don't kill people, people kill people."
True. However, guns make it extremely EASY to murder, and easy murder is not okay with me. if your gonna take the life of a person or animal, it should be difficult.

"People would kill each other with knives or something else if there were no guns"
Again, due to the increased difficulty, there would be less overall murders. Even if someone has a gun, they usually won't shoot if you stare them in the eyes. Same is even more true if you're up close and personal, say with a knife.

"2nd amendment 2nd amendment 2nd amendment"
The 18th amendment was repealed by a later one. why can't the second be? Besides, I think there is fare more precedent for making guns illegal than making booze legal.

"Well what about hunters?"
Hunting is unnecessary these days, and is therefore cruel. I don't care if the animal never sees it coming and experiences no fear or pain. It is still DEAD because of you, and just for your amusement/entertainment/fun/sport/whatev... you wanna call it. It's absolutely sick and only barbarians would take part in it.
I'm surprised too! Drugs - kill people and drugs are illegal(not all, but some of them)
Guns - kill people and are still not banned and easy to buy...
Hmm, only i think that it's illogically?
I'm surprised too! Drugs - kill people and drugs are illegal(not all, but some of them)
Guns - kill people and are still not banned and easy to buy...
Hmm, only i think that it's illogically?
Cars kill people and they are still legal. The ILLOGICAL part of the argument is trying to place blame on the gun {object} rather then the person {act}.

You CANNOT regulate an action by restricting a item.
I'm surprised too! Drugs - kill people and drugs are illegal(not all, but some of them)
Guns - kill people and are still not banned and easy to buy...
Hmm, only i think that it's illogically?

"only i think that it's illogically"


Yep, that right there shows how libturds think.
Guns have always been around and not been the problem. If we really want to be safer and don't mind government doing the best possible thing to insure it, we will outlaw liberal policies.

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