Why are we so divided?


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
It's a very serious question that puzzles many serious people. The answer is simple, but painful.

One could say that it started with Roe v. Wade. In basic terms, the acceptability of abortion was at stake, and resolution required action by the Peoples' representatives in Congress and/or the state legislatures. And some of them were working on the issue. Congress, of course, avoided the subject like Kryptonite. So the USSC foolishly took the issue on, and "legislated" an ambiguous and intellectually interesting framework, based on one justice's medical readings. And 44 years later we are still fighting about it.

But in a real way, the Court shoved the "Liberal" position down America's throat. The majority of Americans, then and now, believe that abortion is morally evil, perhaps the taking of a human life, but "we" have never actually been heard on the subject.

Consider the death penalty. A strong majority of the American population would support a REAL death penalty - one by which our most egregious criminals could be convicted and promptly dispatched. But the Left has, by manipulation of the courts and the entire criminal justice system, made the DP so difficult, time consuming, and futile, that most people have given up on the issue.

Gay "marriage"? Strong majorities in virtually every state wanted no part of this new institution. But the courts (Leftist jurists) snatched the issue out of the hands of the Peoples' representatives, finding a preposterous right to marry someone of the same gender in the Constitution!

Public benefits and "Constitutional" rights for illegals? Done by Leftist courts with zero support from either the People or the legislatures. U.S Courts have for years been thwarting every effort to take our own immigration laws seriously, in the name of protecting their so-called "Constitutional" rights!

Are you picking up the pattern here? The Left in this country has for many decades been implementing it's broad agenda through anti-Constitutional means, perpetually lacking majority support, or sufficient strength in the legislatures to implement their desired agenda.

Look at how the "global warming agenda" has been thrust down our collective throat. The EPA, with no congressional authorization whatever, declares that CO2 is a "harmful pollutant." Thus an agency GIVES ITSELF the power to impose crippling regulations on industry, transportation, and power generation. When did the American people or their representatives have a chance to vote on this monumental development?

The list goes on and on. The Left feels positively ENTITLED to continue implementing it's agenda through extra - Constitutional means, and those of us who believe in the Constitution and the rule of law are supposed to accept it without complaint.

Yeah, we are pissed at the Left, and that is not going to change anytime soon,
This is a very simplified answer, and I've only really followed U.S politics over the last two years (though followed is extensively).

Education that pushes agendas that are anti-American and sympathetic to communism that are no longer interested in the means, but rather the ends. All actions are justified, even if clearly unAmerican and undemocratic.

Add all of this with a contentious election and a person who promised to do the heavy lifting and difficult work of putting America back on track and you have entitled vs realists. It is very difficult to deal with entitlements once people get comfortable with them. They are often self defeating and soul sapping, not to mention violate the opportunities for the next generation due to debt, but this is a tough concept to sell. Far worse in Canada I assure you.
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It's a very serious question that puzzles many serious people. The answer is simple, but painful.

One could say that it started with Roe v. Wade. In basic terms, the acceptability of abortion was at stake, and resolution required action by the Peoples' representatives in Congress and/or the state legislatures. And some of them were working on the issue. Congress, of course, avoided the subject like Kryptonite. So the USSC foolishly took the issue on, and "legislated" an ambiguous and intellectually interesting framework, based on one justice's medical readings. And 44 years later we are still fighting about it.

But in a real way, the Court shoved the "Liberal" position down America's throat. The majority of Americans, then and now, believe that abortion is morally evil, perhaps the taking of a human life, but "we" have never actually been heard on the subject.

Consider the death penalty. A strong majority of the American population would support a REAL death penalty - one by which our most egregious criminals could be convicted and promptly dispatched. But the Left has, by manipulation of the courts and the entire criminal justice system, made the DP so difficult, time consuming, and futile, that most people have given up on the issue.

Gay "marriage"? Strong majorities in virtually every state wanted no part of this new institution. But the courts (Leftist jurists) snatched the issue out of the hands of the Peoples' representatives, finding a preposterous right to marry someone of the same gender in the Constitution!

Public benefits and "Constitutional" rights for illegals? Done by Leftist courts with zero support from either the People or the legislatures. U.S Courts have for years been thwarting every effort to take our own immigration laws seriously, in the name of protecting their so-called "Constitutional" rights!

Are you picking up the pattern here? The Left in this country has for many decades been implementing it's broad agenda through anti-Constitutional means, perpetually lacking majority support, or sufficient strength in the legislatures to implement their desired agenda.

