Why Are People Stocking Up On Guns? Fear Of Government

True that

Everybody is going to die, but you can never have enough guns

You have to set priorities in your life. What is more important? Food, shelter, health or guns?

Great but what happens when the system brakes and you have all that food water and shelter? How will you defend it? Their is such as thing as balance.

Plus, if you have guns you can take other peoples food, water and shelter

A man with a gun never goes hungry

People who are skilled in hunting don't need to steal anything. Survivalists can care for our own with incredible self suffiency. Liberals on the other hand- Gubmint hand outs, afraid to touch a shotgun, doesn't even know how to improvise regarding shelter and warmth, sterilizing - making water safe to drink, etc. You and your ilk are in deep you know what should you ever need to fend for your own. What I can't understand is how any woman would ever marry a liberal man? He's metro-sexual and couldn't take care of her if the need ever arises. To each his own.
Why Are People Stocking Up On Guns? Fear Of Government

Fear of a tyrannical government and in addition, fear of being defenseless, against those who have guns, and fear of losing yet another right.

No one wants to feel any more helpless than they already do.

Watch out for those private property rights, as they will be next on a tyrannical government's list, to take away.
Great but what happens when the system brakes and you have all that food water and shelter? How will you defend it? Their is such as thing as balance.

Plus, if you have guns you can take other peoples food, water and shelter

A man with a gun never goes hungry

People who are skilled in hunting don't need to steal anything. Survivalists can care for our own with incredible self suffiency. Liberals on the other hand- Gubmint hand outs, afraid to touch a shotgun, doesn't even know how to improvise regarding shelter and warmth, sterilizing - making water safe to drink, etc. You and your ilk are in deep you know what should you ever need to fend for your own. What I can't understand is how any woman would ever marry a liberal man? He's metro-sexual and couldn't take care of her if the need ever arises. To each his own.


Who needs to hunt if you can just take other peoples food?

Damn baby, take their wives while you are at it

Got a gun? Get what you want
Plus, if you have guns you can take other peoples food, water and shelter

A man with a gun never goes hungry

People who are skilled in hunting don't need to steal anything. Survivalists can care for our own with incredible self suffiency. Liberals on the other hand- Gubmint hand outs, afraid to touch a shotgun, doesn't even know how to improvise regarding shelter and warmth, sterilizing - making water safe to drink, etc. You and your ilk are in deep you know what should you ever need to fend for your own. What I can't understand is how any woman would ever marry a liberal man? He's metro-sexual and couldn't take care of her if the need ever arises. To each his own.


Who needs to hunt if you can just take other peoples food?

Damn baby, take their wives while you are at it

Got a gun? Get what you want

I was raised with a weapon in my hand basically and I don't ever recall hearing that kind of BS spoken by anyone. Law abiding citizens who own guns have a healthy respect for life and for self defense. We are taught to never brandish that arm unless you intend on using it. I was in a situation once where my (ex boyfriend) and I were staying at a hotel.. we didn't know the area.. it ended up being a bad place to stay we later found out. We had his dog with us. I went down to take the dog out around midnight.. As I was walking back up the outside stairs, two guys followed me and one starting making remarks. I picked up the dog and began to loudly call out my boyfriends name. He was armed. He came out on to the balcony with a 9mm in the back of his jeans tucked away, one hand on the trigger behind his back. He loudly told the two guys to stay where they were , do not advance..He warned them again when one made a lewd comment and took a step toward the steps.. Im certain they knew by his arm being behind his back that his was armed and would kill them if necessary. He never took out that weapon. Afterward I was phsically sick knowing someone was almost killed. He defended me. I could have been raped and killed. Those two guys thought I was alone.. He never disrespected the weapon or waved it wildly for show. That incident has never left my thought process.
Well, if you know about a law and decide to break it, that's your business I suppose. Hopefully, you're a law abiding citizen who doesnt get search warrants executed on their property often. I'm sure of that. But criminals who attract the law may not be so lucky.

The same thing goes with people who make moonshine over in South Carolina. My grand father knew about them, we always had some around the holidays. It's a step in the right direction.

The difference of course is that the moonshine doesn't get fired at anyone. Still illegal though.
So then the only people that would be punished (and that is the basic intent of the tax in question -- a method of altering behavior) would be those who are of a law-abiding nature, and who are really not the problem.
I forget, weren't the guns used in Connecticut last month legally purchased?

