Why are two senior citizens running for president in 2024? Somehow all the other options are worse...


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
It is that simple really. Even though the U.S economy is at dangerous debt levels, you have poisons shipped in from China along with spies and cartel members. Somehow these two elderly gentlemen are the best alternatives.

Who is better in the Dem party? Who is electable in the GOP? One Biden supporter on youtube said he wants to re-elect Biden to "finish the job" of flooding the U.S with illegals. I mean...if this is how Americans think than what can anyone say or do to fix this?

China feels the need to go into Taiwan, the sooner the better in their minds. Will the West strike enough fear into China to prevent this? If they control Taiwan and the surrounding areas, the Russian attack on Ukraine will feel like am arm wrestling contest.
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The process of running and getting elected has become so difficult, expensive, and odious that very few people are willing to give it a try.

There are qualified people on both sides, but who wants to put up with the bullshit? Your entire life will be put under a microscope, but that's not the worst of it. Your opponents will not only find everything in your past that can even be characterized as negative, but they will lie and exaggerate those statements and actions to make them look positively diabolical, not only harming you but people around you.

Seriously, "we" were better off when the primaries and caucuses were little more than "beauty contests," and the actual candidates were chosen by party leaders in "smoke-filled rooms" during the respective conventions.
It is that simple really. Even though the U.S economy is at dangerous debt levels, you have poisons shipped in from China along with spies and cartel members. Somehow these two elderly gentlemen are the best alternatives.

Who is better in the Dem party? Who is electable in the GOP? One Biden supporter on youtube said he wants to re-elect Biden to "finish the job" of flooding the U.S with illegals. I mean...if this is how Americans think than what can anyone say or do to fix this?

China needs to go.into Taiwan, the sooner the better in their minds. Will the West strike enough fear into China to prevent this? If they control Taiwan and the surrounding areas, the Russian attack on Ukraine will feel like am arm wrestling contest.
There are qualified people in both parties, in spite of the trump supporters in our congress.
There are qualified people in both parties, in spite of the trump supporters in our congress.
The problem is that the International influence has helped to reshape your society. This has made a large swath of politicians unelectable at the federal level.
The entrenchment of the duopoly is entirely too thorough for other parties to emerge. The American mindset is so utterly binary that even thinking "alternative" seems impossible for the electorate. We need something to shake voters awake.
It's Trump's fault.

Trump done it.

Besides, January 6th.
The only thing surprising about our candidates being so bad is that people are surprised that democratic institutions result in bad candidates. Look around the world. Every country with democratic institutions results in terrible choices for the people. It's inherent to democracy.
The only thing surprising about our candidates being so bad is that people are surprised that democratic institutions result in bad candidates. Look around the world. Every country with democratic institutions results in terrible choices for the people. It's inherent to democracy.
Still, many fear a central government for all, a "king of the world".
The process of running and getting elected has become so difficult, expensive, and odious that very few people are willing to give it a try.

There are qualified people on both sides, but who wants to put up with the bullshit? Your entire life will be put under a microscope, but that's not the worst of it. Your opponents will not only find everything in your past that can even be characterized as negative, but they will lie and exaggerate those statements and actions to make them look positively diabolical, not only harming you but people around you.

Seriously, "we" were better off when the primaries and caucuses were little more than "beauty contests," and the actual candidates were chosen by party leaders in "smoke-filled rooms" during the respective conventions.
Who chose Biden and Harris?
Despite his being unqualified as a person, at least Trump went through some kind of a selection process.
It is that simple really. Even though the U.S economy is at dangerous debt levels, you have poisons shipped in from China along with spies and cartel members. Somehow these two elderly gentlemen are the best alternatives.

Who is better in the Dem party? Who is electable in the GOP? One Biden supporter on youtube said he wants to re-elect Biden to "finish the job" of flooding the U.S with illegals. I mean...if this is how Americans think than what can anyone say or do to fix this?

China feels the need to go into Taiwan, the sooner the better in their minds. Will the West strike enough fear into China to prevent this? If they control Taiwan and the surrounding areas, the Russian attack on Ukraine will feel like am arm wrestling contest.
It's like this.

Republican voters want Trump.

