Why Are Republicans the Only Climate-Science-Denying Party in the World?

A lot of smoke and mirrors. A lot of money available for research FAVORABLE to the government/UN cause of man-made climate change and the usual circus of political scuffling and pandering. The science is NOT settled. Never was. It's changing as we speak..

You should be put in jail, you Global Warming DOUBTER!
Got it. And you`re not bending over for your rightwing masters?

Ummm, NO! We actually pay attention, look at the REAL science, read all about the falsified data reporting Liberals call 'science', and understand that the whole idea of 'Carbon Credits' proposed by millionaire Liberals like Al Gore was / is just a money-making SCAM to make them even richer!

Carbon credits? Yeah, sorta like a money-making scam regarding BREATHING: I sm going to tell you how many breaths you can take every day. If you take more than that I will fine you. To get around that, you can BUY 'Oxygen Credits' from me which will allow you to take more breaths if you need to. "Why do I have all the 'Oxygen Credits' and why do I have to pay YOU and not someone else?" Because I made all this Shi'ite up, not someone else!

Global Warming: Remember when it USED to be 'Global Warming'...until the Hockey Stick model scandal and all the debunked science? Instead of a global WARMING it was proved there was a global cooling going on during their hockey stick model as well, so Liberals scrambled to change the name of their scam to 'CLIMATE CHANGE', cause it's really easy to prove the climate changes. Suddenly it was 'Global Warming / Climate Change' whether it was hot or cold, raining or not, etc...

Hey, I will sell you this special bridge that will help eliminate 'Climate Change'....want it?
The so called "hockey stick" scandal is one that never was. Michael Mann has been vindicated over and over. It`s been 5 years now. Try to keep up.'Hockey stick' climate scientist quietly vindicated for the umpteenth time

The issue is that author MADE CLAIMS of unprecedented RATES and AMOUNTS of warming in your lifetime that HIS DATA was never capable of proving. You can read all the spin ya want. But that's the science behind Global Historical temperature proxy studies. They do not have the TIME RESOLUTION in the data to make those claims.

And a bunch of activists scientists made them anyways.. And gave cover to the politicians and press and the UN that wanted to run for the cause..
A lot of smoke and mirrors. A lot of money available for research FAVORABLE to the government/UN cause of man-made climate change and the usual circus of political scuffling and pandering. The science is NOT settled. Never was. It's changing as we speak..

You should be put in jail, you Global Warming DOUBTER!

Or WORSE !!! Flaming dog dung at my door !!! Why CAN'T we point out the political connections at NASA and NOAA and the other government shill organizations. James Hansen once riffed to the press about the "coal trains of death" and fantasized about the progression of GW ending up with :"boiling the oceans".. So he was APPOINTED to be the Director of NASA GISS for a couple decades.. Now succeeded by yet ANOTHER political activist who lost a public debate on GW to 2 scientists and the author Michael Crighton !!

The UN is similarly in this in order to bring about Global Redistribution of wealth. As every Climate Conference ends with protests and walk-outs from the Global beggars and whiners who haven't yet gotten their checks from US..

Fair game man... Go for it... :banana:
Do any of you lefty nitwits ever ponder how the ice ages of history came (got colder) and went (got warmer)? Who/what could have caused such phenomena?
Do you understand this is different?

Your corporations have a reason to deny it. What's nasa's?

Even china knows you're dumb.

Not clear that "this is different"... One of the largest misrepresentations to be force-fed to the public is those various hockey stick studies. Which by themselves is just a science yawn. BUT claims were made that they PROVED the current 0.6degC warming blip in your lifetime was UNPRECEDENTED in the past 2000 or 10,000 years.

Problem is ---- those studies reporting to compare past GLOBAL climates used less than 100 measurements taken from tree rings, ice cores and mudbug shells that NEVER could detect a 60 or 80 years blip in the temperature curve. The hockey sticks were the equivalent of taking the last 100 years of the DOW -- running a 10 or 15 yr average over the data --- and then wondering what the REAL market peaks and valleys were. To make their sponsors happy, they then cut off the proxy data (ice cores, tree rings, mudbugs) at about the beginning of the industrial age and SPLICED the modern instrumented temperature record onto the right side of the graph. Giving the IMPRESSION that the climate never varied as it does today..

A lot of smoke and mirrors. A lot of money available for research FAVORABLE to the government/UN cause of man-made climate change and the usual circus of political scuffling and pandering. The science is NOT settled. Never was. It's changing as we speak..
We need to go green anyways, for a million other reasons.
Uh.....uh, because they're stupid white people who's brain consist of concrete and gator spit. Uh, because they're bought and paid for with special interest money...uh, because they're from a country that can see Russia from its porch, hell I dunno!!

Spoken **** a true Democrat racist.
Do you understand this is different?

Your corporations have a reason to deny it. What's nasa's?

Even china knows you're dumb.

Do you understand that it does not matter what NASA's reasons are, that they WERE caught falsifying data?!