If you can think of a method of keeping firearms out of the hands of those with violent intent in mind, I'm all ears. I just don't see the sort of registration being described as being anything other than counterproductive.

Lets look at your arsenal. I'm guessing 3,000 guns. If there was a tax on the 3,000 guns you purchased, maybe you'd purchase only 2,000 of them. So that is 1,000 guns that theoretically didn't get bought. So that is 1,000 guns less likely to be sold off after you croak. Translation; 1,000 less guns were sold so they don't find their ways into pawn shops, on the floor of the convention center.

If you wanted to buy a brand new 8-Track tape of the new Limp Bizkit album, you likely would have a hard time finding it. Why? They stopped producing them because nobody buys them any longer. Eventually, the decrease in sales will lead to the same decision made in the Smth and Wesson board room.

And this is the disgusting truth about your way of thinking.

The RIGHT to bear arms is protected in the constitution. That definition was upheld by the courts. The right has been acknowledged and yet you still can't accept that. Because legislation to remove that right is no longer an option and the courts have removed the other road that the liberals try and use you want to skirt the constitution with regulations or taxes that remove a right because you don't agree with it. That is absolutely disgusting and even worse that you can't even see that. It is obvious that you don't care for rights at all. They are simply roadblocks to your agenda.

Sorry, we still have a constitution and it still protects our rights, no matter how much you wish it were not so.
And it is equally obvious that you are incapable of taking constructive criticism.

No debate, just try to score a zinger.

There is a difference between having an opinion and having an informed opinion....al the zingers in the world can't disguise the ignorance of the subject your comment denotes.

Guy buys 50 guns to fend off the revolution/invasion that will never come. I tell you what; when it does come, I'll apologize. Deal?


Most folks that own many firearms have them because they suit different purposes.

Here's an example.

I have a 22LR that is great for rabbit hunting to 75 yards, but if hunting pastures, a .17 HMR, is good to 200 yards.

Neither of these rifles is conducive to feral hogs...better to have a .223 or 30/30 for that.

The 30/30 is also good for deer hunting out to 200 yards, but if you want to hunt longer range, you'll need a 25-06 or a 30-06 or a 270...

And of those, only the 30-06 will ethically take an elk or a moose or a bear...

And that is how folks end up with a safe full of guns.

It's a sad state of affairs when this has to be explained to someone.
You dont drive with a putter........
Great but what happens when the system brakes and you have all that food water and shelter? How will you defend it? Their is such as thing as balance.

Plus, if you have guns you can take other peoples food, water and shelter

A man with a gun never goes hungry

People who are skilled in hunting don't need to steal anything. Survivalists can care for our own with incredible self suffiency. Liberals on the other hand- Gubmint hand outs, afraid to touch a shotgun, doesn't even know how to improvise regarding shelter and warmth, sterilizing - making water safe to drink, etc. You and your ilk are in deep you know what should you ever need to fend for your own. What I can't understand is how any woman would ever marry a liberal man? He's metro-sexual and couldn't take care of her if the need ever arises. To each his own.
I must disagree with you on one point. If the system brakes SHTF and the system isn't fix within 6 months thew wildlife population will be decimated within one year most wild life such as big game will be extinct.
People who are skilled in hunting don't need to steal anything. Survivalists can care for our own with incredible self suffiency. Liberals on the other hand- Gubmint hand outs, afraid to touch a shotgun, doesn't even know how to improvise regarding shelter and warmth, sterilizing - making water safe to drink, etc. You and your ilk are in deep you know what should you ever need to fend for your own. What I can't understand is how any woman would ever marry a liberal man? He's metro-sexual and couldn't take care of her if the need ever arises. To each his own.


Who needs to hunt if you can just take other peoples food?

