Why are right wingers so darn afraid?

You insist on being labeled an idiot, don't you? In your own stupid phrase you are accusing so-called "libs" of causing black murders?

THINK.....on your own.....THINK like a human being and abandon such stupid and inane statements because your side believes that such is how you gain respect.

It's not even a debatable point. The Ideological Left has scuttled the very viability of the US Black culture, who have bought heavily, into every perverse notion you would-be 'people' conjure... There's nothing ABOUT the US Black culture that is not a classic demonstration of the consequences of adopting Left-think.

You're invited to offer examples which refute that, but given that there are none... you will not do so.

But I would love to see ya try. Fear not... I'll be here for ya.

Sufficient time has now passed, to reasonably conclude that the above cited contributor has read the challenge and decided it is incapable of sustaining it.

The concession is hereby duly noted and summarily accepted.
BUT SOME HOW the republican MINORITY OF BOTH chambers of Congress for all of obama's first 2 years was able to "obstruct and hold hostage" obama's agenda!

lol it's soooooooooooooo funny watching you left-wing idiots chase your tails in hypocrisy!!

got to go for now;

keep up the comedy though libs! ;)

Republican politicians are on record for obstructing Obama since the day he entered office.
Then they signed an oath to a right wing think tanker to not raise taxes. Not an oath to the taxpayers who pay their salaries, but to Grover Norquist.
Then McConell let the cat out to the bag that making Obama a one term president was the republican agenda. Links below

The Conspiracy to Commit Legislative Constipation Vanity Fair

The GOP s Oath To The One Percent ThinkProgress

rumor dumbass. It's a logical deduction, from the severity and type of injury shown BY REID in every photo he's taken since someone beat his ass.

If it helps, the little girl that beat his ass was, a southpaw.

Well, one can't cure stupidity on a forum...Believe what you (and Rush) wish to believe.
Republican politicians are on record for obstructing Obama since the day he entered office.

American politicians... are on record of unapologetically opposing the enemy insurgent in the white house.

Sadly, the GOP is also infected with proponents of Foreign ideas hostile to American principle... so they've seriously injured the efficacy of the American effort. But we're steadily rooting the Rep-Progs out.
Republican politicians are on record for obstructing Obama since the day he entered office.
Then they signed an oath to a right wing think tanker to not raise taxes. Not an oath to the taxpayers who pay their salaries, but to Grover Norquist.
Then McConell let the cat out to the bag that making Obama a one term president was the republican agenda. Links below

Very, very true........NO president within our lifetime has experienced such blatant hatred and obstruction than Obama......Some will privately (and somewhat honestly) state that a half-black guy should not be sitting in the oval office.....But the vast majority of right wingers are not that honest and they will obfuscate their own hatred of Obama with stupid reasons like, "Obama is destroying our Constitution"....."our guns are about to be taken away".....and, my favorite, "Obama is a Muslim, Manchurian candidate."

(Now watch the profanity from these right wing bozos start....LOL)
Republican politicians are on record for obstructing Obama since the day he entered office.
Then they signed an oath to a right wing think tanker to not raise taxes. Not an oath to the taxpayers who pay their salaries, but to Grover Norquist.
Then McConell let the cat out to the bag that making Obama a one term president was the republican agenda. Links below

Very, very true........NO president within our lifetime has experienced such blatant hatred and obstruction than Obama......Some will privately (and somewhat honestly) state that a half-black guy should not be sitting in the oval office.....But the vast majority of right wingers are not that honest and they will obfuscate their own hatred of Obama with stupid reasons like, "Obama is destroying our Constitution"....."our guns are about to be taken away".....and, my favorite, "Obama is a Muslim, Manchurian candidate."

(Now watch the profanity from these right wing bozos start....LOL)

After Republicans put themselves on record to being almost treasonous in their obsruction towards anything Obama would do, their base started right in on the "Obama Obstruction" fable. These guys are like wind up toys.
Republican politicians are on record for obstructing Obama since the day he entered office.
Then they signed an oath to a right wing think tanker to not raise taxes. Not an oath to the taxpayers who pay their salaries, but to Grover Norquist.
Then McConell let the cat out to the bag that making Obama a one term president was the republican agenda. Links below

Very, very true........NO president within our lifetime has experienced such blatant hatred and obstruction than Obama.....)


Absolutely false.

If anything the Brown-Clown has had it easier than any President in US history because (he's brown).
After Republicans put themselves on record to being almost treasonous in their obsruction towards anything Obama would do, their base started right in on the "Obama Obstruction" fable. These guys are like wind up toys.

US Constitution: Article 3 Sect. 3:

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. ..."

obama's entire would-be presidency has been spent adhering the enemies of the United States and giving them aid and comfort.

See how that works?
WOW....I didn't expect this thread to be discussed so much..... The O/P was my reaction to the several other threads (and media reports) actually supporting the Indiana moronic law ...