Democrat politicians wanted Biden and did whatever they could to stifle competition.

They are both unpopular mostly because Republicans don't want Biden to be the nominee and Democrats don't want Trump to be the nominee.
It is that simple really. Even though the U.S economy is at dangerous debt levels, you have poisons shipped in from China along with spies and cartel members. Somehow these two elderly gentlemen are the best alternatives.

Who is better in the Dem party? Who is electable in the GOP? One Biden supporter on youtube said he wants to re-elect Biden to "finish the job" of flooding the U.S with illegals. I mean...if this is how Americans think than what can anyone say or do to fix this?

China feels the need to go into Taiwan, the sooner the better in their minds. Will the West strike enough fear into China to prevent this? If they control Taiwan and the surrounding areas, the Russian attack on Ukraine will feel like am arm wrestling contest.

Trump is the leading Republican candidate because he's convinced the MAGA mob that he is a deity. His ego bars him from stepping down regardless of what is best for the country. Lot's of Republicans could gain the support of a united Republican Party - but only if Trump gave them his unholy blessing - which he would never do.

Biden is the only feasible Democratic candidate because he's the only one that seems to be able to unite all the Democratic factions. Democrats are finicky as hell. There are lot's of potential Democrats that would make great candidates, but nine that can get all these factions onboard.

It's really pitiful on both sides.

BTW - China will never invade Taiwan. If it were possible they would have done it many years ago. China's eternal enemy is Russia. There's lot's a Russian territory that China wants to take back. China is just hoping that the Ukraine war goes badly for Russia.
Trump is the leading Republican candidate because he's convinced the MAGA mob that he is a deity. His ego bars him from stepping down regardless of what is best for the country. Lot's of Republicans could gain the support of a united Republican Party - but only if Trump gave them his unholy blessing - which he would never do.

Biden is the only feasible Democratic candidate because he's the only one that seems to be able to unite all the Democratic factions. Democrats are finicky as hell. There are lot's of potential Democrats that would make great candidates, but nine that can get all these factions onboard.

It's really pitiful on both sides.

BTW - China will never invade Taiwan. If it were possible they would have done it many years ago. China's eternal enemy is Russia. There's lot's a Russian territory that China wants to take back. China is just hoping that the Ukraine war goes badly for Russia.
China is simply avoiding invading as.they believe that in time,Taiwan will jusr be absorbed politically. Russias war is being funded by China and they love.their cheap.oil.
China is simply avoiding invading as.they believe that in time,Taiwan will jusr be absorbed politically. Russias war is being funded by China and they love.their cheap.oil.

Apparently, they been expecting to just absorb Taiwan since 1949. Those Chinese sure a patient!

Russian & China have a long history of wars., There is no love lost between them. Yes, China is enjoying cheap Russian oil - taking full advantage of Russia's problems.
At this point, The Republicans have at least a couple for 2028. Progs have young people who have hurt the economics of the areas they rule in but are propped up from their media fifth columnist friends.
Apparently, they been expecting to just absorb Taiwan since 1949. Those Chinese sure a patient!

Russian & China have a long history of wars., There is no love lost between them. Yes, China is enjoying cheap Russian oil - taking full advantage of Russia's problems.
China was run into the ground at that time. An agrarian society.

China views this as their time as the "century of humiliation". They will expect reparations on the backs of future generations for this century of being slighted.
Trump is the leading Republican candidate because he's convinced the MAGA mob that he is a deity
No, Buy Dung convinced us he was born without a brain..
China was run into the ground at that time. An agrarian society.

China views this as their time as the "century of humiliation". They will expect reparations on the backs of future generations for this century of being slighted.

1949 was a long time ago. The defensive capabilities of Taiwan have been getting better and better every year. An invasion is not and has never been possible.

In fact, outside of political leaders barking, the Chinese and Taiwanese get along very well. Lot's of Chinese take their vacations in Taiwan and the trade between the two is excellent.

China is just using Taiwan as an excuse for a military build up in preparations for a war with Russia.
The only thing surprising about our candidates being so bad is that people are surprised that democratic institutions result in bad candidates. Look around the world. Every country with democratic institutions results in terrible choices for the people. It's inherent to democracy.
“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury.

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