Why are democrats good for the country

I asked a similiar question toward the end of the Clinton administration. I asked what Clinton did that was so wonderful. No one was able to tell me. I doubt that you will hear anything more than "They arent Bush."
South Park answered this best:

We need those who want war so we don't look weak to the rest of the world.

But we also need those who want peace so when we do what we want, other countries won't hate us as much.
South Park answered this best:

We need those who want war so we don't look weak to the rest of the world.

But we also need those who want peace so when we do what we want, other countries won't hate us as much.
Hey, wait a minute. You know, you guys
should know one thing. Most people
in America are good people. We just
try to live day by day, like you guys
do. Maybe if you took some time to see
all the great things about our country,
you'd see... we're not so different
after all.


That's fine. But we still hate you.

Oh... Well, I guess, maybe, someday,
we can learn to... hate you too.

Maybe. In time.
The only thing democrats are really good at & have a very distinct history of doing--is spending a lot of your money--on pork & earmarks--& then they're certain to make you pay for it.
Naw the Democrats are best at sucking the life out of the economy, and growing the size of government for no discernible reason beyond making them feel better about themselves than they really should.
It is a very long exciting story, and it starts here with Thomas Jefferson. Start by reading Jefferson and how he founded the party in the 1790s. If you want a quick brief version check out this link to Wikipedia

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The Notion that what currently passes for the modern Democratic party is in any manner related to Jeffersonian Democrats is so laughably absurd that just mentioning the two in the same breath is tantamount to an admission of either delusion or insanity or both.
The Notion that what currently passes for the modern Democratic party is in any manner related to Jeffersonian Democrats is so laughably absurd that just mentioning the two in the same breath is tantamount to an admission of either delusion or insanity or both.

I don't know what college you went to, but you can not just make up history as you go along. The Democratic Party has evolved, but the basic principles of Thomas Jefferson are in tact. Republicans, or Whigs, or Federalists keep falling apart just like they are today. They are almost not a factor any more. Demographically they can not elect a President.
Here is another of our great Democratic Presidents, Franklin D. Roosevelt, he got us through the Great Depression.


Republicans don't have too many great presidents, maybe one. That's why they get so nasty. Let's face it who can get excited about men who perpetuate greed.​
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