Look at how the "global warming agenda" has been thrust down our collective throat. The EPA, with no congressional authorization whatever, declares that CO2 is a "harmful pollutant." Thus an agency GIVES ITSELF the power to impose crippling regulations on industry, transportation, and power generation. When did the American people or their representatives have a chance to vote on this monumental development?

The list goes on and on. The Left feels positively ENTITLED to continue implementing it's agenda through extra - Constitutional means, and those of us who believe in the Constitution and the rule of law are supposed to accept it without complaint.

Yeah, we are pissed at the Left, and that is not going to change anytime soon,
So we could end partisan division if only we would:
Make abortion illegal and dangerous again.
Denied civil rights to immigrants.

Forbade same sex marriage and continued to oppress homosexuals as demented Fermin.

And polluted all we could to maximize profit at the expense of our ecology.

Great! In order to end partisan division all we have to do is acquiesce to all the lunatic demands of the RWNJs.

You forgot to mention that every citizen no matter if they are sane of convicted criminals should be armed to the teeth at all times.
This is a very simplified answer, and I've only really followed U.S politics over the last two years (though followed is extensively).

Education that pushes agendas that are anti-American and sympathetic to communism that are no longer interested in the means, but rather the ends. All actions are justified, even if clearly unAmerican and undemocratic.

Add all of this with a contentious election and a person who promised to do the heavy lifting and difficult work of putting America back on track and you have entitled vs realists. It is very difficult to deal with entitlements once people get comfortable with them. They are often self defeating and soul sapping, not to mention violate the opportunities for the next generation due to debt, but this is a tough concept to sell. Far worse in Canada I assure you.

Worse in Canada? No offense, but I find that hard to believe.
This guy seems to believe that "the left" is radical while believing too that they are so popular that they run everything.

How he believes two different things at the same time is part of the reason America is so fucked now.
We have two political groups in America. Republicans and Retards.
Inside the retard group you have two sub groups.. Moderate and full blown.
And on top of that the moderate and full blown fight/cheat and steal from each other.
First of all, this country has always been divided on many fronts and issues. From the getgo there was quite a fight over states rights vs the federal gov't, who gets to vote, and of course the slavery problem among a host of other contentious issues. We did fight a civil war some 150 years ago, so there was a lot of divisiveness back then too. So it ain't exactly a new phenomenon.

Another thing is the effect that primaries have on our politics. Which to a significant degree is controlled more by the extremists of both parties; if you ain't extreme enough in office you're going to face a tough competitive challenge in your next bid for re-election from within your own party, let alone the next general election. So, more extremists are getting elected than it past decades, and the extremist influence is stronger than it's ever been. And too often the rest of us are forced to choose between two extremist candidates, which is usually the lesser of two evils rather than somebody you actually like. So, an extremist gets elected that the losing party cannot abide, and any cooperation goes out the window.
Yins are missing the point.

We have CONSTITUTIONAL WAYS of implementing a policy agenda. If you want to legalize abortion, go to your congressperson and if you have sufficient popular support, a law can be passed (or a Constitutional Amendment), and you will get your way. You do NOT get it done by anti-constitutional justices on the Supreme Court.

If you want to eliminate the death penalty, you will have to introduce a Constitutional Amendment to do so. The Constitution SPECIFICALLY CONDONES THE DEATH PENALTY, so it is a big deal. You do NOT have Leftist judges effectively eliminate the DP by making it horrifically difficult to implement.

If you want to sanction gay marriage, YOU GO TO THE STATE LEGISLATURES AND GET THEM TO MAKE THAT CHANGE. You do NOT go to some Leftist judge and have him "decree" that gay marriage is a "right," as the Massachusetts SC did several years ago when Mitt Romney was governor.

If you want to implement major policy changes to FIGHT GLOBAL WARMING, you elect like-minded congresspersons and pass an appropriate law. You do NOT have bureaucrats do it on their own.

Now do you understand?


and on issue after issue, they continue the pattern of using extra-constitutional means of getting their agenda forward. ONLY LAST WEEK a federal appeals court, in effect, passed a law that classifies sexual preference in the same category as RACE - something that the Left has NEVER HAD THE VOTES TO DO in Congress or any state legislature.

Whether you like this or not, it is illegal and unconstitutional.
We have been divided longer than Row vs Wade lol
It is just worse now. Instead of it being major policy or something, it is something like bathrooms.
It's a very serious question that puzzles many serious people. The answer is simple, but painful.