If I wanted to speculate why NASA would falsify date I would start with the fact that Obama has all but shut NASA's spec flight / exploration down and has them begging for flights on Putin's Russian rockets...and how Obama could dangle the financial carrot in front of them if they just 'play ball' and produce some Pro-Global Warming falsified 'evidence'.

Not possible? Yeah...just like the Intel community would never falsify reports about how 'well' the Obama administration has been doing against ISIS...except it was recently reported that is exactly what they have been doing as early as 2012...about the time Obama declared the War on Terror to be over and that Al Qaeida was on the run.
Or that Iraq had wmd's.
Understanding the REAL history of climate on earth & universal (as in the sun, tilt of the earth, cyclical wobble of that tilt, etc....) influences on it. But please continue to tell me how cow farts & my lawnmower supercede those factors.
Dude on another thread you speculated that some kind of "molten core" creates a "magnetic field" that let's Earth have life?! Wtf that sounds like a bunch of made up liberal mumbo jumbo! I don't see no magnets in the sky!

Anyways, of course humans have absolutely zero impact on the planet. We haven't changed anything at all. Jesus will take care of us.
I can't tell if it's serious or satire.
And only those faced with so much evidence, which I will bet you have not even made 1 attempt to look at any of the links I provided that prove people from lauded scientists to NASA has been busted falsifying climate data, can declare anyone who does not believe what they believe is ignorant.

No data was falsified. Only rank cult liars try to pass off that whopper, and they instantly lose all credibility when they attempt to do so.

Now, I understand you're not lying deliberately. You're a brainwashed rube who doesn't any know better. Your quasi-religion has fed you the propaganda, it makes you feel special and superior to believe it, so you simply believe it without question. You just should understand that those outside of your cult have examined your garbage in detail and concluded it's a big steaming pile. Seriously, did you think you're the first cultist to rave about the VastSecretGlobalSocialistPlot?

Consider Occam's Razor, which states that the simplest theory that explains the observed data is most likely to be correct. Now consider these two possibilities:

1. Millions of people all around the world are all in on a vast secret conspiracy to fake everything.

2. You messed up.

Which of those two choices is simpler, and thus more likely to be true?

Without exception, every denier on this board is a member of the barking kook right-wing extremist political cult, always raving about mysterious socialist plots. In contrast, the rational people come from every political type all across the world, and simply address the science. That's because global warming science is actual science, while denialism is merely the propaganda ravings of a fringe political cult.
I'm not a Conservative and I'm a scientist --

..and I am a world renowned meteorologist.... nothing personally, seriously, but on a board where people spew all kinds of things, please forgive me if I do not simply accept your declaration of who you are. Again, nothing personal...

That's OK -- judge me by my knowledge of the topic and my concern for the integrity of science. I've actually discussed my career in some detail over the years on USMB -- but I don't depend on that for the arguments I make. But please read my sigline.. Because that's how I operate with others as well..
Understanding the REAL history of climate on earth & universal (as in the sun, tilt of the earth, cyclical wobble of that tilt, etc....) influences on it. But please continue to tell me how cow farts & my lawnmower supercede those factors.
Dude on another thread you speculated that some kind of "molten core" creates a "magnetic field" that let's Earth have life?! Wtf that sounds like a bunch of made up liberal mumbo jumbo! I don't see no magnets in the sky!

Anyways, of course humans have absolutely zero impact on the planet. We haven't changed anything at all. Jesus will take care of us.
I can't tell if it's serious or satire.
Ask Jesus! :rofl:
Do any of you lefty nitwits ever ponder how the ice ages of history came (got colder) and went (got warmer)? Who/what could have caused such phenomena?
Do you understand this is different?

Your corporations have a reason to deny it. What's nasa's?

Even china knows you're dumb.

Not clear that "this is different"... One of the largest misrepresentations to be force-fed to the public is those various hockey stick studies. Which by themselves is just a science yawn. BUT claims were made that they PROVED the current 0.6degC warming blip in your lifetime was UNPRECEDENTED in the past 2000 or 10,000 years.

Problem is ---- those studies reporting to compare past GLOBAL climates used less than 100 measurements taken from tree rings, ice cores and mudbug shells that NEVER could detect a 60 or 80 years blip in the temperature curve. The hockey sticks were the equivalent of taking the last 100 years of the DOW -- running a 10 or 15 yr average over the data --- and then wondering what the REAL market peaks and valleys were. To make their sponsors happy, they then cut off the proxy data (ice cores, tree rings, mudbugs) at about the beginning of the industrial age and SPLICED the modern instrumented temperature record onto the right side of the graph. Giving the IMPRESSION that the climate never varied as it does today..

A lot of smoke and mirrors. A lot of money available for research FAVORABLE to the government/UN cause of man-made climate change and the usual circus of political scuffling and pandering. The science is NOT settled. Never was. It's changing as we speak..
We need to go green anyways, for a million other reasons.