Which prevents homosexuals from usurping the means of Christians to exercise their God-given rights.

So as you have established in those other threads, you are overtly claiming that Homosexuals are entitled to usurp the means of Christians to exercise their God-given, inalienable rights.

Got it... .

Well, not quite.......What our freedom-loving country CANNOT accept is overt discrimination (and in the case of Indiana) sanctioned by statute....

The same case was made by slave owners who tried to claim that their God-given, inalienable "property rights" were being infringed.

then you support the end to affirmative action and the impeachment of Obama and Holder for their overt racism, right?


nice strawman with the slave master stuff
After Republicans put themselves on record to being almost treasonous in their obsruction towards anything Obama would do, their base started right in on the "Obama Obstruction" fable. These guys are like wind up toys.

US Constitution: Article 3 Sect. 3:

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. ..."

obama's entire would-be presidency has been spent adhering the enemies of the United States and giving them aid and comfort.

See how that works?

In short, Keys....or whatever S/N you choose to use to hide your true identity, are labeling Obama to be a traitor to the U.S.

Come on, state it loud to help your constipation and hemorrohoids and for others to learn of your mindset.
Okay remember now, anger is an expression of fear. No surprise then why libs are always pissed off.

Liberals have an irrational fear of climate change, guns, Christians, wealthy individuals, corporations, the military, America, mono-cultures, ie, melting pots, oil, coal, western culture, internal combustion engines, logging, red meat, nuclear power, nuclear weapons, etc.
They do what they always do. Attack.
At least right wingers don't deny they are terrified.

Funny, people so scared and they want to end all the things that would help people. Their policies actually put them in danger. That's kinda tard like.
They do what they always do. Attack.
At least right wingers don't deny they are terrified.

Funny, people so scared and they want to end all the things that would help people. Their policies actually put them in danger. That's kinda tard like.

I know you are, but what am I ?
Well, one thing is for certain...right wingers would be a bit fearful to state openly before any crowd what they spew on here about Obama, libs, minorities, gays and lesbians, etc.

The anonimity of this forum allows them to act brave and in a bullyish manner but, underneath it all, they fear that their world is not ever going to be the same.
Okay remember now, anger is an expression of fear. No surprise then why libs are always pissed off.

Liberals have an irrational fear of climate change, guns, Christians, wealthy individuals, corporations, the military, America, mono-cultures, ie, melting pots, oil, coal, western culture, internal combustion engines, logging, red meat, nuclear power, nuclear weapons, etc.

The vast majority of liberals are Christian, own guns, don't care about GCC (most correctly understand there's nothing that can be done to stop GCC), are themselves wealthy individuals, own corporations (or work for corporations and are loyal employees), are in the military or are veterans, love America, and have no problem with oil, coal, western culture, internal combustion engines, logging, red meat, get their power from nuclear power plants, and their only issue with nuclear weapons is if they're ever used.

Indeed, liberals embrace all the comforts of modern life and enjoy those comforts – unlike most conservatives, however, their minds are open to at least exploring ways to mitigate the damage modernity causes to the environment and ourselves.

And your post provides further evidence of the fear of diversity and dissent that's common to most on the right, where as a typical authoritarian conservative you can't tolerate those who disagree with you and who have different opinions.
Okay remember now, anger is an expression of fear. No surprise then why libs are always pissed off.

Liberals have an irrational fear of climate change, guns, Christians, wealthy individuals, corporations, the military, America, mono-cultures, ie, melting pots, oil, coal, western culture, internal combustion engines, logging, red meat, nuclear power, nuclear weapons, etc.

The vast majority of liberals are Christian, own guns, don't care about GCC (most correctly understand there's nothing that can be done to stop GCC), are themselves wealthy individuals, own corporations (or work for corporations and are loyal employees), are in the military or are veterans, love America, and have no problem with oil, coal, western culture, internal combustion engines, logging, red meat, get their power from nuclear power plants, and their only issue with nuclear weapons is if they're ever used.

Indeed, liberals embrace all the comforts of modern life and enjoy those comforts – unlike most conservatives, however, their minds are open to at least exploring ways to mitigate the damage modernity causes to the environment and ourselves.

And your post provides further evidence of the fear of diversity and dissent that's common to most on the right, where as a typical authoritarian conservative you can't tolerate those who disagree with you and who have different opinions.

HAHAHAHAHAHA Oh me achin ribs, what hogwash
That's funny! When I look at "democrats" I see scared people...afraid of global warming and big business. Afraid of capitalism and corporations. Afraid of the constitution and freedom. Afraid and Hateful of religion and religious people and anyone that touts tradition. If you ask me it's leftist that have gone over the edge. Don't toss that homophobic crap at me. This is 2015 and I do not know a conservative that hates gay men or women. Hell wake up! Most of us have loved ones in our family's that are gay. Don't let the democrat machine divide us like that! Same for the minority populations...Republicans do not hate you either... if anything it's the leftist that notice and remark on skin color. Who is the biggest racist? Al Sharpton or George Bush? Stop letting them divide us!