One could say that it started with Roe v. Wade. In basic terms, the acceptability of abortion was at stake, and resolution required action by the Peoples' representatives in Congress and/or the state legislatures. And some of them were working on the issue. Congress, of course, avoided the subject like Kryptonite. So the USSC foolishly took the issue on, and "legislated" an ambiguous and intellectually interesting framework, based on one justice's medical readings. And 44 years later we are still fighting about it.

But in a real way, the Court shoved the "Liberal" position down America's throat. The majority of Americans, then and now, believe that abortion is morally evil, perhaps the taking of a human life, but "we" have never actually been heard on the subject.

Consider the death penalty. A strong majority of the American population would support a REAL death penalty - one by which our most egregious criminals could be convicted and promptly dispatched. But the Left has, by manipulation of the courts and the entire criminal justice system, made the DP so difficult, time consuming, and futile, that most people have given up on the issue.

Gay "marriage"? Strong majorities in virtually every state wanted no part of this new institution. But the courts (Leftist jurists) snatched the issue out of the hands of the Peoples' representatives, finding a preposterous right to marry someone of the same gender in the Constitution!

Public benefits and "Constitutional" rights for illegals? Done by Leftist courts with zero support from either the People or the legislatures. U.S Courts have for years been thwarting every effort to take our own immigration laws seriously, in the name of protecting their so-called "Constitutional" rights!

Are you picking up the pattern here? The Left in this country has for many decades been implementing it's broad agenda through anti-Constitutional means, perpetually lacking majority support, or sufficient strength in the legislatures to implement their desired agenda.

Look at how the "global warming agenda" has been thrust down our collective throat. The EPA, with no congressional authorization whatever, declares that CO2 is a "harmful pollutant." Thus an agency GIVES ITSELF the power to impose crippling regulations on industry, transportation, and power generation. When did the American people or their representatives have a chance to vote on this monumental development?

The list goes on and on. The Left feels positively ENTITLED to continue implementing it's agenda through extra - Constitutional means, and those of us who believe in the Constitution and the rule of law are supposed to accept it without complaint.

Yeah, we are pissed at the Left, and that is not going to change anytime soon,
So we could end partisan division if only we would:
Make abortion illegal and dangerous again.
Denied civil rights to immigrants.

Forbade same sex marriage and continued to oppress homosexuals as demented Fermin.

And polluted all we could to maximize profit at the expense of our ecology.

Great! In order to end partisan division all we have to do is acquiesce to all the lunatic demands of the RWNJs.

You forgot to mention that every citizen no matter if they are sane of convicted criminals should be armed to the teeth at all times.

If you progressives didn't have hyperbole and argumentum ad absurdum, you probably wouldn't ever have an actual argument....
It's a very serious question that puzzles many serious people. The answer is simple, but painful.

One could say that it started with Roe v. Wade. In basic terms, the acceptability of abortion was at stake, and resolution required action by the Peoples' representatives in Congress and/or the state legislatures. And some of them were working on the issue. Congress, of course, avoided the subject like Kryptonite. So the USSC foolishly took the issue on, and "legislated" an ambiguous and intellectually interesting framework, based on one justice's medical readings. And 44 years later we are still fighting about it.

But in a real way, the Court shoved the "Liberal" position down America's throat. The majority of Americans, then and now, believe that abortion is morally evil, perhaps the taking of a human life, but "we" have never actually been heard on the subject.

Consider the death penalty. A strong majority of the American population would support a REAL death penalty - one by which our most egregious criminals could be convicted and promptly dispatched. But the Left has, by manipulation of the courts and the entire criminal justice system, made the DP so difficult, time consuming, and futile, that most people have given up on the issue.

Gay "marriage"? Strong majorities in virtually every state wanted no part of this new institution. But the courts (Leftist jurists) snatched the issue out of the hands of the Peoples' representatives, finding a preposterous right to marry someone of the same gender in the Constitution!

Public benefits and "Constitutional" rights for illegals? Done by Leftist courts with zero support from either the People or the legislatures. U.S Courts have for years been thwarting every effort to take our own immigration laws seriously, in the name of protecting their so-called "Constitutional" rights!

Are you picking up the pattern here? The Left in this country has for many decades been implementing it's broad agenda through anti-Constitutional means, perpetually lacking majority support, or sufficient strength in the legislatures to implement their desired agenda.

Look at how the "global warming agenda" has been thrust down our collective throat. The EPA, with no congressional authorization whatever, declares that CO2 is a "harmful pollutant." Thus an agency GIVES ITSELF the power to impose crippling regulations on industry, transportation, and power generation. When did the American people or their representatives have a chance to vote on this monumental development?