Damn baby, take their wives while you are at it

Got a gun? Get what you want

I was raised with a weapon in my hand basically and I don't ever recall hearing that kind of BS spoken by anyone. Law abiding citizens who own guns have a healthy respect for life and for self defense. We are taught to never brandish that arm unless you intend on using it. I was in a situation once where my (ex boyfriend) and I were staying at a hotel.. we didn't know the area.. it ended up being a bad place to stay we later found out. We had his dog with us. I went down to take the dog out around midnight.. As I was walking back up the outside stairs, two guys followed me and one starting making remarks. I picked up the dog and began to loudly call out my boyfriends name. He was armed. He came out on to the balcony with a 9mm in the back of his jeans tucked away, one hand on the trigger behind his back. He loudly told the two guys to stay where they were , do not advance..He warned them again when one made a lewd comment and took a step toward the steps.. Im certain they knew by his arm being behind his back that his was armed and would kill them if necessary. He never took out that weapon. Afterward I was phsically sick knowing someone was almost killed. He defended me. I could have been raped and killed. Those two guys thought I was alone.. He never disrespected the weapon or waved it wildly for show. That incident has never left my thought process.
Don't take this the wrong way, but if guns is all a person does to prepare with those people will be the first to start robbing and killing others to get food for their family. You must have a balance to prevent this.
Why Are People Stocking Up On Guns?
Candy-ass pussies (who are afraid o' their own shadows) have ALWAYS done so.


Who needs to hunt if you can just take other peoples food?

Damn baby, take their wives while you are at it

Got a gun? Get what you want

I was raised with a weapon in my hand basically and I don't ever recall hearing that kind of BS spoken by anyone. Law abiding citizens who own guns have a healthy respect for life and for self defense. We are taught to never brandish that arm unless you intend on using it. I was in a situation once where my (ex boyfriend) and I were staying at a hotel.. we didn't know the area.. it ended up being a bad place to stay we later found out. We had his dog with us. I went down to take the dog out around midnight.. As I was walking back up the outside stairs, two guys followed me and one starting making remarks. I picked up the dog and began to loudly call out my boyfriends name. He was armed. He came out on to the balcony with a 9mm in the back of his jeans tucked away, one hand on the trigger behind his back. He loudly told the two guys to stay where they were , do not advance..He warned them again when one made a lewd comment and took a step toward the steps.. Im certain they knew by his arm being behind his back that his was armed and would kill them if necessary. He never took out that weapon. Afterward I was phsically sick knowing someone was almost killed. He defended me. I could have been raped and killed. Those two guys thought I was alone.. He never disrespected the weapon or waved it wildly for show. That incident has never left my thought process.
Don't take this the wrong way, but if guns is all a person does to prepare with those people will be the first to start robbing and killing others to get food for their family. You must have a balance to prevent this.

I didn't say guns..I said weapons and survivalist techniques. I'm quite capable of taking care of myself, but thanks.
Plus, if you have guns you can take other peoples food, water and shelter

A man with a gun never goes hungry

People who are skilled in hunting don't need to steal anything. Survivalists can care for our own with incredible self suffiency. Liberals on the other hand- Gubmint hand outs, afraid to touch a shotgun, doesn't even know how to improvise regarding shelter and warmth, sterilizing - making water safe to drink, etc. You and your ilk are in deep you know what should you ever need to fend for your own. What I can't understand is how any woman would ever marry a liberal man? He's metro-sexual and couldn't take care of her if the need ever arises. To each his own.
I must disagree with you on one point. If the system brakes SHTF and the system isn't fix within 6 months thew wildlife population will be decimated within one year most wild life such as big game will be extinct.

I don't think the ocean will be devoid of human consumption.. Just an assumption on my part.
People who are skilled in hunting don't need to steal anything. Survivalists can care for our own with incredible self suffiency. Liberals on the other hand- Gubmint hand outs, afraid to touch a shotgun, doesn't even know how to improvise regarding shelter and warmth, sterilizing - making water safe to drink, etc. You and your ilk are in deep you know what should you ever need to fend for your own. What I can't understand is how any woman would ever marry a liberal man? He's metro-sexual and couldn't take care of her if the need ever arises. To each his own.
I must disagree with you on one point. If the system brakes SHTF and the system isn't fix within 6 months thew wildlife population will be decimated within one year most wild life such as big game will be extinct.

I don't think the ocean will be devoid of human consumption.. Just an assumption on my part.