Good response.....However, my conservative friend, if what you state is true, your side of the aisle has a HUGE perception problem.......and as we all know, perception is the prelude to reality,

You're right the GOP has a huge perception problem. Say what you want about Fox news they stand alone. Most of the media hates republicans...I don't even think most of them are intelligent enough to explain why but they do. Maybe it's just the hip thing to do...hate conservatives! The main problem is that most reporters are lacking in education. Liberal arts makes no one smarter...sorry but it doesn't.
And Hollywood, Madison Ave. and the music industry regale against republicans constantly. It's hard to rise above all that noise.
I keep thinking that with the constant proof that liberalism is not good for America that people will wake up.
Hopefully this is beginning to happen. The GOP is in charge in DC like never before...so maybe all of the missteps by Obama and the continuing democrat scandals are taking hold in peoples minds.
I believe we will have a republican as our next president. If that happens just watch how fast the economy turns around.
Then all of the Obama dirt can be uncovered for us all to see.

Dirty Libs:
Hary Reid
Nancy Pelosi
Diane Feinstein
Barbara Boxer
Lois Capps
Bob Menendez
Hillary Clinton
Bill Clinton
Eric Holder

Alcee Hastings
Jesse Jackson, Jr.
Barack Obama
Laura Richardson
Maxine Waters
John Edwards
Janet Napolitano
Kathleen Sebelius
John Walsh
Pat Quinn
Mary Landrieu
Rob Andrews
Leland Yee
Rod Wright
Ron Calderon
Patrick Cannon
Keith Farnham
Bruce Braley

Google all of these folks and see how unethical your democrat party has become...if you can live with that then it says a lot about you. Go Ahead look them up! the media won't do it for you. If these folks were republicans they would all be in jail along with some members of their families. And I was just getting started there are many more crooks in today's democrat party. Learn it love it live it.
Okay remember now, anger is an expression of fear. No surprise then why libs are always pissed off.

Liberals have an irrational fear of climate change, guns, Christians, wealthy individuals, corporations, the military, America, mono-cultures, ie, melting pots, oil, coal, western culture, internal combustion engines, logging, red meat, nuclear power, nuclear weapons, etc.

The vast majority of liberals are Christian, own guns, don't care about GCC (most correctly understand there's nothing that can be done to stop GCC), are themselves wealthy individuals, own corporations (or work for corporations and are loyal employees), are in the military or are veterans, love America, and have no problem with oil, coal, western culture, internal combustion engines, logging, red meat, get their power from nuclear power plants, and their only issue with nuclear weapons is if they're ever used.

Indeed, liberals embrace all the comforts of modern life and enjoy those comforts – unlike most conservatives, however, their minds are open to at least exploring ways to mitigate the damage modernity causes to the environment and ourselves.

And your post provides further evidence of the fear of diversity and dissent that's common to most on the right, where as a typical authoritarian conservative you can't tolerate those who disagree with you and who have different opinions.

HAHAHAHAHAHA Oh me achin ribs, what hogwash

....and then Irish comes on here with the usual brilliant prose, insightful commentary, and the IQ of a 6 year old.......Time to call it quits here for a while...if there were any doubts about the thread's title, right wingers have just confirmed that it was not too far from the truth.
Okay remember now, anger is an expression of fear. No surprise then why libs are always pissed off.

Liberals have an irrational fear of climate change, guns, Christians, wealthy individuals, corporations, the military, America, mono-cultures, ie, melting pots, oil, coal, western culture, internal combustion engines, logging, red meat, nuclear power, nuclear weapons, etc.

The vast majority of liberals are Christian, own guns, don't care about GCC (most correctly understand there's nothing that can be done to stop GCC), are themselves wealthy individuals, own corporations (or work for corporations and are loyal employees), are in the military or are veterans, love America, and have no problem with oil, coal, western culture, internal combustion engines, logging, red meat, get their power from nuclear power plants, and their only issue with nuclear weapons is if they're ever used.

Indeed, liberals embrace all the comforts of modern life and enjoy those comforts – unlike most conservatives, however, their minds are open to at least exploring ways to mitigate the damage modernity causes to the environment and ourselves.

And your post provides further evidence of the fear of diversity and dissent that's common to most on the right, where as a typical authoritarian conservative you can't tolerate those who disagree with you and who have different opinions.

HAHAHAHAHAHA Oh me achin ribs, what hogwash

....and then Irish comes on here with the usual brilliant prose, insightful commentary, and the IQ of a 6 year old.......Time to call it quits here for a while...if there were any doubts about the thread's title, right wingers have just confirmed that it was not too far from the truth.

Awwww you got a butthurt Gnatty? Most liberals are Christian gun owners? BAHAHAHAHAHNAHA THAT is hilarious. You eggheads are atheist, homosexuals and are scared to death of weapons

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