The list goes on and on. The Left feels positively ENTITLED to continue implementing it's agenda through extra - Constitutional means, and those of us who believe in the Constitution and the rule of law are supposed to accept it without complaint.

Yeah, we are pissed at the Left, and that is not going to change anytime soon,
I think Roe v Wade has little to do with our separation. That's because the majority of americans understand it is a woman's right to her body and it is their right to mind their own business.
In my mind our separation issues have to do with an identity crisis. Who are we? What are our values? Welcome to America's mid-life crisis.
It's a very serious question that puzzles many serious people. The answer is simple, but painful.

One could say that it started with Roe v. Wade. In basic terms, the acceptability of abortion was at stake, and resolution required action by the Peoples' representatives in Congress and/or the state legislatures. And some of them were working on the issue. Congress, of course, avoided the subject like Kryptonite. So the USSC foolishly took the issue on, and "legislated" an ambiguous and intellectually interesting framework, based on one justice's medical readings. And 44 years later we are still fighting about it.

But in a real way, the Court shoved the "Liberal" position down America's throat. The majority of Americans, then and now, believe that abortion is morally evil, perhaps the taking of a human life, but "we" have never actually been heard on the subject.

Consider the death penalty. A strong majority of the American population would support a REAL death penalty - one by which our most egregious criminals could be convicted and promptly dispatched. But the Left has, by manipulation of the courts and the entire criminal justice system, made the DP so difficult, time consuming, and futile, that most people have given up on the issue.

Gay "marriage"? Strong majorities in virtually every state wanted no part of this new institution. But the courts (Leftist jurists) snatched the issue out of the hands of the Peoples' representatives, finding a preposterous right to marry someone of the same gender in the Constitution!

Public benefits and "Constitutional" rights for illegals? Done by Leftist courts with zero support from either the People or the legislatures. U.S Courts have for years been thwarting every effort to take our own immigration laws seriously, in the name of protecting their so-called "Constitutional" rights!

Are you picking up the pattern here? The Left in this country has for many decades been implementing it's broad agenda through anti-Constitutional means, perpetually lacking majority support, or sufficient strength in the legislatures to implement their desired agenda.

Look at how the "global warming agenda" has been thrust down our collective throat. The EPA, with no congressional authorization whatever, declares that CO2 is a "harmful pollutant." Thus an agency GIVES ITSELF the power to impose crippling regulations on industry, transportation, and power generation. When did the American people or their representatives have a chance to vote on this monumental development?

The list goes on and on. The Left feels positively ENTITLED to continue implementing it's agenda through extra - Constitutional means, and those of us who believe in the Constitution and the rule of law are supposed to accept it without complaint.

Yeah, we are pissed at the Left, and that is not going to change anytime soon,
I think Roe v Wade has little to do with our separation. That's because the majority of americans understand it is a woman's right to her body and it is their right to mind their own business.
In my mind our separation issues have to do with an identity crisis. Who are we? What are our values? Welcome to America's mid-life crisis.

It has tons to do with Roe, which is why we are still fighting over it 4 decades later. Most Americans can tolerate some abortion rights, but most of them don't want to hear about it past the 1st trimester or so, maybe the 2nd. Most also don't want public funds paying for it, and most certainly do not want minors to be able to get one without the parents even being notified about it. Right now Abortion Rights people have gone so far off the deep end with regards to zero restrictions ever, on anything, that a lot of people on the fence are starting to get tired of it.
It's a very serious question that puzzles many serious people. The answer is simple, but painful.

One could say that it started with Roe v. Wade. In basic terms, the acceptability of abortion was at stake, and resolution required action by the Peoples' representatives in Congress and/or the state legislatures. And some of them were working on the issue. Congress, of course, avoided the subject like Kryptonite. So the USSC foolishly took the issue on, and "legislated" an ambiguous and intellectually interesting framework, based on one justice's medical readings. And 44 years later we are still fighting about it.

But in a real way, the Court shoved the "Liberal" position down America's throat. The majority of Americans, then and now, believe that abortion is morally evil, perhaps the taking of a human life, but "we" have never actually been heard on the subject.

Consider the death penalty. A strong majority of the American population would support a REAL death penalty - one by which our most egregious criminals could be convicted and promptly dispatched. But the Left has, by manipulation of the courts and the entire criminal justice system, made the DP so difficult, time consuming, and futile, that most people have given up on the issue.

Gay "marriage"? Strong majorities in virtually every state wanted no part of this new institution. But the courts (Leftist jurists) snatched the issue out of the hands of the Peoples' representatives, finding a preposterous right to marry someone of the same gender in the Constitution!