Not everybody lives near the ocean or a river. plus those places will be like the water hole in Africa. But the predator will be humans

But as long as you know that your plan has at least 75% chance of working you have nothing to worry about.
I was raised with a weapon in my hand basically and I don't ever recall hearing that kind of BS spoken by anyone. Law abiding citizens who own guns have a healthy respect for life and for self defense. We are taught to never brandish that arm unless you intend on using it. I was in a situation once where my (ex boyfriend) and I were staying at a hotel.. we didn't know the area.. it ended up being a bad place to stay we later found out. We had his dog with us. I went down to take the dog out around midnight.. As I was walking back up the outside stairs, two guys followed me and one starting making remarks. I picked up the dog and began to loudly call out my boyfriends name. He was armed. He came out on to the balcony with a 9mm in the back of his jeans tucked away, one hand on the trigger behind his back. He loudly told the two guys to stay where they were , do not advance..He warned them again when one made a lewd comment and took a step toward the steps.. Im certain they knew by his arm being behind his back that his was armed and would kill them if necessary. He never took out that weapon. Afterward I was phsically sick knowing someone was almost killed. He defended me. I could have been raped and killed. Those two guys thought I was alone.. He never disrespected the weapon or waved it wildly for show. That incident has never left my thought process.
Don't take this the wrong way, but if guns is all a person does to prepare with those people will be the first to start robbing and killing others to get food for their family. You must have a balance to prevent this.

I didn't say guns..I said weapons and survivalist techniques. I'm quite capable of taking care of myself, but thanks.
OK but I am talking about those people who only prepare with guns. Those are the people you need to be concerned about.
I must disagree with you on one point. If the system brakes SHTF and the system isn't fix within 6 months thew wildlife population will be decimated within one year most wild life such as big game will be extinct.

I don't think the ocean will be devoid of human consumption.. Just an assumption on my part.

Not everybody lives near the ocean or a river. plus those places will be like the water hole in Africa. But the predator will be humans

But as long as you know that your plan has at least 75% chance of working you have nothing to worry about.

Truly, I've been raised by a very intelligent and wise father.. I have all the advice I need.
I don't think the ocean will be devoid of human consumption.. Just an assumption on my part.

Not everybody lives near the ocean or a river. plus those places will be like the water hole in Africa. But the predator will be humans

But as long as you know that your plan has at least 75% chance of working you have nothing to worry about.

Truly, I've been raised by a very intelligent and wise father.. I have all the advice I need.

As I said if you have a plan and you know it has a 75% chance or better working you have nothing to worry about. A lot of people don't even have a plan for what they will do Sunday with exception of watching TV.
Plus, if you have guns you can take other peoples food, water and shelter

A man with a gun never goes hungry

People who are skilled in hunting don't need to steal anything. Survivalists can care for our own with incredible self suffiency. Liberals on the other hand- Gubmint hand outs, afraid to touch a shotgun, doesn't even know how to improvise regarding shelter and warmth, sterilizing - making water safe to drink, etc. You and your ilk are in deep you know what should you ever need to fend for your own. What I can't understand is how any woman would ever marry a liberal man? He's metro-sexual and couldn't take care of her if the need ever arises. To each his own.
I must disagree with you on one point. If the system brakes SHTF and the system isn't fix within 6 months thew wildlife population will be decimated within one year most wild life such as big game will be extinct.
I would actually disagree.

Most people are incapable of living without the McDonalds down the street and would essentially tear themselves apart trying to get food and resources that we are used to getting. It might be a sad thing to say but I don't think that most people are able to survive without leaning on society.

If you live in the mid west or south, this might not seem true but if you live in someplace like southern California the difference becomes quite stark. Sure, nature might not be able to support current population numbers but if the government ceased to exist and society collapsed we would not have nearly the number of people that we have now.
Civil war.

Not to pick on you because there are plenty of rw gun nuts who are just as stupid but, saying that you nutters would take on the biggest military the world has ever seen is like saying a marshmallow could take on a forest fire.
You have to admit that watching Americans kill Americans would make you get all funny in the pants though, wouldn't it, you sick fuck?

Id call it natural selection....weeding out of the idiots.
And it is equally obvious that you are incapable of taking constructive criticism.

No debate, just try to score a zinger.

There is a difference between having an opinion and having an informed opinion....al the zingers in the world can't disguise the ignorance of the subject your comment denotes.

Guy buys 50 guns to fend off the revolution/invasion that will never come. I tell you what; when it does come, I'll apologize. Deal?

I kinda feel like you're referring to me with your 50 guns comments. Yes, I own 57 guns, most of them haven't even been out of the gun safe except to be cleaned in years, and I laugh at the idea that we will ever have to fight the government. I enjoy my gun collection for my own reasons, and in THIS country I have a right to do so.

I enjoy that you enjoy them. Keep it up.