Then MAKE those arguments. Don't hijack scientific inquiry in order to pass that agenda.
One reason I despise this Global Warming circus of propaganda is that it has TOTALLY SMOTHERED the environmental agenda. The issues of REAL pollution and REAL species mgt and survival.

I WANT those genuine issues to re-emerge politically as much or more than you do..

Understanding the REAL history of climate on earth & universal (as in the sun, tilt of the earth, cyclical wobble of that tilt, etc....) influences on it. But please continue to tell me how cow farts & my lawnmower supercede those factors.
Dude on another thread you speculated that some kind of "molten core" creates a "magnetic field" that let's Earth have life?! Wtf that sounds like a bunch of made up liberal mumbo jumbo! I don't see no magnets in the sky!

Anyways, of course humans have absolutely zero impact on the planet. We haven't changed anything at all. Jesus will take care of us.
I can't tell if it's serious or satire.
Ask Jesus! :rofl:

Damn but Gramps was correct. Without the Earth's magnetic core and field, all life would cease to exist very quickly. Because it provides a "deflector shield" for DNA killing solar winds..

Funny how even Conservatives have an innate appreciation of scientific facts for you to constantly MOCK --- isn't it? :321:
Uh.....uh, because they're stupid white people who's brain consist of concrete and gator spit. Uh, because they're bought and paid for with special interest money...uh, because they're from a country that can see Russia from its porch, hell I dunno!!

Because they represent the corporations who don't want to pay to go green.

We had this fight before with lead paint. They insisted lead was natural and safe for decades.

These Republicans must have grew up licking lead toys.

Nah, I think democrats grew up breaking thermometers and played with mercury balls. ....
Understanding the REAL history of climate on earth & universal (as in the sun, tilt of the earth, cyclical wobble of that tilt, etc....) influences on it. But please continue to tell me how cow farts & my lawnmower supercede those factors.
Dude on another thread you speculated that some kind of "molten core" creates a "magnetic field" that let's Earth have life?! Wtf that sounds like a bunch of made up liberal mumbo jumbo! I don't see no magnets in the sky!

Anyways, of course humans have absolutely zero impact on the planet. We haven't changed anything at all. Jesus will take care of us.
I can't tell if it's serious or satire.
Ask Jesus! :rofl:

Damn but Gramps was correct. Without the Earth's magnetic core and field, all life would cease to exist very quickly. Because it provides a "deflector shield" for DNA killing solar winds..

Funny how even Conservatives have an innate appreciation of scientific facts for you to constantly MOCK --- isn't it? :321:
Okay magnetic field cultist :cuckoo:
Do any of you lefty nitwits ever ponder how the ice ages of history came (got colder) and went (got warmer)? Who/what could have caused such phenomena?

We do often ponder how addled the deniers are. But then, that's expected. If a person possesses common sense and the ability to reason, they don't get sucked in by the denier cult scam. Hence, the ones who do get scammed are the dimmest of the dim.

Just look at this thread. The stupid denier reasoning here is "climate changed was natural in the past, so humans can't change climate now!"

That's exactly like saying "forest fires were natural in the past, so humans can't cause forest fires now!". A bright second grader can see the error in the logic. Most deniers can't.

In every field of science and logic, deniers fail hilariously. They're well-rounded that way. And, like anyone afflicted with Dunning-Kruger syndrome, they refuse to admit to their bonehead errors, and will instead always choose to double down with their belligerent ignorance act.

Remember, deniers, the world doesn't laugh at you because of some vast secret global socialist plot. The world laughs at you because you're conspiracy cultists who live in an alternate reality, and who stink at science and logic.

You just copy and pasted from Naomi Klein.....you read her books like old rocks...
Open denialism has been abandoned by the conservative wing in Australia. Like the OP says, American Republicans are the last holdout of denier crankdom. Hence their shrillness and panic. There are some denier sympathizers in Canada and Australia and the UK, but as an official policy, no. They'll drag their feet on climate issues, but they won't blabber denier conspircy theories. That stupidity only happens in the USA.

Turnbull government signals new approach to climate policy

Climate sceptic Maurice Newman not reappointed as government adviser
Open denialism has been abandoned by the conservative wing in Australia. Like the OP says, American Republicans are the last holdout of denier crankdom. Hence their shrillness and panic. There are some denier sympathizers in Canada and Australia and the UK, but as an official policy, no. They'll drag their feet on climate issues, but they won't blabber denier conspircy theories. That stupidity only happens in the USA.

Turnbull government signals new approach to climate policy

Climate sceptic Maurice Newman not reappointed as government adviser

I'm not denying it, are you denying there have always been periods of climate change ? Liberals act as if this is a new condition starting with the modern age.
Do you realize that if climate change hadn't occurred about 65 million years ago, it's extremely likely that humans would have never came along ?
According to that logic, forest fires used to always happen naturally, therefore it's impossible for humans to cause forest fires.

Denier logic is stupid, and that's why nobody pays attention to deniers.

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