Public benefits and "Constitutional" rights for illegals? Done by Leftist courts with zero support from either the People or the legislatures. U.S Courts have for years been thwarting every effort to take our own immigration laws seriously, in the name of protecting their so-called "Constitutional" rights!

Are you picking up the pattern here? The Left in this country has for many decades been implementing it's broad agenda through anti-Constitutional means, perpetually lacking majority support, or sufficient strength in the legislatures to implement their desired agenda.

Look at how the "global warming agenda" has been thrust down our collective throat. The EPA, with no congressional authorization whatever, declares that CO2 is a "harmful pollutant." Thus an agency GIVES ITSELF the power to impose crippling regulations on industry, transportation, and power generation. When did the American people or their representatives have a chance to vote on this monumental development?

The list goes on and on. The Left feels positively ENTITLED to continue implementing it's agenda through extra - Constitutional means, and those of us who believe in the Constitution and the rule of law are supposed to accept it without complaint.

Yeah, we are pissed at the Left, and that is not going to change anytime soon,
I think Roe v Wade has little to do with our separation. That's because the majority of americans understand it is a woman's right to her body and it is their right to mind their own business.
In my mind our separation issues have to do with an identity crisis. Who are we? What are our values? Welcome to America's mid-life crisis.

It has tons to do with Roe, which is why we are still fighting over it 4 decades later. Most Americans can tolerate some abortion rights, but most of them don't want to hear about it past the 1st trimester or so, maybe the 2nd. Most also don't want public funds paying for it, and most certainly do not want minors to be able to get one without the parents even being notified about it. Right now Abortion Rights people have gone so far off the deep end with regards to zero restrictions ever, on anything, that a lot of people on the fence are starting to get tired of it.
like 90% of abortions are done in the first trimester. So much for your zero restrictions.
GOP try to impose brutal laws that are so extreme, the left pushes towards the opposite extreme.
Federal judge blocks Texas law requiring funeral rites for aborted or miscarried fetuses

If the GOP was able to accept the fact decades ago, that they do not own rights to women's bodies- there would be no more fighting. Seems the repubs just can't let that one go. Having total control of the female body is an important part of their master plan.
It's a very serious question that puzzles many serious people. The answer is simple, but painful.


But in a real way, the Court shoved the "Liberal" position down America's throat. The majority of Americans, then and now, believe that abortion is morally evil, perhaps the taking of a human life, but "we" have never actually been heard on the subject.

Yeah, we are pissed at the Left, and that is not going to change anytime soon,

I think this is why we are so divisive.

Moral indignation, simply and merely requires, morals; it really is that simple.

The abortion position for Persons of morals has Always been; "abstain and just say no".
It's a very serious question that puzzles many serious people. The answer is simple, but painful.

One could say that it started with Roe v. Wade. In basic terms, the acceptability of abortion was at stake, and resolution required action by the Peoples' representatives in Congress and/or the state legislatures. And some of them were working on the issue. Congress, of course, avoided the subject like Kryptonite. So the USSC foolishly took the issue on, and "legislated" an ambiguous and intellectually interesting framework, based on one justice's medical readings. And 44 years later we are still fighting about it.

But in a real way, the Court shoved the "Liberal" position down America's throat. The majority of Americans, then and now, believe that abortion is morally evil, perhaps the taking of a human life, but "we" have never actually been heard on the subject.

Consider the death penalty. A strong majority of the American population would support a REAL death penalty - one by which our most egregious criminals could be convicted and promptly dispatched. But the Left has, by manipulation of the courts and the entire criminal justice system, made the DP so difficult, time consuming, and futile, that most people have given up on the issue.

Gay "marriage"? Strong majorities in virtually every state wanted no part of this new institution. But the courts (Leftist jurists) snatched the issue out of the hands of the Peoples' representatives, finding a preposterous right to marry someone of the same gender in the Constitution!

Public benefits and "Constitutional" rights for illegals? Done by Leftist courts with zero support from either the People or the legislatures. U.S Courts have for years been thwarting every effort to take our own immigration laws seriously, in the name of protecting their so-called "Constitutional" rights!

Are you picking up the pattern here? The Left in this country has for many decades been implementing it's broad agenda through anti-Constitutional means, perpetually lacking majority support, or sufficient strength in the legislatures to implement their desired agenda.

Look at how the "global warming agenda" has been thrust down our collective throat. The EPA, with no congressional authorization whatever, declares that CO2 is a "harmful pollutant." Thus an agency GIVES ITSELF the power to impose crippling regulations on industry, transportation, and power generation. When did the American people or their representatives have a chance to vote on this monumental development?

The list goes on and on. The Left feels positively ENTITLED to continue implementing it's agenda through extra - Constitutional means, and those of us who believe in the Constitution and the rule of law are supposed to accept it without complaint.

Yeah, we are pissed at the Left, and that is not going to change anytime soon,
So we could end partisan division if only we would:
Make abortion illegal and dangerous again.
Denied civil rights to immigrants.

Forbade same sex marriage and continued to oppress homosexuals as demented Fermin.

And polluted all we could to maximize profit at the expense of our ecology.

Great! In order to end partisan division all we have to do is acquiesce to all the lunatic demands of the RWNJs.

You forgot to mention that every citizen no matter if they are sane of convicted criminals should be armed to the teeth at all times.

If you progressives didn't have hyperbole and argumentum ad absurdum, you probably wouldn't ever have an actual argument....
Consider the premise of the original argument. All that's needed for political unity is acquiescence to the Right. Absurdist at its face.
It's a very serious question that puzzles many serious people. The answer is simple, but painful.

One could say that it started with Roe v. Wade. In basic terms, the acceptability of abortion was at stake, and resolution required action by the Peoples' representatives in Congress and/or the state legislatures. And some of them were working on the issue. Congress, of course, avoided the subject like Kryptonite. So the USSC foolishly took the issue on, and "legislated" an ambiguous and intellectually interesting framework, based on one justice's medical readings. And 44 years later we are still fighting about it.

But in a real way, the Court shoved the "Liberal" position down America's throat. The majority of Americans, then and now, believe that abortion is morally evil, perhaps the taking of a human life, but "we" have never actually been heard on the subject.

Consider the death penalty. A strong majority of the American population would support a REAL death penalty - one by which our most egregious criminals could be convicted and promptly dispatched. But the Left has, by manipulation of the courts and the entire criminal justice system, made the DP so difficult, time consuming, and futile, that most people have given up on the issue.

Gay "marriage"? Strong majorities in virtually every state wanted no part of this new institution. But the courts (Leftist jurists) snatched the issue out of the hands of the Peoples' representatives, finding a preposterous right to marry someone of the same gender in the Constitution!

Public benefits and "Constitutional" rights for illegals? Done by Leftist courts with zero support from either the People or the legislatures. U.S Courts have for years been thwarting every effort to take our own immigration laws seriously, in the name of protecting their so-called "Constitutional" rights!

Are you picking up the pattern here? The Left in this country has for many decades been implementing it's broad agenda through anti-Constitutional means, perpetually lacking majority support, or sufficient strength in the legislatures to implement their desired agenda.

Look at how the "global warming agenda" has been thrust down our collective throat. The EPA, with no congressional authorization whatever, declares that CO2 is a "harmful pollutant." Thus an agency GIVES ITSELF the power to impose crippling regulations on industry, transportation, and power generation. When did the American people or their representatives have a chance to vote on this monumental development?

The list goes on and on. The Left feels positively ENTITLED to continue implementing it's agenda through extra - Constitutional means, and those of us who believe in the Constitution and the rule of law are supposed to accept it without complaint.

Yeah, we are pissed at the Left, and that is not going to change anytime soon,
I think Roe v Wade has little to do with our separation. That's because the majority of americans understand it is a woman's right to her body and it is their right to mind their own business.
In my mind our separation issues have to do with an identity crisis. Who are we? What are our values? Welcome to America's mid-life crisis.

It has tons to do with Roe, which is why we are still fighting over it 4 decades later. Most Americans can tolerate some abortion rights, but most of them don't want to hear about it past the 1st trimester or so, maybe the 2nd. Most also don't want public funds paying for it, and most certainly do not want minors to be able to get one without the parents even being notified about it. Right now Abortion Rights people have gone so far off the deep end with regards to zero restrictions ever, on anything, that a lot of people on the fence are starting to get tired of it.
like 90% of abortions are done in the first trimester. So much for your zero restrictions.
GOP try to impose brutal laws that are so extreme, the left pushes towards the opposite extreme.
Federal judge blocks Texas law requiring funeral rites for aborted or miscarried fetuses

If the GOP was able to accept the fact decades ago, that they do not own rights to women's bodies- there would be no more fighting. Seems the repubs just can't let that one go. Having total control of the female body is an important part of their master plan.

Then why do groups like NARAL fight for zero restrictions, up to the point of birth? Why do they continue to press for public funding of elective abortions? Why do they fight parental notification laws?

And your debasement into "control women's bodies, fuh fuh fuh" shows you have no actual debating skills, and resort to tired talking points to attempt to make your "point".

The fact that there are also many pro-life WOMEN gives lie to your implied "its the men doing" it mantra.

The simple issue is abortion rights are not found in the Constitution, which makes it a State legislature issue. Roe is in the top 5 of worst SC decisions ever, up there with Dredd Scott, Plessey, Kelo, and Obergfell.
It's a very serious question that puzzles many serious people. The answer is simple, but painful.

One could say that it started with Roe v. Wade. In basic terms, the acceptability of abortion was at stake, and resolution required action by the Peoples' representatives in Congress and/or the state legislatures. And some of them were working on the issue. Congress, of course, avoided the subject like Kryptonite. So the USSC foolishly took the issue on, and "legislated" an ambiguous and intellectually interesting framework, based on one justice's medical readings. And 44 years later we are still fighting about it.

But in a real way, the Court shoved the "Liberal" position down America's throat. The majority of Americans, then and now, believe that abortion is morally evil, perhaps the taking of a human life, but "we" have never actually been heard on the subject.

Consider the death penalty. A strong majority of the American population would support a REAL death penalty - one by which our most egregious criminals could be convicted and promptly dispatched. But the Left has, by manipulation of the courts and the entire criminal justice system, made the DP so difficult, time consuming, and futile, that most people have given up on the issue.

Gay "marriage"? Strong majorities in virtually every state wanted no part of this new institution. But the courts (Leftist jurists) snatched the issue out of the hands of the Peoples' representatives, finding a preposterous right to marry someone of the same gender in the Constitution!

Public benefits and "Constitutional" rights for illegals? Done by Leftist courts with zero support from either the People or the legislatures. U.S Courts have for years been thwarting every effort to take our own immigration laws seriously, in the name of protecting their so-called "Constitutional" rights!

Are you picking up the pattern here? The Left in this country has for many decades been implementing it's broad agenda through anti-Constitutional means, perpetually lacking majority support, or sufficient strength in the legislatures to implement their desired agenda.

Look at how the "global warming agenda" has been thrust down our collective throat. The EPA, with no congressional authorization whatever, declares that CO2 is a "harmful pollutant." Thus an agency GIVES ITSELF the power to impose crippling regulations on industry, transportation, and power generation. When did the American people or their representatives have a chance to vote on this monumental development?

The list goes on and on. The Left feels positively ENTITLED to continue implementing it's agenda through extra - Constitutional means, and those of us who believe in the Constitution and the rule of law are supposed to accept it without complaint.

Yeah, we are pissed at the Left, and that is not going to change anytime soon,
So we could end partisan division if only we would:
Make abortion illegal and dangerous again.
Denied civil rights to immigrants.

Forbade same sex marriage and continued to oppress homosexuals as demented Fermin.

And polluted all we could to maximize profit at the expense of our ecology.

Great! In order to end partisan division all we have to do is acquiesce to all the lunatic demands of the RWNJs.

You forgot to mention that every citizen no matter if they are sane of convicted criminals should be armed to the teeth at all times.

If you progressives didn't have hyperbole and argumentum ad absurdum, you probably wouldn't ever have an actual argument....
Consider the premise of the original argument. All that's needed for political unity is acquiescence to the Right. Absurdist at its face.

All that is needed is a respect for federalism. If Alabama wants to restrict abortion, or not issue SSM licenses, why should New York care if New York can protect abortion, and issue SSM licenses?
It's a very serious question that puzzles many serious people. The answer is simple, but painful.

One could say that it started with Roe v. Wade. In basic terms, the acceptability of abortion was at stake, and resolution required action by the Peoples' representatives in Congress and/or the state legislatures. And some of them were working on the issue. Congress, of course, avoided the subject like Kryptonite. So the USSC foolishly took the issue on, and "legislated" an ambiguous and intellectually interesting framework, based on one justice's medical readings. And 44 years later we are still fighting about it.

But in a real way, the Court shoved the "Liberal" position down America's throat. The majority of Americans, then and now, believe that abortion is morally evil, perhaps the taking of a human life, but "we" have never actually been heard on the subject.

Consider the death penalty. A strong majority of the American population would support a REAL death penalty - one by which our most egregious criminals could be convicted and promptly dispatched. But the Left has, by manipulation of the courts and the entire criminal justice system, made the DP so difficult, time consuming, and futile, that most people have given up on the issue.

Gay "marriage"? Strong majorities in virtually every state wanted no part of this new institution. But the courts (Leftist jurists) snatched the issue out of the hands of the Peoples' representatives, finding a preposterous right to marry someone of the same gender in the Constitution!

Public benefits and "Constitutional" rights for illegals? Done by Leftist courts with zero support from either the People or the legislatures. U.S Courts have for years been thwarting every effort to take our own immigration laws seriously, in the name of protecting their so-called "Constitutional" rights!

Are you picking up the pattern here? The Left in this country has for many decades been implementing it's broad agenda through anti-Constitutional means, perpetually lacking majority support, or sufficient strength in the legislatures to implement their desired agenda.

Look at how the "global warming agenda" has been thrust down our collective throat. The EPA, with no congressional authorization whatever, declares that CO2 is a "harmful pollutant." Thus an agency GIVES ITSELF the power to impose crippling regulations on industry, transportation, and power generation. When did the American people or their representatives have a chance to vote on this monumental development?

The list goes on and on. The Left feels positively ENTITLED to continue implementing it's agenda through extra - Constitutional means, and those of us who believe in the Constitution and the rule of law are supposed to accept it without complaint.

Yeah, we are pissed at the Left, and that is not going to change anytime soon,
So we could end partisan division if only we would:
Make abortion illegal and dangerous again.
Denied civil rights to immigrants.

Forbade same sex marriage and continued to oppress homosexuals as demented Fermin.

And polluted all we could to maximize profit at the expense of our ecology.

Great! In order to end partisan division all we have to do is acquiesce to all the lunatic demands of the RWNJs.

You forgot to mention that every citizen no matter if they are sane of convicted criminals should be armed to the teeth at all times.

If you progressives didn't have hyperbole and argumentum ad absurdum, you probably wouldn't ever have an actual argument....
Consider the premise of the original argument. All that's needed for political unity is acquiescence to the Right. Absurdist at its face.

All that is needed is a respect for federalism. If Alabama wants to restrict abortion, or not issue SSM licenses, why should New York care if New York can protect abortion, and issue SSM licenses?
Is this a defense of state's rights or a refusal of the full faith and credit clause? If you're legally married in Nevada by an Elvis impersonator, aren't you also legally married in Utah, or Delaware?
It's a very serious question that puzzles many serious people. The answer is simple, but painful.

One could say that it started with Roe v. Wade. In basic terms, the acceptability of abortion was at stake, and resolution required action by the Peoples' representatives in Congress and/or the state legislatures. And some of them were working on the issue. Congress, of course, avoided the subject like Kryptonite. So the USSC foolishly took the issue on, and "legislated" an ambiguous and intellectually interesting framework, based on one justice's medical readings. And 44 years later we are still fighting about it.

But in a real way, the Court shoved the "Liberal" position down America's throat. The majority of Americans, then and now, believe that abortion is morally evil, perhaps the taking of a human life, but "we" have never actually been heard on the subject.

Consider the death penalty. A strong majority of the American population would support a REAL death penalty - one by which our most egregious criminals could be convicted and promptly dispatched. But the Left has, by manipulation of the courts and the entire criminal justice system, made the DP so difficult, time consuming, and futile, that most people have given up on the issue.

Gay "marriage"? Strong majorities in virtually every state wanted no part of this new institution. But the courts (Leftist jurists) snatched the issue out of the hands of the Peoples' representatives, finding a preposterous right to marry someone of the same gender in the Constitution!

Public benefits and "Constitutional" rights for illegals? Done by Leftist courts with zero support from either the People or the legislatures. U.S Courts have for years been thwarting every effort to take our own immigration laws seriously, in the name of protecting their so-called "Constitutional" rights!

Are you picking up the pattern here? The Left in this country has for many decades been implementing it's broad agenda through anti-Constitutional means, perpetually lacking majority support, or sufficient strength in the legislatures to implement their desired agenda.

Look at how the "global warming agenda" has been thrust down our collective throat. The EPA, with no congressional authorization whatever, declares that CO2 is a "harmful pollutant." Thus an agency GIVES ITSELF the power to impose crippling regulations on industry, transportation, and power generation. When did the American people or their representatives have a chance to vote on this monumental development?

The list goes on and on. The Left feels positively ENTITLED to continue implementing it's agenda through extra - Constitutional means, and those of us who believe in the Constitution and the rule of law are supposed to accept it without complaint.

Yeah, we are pissed at the Left, and that is not going to change anytime soon,

I concur with your sentiment, and think most of the issues you brought up should be left to the states to decide for themselves.

However you are a blind and stupid if you think the majority of people agree with you on these issues, and that if the majority does agree, then that is cause to invoke into law. One thing the constitution does is protect minorities from the tyranny of majority.

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